7 Eimoln (Sohiifn VOLUME 18 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY"; JANUARY 5, 1011 Nl MUER 47 T COUNTY rt. NFW NeWS ' each Community Gathered each week by Our Rustlinff Associate Editors The Musical Concert. School began Tuesday, week's vacation. Dr. F. E. Adams of Newport i with tta t'.ii-; week. County Commissioner and Fogarty were in town Inst week to inspect some bridges on Drift Creek . Mrs. W, B. II. sford and family have gone to The Dalles where Mr. Hosford is employed,. C. R. Dobbins went o Astoria on the Qshkosb and relurned Sunday, cation week at home Miss Eathel Bales has gone to school Monday. ' Louts to remidn for sonic time. Lawrence McBride departed Tties- Our Port Commission has levied j any. .a one mill tax for the purpose of Mrs. M. E. Wellin and son, doing some minor work on the har-1 Earl, after spending holiday week 1or. The tax Will bring in about with her di.mrMer in Pi.vtli.ml . turned home Monday. have been farming during this nice, . V ! i ne musical concert mwn at Mrs.Martie I Lunar of Nortons. Woodmen I r.-i 1 1 in thl. ti,,,. j who has been visiting relatives, re-j day evening, De cember 29tfi was Keiitla turned home lucsdav. ithe Lest mnatonl i,w ..;,,. 4.. ifter a the citisens of Toledo, and we doubt jif there raa ever before given such a Mrs. 8, T. Loudon and two chil-; Wan-dasa musical by such talented dren returned home Monday after mfcins info, town this size. Of spending the holidays with relatives.0"11'' wc !,aVf" H beard the Rose- n ear Wood burn. Mildred McBride, who spent va- returned to 41,125.00. Thirty voters.and tax-payers have petitioned for the appointment of William Doycl as mad supervisor in this district. This ought to mean that he will lie selected. Prof. Lowe spenthe holidays in Mr. Damen of Yaquina, rode up Little Elk Monday ill search of Jer seys for the foundation of a dairy herd. After the dance Jim Parks and his bride departed for their home- llic valley ana returned m time to sto,ul on ig gjk) c;ist of E,k n,y resume work January znd, our brook hovsi.lav manv times. lnii.tiii this occasion in. entire evening was devoted to jjhusie. The program, winch is given below, was compised of classical numbers and was ren dered in a most masterly manner. The program follows: 1. Thrt-i- DaiuMMfrum Henry The Third E. German 8. W. ttixl 1,. E. ISosolirui.k Kmracn.l oslr.i KnueMUutl I.. E. RiMabrook o. ..oiifc. ceituluu Mrs. I.. E. KoMhronk i. Violin Solo. "Mn '.urkH de Concert S. W. Unelirook 5. Violin I'tmt "Siinvenlr" S. W. and I.. K. Koiebriiok 0. Piano, Kaifn-Solei-trd I. K. Itonebrook I.. E. lloxebrouk 7. Soii'r, Selected Mrs. Iloxcbrook 8. Violin Solo, "(iKVulte" Popper . .Mil xeii . .Dreillu school being open on that date. Owing to the fire on December 29th quite a number of men arc out of work. It is not known at this time whether the Company will re build but we are all hoping for the best. Silas Howell conducted services in i S. W. Itoftel rwik flie literary society met Saturday i9- First 'ine-violin and Piano, itags night, but as the leading orators were absent the debate was postpo ned till next meeting. to To Elk City Sheriff-Elect Gear moved ledo the first of the week. Miss n rt n ooa Rjmiwnn ..m-in Waldport last Sunday evening at from0ACand nnent "the vacation with the family. W. una I.. K. KOMbrook 10. Second Finale, Why"... s. w. Knseliruok s. W. RfMbrook This was the first appearance of Mrs. L. E. Rosebrook in public in this city. She has a beautiful con tralto voice and has unusual con trol. Her voice is sweet yet very i strong. A bad cold bothered and ! made it impossible for' her to render , songs with the wide range of which her voice is capable. 1 1 lie RrtSebtOlik liuvs tira nrtna of Atr niwl liiattri I ?, wi .1 .i-. ...I- ,.f i.o. jinys in J lilts, lalilornia. .1 ... t e a.ui . . . . 'iwn vniuunUii.Uuii Ui t.,u ,as rented the Hanf.ml Cottage for I the winter. Kent'3 Hall. C. J. Smith, Yirgil Howell, Dick Evens and Frank Smith went to To ledo the 2nd to attend court during laws. K. C. Woodford spent a with his father at Hotel Elk. Week Summit and Nashville The taxpayers of the Summit school district had a special meet ing last Saturday and decided to erect a four room school building .'j ,,..:! it. . t KlilO piUUC, BUU lllll.ll lOU J.ilM; 1CW I years, when they had to go to the Jellies Li I'liinnli'b' tlu.il' mnminl aA- Win. Mackay of Toledo came un ' 1 t 1 ., , . J , . p ucatron and find positions, have weeKon a ouaineas herb M tlieir liyeg Th(y come from a musical family. The the last of the visit. Alden Abbey left for Anacortes, ffttbor and mMw , Washington, the first of the week. A. T. Peterson loaded for a High School. Estimated cost chittem bail of building is in the neighborhood of 84,500. It will be built next Summer. Mr. Giddings, in company with two other gentlemen were here look ing over things, probably on a land deal. They had a. dance at James are musicians and have conducted an orchestra a ejir of i i,,. r,.,. n ,.. .1 .., from Elk City and nk-vO, -a ;, iivkvivva- bara tuici nun la iiuiDicai director of the Hcilig Theatre, Port land. He is considered one of the best cornet soloists on the Coast. S. W. Itosebrook is concert master at the Hcilig Theatre, Portland, and L. E. Itosebrook is pianist and conductor of the Thalia Music Hall, Pioneer yesterday. Mrs. Abbey, mother of R. E. Abbey has lieen quite sick hut is reported better. Dr. Pintler of Stayton spent a day with her father last week. M. W. Simpson has been a red- Pilll llltnvrujf n.Ut U.i ..f 1 (. urry s December 23d and one on , , J 'mill inlrad rv ll. r,.... , i:... nn..,l. on Ti , i it . - j vum i nuu d 1'-I1I1LIC1 JJ. A'lJO Ml'rt illl ICIJOll having had a good time. The Underbill family is having quite a siege of sickness just now. Lottie and her cousin, who is out here visiting, had been down with "uwa"lvllJf ",r1 yra lma i San Francisco. Not only are these musicians masters of musical instru- Dixon. Jim and the Doctor don't seem to remember some of them. J. C. Dixon spenta day at home and returned to Portland where he Leon Rosebrook on the is receiving medical attention. ments but they are all composers, The 6th number on their program Thursday evening, was composed of Rags'' composed and played by piano. No better is RflAvinir InmhrVr fnrfVio mi .f V... Howard are probably taking downj with the measles too. t i ,' ! Petitions arc in circulation asking Mrs. Abel and Mrs. Trachsel took tie county Court to look into the i spin io uorvauia tne tore part 01 checkinB over of the mw w-,. J -" J nieces wrere ever written. The Elk City Lumber Company Shed Rosebrobk's cbmnositioii. Why", played by him at the con- this week. Mr. Miller made a trip to the county seat last Saturday. Robert McFarland has moved on bis homestead in Lincoln county. to see if the expert is correct in bis findings. The Yaquina Fish Hatchery now lms about five-million eggs and the river is full of fish. Many of these The place is on the Turn Turn road j fish seem to be jut in from the old and is called Maplewood. salt. It seems quite a number come Who is the enterprising man that will start a sawmill here at Nash ville. We all need lumber and it is still a long distance to haul it from the Summit mill. We have plenty of good timber and good shipping facilities. A good chance for the right party. Ncv Years day brought rain, but since it lias been cold and fair. A few farmers of this community in after the season closeo for fishing. 4 Rev. E. E. E. Roriek came down from Summit, where he is teaching school, last Monday even ing. Mr. Roriek is farming near Harlan. He reports celebrating Christmas by fighting a fire which came near destroying his home, but fortunately extinguished the fire lie forc the house was ruined. The fire was caused by a defective flue. See Dnlada at Elk City for dairy farms. elusion of the program, was classical, beautiful and well rendered. Joe Shermer was up from Yaqui na last Monday. The funeral of Mrs. Butler will be held at the home Saturday at 10 a. in. The Firemen will give their an nual ball Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 22d. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Litchfield of Yaquina spent last Saturday with relatives in Toledo. Mrs. Joseph Swcaringen and lit tle daughter returned Monday even ing from a visit at Eugene. Lot Putler returned last Saturday evening from his home at Willanii na, where he spent Christmas. There will be services in the Lu theran Church at Toledo next Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and2:30p. m. M. P. Dommersnaes, Pastor. Our County Officials. Tuevlay morning at ten o'clock marked the begh ni ig of the terms of OUr recently elected county official. There are bu'. three changes made in the official roster, the Sheriff, Clerk and one Comn i-i-iioner. Now nu n weie placed in these offices. '1 ho Judge, Treasurer, Surveyor and Coronei were re-elected. The As sessor, School Superintendent ami one Commissioner are Itphtavers, their term expiring two years hence. The retiring officers are Ira Wade, Clerk, J. H. Ross, Sheriff, and John Fogarty, Commissioner. Mr. Wade was elected to the office of Cleix on also leaves the office with her father. Sheriff Geer will be assisted by Mrs. Qoer, The three newly installed officials, with the exception of Clerk Howell, are untried; but by 'their past our people judge their future and we pre dict a successful administration for them ami the people of Lincoln county. Clerk 'Howell has served our people as Assessor one term and our people were satisfied with bis wor ; . . was a Jo 111(12, C. J. Smith of Tidewater county seat visitor Monday. J. F. Stewart made a business trip to the Valley the first of the week. Yirgil Howell and C. R. Evens were up from Waldport the first ot the week. Ross MeElwain returned Wednes day evening from a two weeks visit at Eugune. Mrs. Lewis and children returned ti Portland after spending the holi days in Toledo. J. W. Bones of Kernville was tran sacting business with the county .1 ...i l .1.: l. Mr. Fish of the firm of Fish & Ibidgesof Albany was in Toledo Wednesday transacting business. C. K. Merrcll of the Tohd .-Newport Telephone Company, arrived and Wednesday ev- to succeed the late Hurley Lv.tz. lie was re-elected in PJ04, 1906 and 1!)0,S, and when he retired lie had been in office eight and one half years. During theen tire term as a public servant Mr. Wade has always had the interests of the public at heart; he has been accommodating, careful and hard working, and has always been spo ken of as one of the best informed county clerks in the State. No iier- son has ever had a complaint of oni single offieial.aet of Ira Wade Wade's retirement is not the wish of the people of Lincoln county, who would gladly give him any fav r within their power, but it is prompt ed by a decline in health due to oven-Work, lie will remain on his down from Portki homestead on the Siletz for the next Oiling. f . !.'.. . . .. ""'i ""'Sl. l" ongi'i me Tom Hawkins and Ban Hnrnln. strenuous lifeof a public servant. . ,-eturne.l to their studies at l) AC Sheriff Jamas II. Ross began as a J .Monday, after apendiJg the holiday: public servant in this county in ' at home. 189G, a, deputy Bhcrifl under ex- j MjM Blanche Jeffreys returned to Sheriff George A. LandiS, in which Portland Wednesday morning after capacity he served for two yea.-, a several weeks' visit with horann: s In 1898 he was elected Sheriff, and was re-elected to that office every succeeding two years, until the election in last November, when he refused to again accept the Office, having, as he thought, served the people continuously for fourteen and one-half years and is entitled to a rest. The record of Mr. Rom proves he has made a satisfactory official. The taxpayers of the county have been saved thousands of dollars by the careful, intelligent management of the offices of Clerk and Sheriff. Mr. Ross, too leaves his office without a blemish on -his administration, and with the hearty thanks of all our citizens for services wi ll and faithfully performed. Our other retiring official is Com missioner John Fogarty, who steps down from public service because of his private business affairs. .Mr. Fogarty has made a good Commis sioner during the four years of his term. He has been progressive and careful. The Commissioners' Court, of which he composed a pari, has accomplished much during the past term. They have made many new roads and repared many others, un til now the roads of the county are in better shape than ever before. In all county affairs Mr. Fogarty as well as all other members of the court, has always acted with good judgment, and has done his work well. With the retiring clerk and sher iff goes Deputy Clerk Lee Wade, who has most ably assisted his brother in the office for the past several years. Mr. Wade will devote his future to personal business. Miss Ruth Ofs tedahl will remain as Deputy to Clerk Howell. Miss Verne Boss, who has been assistant in the sher iff's office for a number of years, Mrs. T. P. Fish, in this city. R. N. SVarnook came over from his home at Euchre Mountain Wed nesday and went to Eddyville Thurs day, to look after his horses at the latter place. Al Waugh requests all holders of tickets on the doll, piano and punch bowl to look over their tickets and see if they have either of the num bers i)71 Or 684, which drew prizes. Frank Smith of Waldport was given a trial last Tuesday before Justice M. N. Anderson of this oiy on a charge of fishing above the dead line in the Alsea River, J. J. Qa tens being the complaining witness, The result of the trial was the con- . viction of said Frank Smith Tor the violation of the State law which makes it illegal to fish for salmon except with a hook and line, above what ii known as "Gravel liar" in Alsea River, the said violation being committed on the morning of the 29th of October. Mr. Smith was lined 26 and costs, hut gave notice of appeal. Deputy Prosecuting At torney Hawkins appeared for thu state and Attorney Middlek, tuff rep resented tin! defendant . Farms Wanted. Having opened up a real estate office in Toledo, we would like to have anyone who has farm or city property for salo to call and list it with us. We have co-operated with several leading real estate firms of Portland and have listed sonieTortland city property to trade for farm and dairy property in Lincoln county. We also have Toledo city property to trade for farms. We have choice apple lands rang ing from $8 to $2.3 an acre. ChBZKOPHBR & Ckosno.