Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 09, 1910, Image 3

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    Christmas is Near
at Hand.
jC Afit CARKiis u own Tut wqaUV
I have a beautiful assortment of
Silverware, such as:
Tea Sets, Cake Basket; Putter
Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Bread Trays,
Casters, Salt and Pepper Sets, Ber
ry Spoons, Knives and Forks, Pic
"Server, Gravy Ladle, Table Spoons,
Tea Spoons, Souvenir Spoons, Bab
Spoons, Toilet Sets. A full line of
nice Mantel, Cabinet, and Cuckoo
Clocks. Other things too numerous
to mention. 1650.00 worth of new
jewelry, such as: Gold Watches,
Kings Chains Lockets and Charms.
Bracelets of all descriptions. A
complete line of everything that
belong to a first class Jewelry Store.
Toledo. - - Oreeon
Inventor of the Berry System Crown and
Bridge Work. Ijtte Principal ISe.-ry-r-nat.
Graduatc School, St. Ixiris, Missouri
C. 8. and Foreign Letters o( Talent on the
I erry System
Ci ow n. Bridge and Plate Work, and tlic care ol
Children's teeth a Spccinlty.
IN TOLEDO Tuesday, and Wednesday of each
F. W. CARSON, Prep.
Horseshoeing a Specialty. Black
smithing of all kinds. Satis- .
faction guaranteed .
Many per-oas find themselves affect
ed with a persWtent cough after an nt
tack of IhfloMfA. As this cough can be
promptly curetl by the use of Chamber
lain' Cough Remedy, it should not dp
allowed to run on until it becomes tro
ublesome. Sold by Toledo Drug Co.
If you arc suffering from biliousness,
constipation, indijestion, chronic head
ache, invest one cent in a postal card,
tend to Chamberlain Medicine Co., DeS
Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad
dress plainly on the b. ck and Ihey will
forward you a free sample of Cham-i,nf..;..'i.-
Rrorrfflch i"d Tivoi ivi.i..t
Sold by Toledo Drug Co.
Guy Chapman Missing
Guy Chapman, an Indian boy,
who has been engaged in carrying
the mail between Siletz and Kern
villc, has disappeared and has not
been seen for over a week'. The
supposition in that he was drowned
in the Siletz River as he has to
travel considerable uf the distance
on the river. Searching parties
have been out searching for him but
at last reports they were unsuccessful.
Drs, FE.&M. C. ADAMS
Bel! I'hone,
At TOf.EDO Friday
At WALI'I'OUT roon
Our Motto- A PtalMd fallen! Our Beit
For thirty yoara J. V. Boyer, of Fer
tile, fit., needed help and couldn't find
it. That's why he wants to help some
one now. Suffering so long himself he
feels for all Distress from Backache, Ne
rvouencsB, Ixsb of Appetite, Lassitude
and Kidney disorders. He shows that
Electric Bitters work wonders for such
troubles. "Five bottles," he writes,
'wholly cured me and now lam well and
hearty." It's aUo positively guaranteed
for Liver Trouble. Dyspepsia, Blood
Disorders, Female Complaiuts and Ma
laria. Try them. 50c at Toledo Drug
Da S. Lmi Ollicc, P rtland.Oteiron,
November 12, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that William Sharp, of
Toledo, Orottou, who on December, 17 19e3,
made homestead entry No. 16311, serial No.
01050, for 1-oLs .', 11 ami 12of section 3 nud lxt 8,
Section l, township 12 south, range 10 west, Wil
lamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention
to mnke final live year prntf, to establish
claim to the lai.d above described, before the
County Clerk ol Lincoln County, at Toledo,
Oregon, on the 27th of December, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
1,. F. Williams, I. M. K. Butler, O. C. Kubler,
and I. F. 1 1 iter all of Toledo, Oregon.
II. f. iiigiiy, Register.
Succeed when everything else tails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
.Sec Dalada at Elk City for dairy
How an appalling calamity in his fam
ily was prevented is told by A. D. Mc
Donald, of Fayetteville, fl. C. R. F.
D. No. 8. " My sister had consump
tion,'' hs writes, "she was very thin and
pale, had no appetite and seemed to
grow weaker every day, as all remedies
failed, till Dr. Kiug's New Discovery
was tried, and so completly cured her,
that she has not been troubled with a
cough since. Its the beat medicine i
ever saw or heard of." For conghr,
colds, lnsrippe, asthma, oroup, hemor
rhage, all bronchial troubles, It has no
equal, 50c, f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Gu
nrnnteed by Toledo Drug Co.
The one that made them cut
prices Water Front Barber Shop,
Toledo, Or. Hair cut 25c; shave
15c. Only the white trade wanted.
Stage and Freight Line.
We are running a daily (except
Sunday) stage and freight lino be
tween Toledo and Siletz. Fare 81.
Toledo Liveuy Stablhs.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
1 1 '5
U. S. Land Olliee, Portland, Oregon,
November 26, 1910.
Notire is hereby Riven that Fred P. Pepin
of Chiiwood. OreKon. who, on October la,
1907, made homestead entry No. 16852, Serial
No. 01114, for Lots 3 and 4, section In, and Lot 1
and te'i of nc1 see. in, township 10 s, range 9 i
west, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice ol
intention to make final three-year proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above described
before County Clerk ol Lincoln county, Ore
gon,iat Toledo, Oregon, on the 5th day o
January, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Hobert Mann and fames It. Slye of Chiiwood
Or.; and George Chambers and Sondrey Bomt
vdet, Jr., of I'oledo, Oregon.
II. F. IIiody, Bcglster.
A Bprained ankle will usually disable
the injured person for three or four
weeks. This is due to lack of proper
treatment. When Chamberlain's Lini
ment is applied a cure may be effected
in three or four days. This liniment is
one of the best and most remarkable
preparations in use. Sold by the To
ledo Drug Co.
Sabbath services every Sabbath
(Saturday) held in the S. D. A.
church at 10:15 a. m. A cordial
invitation to oil.
The peculiar properties of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy bare been thorou
ghly tested during epidemics oi fnfluen
za, and when it was taken in time we
have not heard of a singla case of pneu
monia, Sold dv Toledo Drug Co.
For Sale.
23 foot launch , every thing in
first Class condition, equipped with
a four b. p. Ferro engine.
Enquire at this office.
The greatest danger from influenza is
of its resulting in pneumonia. This
can be obviated by useing Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, as it not only
cures influenza, but counteracts any
tendacy of the disease towards pneumo
nia. Sold by the Toledo Drug Co.
Fruit farms, see Dalaba at Elk
For Sale
I have several peiccs of good
Siletz lands for sale.
F. W, Cakson, Toledo, Oregon.
The Youths Companion Calen
dar for 1911.
The publishers of The Youth's
Companion will, as always at this
season, present to every subscriber
wbose subscription (1.75) is pai l
for 1911 a beautiful Calendar for the
new year. The picture panel repro
duces a water-color painting of an
old-time garden in a (lood of sum
mer sunshine, with a background of
Lombardy" poplars through which
one catches a glimpse of distant
hills. The picture being in 12 col
ors, the tones of the original arc
I faithfully reproduced.
School Report.
Monthly report of the Toledo
public schools for the month ending
December 2, as prepared by A. H.
Weber principal.
No. pupils remaining last month,
boys 64, girls 92, total 156.
No. showing increase for month
boys 73, girls 99, total 172.
No. days taught din ing month 17
No. pupils neither absent or late 52
Average number belonging 158
Average daily attendance 143.8
Percent of attendance 1)1
Number visits by parents 5
Visits bv members school board 0
The pupils' names appearing in
the following list were neither kite
or absent during the month.
9th grade: Emma Andross, Rosa
SeliTecht, Clara Larson, Kenneth
Hayden, Henry Quimby, Luree Seh
lecht. 8th grade: Genevieve Tillotson.
7th grade: Eudelle Bethers, Ce
cil Lutey, Rachel Carson, Beal Gai
ther, Carl Tangen.
6th grade: Dora Ebee, Harrie
Erntson, Basil Lutey, Elwood Mer
rell, Winifred Swearingen, Annie
Leganger, Clara Harding.
5th grade: Vania Alvers, Vernia
Alvers, Flossie Conibear, Terrcnce
(Gaither, Ruth Larson, Roebling
Muir, Arthur Olson, Vivan Peter
son, Russell Wisbart, Clare Moore,
Dewey Goodell.
4th grade: Francis Alvers, Ray
mond Stewart, Charles Goodell, El
ma Peterson, Floyd Merrell, Fran
ce! Stanton, Vernon Goodell, Wil
liam Knauf.
3rd grade: Iris Akin, Rosa Der
rick, James Derrick, Rachel Jacob
son, Nelson Anderson, Julius Chris
topher. 2nd grade: Katie Waugh, Edith
Peterson. Esther Crooks, EdnaCus
ack, Merle Ebbe, James Ross, Nella
Peterson, Alva Moore, Ivan Gill,
Edna Plank.
1st grade: Cuitis Chambers,
Minnie Crooks, Sada Chambers,
Florence Derrick, Florence McDon
ald, Myrtle Weaver.
Wm.Eiv.swa3 down from Elk
City yesterdny.
Dr. H. J. Miuthorn was up from
Newport yesterday.
Reduced prices for cash at Van
Cleve's, until Jan. 1st 1911.
Si Hanson returned Tuesday even
ing from a visit at Portland,
Dennis Cusack returned Friday
evening from a trip to Portland.
George McCaulou came over from
his farm at Siletz Wednesday. He
returned yesterday.
L. C. Smith formerly of Newport
but now of Portland, passed through
to Newport Friday evening.
Read H. E. Peterson's new ad
in this issue- He has a complete
line of new jewelry suitable for
Xmas gifts.
Mrs. H. L. Collins and little son,
and Miss Ella Collett returned Tues
day evening from an extended visit
at Portland.
A strong man is strong all over. No man can be
strong who is euflering from weak stomach with ils
consequent indigestion, or from some other disease
of the stomach and its associated orf.ans, which im
pairs digestion and nulrition. i-.-r when the storrich
is weak or diseased there is loss of t'.ie nutrition
contained in food, which is the source of all physical
strength. 'vVhcu a man "doesn't feci just rijlht,"
when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable
feeling in the stomach oiler eating, is languid, oarvoui, irritable and despond
cnt, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength.
Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Kedicul
Discovery. It cures diseases of this and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood,
invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes
the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH ATiD STltEXGTH TO
You can't afford to accept a itcret nostrum as a substitute for this nnn
alcoholic medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
M. B. Turkeys.
Change your loins now. Full
blooded toins, 81.75; hens, $2.75,
for the next two weeks, only.
Mrs. P. L. Wii.hman,
Chit wood, Or.
Those coming to town from the
country will do well to look over our
flrtn lot .,f Holla, Toy. Christmas
Tree Ornaments, Fancy Dishes,
etc., before buying elsewhere.
"Santo Clans' Headquarters"
Al Waugh, Proprietor.
Joseph Swearingen returned the
first of the w ek from a business
trip to Portland.
There will be services at St.
John's church next Sunday at 11 a.
in., and 7:30p. m. Everbody wel
come. Rev. F. O. Jones, Pastor.
Miss Jeffreys will be in Toledo,
at Mrs. Irish's, lucsday, with a
fine line of Xmas things and also a
new display of Xmas cards from an
Art and Craft of Portland.
The Western Division of the Ore
gon State Teachers' Association will
lie held at Portland, Deeenilwr 21,
22 and 23, in conjunction with the
annual institutes of Clackamas, Col
umbia, Multnomah, Washington
and Yamhill counties. The meet
ing will lie held at the Jefferson
High Scnool.
The Yaquina Bay Lumber Com
pany this week added to its logging
equipment by securing another large
donkey engine. The engine which
is 10x12, will be used as a yarder
and will greatly increase the output
of their logging camp. They have
also let a contract to Frank Taylor
for the logging of the Smith and Wes
ley places on Depoe slough. The
contract calls for the logging of 500,
000 feet of logs. With these new ad
ditions to their logging equipment it
is thought that the mill can be kept
running steadily the year round.
Steamboat Inspectors Welden and
Ames of Portland were in Toledo the
first of the week. They inspected
the steamer Truant while here.
The local lodge of Women of
Woodcraft will initiate about twen
ty five new members this evening.
This is a result of a contest for new
Three reel show at the Dime Sat
urday evening.
J. J. Gattens came up from
Newport this morning.
Dr. Burgess returned last evening
from atrip to Co.vallis and Albany
County Commissioner John Fog-
arty of Newport is a Toledo visitor
Reverend Devcnport returned last
evening from a visit with his family
at Corvallis.
JohnGuilliams of Beaver Creek
was in Toledo Wednesday. He
went on to Portland yesterday morn
The 13th annual convention of
the Oregon Wool Growers' Associa
tion will be held at- Portland Janu
ary 3rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent arriv
ed up from Waldport yesterday
morning, and will make Toledo their
home. They arc moving into the
Hiunar house recently vacated by
Mv. Swearingen.
John Kentta, the Siletz merchant,
gave us a prize to his customers a
fine, large doll. The drawing came
, . . i i r.... w T
o t w euiK'suay umi tvii . i . j. .
iL&i wit; riuuixij
ffl Willi you on your daily wants in
K -- K
The Ladies Aid Society will meet
with Mrs. W. E. Lingenfelter next
Tuesday, Decern her 13th.
Mas. Aveby, President.
In the Count; Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lincoln County.
In the matter of the petition of J. II. Olii.o,
et al, for the iucorpnuitlon of the town of
Waldpoxt, Lincoln county, Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lincoln county:
We, tho umleiMgnc'l petitioners and quall
lled electors of nald County residing within
the limits of the proposed Incorporated city ol
Waldport, in said County and state, do most
respectfully snbinit for consideration the fol
lowing, to-wlt:
That we, your said petitioners, do hereby
potition your honorable body to cause the
town of Waldport, in laid County and State,
to be Incorporated under an net of the Legis
lative assembly of the SUte of Oregon, en
titled "An Act for a general law for lhe Incor
porating of cilies In said State of Oregon,'
Hied In Hie ofllce of Secretary of State Febru
ary 21, 1893, and which act include sections
2G87 to 27'iC inclusive, under Chapter one (1) of
pago 81)4, Ilelllnger and Cotton's Annotated
Codes and Statutes of Orogon; that the pro
posed boundaries of said proposed incorpar
porated city of Waldport are as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at the meander Hue at a poll,'
twenty (20) chains south and thirty (30) chain
east of tbe northeast corner of Section nine
teen (19). Township thirteen (13) south, Kan git
eleven (II) west of Wlllainotte Meridian, and
running West thirty (30) chains, thence South
twenty (2D) chains, thence West twenty (20
chains, thence South t won ty (20) chains, theuco
West forty-four (44) chains, more or less, tu
the meander line of the Alsea IUy, tbence
followlng tho meander line to the place of be
ginning, in Lincoln county, State of Oregon:
That the number of Inhabitants residing
nil bin said boundaries are not less than ouu
hundred and BftJTi ad your petition!! w ill
over pray, elc.
Names Kestdenro Karnes Residence
J II Gllnes, Waldport, Or. II C Doty, Waldport, Ol'
Martin S Durblu " Dr C K Liu ton - (
Chr.s Hoboll " Jas Monroe.
W U Doty " J W Walker '
W O Helms " Geo W Woudsuin "
W II nuker Wm Hall
K R Bukor " W Thorley
W 11 Snnni ins " A K Mlllner "
11 II Saxton " RVtiMUUn "
(1 W lllnsoU " UK Ilarclay '
J I) Kent " (leo Norton "
John C todomann " L Waldinan
EGoln " K A Kent v
D L Chesley " H Freeman i
John Jouos " Marlon Ijibow '
Wm F Kendy " LVColvIi
K Eversen " T E Drc aoVey "
W N C I.ansdulo " Sam Hayes '
W II Daughcrty " James Tyler "
Elmer Holms " C U Evens
M V 1-otipor " W 11 Wclst "
AJMcMllliii " Frank L linker 'I
KhysUuynn " ALUaldwin m
O L Kowin " J II Conrad M
scS'ellsoii ' G We 1st '.
Notice is hereby given that lhe ebovo poll
tion for the Incorporation of tho nnlDeorpor
aled town of Waldport, In Lincoln couniv
, , r., -,-oIOo io me County Court
of Lincoln county, Orogon, nt tho January
,0,1 I.., ... f 1 .1 .
arceof the M. E. church of ihZV
t it i ii 1 nnu. ,h..i.. .i rv
place drew the doll
poses thurelu meutioned.