Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 21, 1910, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
C- L. Morrison was in Waldport
this week doing a little campaign
Albert Barclay fell from an apple
tree last Saturday and fractured his
left wrist.
F. C. Walters and party left on
the 12th for Elk City and after a
.short vacation there will return to
Cyms H. Walker has organized a
grange at Waldport. Also at Ym
hats, Five Rivers and Lobster. At
Five Rivers there are 42 members.
Dick Kigcr and Grant Elgin, both
of Corvallis spent a few days with us
i.ww. . v. O -
fishing at Drift Creek.
The Condoi left Waldport tho
12th after being bar bound several
days. While at Sea Cspt. Loll per
formed the marriage ceremony for
Frank Johnson and Laura Walter,
both of Grants Pass, Oregon.
Nick Ludemann has bought tho
butchcrshop at- Alsea ; and will soon j
take charge.
lose Nick.
James Goin left the 12th for Five
Rivers where he has secured a posi
tion as teacher of the district school.
James is a brother of our County
A dance was given at the Harri
son ranch on the Yaehat last week.
There was a very Bond attendance
and all present report a most enjoy
able time.
Doctor Berry, of Newport, bought
least a year.
Dr. Phillips is building a new
house near J. W. Bones' store.
Amon Bones' son-in-law is in
visiting him.
A scow load of 8000 feet of bridge
plank was toMed to the dyke near
Sijota's, by Mr. Hcmslreet this
A new foreman lias come to the
cannery so M r. ood can nave
more time to look after the keeping
of the books.
Fred Rowe tells us that he lias
moved back to the farm. Stick to
the farm Fred there h no place half
as good.
Joe Wilson jhas down from Chit
wood lost week.
Oyster cocktails.
Hot tamales.
and Ice Cream
at the Palape" Saturday night.
Get the Habit.
Bill had a bill loard. Bill also had
Mrs. Wood is visiting her mother, a yji. The board billbored
Mrs. Fitzpatrick, near Newport.
Merchant Jen kens of Newport
and some three or four friends were
here fishing and hunting.
Mrs. Carrie Parmele and son,
Francis, are visiting at G. S. Par
mele 's this week.
Mrs. Jnkey Johnsan lias a fine
new range.
Rose Lodge
We arc having lovely weather
now, nearly as warm as summer
We are all sorry to aml il mnkcs a Pureon Bd to be
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley and Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott of 7-9 are going io
Portland for a visit.
All in the community join in con -gratuling
Mr. and Mrs. Dodson on
the birth of their son.
Mr. Cnspein is raising the frame
for his new house.
It is rumored that one of the
batchiJor 7-51 boys is soon to be a
"jolly batch" no more. We arc
a Teddy Bear at Waldport and when impatiently awaiting the sound of
Bill so, that Bill sold the bill board
to pay his board bill; So after Bill
old his bill board to pay his board
bill, the boafjd bill no longer bored
Bill. KxsftaRge.
S. Booth now has his new
U melt Qto commission. The hull
which is one of the life boats that
belonged to the illfated Marhofjer is
big and strobg and makes a dandy
launch. He has equ'pped it with a
new ten h. p. engine. 1 his new
launch will greatly aid Mr. Booth
in the handling of his ferry business.
Dr. M. J. Fanning of Philadel
phia spoke to a large audience at
the courthouse in this city last
Wednesday evening on the subject
C. G . North of Portland is a Toledo
visitor this week.
S. G. Irvin of Newport was a coun
ty seat visitor Wednesday.
Roy C;:se of Newport was transact
ing business here Wednesday.
Tic Inspector L. F. Freeman was
a Corvallis visitor the first of the
Hugh Corgan returned Tuesday
evening from several days' visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Litchfield and
children of Yaquina spent Wednes
day visiting in Toledo.
Wm. Lindcrman who has Ikm.ii
doing some carpenter work on the
Wade ranch north of town, finished
up last week una returned to la
quina. There will be services next Sunday
at the M. E. Church both morning
and eveninz. Everyone cordially
invited. H. J. Davenport, Pastor.
Fresh groceries, best flour, clen
feed, No. 1 enameled ware, kitchen
utencels, nails, excelant scboolhosc,
paints, pencils and tablets, at the
Engineer Lea came up from New
port Tuesday. Mr. Iea has just
finished the installation of the New
port waterworks. He says that
of Prohibition. The Doctor is a
good speaker and as he has been Newport has one of the best water
talking on this subject for the past works systems of any town of its nze
forty yearn and lias given over 10000 : in the state
lectures on the subject has some
starting for home the bear was scared
to death at the engine on the launch.
A basket social was given at the
Band Hall last Friday evening for
the benefit of the public school. An
interesting program was given be
fore the basket sale. The amount
realized was $15.45".
Bay View
Edward Stouder passed through
Bay View on his way to the big
grange dance Saturday.
J. C. Barnes and wife attended a
party given at Bert Edwards' on
Drift Creek Saturday night.
Messrs. Phelps and Coovert have
been hauling lumber the past week.
Walter Dodge was ill our neigh
borhood last week.
George Ryan and wife were visi
tors at J. C. Barnes'.
John Olson sold a nice band of
cattlo last week.
Mi's. Staphens went to Newport
last week where she will do sewing
for Mrs. H. F. Jenkin.
Frank Huntsucker and Jessie
Kcllo attended the grange dance
the wedding bells.
This lovely autumn weather is
bringing forth the peddlers.
Mr. Brown the cattle buyer left
this morning for the Portland stock
yards with quite a bunch of cattle.
Henry Deakins and wife are in-
tenfling to leave the latter part of
the week for the hot springs. All
hope that the atmosphere up there
will improve Mr. Deakins health
very much.
Charles Harding started to Sheri
dan this morning. He says this is
his last trip this winter with the
Some of the county candidates
were over last week. People were
especially impressed with Mr. Mor
rison .
Carl Carlson is improving nicely
since he came homo. Nothing like
good mountain air for invalids.
interesting fact and figures, and he
held the attention of the audience
for aboot two hours. At the close
of the lecture a collection was taken
for the aid of the temperance com
mittee of this state.
About a year ago the people of Ona
organized a Grange. This (irange
is known as Lincoln County Grange Case were married at Newport last
No I 395, and was the only Grange j Tuesday. They are two of Newport's
The Guards of the Circle will give
a dance at Woodmen Hall tomorrow
(Saturday) night. These ladies
have given dances which have always
boon successes and there is no reason !
to believe thig one will he anything ;
else. Attend and 1 assured of a
good time.
Mr. Guy Auppcrle and Miss Cara
if) the county. During the year the
Grango has prospered exceedingly
and now has forty members. They
most popular young people, being
well and favorably Known. They
passed through Wednesday morning
have built a two story Grange Hall, ' otl their way to Jefferson where they
John Adams was down from Chit
wood the first of tho week.
Ben Horning came over from OAC
and spent Sunday at home.
C. W. Davies returned Friday even
ing from a trip to Washington points.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lendten
were up from Newport Wednesday
T. II . Horning returned home
Sunday from a week's visit in South
ern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Ellsworth
spent Sunday with Toledo. friends
snd relatives.
S. B. Rees, of Canby, a represent
tative of the Oregon Nuts;ry Com
pany, is taking orders for fruit tiees
in mis locality.
Mrs. W. R. Mooro and children,
accompanied by Mrs. Moore's mot
her went to Salem Wednesday morn
ing to visit with relatives.
Jacob Jncobson , who has had charge
of the section here since the 7th of
Soptemlwr, while Foreman Gannon
hat! a lay-off, returned to his home
at Elk City Wednesday morning.
A Resolution.
The following resolution was made
at the last Special Session of the
Commissioners' Court. As the sub
ject of assessing and cruising of the
ti:r.l)er is frequently being mention
ed, we publish this resolution to
show that some action is being tak
en in the mattor:
Resolved, That it is the sense of
' the Court that our Assessor should
in some way secure a more equal
assessment of our timber interests;
and he is hereby authorized to cor
respond with the different owners
and call on them in person, as far
as practical, and secure from them a
cruise of their timber, believing that
the time has come when our assess
ment of timber lands should be made
upon the basis of a proper cruise of
the timber.
size 24x40 feet, hauling the lumber
f ro:r Toledo and Waldport, and hav
ing to scow it across bays at either
place. The Grange meets twice a
will make their home.
At the meeting of the City Coun
cil Monday evening the resignation
if rStv fi vuli'i 1 Iiiliii Ti i ii i i , I . n i ii'na
J .SI .'I i I 1 ' Mill 7 ' '11 II I III lll'lf,' 11. HI
nwntb, at wMek meeting, things . read m(, pj. E- c 1llillc
Merchant J. W. Bone; has sold
his goods end rented his store build
ing and farm to Will Dodson of
Rose Lodge, who intends to stock
up with a good supply of goods
-when he can get a boat to come in.
L. D. Wood has placed an order
;at the sawmill for lumber for a large
warehouse and barn.
Lumlisr leaves the sawmill both
by wagon and scow every few days.
The three Parmele boys and Ray
"Eradcn hauled lumber for Phinlcy
Bones last week, and for Bill Samuel
this week.
J. W. Bones and family will go
to the Valley this week io stay at
Mrs. Bankston has two very sick
Mrs. Muir is some better at this
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips called at
the Rancourt's home one day last
Mrs. Ball and her sister of Toledo
made Mrs. Rhoades a visit last Fri
We arc having beautiful veather
now to plow and sow.
Mr. Starbuck and his friend of
Portland are spending a few days
with Mr. Henry Rhoads at the Phil
lip's ranch.
Mrs. Nye and children went t
Toledo Saturday.
Will Ogden was called to Portland
Saturday bv the sickness of his chil
dren. Gertie and Sarah Muir took up
their school work again Monday.'
pertaining to the farm and home are
discussed and much useful know
ledge learned in this way, also a
social good time is had at these meet"
ings. Last Saturday evening a dance
was given under the management of I
the Grange, 90 people being present
and u stood time enjoyed by all. It !
is the intention of the Grange to
get lecturers from OAC and like
institutions to give talks nt their
meetings on subjects pertaining to
agriculture. We think the people
of Ona are to be commended upon
their enterprise in starting this
Grango and making it the success
that they have.
Beeause of ill health of the owner
I have the neflt blacksmithing and
plumbing business in Newport for
sale. Tiie beat located summer
hotel property in Nyebeach with
building, tents and four cottages for
sale at a reasonable price. Address
L. C Smith, Newport, Oregon.
- -
A Snap.
238 acres, 30 acres slashed and
seeded to tame gras$, two million
feet of timbor, 10 tons of hay, two
barns, a house, 60 apple trees apd
an abundance of small fruit. Will
sell from 40 to 80 or 100 acres. Only
four miles from railroad and station
Price $12 per acre.
Sonps Romtvkdt, Jr.
was appointed Marshal to finish out
tho unexpired term. Mr. Paine
filed his bond Wednesday and took
the oath of office, Ott Nye being
sworn in as deputy.
Wanted We have a customer for
a ranch near Toledo. Write us
what you have, giving size, price
and terms in first letter.
Bechtel & Bynon, Salem, Or.
Get Your Winter Apples Now.
From 300 to 400 bushels on ground .
Baldwins, Northern Spies and Spit
zenbtrgs, 25 cents per bushel, or 50
cents per sock, sewed. Come and
get them. C. L. Green,
On McCluskey Farm.
An Hour
On horseback is good exercise.
We have wcll-gaitcd saddle horsts
for ladies and gentlemen.
Toledo Livery Jr Sale Stables.
Wanted to Buy
Young cows and any kind
heifers. Apply to J. Margsos,
Winant, Or.
For Sale
Registered Shropshire ram, from
tho famous Ladd stock farm.
Apply to P.A.Miller,
I Pioneer, Oregon.
Farms Wanted.
Having opened up a real estate
office 111 Toledo, we would like to
have anyone who has farm or city
property for sale to call and list it
with us. Christopher A Crobno.
One Jersey bull, 3 years old, gen
tle; can show as good calves as any
in the county. Also some nice Jer
sey calves. Call on or address
Charles Allen, Elk City, Or.
Angora Goats
Wanted to buy, any amount of
Angora goats. Apply to
J. Maimison, Winant, Or.
School Book Notice
The pn fit being so tfinall on
school books it compells us to ask
you for the Cash. School books are
old to us on a cash we will
ask tho same of you.
Toledo Drug Co.
Order Your Wood Now
Slab wood, $2 per cord.
Block wood, $2 per load.
16-inch dry slab, 82. .50 per load.
Delivered within four blocks of
the mill.
Both phones. J. Ratthy.
Apple Trees.
I have 6000 good, home-grown
apple trees whice I am closing out
at greatly reduced prices. Samples
of stock at Romtvedt Bros., the
real estate men, in Toledo. Ieave
orders with Romtvedt or address
L. F. Pepin, Chitwood, Or.