10 ginculn aunty VOLTTME 18 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBUR 7, 1910 NUMBER 34 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community Gathered each week by Our Rustling Associate Editors Waldport. F. C. Barnes of Portland spent a fc-w days with US List week. Mrs. Bert Barclay and Mrs Coun cil 1 have rented the King house for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lester White are delighted over the arrival of a bounc ing boy. We may expect some choice poetry from Lester's pen in the near future. Dr. Clarence True Wilson will ad" drew tbt people of Waldport on the veiling of the 10th. Local option -ill be the topic under discussion. C. A. Curran, a real estate man from Albany has lcen looking at the ranches along the Bay with a view ;f making a purchase. , Dr. Berry of Newport came down Tuesday on a hunting trip. L. W. Moody, a Portland drugg ist, has been visiting in this vicinity. Fred Walters and party are camp ed in the old grove near tho band (all. Claus Ludemann has put a new coat i f paint on his house. Julius Iline of the Waldport Lum- I r Company left Waldport last week for trip to the valley. Thinking lie. would bo 'ate in arriving at South Beach Mr. Lline took along a liberal dimply of Roman candles. Arriving n the sand spit opposite Newport sometime after dark Mr. Hinc de cided the only way to attract atten tion from tho other side was to ex plode some of the fireworks. The scheme worked fine. Practically every launch on the bay answered the signals of distress. Kernville Oh! the tine rain. Just such as Oregon can give. It is worth lots i money to the farmer. The seed sown this Fall, such as rye, vetch, Italian rye grass, ti.nothy, mam- uth red clover and so on, is coin ing up. John Dickens is getting ready to take milk to the cheese factory. He Itaa houiiht two fine cows, one of Nelse Andersen and one of Willie Boms. The Oshkosh is daily expected in iftcr a load of salmon. The fishcr Biten are doing fine and making lot of money. Mrs. Wood is feeling better at this writing. Noise Andersen has two boats he wants to sell. One a small one and the other a large fish boat. Mr. Dickens, two daughters have .11 T ,m 14 jgine to roruanu. nuuiui iw that they arc to marry William 'flowers and Dutch Charley of Ore gon City. Mr. Johnson is helping Jesse Stone build his house. Burt Twombly's house is almost Apportionment of School Funds completed. E. S. Oakland is putting up a nice woodshed. Walter Dodge, and L. Thompson and son passed through Bay Sunday. Walter Kent and Lonnie Hoover were visitors at Bay View last week. The funds apportionment of school! For logger's shoes go to Fish's. Warren Hall came over from Si- for this county was made letz yesterday. Monday, the 3d. Of the State j J. F. Stewart was a passenger for Olalla itw ounooi ijttvtn c.pmni nutt tuiu why this money hall be transferred from the general fund of the county. Apportionments are usually made but twice each school year, but it is more than likely that there will be more than that this year, for the j last half of the taxes may bring in enough to justify another apportion ment this Fall. The law requires each district to have at least six M. Wygant of Newport was a .county seat visitor Wednesday. F. S. Murray of Otis was a county scat visitor the first of the week. Claude Davie i was a passenger for the Valley Tuesday morning. The heavy rains this week have brought in a run of Silver Side sal mon . Mr. and Mrs. Costello arrived over from the Valley Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. Ofstedahl and daughter, Miss Ruth, were passengers for Portland Monday morning. The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. John Peterson, Tuesday, Oct ober, 11th. Mrs. A very, Pres. Reverend Pearce returned from i HiHsboro Wednesday evening where He money tno apportionment was VI Eddvville this morning Yiew per pupil, jne county -apportion ment was small, compared to what it should have ben. Each district received only i2r of the 8100 that was due it on the first Monday of October. There were twenty-two ! districts that received some money Mr. and Mrs. Ogden made Henry I tiat wa8 transferred from the geir Rhoades and family a pleasant visit !erai funj ; the county, $1485 all one day last week. ;told, ranging funis from $0 to 8147; Mrs. Ogden will return to Port- to the district. Section 2o of the i.i 'ii' lay . one litis ueen ucie four weeks on a visit with friends. F. H. Phillip' mother came last week to see him. The rain has made the grass start fresh again. Fine for stock. Johnny Muir is helping on the Olalla bridge. It is all ready to cross on now. Miss Gertie Muir is on the sick list. ! ,n,,tl, M,,1 t., roSvn not was attending Conference. Mrs. Henry Rhoades' children arc than $300 from the county. we,,t ovcr to hilKz the followi through with the whooping cough, i There are thirty-four districts that ! niormn&- Fear not, neighbors. are still short on their last year's Mr. and Mrs. George Schenck dc- Mrs. Laura Rowe and sons called ; apportionment. This deficiency parted Tuesday morning for the at the Phillips ranch last Wednce- may be made up when the last half i uunna Mot springs on tne umim Jj,y. of the taxed are in, if not the Mrs. F. II. Phillips says she is ' general fund of the county will be ready to go their Medford home, the only place from which tlie sup She has been here five months on a' P'.v can be thkm. We will hope viait with old friends. thatm the future, the taxpayers IMcJunktir is building on Ms ranch will be more prompt and that no n Olalla. Jlad the liarn peer deficiency, will exist. completed it would probably not The following is the number of have been damaged. the districts and the amount that each received. It. P. Geix, County School Superintendent. bia where he will take treatment for rheumatism. Sunday evening tho wind de molished the new barn which W. S E. S. Emtson is turning over the earth with his oxen. School is going. Some arc glad and some are sad. F. H. Phillips and wife have been clearing their lots near the Adven-, T)I3T ti.it church. Mr. Muir lost his dryer last week by fire. It was full of fruit. Virgil Rhoades is sick at this writing. See those shoes at Fish's. George Bethcrs began a term of lebool at Elk City last Monday mor ning. Sam Hill and John Bowers of Beaver Creek were in town Tuesday after lumber. Mrs. William Hocflein of Yaquina visited her brother, J. S. Akin, and family last Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Newton returned Monday evening from a visit with her parents, Judge and Mrs. Thomas A. McBride, at Oregon City. Lewis Young of Portland arrived Tllfwdnv ovoninr. f.- ...oil ....- his old friends. It has been several years since Lewis left Toledo. Rev. Rowland Z. Bi wn will lwlf divine services at Ona Sunday, Oct ober 9th at 11 a. m.,.and at Upper Beaver Creek at 3 p. m. All art? invited. Mrs. H. Gannon and daughter. Miss Viola, went toSilverton Satur day morning for a visit with Mrs. Gannon's sister. Miss' Viola return ed Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Med ical Springs, Oregon, passed through from Newport and Lower Silety. where they have a ranch which Mr. Cook took up sixteen years ago. Mr. Cook reports many improve ments made on the Lower Siletz since he left there. The Silqtz Dairy and Land company has a great many acres of land cleared and slasheil and their goats are doing great in killing the brush. Rose Lodge 7 9 11 13 15 17 lit 21 23 25 Bay View. John Olson and family spent Sun day in Bay View. Lloyd Commons and Ida Hurley wore visitors at this place. Burt Twombly is suffering from a fall he got from the stageing break ing with him while working on the fiousc. Josie Oakland is spending a few weeks up Drift creek with friends. Rev. Burns spent Sunday with us. Hilda Oakland cut two fingers off in the feed cutter. Bennie Twombly returned to the Valley last week. How we have all enjoyed the rain. It has freshened things up wonder fully. F. J. Thorn has returned to his claim in 7-9. He has been out for a few days on account of sickness. : 27 Peter Bob came ill from Willa- 30 mtna with a load of grain and in 32 the dark missed the bridge near 85 Pleas. Deakins and overturned his' wagon. He was caught under the load but was not seriously injured. Mrs. Wes. Homer returned fromj the hop fields last Wednesday. She made good money while there. Arthur Baker is hack after quite a lengthy stay in the Valley. Frank Leslie got in Tuesday evening from Balston. Mm. Leslie's sister and brother came in with him for a visit. Ralph Harding is having a great deal of trouble with his eyes. They haVe taken him to Portland for treatment but they think his eyes will have to be operated on. R. H. Nelson's father came in to spend a couple of weeks with him on his claim in 7-9. The new postoffice at Bear Camp is established and running now. It is eanea jjoyer. at. v. joyer is postmaster. John Boyer has moved out to Bear Camp. Mr. Countryman is on Mr. Buyer's place at Henry ville. 37 89 41 44 47 49 51 57 59 (il 03 Amt. Dist. Amt. till 2 $407 433 4 05 j 181 0 79 105 S 93 07 10 75 125 12 195 80 1 4 79 85 15 47 07 18 07 50 20 83 112 22 71 75 2 t 05 12S 26 . 49 99 28 70 90 81 01 09 33 111 51 30 129 149 38 39 135 40 111 83 43 97 57 45 1 13 175 48 117 135 50 47 73 52 39 59 54 87 05 50 51 49 58 63 141 GO 144 110 02 110 21.15 04 204 The Lincoln County Telephone & Telegraph Company has just is.-u d a neat telephone directory, printed by the Newport Signal . It is a neat piece of work, and it will be handy - . . . Entire change of program Satur day, Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day evenings each week at the Dime. Because of ill health of the owner I have the oest blacksmithing and plumbing business in Newport for sale. The best located summer hotel property in Nyebeacn with building, tents and four cottages for sale at a reasonable price. Address L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. - A Snap. 238 acres, 30 acres slashed and seeded to tame grass, two million feet of tinil)er, 10 tons of hay, two barns, a house, 00 apple trees and an abundance of small fruit. Will sell from 40 to 80or 100 acres. Only four miles from railroad and station. Price $12 per acre. Son due Romtvedt, Jit. Dr. Clarence Tru Wilson of Portland will speak at Newport, Sunday, October 9th, he will go to Waldport and speak on the 10th, returning to Yaquina he will speak again on the 11th, and will conic to Toledo 011 Wednesday the 12th and deliver an address here that evening. You want to turn out and hear Mr. llson as he is one of the best talkers in Oregon. The real estate market has been quite lively in this vicinity the past several days, several places having changed hands at good prices. Thomas Christopher has sold the balance of his place, 80 acres to a Mr. Sanford. This was former the old Larson place. Mrs. J. I'. Dra per of Portland purchased the old Butler place wh'cb is situated about a mile up the river. This place contains .S3 acres and sold for 82 100. Andross Bros, have sold their place, formerly the Borgen, place, to Watt and Breeding of Amity, Yamhill county. All of these places arc good places and should prove satis factory investments. . m An Hour On horseback is gojd exercise. Wc have well-gaited saddle bursts for ladies and gentlemen. Toledo Livehy SALE Stablbb. Some Good Apples. Editor LdCADEIU-C, W. Brown gave me some fine King apples which grew on his ranch in 1111 orchard 1050 feet above sea level. Some of them were 10 and 11 inches in circumfer ence. How is that for this dry sea son? Rowland Z. Brown. -.. Angora Goats Wanted to buy, any amount of Angora goats. Apply to J. Maroson, Winant, Or. Get Your Winter Apples Now. From 300 to 400 bushels on ground. Baldwins, Northern Spies and Spit zenlxrgs, 25 cents per bushel, or 50 cents per sack, sewed. Come anil get them. 0. L. Green, On MeCluskey Farm. . . . Wanted to Buy Young cows and any kind heifers. Apply to J. Maroson, Winant, Or. of For Sale Registered Shropshire ram, from the famous Ladd stock farm. Apply to P. A. Miller, Pioneer, Oregon. For Rent. 00 Acre farm between Toledo and Yaquina, will rent to desirable party. Good location, good water, fine soil. For particulars address. 0. G. BuTLEU Winant. Ore. School Book Notice The pp fit being so tfmaU on school books it com pel Is us to ask you for the Cash. School books arr old to us on a cash basis, so we will ask the same of you. Toledo Drug Co. Order Your Wood Now Slab wood, $2 per cord. Block wood, $2 per load. 10-inch dry slab, $2.50 per load. Delivered within four blocks of the mill. Both phones. J. Rattbv. . . Apple Trees. I havo 0000 good, home-grow it apple trees whice I am closing out at greatly reduced prices. Samples of stock at Romtvedt Bros., the real estate men, in Toledo. Leavo orders with Romtvedt or address L. F. Pkiu.v, Chitwood, Or.