Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPKR COLLINS & HAYDEN, Pcblishebs Kmered abthepontomoe at Toledo, Oregou. eeond-claa mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year l 50 Six Month . 75 Three Months - - - 60 ADVERTISING RATES Ilc play, 10 cents per Inch per tissue. IxK-nl and Head lug Nntlcns, 6c per line. Notices ror Bale, Wanted, lite, live Unci or nnder, 25e per imiio; SOc por mouth. Homestead Notices, 5; Timber Nollres, 10. The Clam Bake a Success. The dam hake given at Newport laft Sunday was more of a success than any previous occasion of the kind. Fully twelve hundred people were in the city for the day. These together with the regular Summer visitors, who rfumher into the thou sands, fi'led the town to overflowing. The day was most beautiful, very warm and with out wind. It is es timated that fully 4000 people were fed at the bake. The manage.riont of the bake is to be congratulated on the manner in which they . accom modated the vast crowd. The clams, crabs, fish, potatoes, etc., which were all cooked together " in' the same pit, were delicious, and the manner of serving the food to the people was of the best. The steamer Truant to'.k about 1 10 people from Toledo, and many launches wore pressed into service. It is estimated that 250 Toledo visitors attended. The railroad ex ouisi m took down aver 1000 from the Valley and points along the road. The train consisted of seven teen cars, rim in two sections with two engines to each section to pull them over the mountians. It was a big event and ono that the citizens of Newport should have fit least once a year, - Pee the Brittany Lassies at the Dime this evening, Hegii-ter! You have but a short time left before the 1 o iks close. The exhibit building is fast rear ing completion. Farmers, have you those exhibits in shape for the Fair? The railroad company has made a rate of one faro for round trip from Albany and all points west to the fair here in September. Ju-t seventeen days up til the opening of the greatest Fair ever held in Lincoln county. This Fair v. ill not bo eclipsed by any county fair bold in the state. Charles Allen of Elk City an nounces' that ho is a candidate for the nomination of County Commis sioner on ' the Democratic ticket. Mr. Allen is nn old time resident of . Lincoln county. He is a practical business man, and is thoroughly comiwteiit to fill the oflicc he seeks. Dert Oeer of Elk City announces his candidacy for the Republican nomination as Sheriff of this county in this issue. Mr. Geer has been a resident of the county fur several years and has tha clerical ability to conduct tho oflieo of Sheriff, lit; would make thu county a good of fical. ; Another c.mdid ito to announce his candidace for nomination in this issue is County Treasurer G. E McCIuskey, who bccks tho nomina tion for re-election to tin oflieo of Treasurer. Mr. MeCluskey has made this county a good treasurer for more than ono term and we know he is capable of doing tho same again. II. II. Chamberlain of tho Upper Farm" was in Toledo on business this week. Shed Rosebrook will givo" a dance at Woodman Hall next Monday or Tuesday i ig'it. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Toledo, Or., June 2S, 1910. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Judjje of Lincoln county, Oregon, subject to the action of the Republican voters at the Primary Election. It is the pjactice of stating the plat form upon which you stand as a candi date, and in compliance with this cus tom, I will state that I believe in Repub lican principals, an honest administra tion of county affairs; good roads and schools to the extent of our ability as may be indicated by the several school and road districts of our ciunty, are the principals I advocate. Chas. II. Gardner. FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republican Voters of Lincoln County: I hereby announce myself ft candidate for the nomination for the office of County Ulerk, subject to the decision of the Re publican voters at the primary election to be held September 24, 1910. R. II. Howei.i,. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Siletz, Oregon, July ia, 1910. To the Voters of Lincoln County: I wish to announce that I atna candi date for the nomination for tluT office of County Judge, on the Republican ticket. Should the Republican voters see fit to nominate me, and should I be elected, I promise the people of Lincoln County that I will play no favorites, but that I will treat every part of the county, so far as the expenditure of public money is concerned, and every person and ques tion that comes before me, with absolute fairness and impartiality. I will person ally inspect every road and bridge in the county and give all the help I can in their improvement. I will permit no graft and will insist on a dollar's worth for every dollar expended. I will seek for law that will help and not hinder the development of all parts of the County. I was a teacher for many years and am familiar with school laws and school pro. cedure and will do all I can to help the various school officers to make the schools of Lincoln county among the best in the state. Should I be elected I promise to serve out my full term, unless sickness or un avoidable necessity compels me to resign, and in that event I promise to make my resignation known through the public press, that the people of the County may have a chance to petition for my suc cessor. Yours for Good Roads, Good Bridges, Good Schools and Good Old Lincoln Comity, v. c. Fischer. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Waldport, Or., July 18, 1910. To the Republican Voters of Lincoln County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner for Lincoln county, subject to the will of the Remib- lican voters at the Primary Election to De neirt September 24, 1910. If elected for County Commissioner will do what I believe to be for the best interests of the county, will use my in fluence for good schools, good roads ind bridges, will permit no graft and will show 110 partiality to any one and will be governed by the law in all cases. I. B. Evkkson. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Clerk of Lincoln county, Oregon, subject to the action of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held September 24, 1910. I believe in fair dealing in politics as well as fair dealing in official work and lu a business life. If nominated and elected I will use my greatest efforts to see that the office be run 011 as economi cal plans as possibly. I will treat all persons wi'h due cpurtesy and will use every precaution to see that the interests of schools, roads, cities and all other business pertaining to the office be at tended to with the greatest care. v George Bhthehs. . Toledo, Oregon, July 28th, 19I0. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Republican Voters of Lincoln County, Oregon: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Republican voter at the pri mary election. My platform is more and better roads and Schools. Chas. N. Thompson. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Yaquina. Oreuon. Auc 0. iqio. To the Republican voters of Lincoln County: I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of County Judge, subject to the choice of the Renublican voters at the Primary election on September 24th, 1910. Should I then be indorsed, and after ward be elected by the voters of Lincoln Loonty, it will be mv aim to study dili gently and apply honestly, existing laws in all matters affecting the welfare of the people in taxation, road building and school interests; to levy taxes on all pro perty subject to taxation including the large timber interests of the countv. bv a cruise, if accurate results cannot be af fected in a more economical manner: to adopt modern and liberal policies of road A construction, across the county, build roads by contract, instead of by day's labor, whenever made possible by the law, and to share in the general move ment throughout the state for better roads and better schools. As a taxpayer, home owner, and one permanently identified with the prosper ity and growth of the countv. I shall if elected, do all in my power for its ad vancement. O. Middi.lkaiw. FOR SHERIFF. To the Republican voters of Lincoln County, Oregon. i wish to announce that I am a candi date for the nomination for the office of Sheriff, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election held September 24th, 1910. If I am elected I will do my best to en force all la.vs and especially the local on. tion law. I will endeavor to perform the duties of the office in an efficient and economical manner. I am in favor of SUtemsnt No. 1, and am opposed to the Assembly. If I am elected I will be satiyfied with the present salary. 1 Nashville, Or. " H S. Trdner. FOR SHERIFF To the Democratic voters of Lincoln County, Oregon I hereby announce myfelf as a candi date for the nomination as Sheriff sub ject to the choice of the Democratic vo ters at. the Primary election, September 24th, I9I0. C. L Morrison. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the voters of Lincoln County, Ore gon ; I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner of this county on the Democratic ticket. Should I be nominated and elected, I will always work for a business like administration of county affaire, and will iiiBiBt on a dollar's worth of value for every dollar expended, 1 believe in good sdiools aud good roads, and 1 believe in cruising the timber of this county so that such property shall bear its just share of taxation. Charles FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Republican voterH of Lincoln County, Slate of Oregon. I hereby uonounoe myself as a candi date for tho nomination of the office of County Treasurer subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primary election held September 24th, 1910. G. li. MoClpbkev. FOR SHERIFF To the Republican voters of Lincoln Comity, State of Oregon : I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination of the office of Sheriff, subject to the choice of the Re publican voters at the primary election to be held September 24th, 1910. Bkrt Geer. NOTICE FOH 1'UUUCATION. U. 8. Land Offlee, Portland. Oregon, 01319 AuKUStlS.l'JlO. Notice 1 herely given that William W. Com. best.of Taft, Oregon, who our February 9th, 1907, iimde bomeatead entry No. 16170, Serial No. 01340. for the 11 ee4. sb setf , section 19, and nu , votion 30, township 7 lonth, range 10 west Willamette Meridian, bai filed notice of Intention to make Dual three year proof, to MtRbllsh claim to the land above de scribed, before the Register and Receiver of the United Slatei Umd Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 27th day of gnptember, 1910. Claimant names ai witnesses: Coleiuo F. Hall, aud F. L. Bones, of Kern vlllc, Oregon, and Andrew Immuuen and Tom Hill, of Taft, Oregon. 11. F. Hiohby, Seglater,. FOR COUNTY CORONER. To the Republican Voters of Lincoln County: I hereby announce myself as a candi-1 date for the nomination for tlie office of County Coroner, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held .September 24th, 1910. Dit F M. Carthr. Wanted A woman or girl for genera house work. Must be capable 0 milking a cow. Good wages for a willing and steady person. Apply personally to, J. Margson Winant Oregon," Only a short time left in whih to regis! or in.' JVtter hurry. Get the Habit AND VISIT AL'S SMOKE HOUSE AND POOL BOOM A complete line of Fresh Fruits, Kandies, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes and Smokers' Supplies. Whist and Freeze 'Em Out Parlors in AL WAUGH, Prop. GET 1 HE HABIT Light your.way to The Palace of Sweets For Ice Cream, Kandies and Fruits fiJFifst door south of Theater! AL WAUGH, Prop. connection. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS WE ARE AGENTS v- I,et us put an Edison machine in your home. We can sell just as cheap as anybody. Come in and hear the new records. We are receiving them constantly. We can furnish you any style you prefer. Edison Records have the Tone and Quality. .That Counts Don't buy inferior, cheap -records. TOLEDO DRUG CO. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOLEDO, 011KGON Offloe In Bchenck Building Office hours : 10 to 12 a. m. i 2 to 4 aud 7 to 8 p. m. Emergency Calls at any time. BOTH TllONES TOLEDO BAKERY J. BURKEL, Proprietor Bouth end Railroad Avenue 'Fresh Bread, Fresh Pies Fresh Cakes Everything First-Class Orders out of town promptly filled. 22 7 Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. (INCORPORATED) MHMMiillMMmiiiHMi We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of YELLOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Special Bills on short notice JOHN FOG ARTY, Agt., Newport O. R. ALTREE, - - - Manager ''l-WI,.. u vn,.,r;. L incoln Bounty rs (INCORPORATED) $10,000 Paid Up Capital ank Drafts and Money Orders sold, payable at all principal point: the United States, Canada and Europe. TH0S. LEE3E, President. WM. SCApttt I