Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 22, 1910, Image 1

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    VOLUME 18
News of each Community Gathered each
week hy Our Rustling Associate Editors
Both the Oshkosh and Gerald C.
visited Alsea Bay last week.
The fishing season opened Friday
end quite a lot of fish were brought
in Saturday morning.
Mr. Stoker, of Newport, paid
"Waldport a visit on the 12th look
ing after business.
J. Hegelman and family of Black
Rock, arrived on the 12 and will
make their home on Canal Creek.
F. M. Splawn of Drift Creek died
on the 15th. The funeral occured
Sunday. Mr. Splawn formerly
lived at Dallas, Polk county.
Among the visitors list week was
Chas. II. Jones, editor of the Ore
gon Teacher s Monthly.
C. L. McKenna and family of
Portland arrived on the 12th and
will spend a couple of weeks in
Waldport and vicinity.
Carl Neighlick, of Svensen, was
in town Saturday. Mr
and Dr. Linton of Waldport was Call for County Convention,
sent for. The Socialist party of the county
D. Wenner went to Waldport of Lincoln is called to meet in
Saturday. Mr. Wenner is renting. County Convention at Toledo on
the Hanson place and has a good j the 1st day of August, 1010, at 10
crop this year. j o'clock a. m. Said convention is
C. L. McKenna and family of called for the purpose of nominat
Portland are spending a few" days , 'lnS a county ticket for Lincoln
at the mouth of the creek. j county and electing delegates to the
Miss Effie Williamson and Miss : State Convention to he hel d in Port
Annie Williamson attended the!13" 011 the 8th d;,-V of Aui
teachers' institute at Waldport Saturday.
Rock Creek
Fred Bryota and wife of Clover
dnle, Tillamook county, visited at
S. Wigle's several days.
R. H. Plank i9 hauling lumber
from Nortons to finish and improve
our schoolhouse.
Rev. W. T. Pearce of Siletz is
visiting friends here this week.
G. H. Horsfall, deputy road
supervisor, has had the taxpayers
Neighlick out fixing the bad place9 in the
has some timber land on the Yach- road between here and the ford on
ats. - Siletz river.
E. E. Everson was on the sick Mrs. Huldah Baker has returned
list again last week but is now able to her home in South Dakota,
to be around again. I Little Ellen Wright is very sick
Louis Colvin, who has a contract with whooping cough.
to build two bridges on Drift Creek,
is lmvincr his lumber from Milt.
Beem.who operates a small mill Dime " Friday nights
above Tidewater.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorley have taken
charge of the Alsea House for the
Each precinct will lc entitled to
one delegate at large and one- dele
gate fur each five votes cast for W.
S. Ritchards, candidate for Congress
at the last election.
J. W. Parmsh, Co. Chairman.
Tor Sale
Three homestead relinquishments.
. Beautiful 20-acre fruit farm, one
mile from Toledo, on the Olalia,
price $l,(i00.
Several other" places ranging in
prices from $500 to' 8 10,000.
Two farms for rent.
Sondre Romtvedt Jr.
Toledo, Or.
At the family home in this city
Friday night, July 15, 1910, Anna
Andrews, the eleven year old daugh-
Children under 12 years 5c at the ier OI MT nnu lU,s- J""n Anarcws,
alter an illness ot several weeks.
Interment' was made in the Toledo
Cemetery Sunday.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by
the board of directors of School
district No. 2, Toledo, Oregon, un-
V.n1,l'tH 7:30 n. . m. . Julc-23 - 1Q1t fur
flip, prpftinn nn.l nnmrilpl irm nf n ULC1J
last Saturday was well attended.
The ball game here last Sunday
was one of those games that it is a
pleasure to witness. I There, was ab-
no wrangling among the
The graduating exercises were held' High School building, according to1 nor wu 1 1 ie "mP'- llie
at the band hall in the' evening, plans and specifications prepared by Pia'ed f a11 tne tmi6; and
The Republican Central Commit Cha,'k'8 H- Burggraf, architact, Al-! ll w"8 "obo 8 same until the lie
! PVW C"nCt lralC(mn, t1banv. Oregon. All bid. mJt , was broken in the eleventh inning,
4BM "UB m:IWlW, 11 " abcu TOUniJ l.'..r, ,. .., . , Corvallis Bettinr the extra
aeconipniiieu ny a ceruneu cnecKi ,
man to represent this end of Lin-. 10,1,1 a uniua ciicck. - -
coin count" at the State Assembly 'able to "School District No. 2, i . V 1 1 I
Waldport Republicans cannot figui .. Toledo. Oin," for the sum of, J"1" both teams did elegan
just wVy John Doe, of Sacramento, 100' a uaiantce that the ..con-! k- Parks of l,k Cty pitched
and Richard Roe, of Skamokawa ctor fuh a approved he e ' ven nn.ngs withouta
were left out 1 1)0,111 e(lual to 50 Per cent of the rest' nn,i lie was fiimnn lhe f)od I
Elk City
Dr. Carter is in town today on a blank
contract within ten days after the
awarding of the contract.
All bids must be made out on
proposals for the same.
business trip. Blanks furnished upon application
. Elk City Hotel is having t full by the clerk or architect. Plans
nouse these days. and specifications may be seen at
batters of the Corvallis team right
to the finish. Billy Simpson made
the only home run during the game
and it was made on the first ball
pitched. Our fans are anxious to see
these good teams ai work again.
A most pleasant reception was
Wm. Scarth returned home on Clerk's office, Toledo, Oregon, or held at the home of Judge and Mrs.
the noon train from his Sunday at the Architect's office.
visit at the ranch. The board reserves the right
Mrs. Tindall of Toledo, who has re-'ct a"y ftnd a11 bkia
been spending her vacation at the By 0ldur of Sd)o1 R)ald No- 2
Scarth ranch, returned home today. ! J- J- r'AiTnER, Chairman .
(J. li. UiiqsNO, Ulerk.
J. C. Dixon's family is going to
the beach for a few days.
Elk City sawmill is silent today
for want of logs.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice 5s hereby given that the
I County Court of Lincoln county,
People are commencing to talk of Oregon, will receive sealed bids for
the coming Fair for Lincoln county, j building a bridge across Spout creek
A good exhibit of Lincoln county at Hard Scrabble ford at Joseph
products will advertise the county. jFrady place in road district No. 10.
Elk City fans, , about thirty in Said bi(l3 to he filed with the County
"number, went to Toledo on the Clerk on or ,)cfore September 5,
17th. It was a hot game and a'1910- Bidders to present and fur
good one, but Corvallis walked off ni8h their own plans and specifica-
ivlili ii annra nf A tn ( in flimr fnvm : vlOflS
Mr. Pintler and family moved to
Toledo, huving purchased an eight
acre tract in that vicinity.
Tho camping season is surely
here once more.
Mrs. B. W. Johnson of Corvallis
is camping near the Hosford ranch.
E. W. Johnson of the South Pork
has gone to Sherwood and will re
main until Fall.
J. R. Hays was quite ill last week
The Court reserve" the right to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Court.
Dated this 11th day of July, 1910.
Ira Wade, County Clerk.
Notice to Public.
" As our planers are now "in oper
ation we are open to fill all orders
for dressed lumber on short notice.
Fir & Spruce Lumber Co.
Lewis Montgomery, President.
See those Base
Ball shoes at
Charles II. Gardner in this city last
t0 Tuesday .evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Henderson, late of
Indiana. The evening wa spent
in playing domino whist, or fantan,
until eleven o'clock, when a most
elegant lunch was served. Dr. R.
D. Burgess won firet prize in the
card games, and Miss Ethel Ross
captured the booby. After refresh
ments an hour was spent in conver
sation and music. Those present
were: Judge and Mis. Gardner,
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Dr. and
Mrs. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Newton, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Wish
art, Mrs. Charles Morris, Misses
Ethel and Verne Rorh, Messrs. R.
II. Howell and It. E. Collins.
J. W. Willson and family left
Monday morning for their new
home near Twin Falls, Idaho. Mr.
and Mrs. Willson have made many
fiicnds during their residence here
the past four years who regret to
see them depart.
The Wilhclniina was jammed
while attempting to go through the
draw at the Steel bridge at Portland
the first of the week. The damage
to- the-boat does not amount to
much, the report says, and she will
be in commission within a few days, j night.
Honored for Long Service.
Section Foreman Henry Gannon
of this place, the first of the week,
received from J. P. O'Brien of the
Southern Pacific railroad company,
a yearly pass for himself and family
in recognition of his "long and
faithful service" with the company.
Mr. Gannon has just completed
his twenty-fourth year of continuous
service as section foreman for the
C. & E. company, and in all these
years hf.s not missed a single pay
day, meaning that he has never had
a vacation exceeding one month.
We doubt there being many betier
records made in the United States.
A. W. Weber of Ona was a county
scat visitor Monday.
Enoc Olson departed Monday
morning for Carlton.
Miss Ruth Ofstedahl is spending
a week's vacation at Otter Bock.
Superintendent Walch of tho C.
& E. was in the city Wednesdays
Miss Maggie Bell of Pioneer has
been visiting in this city this week.
R. R. Miller of Summit was a
county seat visitor tho first of the
Miss Viola Gannon went to Salem
Wednesday morning for a short
visit. - -
Arthur Nye is at his brother Ot's
place on Siletz this week, fishing,
hunting, etc.
P. A. Miller of Pioneer made a
short business visit here between
trains Wednesday.
Mr. and'Mrs. John Andrews and
family departed for the Valley on
Sunday evening's excursion train.
Mr. and Mrs. Alee Warnock and
daughter uf Nortons departed Tues
day morning for a visit in Califor
nia. Mrs. Cook of -Elk City was visit
ing nt the Rosa home in this city
Tuesday, returning home Wednes
day morning.
Captain Henry Nice of Lutjens
passed through Monday enroute to
Portland to attend the Republican
state assembly.
Grandma Rosebrook is confined
to her bed and is gradually failing
at the home of her son, Austin
Rosebrook. She is in her eighty
ninth year.
C. B. Crosno, Sheriff Ross, Lee
Wade and F. W. Chambers of this
place and Dr. Carter of Newport
left Wednesday morning to attend
the Republican assembly at Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hawkins
went to Portland Tuesday noon.
Mr Hawkins is a delegate to the
assembly and Mrs. Hawkins will
attend duties as Grand Manager of
the Women of Woodcraft.
The Dime moving picture theater
had as special aitraetionss Tuesday
and Wednesday nights, Miss Angela
Mays, the famous comic opera
contralto, assisted by J. L. MacVey.
These people are good singers.
They departed yesterday morning.
The local Circle of Woodmen of
Woodcraft and members of tho
camp of Woodmen lield a joint
meeting at their hall last Friday
evening. The Circle installed their
officers for the ensuing term, the
guards being dressed in their new
uniforms and being well drilled
materially assisted in making tho
ceremony beautiful. A delightful
lunch was served after which evcry-
i body joined in games until mid-
Baseball Toledo vs. Elk Civy.
Next Sunday the Toledo ball
team will try for the scalp of Elk
City's team on the local diamond.
On her recent trip here the gaso
line schooner Wilhclniina, Captain
Georgo Tyler, brought thirty tons
of new steel rails to be used in the
extension of the Fir & Spruce Lum
ber Company's logging railroad.
She also brought seventy-five, tons of
miscclaneous freight for Toledo.
While in Portland tho Wilhclniina
Was on the drydoek and had her
hull cleaned and painted, A new
galley was also built just aft the
captain's quarters.
Russell Wishart returned homo
IMduy from Roseburg where lie has
been attending school. He was ac
companied by his grand mother,
Mrs. F. A. Russell, who will visit
with her daughter, Mrs. I. R. Wish
art. Rev. Rowland Z. Brown will
pi each at Riverside V, Saturday,
July 23 at 8 o'clock; Glen, Sunday
at 11 a. in., and Harlan, 8 p. m.
All are Invited.
Federal Judge T. A. MePridc
arrived from Portland and will
spend his Vacation with his daughter,
Mrs. F. A. Newton, in this city.
Several local members of tho
Eastern Star attended a meeting of
that order at Newport Wednesday
Watormollons, waterme'lons,
watcrmellons, the same as last year
till you can't rest nights. "Get the
Reims Arnold is getting material
on the ground preparatory to build
ing oil his lots in the southeast part
of town.
Mrs. It. N. Walters went to Chit
Wood last Saturday for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Pe
J. S. Akin is getting well along
with bis bungalow w hich he is hav
ing built in the north part of town.
Mrs. W. E. Rich of Newport
visited with her sister, Mrs. George
Belhers, in this city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L.- II. Payne re
turned Saturday morning from a
visit at Newport and Kernville.
Arthur Bradeson of Salem ar
rived wi the city last Saturday for a
visit wtth relatives and friends.
The baseball team will give a
dance Saturday night at Woodmen
Hall. You are invited.
Frank Hyde of Philomath spent
Sunday visiting with his mother
and brother at this place.
Earl Kingslcy has accepted a po
sition as operator for tho Lincoln
County Telephone Company.
Mrs. M. A. Nye left Saturday
morning for a visit with her brother
at Garfield, Washington.
The dance given by tha Guards of
the Circle last Saturday night was
well attended.
Miss Ada Scott went to Salem this
morning for a two week's visit at
her old home.
John Olson went to Carlton Sat
urday morning for a visit with his
Mrs. D. Grady returned Wednes
day evening from a visit at Kings
Bobby Mann wont up to his
ranch at Chitwood last Saturday.
Joseph Swearingen has his ner
house well under construction,