Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 15, 1910, Image 1

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'gender. '
News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors -
Haying is in full blast up the Al
sea river.
Julius Hine returned last week
after an absence of several weeks.
The Waldport Lumber Company
expects to resume operations soon.
Mi . and Mrs. P. J. Cauthorn left
Monday for Portland where Mr.
Cauthorn expects to engage in busi
ness. George Nertons, Jr., has discard
ed his crutch after having been laid
up over two months.
Real estate is on the move in
Waldport. Several ranches and
town lots changed hands during the
ps't month.
Several parties of campers arrived
in Waldport last week and went on
down to the Yachats.
Waldport looked like the deserted
village Sunday. All who could se
cure trans'portation went to Yachats
on a picnic.
Miss Effie Williamson has been
engaged to teach- another year in
the primary grades of the Waldport
. Dr. Linton was called early Sun
day morning to attend F. M Splawn
of Drift Creek who had a serious at
tact of heart failure.
John Matson, of California, has
become a property owner in this vi
cinity and will move in next Fall.
The Waldport band is doing some
faithfull work prepairing for the
Lincoln County Fair this Fall.
Trout fishing is very good juut
now in all the neighboring streams
and especially in Drift Creek.
Mr.. George Bissell, Misses Ona
Glines, Hallie Glines, Annabell
Smith, Ruby Kent, Mr. Dee Kent,
Mr: Daugherty and Miss Broods.
We are all busy haying. There
will be a large acreage of oat hay to
cut during August.
Mrs. C. Jensen, of Waldport is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claus Lude
mann on the South fork.
Bay View
Rock Creek
TTjivini? 13 in nroerrees and everv
1 J - F
one is busy. The yield is good. I
Warren Wright has returned from
a two we.ks soj urn in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Stickney of Ellens
burg, Washington, have been visit
ing Mrs. Stickney's mother, Mrs.
C. A. Babcock.
A new mail carrier has taken
charge of the route between Rocca
and Nortons and Lewis Chantel is
now a gentleman of leisure.
L. W. Hampton and familv from
near Oregon City are visiting Mr. I
and Mrs. G. B. Hampton.
Copies have been posted of a peti
tion for a new county road from
here to Nortons.
K. C. Egbert and family and
Walter Hall and wife, of Siletz,
were visitors at G. H. Horsfall'sj
last Sunday.
George Murphy went to Wald
port on the eighth.
We attended the celebration in
Waldport last week and missed
sending in our notes.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cauthorn
and James and Kenneth Keady
visited at the Williamson home last
week. v
Miss Mary Murphy has gone to the
Valley and will attend a Summer
J. I. Williamson, road supervis
or, attended Commissioners' Court
last week and the Court promised
$500 for road work in this district.
Among the ' Waldporters who
spent Sunday at the mouth of , the
creek were Dr. Olmstead, Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Evens, Mrs. C. R." Evers,
Sam Hill and daughter, Hester,
were visitors at Bay View Sunday.
Will Jergens passed through on
his way to Toledo Thursday.
Am Cook is helping Burt Twomb
ly with his haying.
Mrs.,Gatens and daughter spent
Sunday at Kirkland's.
Walter Kent and F. M. Briggs
returned to Toledo Monday. '
Mrs. Linquist was visiting friends
on Drift creek.
Mr. Splawn of Drift creek is very
sick again.
Mrs. Siminson spent Sunday up
Drift creek.
Will Titus and brother and their
wives are spending a few weeks on
Drift creek.
Mrs. Cal Barns is on the sick list
Wedding Bells
Emma Hendrickson and Frank
Briggs were married at the home of
the bride's parents in Bay View at
10 o'clock, MondayJuly 4th, 1910.
Erma Twombly of Bay View was
bridesmaid and Walter Kent of
Waldport was best man. Those
present to witness the happy affair
were Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson
and family, .Mr. and Mrs. Oakland
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Slieppard
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Linquist,
Mr. Briggs and James Briggs.
The young couple received many
nice presents and the wedding cere
mony was followed by. an excellent
The farmers in this vicinity are
just beginning work in hay harvest.
Work on the Grange building is
progressing rapidly.
J. II. Wolfersperger went to
Newport Sunday. He will work in
the bakery there this Summer.
John Strake of Drift Creek is
working for Mr. Hill this week.
Miss Lyle Thelps of Dallas is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Phelps of this place.
George Ryan has sold his farm to
Miss Jones and Miss Harrison of
We understand that Jarncs Gatens
has rented his farm to a gentleman
from Winlock, Washington.
Mr. Coovert has completed a
large barn on his farm on North
Chauncy Gil more is building a
new barn at the mouth of Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Payne of Toledo
, made a flying trip to our part of
tne counly on business.
Several campers are in now.
Sabbath school at the mouth of
I the Lake every Saturday at 2:30 p.
m. All are welcome.
Mr. Liswick is building a new
Len Butterfield is visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. Stone. 1
Little Ruth Butterfield is visiting
her aunt, Mable Stone.
Merchant Wick is buying farms.
Notice to Public..
As our planers are now in oper
ation we are open to fill all orders
i for dressed lumber on short notice.
Fir & Spruce Lumber Co.
Lewis Montgomery, President.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice 5s hereby given that the
County Court of Lincoln county,
Oregon, will receive scaled bids for
building a bridge across Spout creek
at Hard Scrabble ford at Joseph
Frady place in road district No. 10.
Said bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on cr before September 5,
1910. Bidders to present and fur
nish their own plans and specifica
tions. The Court reserve1; the right to
! reject any or all
By order of the County Court.
Dated this 11th day of July, 1910.
Ira Wade, County Clerk.
For Sale
One Homestead Relinquish ment
price $150,
One hundred .acres timber and
farm land, houses and small orchard
some chittem etc. Price $1500.
Five acres bottom land with house
and barn, orchard, small fruit and
large garden, boat landing, navi
gable stream for large and small
Hotel at Elk City, all furnished,
Timber and dairy farm on Drift
Two lots in Toledo near Luthern
Church. Price 8260.
Call on or Address
Sonilre Romtvcdt Jr.
Toledo, Or.
J. M. Stone and Fred Butterfield
have gone to Toledo.
The launch Idlewild took a large
scow load of bridge timbers from
the sawmill to be used on the road
that is being built from the Agency
to head of tide on the Siletz.
John Lloyd had the misfortune
to out his foot.
It is rumored that Jesse Farrin
has sold his farm for $3000. L. D.
Wood bought Farrin's cattle.
Bonds for Sale.
Notice is hereby given that I will
offer for eale and will sell to the
higest bidder the following bonds;
School District No. 2, ten $1000
bonds, payable in 20 years, optional
after 10 years. .
Dated July 1, 1910.
, G. B. McCluskey,
County Treasurer.
For Sale
Mare and colt, weight about 1100
pounds, age 8, extraordinary good
eolt, marc is in good condition and
is a good honest all around mare.
Spring colt. Call at Fir & Spruce
Lumler Company's boiler room
for F. R. Weaver.
For Sale.
A good working mare, weight
about 1900 or 2000. Price $G0.
Titus Kurticiianov,
Chit wood, Or.
Hides Wanted.
Cash paid for hides at the Toledo
Tannery. We pay as much as any
body in town.- Toledo Tannery.
A good show at the Dime tonight.
Wm. Toner of Yi.quina was in
Toledo yesterday.
Ted McEIwain went to Nortons
Monday morning. . '
F. J. Morrison was a passenger
for the Valley Monday.
A. W. Morgan returned from a
trip to Southern Oregon Tuesda.y
You are invited to the moving
picture show--every night but Mon
day. John Veit of Eddyvibe was in
town Sunday night and Monday
forenoon .
Next Sunday, July 17th, Corval
lis and Elk City will cross bats on
the Toledo diamond.
The ball game at Newport last
week resulted in a victory for New
port; the score standing Corvallis 2,
Newport 5.
Grant King came over from Si
letz Monday. lie went to Portland
on a short business trip the follow
ing morning.
Auditor Bert Boles passed through
from Newport to his home at Al
bany. Mrs. Boles and children are
stopping for the season at Newport.
T. C. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.
Mose Lancr have been in Portland
to attend the funeral of Miss Tron
son , sister of Robert Tronson of
Several members of the local
Masons lodge were in town from
different sections of tho' county to
attend a meeting of that order last
Monday night.
Frank Wadsworth and family
arrived down from Portland tho
first of the week and will spend a
few weeks visiting among relatives
and friends here.
Quite a bunch came down from
Elk City last Monday evening to
attend the Dime, but were disap
pointed, there being no shows given
on Monday nights.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by
the board of directors of School
district No. 2, Toledo, Oregon, un
til 7:30 p. m. July 23, 1910, "for
the erection and completion of a
High School building, according to
plans and specifications prepared by
Charles H. Burggraf, architact, Al
bany, Oregon. All bids must be
accompanied by a certified check
payable to "School District No. 2,
Toledo, Oregon," for the sum of
$100, as a guarantee that the icon
tractor will furnish an approved
bond equal to 50 per cent of tho
contract within ten days after the
awarding of the contract.
All bids must bo made out on
blank proposals for the same.
Blanks furnished upon application
by the clerk or architect. Plans
and specifications may be seen at
Clerk's office, Toledo, Oregon, or
at the Architect's office.
The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
By order of School Board No. 2.
J. J. Gaitiier, Chairman.
C. B. Crosno, Clerk.
.. Get the Hadit, and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
Shoes of very size, pattern and
quality at Fish's store. See this
lino before buying those school
For Sale.
A good cream separator cheap.
J. F. Stewart.
Elect Delegates to Assembly.
A meeting of the Republican
County Central Committee was held
here Tuesday afternoon pursuant to
a call of Chairman Frank L. Buker
of Waldport. Nine piecincts of the
county were represented. Chair
man Buker was in tho chair and
County Judge C. II. Gardner was
appointed as secretary. After much
discussion it was decided to elect
12 delegates to the state assembly.
Of the nine precincts represented
all the committeemen with the ex
ception of two were favoring the as
sembly. The following delegates
were elected : Sheriff J. II. Ross,
Deputy County Clerk Lee Wade,
F. W. Chambers, C. 15. Hawkins.
and C. B. Crosno of Toledo; W. R.
Wakefield of Waldport; W. F.
Wakefield of EduyVille; Henry
Nice of Lutgens; R. A. Benscll and
F. M. Carter of Newport; W. Nasli
of Nashville; Oscar Middlekauff of
On motion made by Judge Gardner
delegates from this county were in
structed to confer with Polk county
delegates in nominating Joint Rep
resentative for Polk and Lincoln
A resolution endorsing the work
of Congressman W. C. Ilawley was
The resignationof Committeeman
R. II. Howell was accepted and F.
W. Chambers was appointed to fill
tho vacancy. ""
i, ...I . !. . H-l- 'I ,'' ' ,
As will be noticed in this issue
W. C. Fischer of Siletz announces
his candidacy for the ollico of
County Judge on the Republican
ticket. For the benefit of a few
who may not be acquainted with
Mr. Fischer we will say that be is
a life long Republican, is ;v careful,
successful business man and is
thoroughly competent to fill the
office to which ho aspires. He has
been a resident of Siletz for many
years and has always taken an ac
tive part in all political affairs. In
his announcement Mr. Fischer
promises fairness and impartiality
to all sections and all who know
him have not the least doubt but
that he would fulfill the promises.
C. G. North, the real estate man,
this week sold tho E. L. Dickinson
place of 430 acres near this place to
II. S. Harvey. Mr. Harvey expects
to make this a stock farm and will
raise blooded stock. He will also
plant a largo apple orchard. Mr.
Harvey lias been in this county 'nut
a few months, but he has learned
that it is a good placo to invest and
make a home.
Roy Robbing of Eddyville had
the misfortune to get his hand
caught in a pulley of his hay fork
Tuesday evening. .Ilowas brought
to Toledo on a hand car and Dr. R.
D. Burgess-' dressed tho wound.
He returned homo tho next morning
Carl Davis of Siletz was over Mon
day night attending tho meeting of
tho Masons lodge, and attending to
matters regarding the County Fair.
R. N. Warnockof Euchre Moun
tain was attending to business here
the first of the week, returning
homo Tuesday afternoon.
Lcm Str..tton who has been visit
ing hero the past several weeks re
turned to Siletz Wednesday,
The Guards of tho Circlo will give
a dance at Woodmen Hall tomorf
row night. All invited.
Children under 12 years 5c at the
Dime on Friday nights.