Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 08, 1910, Image 1

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CO! INTV NFWQ Ncws ()f 0110,1 Community Gathered 'each
SJ Ull I nCVVO veck by Our Rustling-Associate Editors
Julius Iline is spending a few
weeks traveling on the Wilhelmina.
W. II. Daugherty was in Tort
land last week on important busi
ness. Henry Simmons is on a two
weeks' trip to Willamette Valley
Donald Brooks has gone to Port
land again to secure employment.
Among the Fourth of July visit
ors is Oliver Benin-It who lived
here a number of years.
II. F. Jenkins paid Waldport a
visit last week. v
Dr. J. B. Olmstead and George
E;l"c1!. c$,ivjC iii the 2nd and
have placed orders for more build
ing material for new houses.
G. W. Miller and Ira Bray were
it hardly compares to one that Imp-1 Cheese Factory for Toledo,
pened here this week between two j Toledo is to have a cheese factory
of our worthy neighlxir boys. They jn fun owralion before the Snmn.e,-
both escaped with a few scratches,
no blood being drawn.
has closed. T. B. James began
construction this week on the build-
Mr. Jenkins and family of Leban- ing which is to house the plant and
on, have been visiting at Mr. Wake-J expects to he making cheese by the
field's. (loth of August. He will build the
A very successful ball game waslPamt (m his place, formerly the
played here Sunday between Nor- j Wndsworth place, and will build a
tons and Eddyville. The game; wharf ""t to deep water so the
stood 30 to 4 in favor of Eddyville. j Wilhelmina can load the products
Eddyville played Big Elk at liar- with t5ic greatest convenience.
The capacity of the factory to
begin with will he 500 gallons daily,
but by the addition of the necessary
vats can be increased to 1000 gal
lons. Mr. James has hired an ox-
Ian Monday the score being 3 to 8
in favor of Eddyville.
Everyone had a good time at the
dance at A. M. Baxter's Monday
r T,...i-..r ati.......
visiting nt the home of C. C. Mc. i " '"'ll have charge of the cheese
jr;(le making. , In addition to the cheese
, ' T1 factory Mr. James will also raise
. v. ucjnoms ami lamuy, was, , fml; . .
the factory.
per'. elwoBA tivi
Dime on Friday nights.
up from Ten Mile Creek on the Istiover from Wolf Creek Sunday
bringing some line mutton. Mr. Sasedy's are moving to their
Dr. Linton's house caught fire on homestead on Wolf Creek
41. n OOll, Il.n ki.,, ..,.. .-.
iiiu .Liii iui. mm nuni ex
tinguished by a small chemichl ex
tinguisher. Louis Colvin cut his f(xt severely
on the 2Gth but is now able to navi
gate with a reasonable degree of
Eflie Williamson returned last
week from an extended visit at Oak-. schools. There will be a morning, ents in this city, Sunday, July 3,
land, Oregon, at the home of hoi-j afternoon and evening session. : If 10, Miss Grace Carson to Mr.
The Ladies' Aid Society meets
Tuesday, Jmy 12. with Mrs. Sischo.
Children under 12 years 5c at the All members requested to be pres
ent as there is business of impor
tance to attend to.
v Local Institute. j
There will be a local institute
held at Waldport on July 1G. This j
will be for the benefit of the !
teachers who are teaching summer
At the home of the bride's par-
How We Spent the Fourth
Toledo did not celebrate the
Fourth, except at the Socialist pic-
New Train Schedule.
Toledo is now enjoying one of the
best train services that was ever
me in monipson's grove in the given this county, consisting of
southeast part of town. Most of . four passenger trains and one freight
our people went to the different .train daily. The passenger trains
towns where celebrations were held, run on the following schedule;
Quite a bunch went to Waldport to No. 1 arrives nt Toledo from
spend the day. C. G. North the Yaquina 7:11a. in.; No. 8 arrives
liveryman sent two four horse teams Toledo from Albany 11:51 a.m.;
down, among the passengers being, I No. 7 arrives Toledo from Yaquina
Mr. and Mrs. North, Mr. and Mrs. l:2l p. m.; No; 2 arrives Toledo
Robert Andross, Superintendent ! from Albany 1:15 p. m. This
and Mrs. R. 1'. G oin, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Heath, Misses Annie Freeman,
Il.ittie Gillette, Messrs. Chauneey
Hawkins, C. K. Crosno, the Toledo
baseball team and some others.
Thin parly left Toledo Monday
morning at 4 o'clock, going by way I
of Newport and arriving at Wald
poit at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Stewart and family also drove
service is appreciated by the people
of Lincoln county as well as by the
summer visitors. This new time
card went into effect last Monday
and will continue throughout the
Munnier season .
The board of directors of the
Lincoln County Fruit (J rowers' Un
ion met in Toledo Wednesday to
make arrangements for the handling
, i . , I . . make arrangements lor the hand ing
down. I bey started Sunday noon P ,, , . ., ,. , 11
, ,,, , , , "i the apple crop this l-al . Ware-
returning luesday. Everybody re- , ,, ... . ' , ,. . , , , .
, P .. ., . i houses will he established at Eddy-
Waltlport's Fourth of July cek-
ports a fine tune. The celebration
was good and our folks were royally
entertained by our neighbors at
Waldport. The ball game in the
afternoon resulted in a victory for
the Toledo nine by a score of 23 to
4. The big dance in the evening
was oi. e of the features, the band
furnished music, during the day and
evening. The steamer Truant, sev
eral launches and the train took a
lot of people to Newport during the
day. The steamer made trjps every
Prof. Chas. II. Jones of the Oregon l Lou Hoover.
Teacher's Monthly will be there,1 The bride is the eldest daughter
bration was a decided success. Anna we cxPcot tlJ nve one ol the : of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carson, the I I0W Hours. Many drove iy team,
large number of visitors were nre-1 'jest 'ot':ll institutes that that part groom is the son :of Mr, and Mrs. I The day was an ideal one, not rain-
sent. Thtr parade began at the I tne county lnis ever had. There IIrer of Ona, and botn'FdHjfcil fins is- usual on the Fourth.' The
I villi-, Elk City and Toledo to faeili
'ate the handling and grading of the
apples. The Union will purchase
i large (plant it ies of boxes for their
i own use and will sell them also to
I fruit growers who are not members
, of the 1'niou. The Union will pack
.and sell all the fruit raised by the,
j members of the association, and it
I is probable that they will purchase
I the apples of growers who are not
members, or handle it on commis
sion. J. F. Stewart was engaged as
! business manager to attend to grad
; ing,- peeking, shipping - and . selling
water front and marched to the aiv twelve or fifteen teachers who
grove where the exercises were held. jare m rt'ac uf il- There will he
Miss Kittie Goodman acted as the . seven to ta,ce Part the graduating
Goddess of Liberty. Dr. J. B. ! exercises in the evening. Let us
Olmstead delivered the oration, j seo a!1 who are Interested in the
After dinner the field sports and , schools in that part of the county
base ball game held the attention of comc out and help us with what we
the crowd, and Waldnort succeeded IL F. Goix,
l ; . ,1 1 i t , a.i
Known in imspiaco. jusiice or the
I'eaee M. N. Anderson performed
the ecremonv.
in again being beaten by a team
from Toledo. In the evening a ball
was given. The Waldport band
furnished music for the parade and
Haying is now commenced.
A very enjoyable time was spent
at the picnic at Eddyville on the
Mrs. Martie llamer and little
girl, Thelma, have been visiting at
Superintendent of Schools.
: Joe Fredrick Bryant.
! Joe Fredrick Bryant, youngest
son of Joseph and Mary Bryant,
was born at Nortons, Oregon, No-
i vi-nihi'i- (V Mini li.xi r.iiw. vn i ..
! ' ' " ' ; oilier races
i liilO. He was therefore 12 yea if?, 7
m-nciM in wfw r-i i-ri(il mil ,if K, I
w,. ... .. .................... ... I ,
sort city as well a.-- it e mid pus-ibly
be and the large crowd was enter-j
tained. In the tug of war between l
i of ibis fruit. The Union will mob-
ably ship 25 carloads of apples dur
ing the Fall.
C. G. North has leased five acres
.. i .1 1 A I 1 ,1 IT I
JjOSS. j mourns and i i nays old. lie was
July 4th at scene of footracing, ' !l .,m,,,el cMM Ue idol of the
Newnort. a wntlemnn's oivn f.u.o family, and a favorite among his
Howard watch, with fob attached.
Any information leading to its re
covery will he suitably rewarded.
Address, Leox Flett,
Corvallis, Oregon.
neighbors and playmates. He was
a great financier for one of his age.
Ilis savings amounted to one hun
dred dollars or more and wins suf
ficient to pay the entire cost of his
Sale j tr,, ,,n,i nn i.i, lni. K.-,.(i,.,..
j.v. tw, tlfLl .1,1:5 iiA-
One Homestead Relinquishment ing fence above bis father's place,
ice $150. ; wjien tu,y pi(.-0ti Up a ciel.j.y p()e
One hundred acres timber and nl.nnt u;v im.lioj in ,i;.,,,.f i
uie nome oi .his. iiamer s parents, farm land, houses and small orchard ten
some chittem etc
Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield.
Mrs. Ed Cline has been quite
sick for several days but is improv
ing now.
Walker Cline was thrown from a
horse last week breaking his should
er. He is in Corvallis now.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong, also
Mrs. T. N. Armstrong and son,
Arlo, of Corvallis, are visiting
friends and relatives of this place.
Ben Guire and familv went to
or twelve feet long which lav on
1'rice S1500. : tnc ,il!s;,le ,i mittimr this hole no
Five acres bottom land with house ; t,,,-,. slluulders started toward the
and barn, orchard, small fruit and
large garden, boat landing, navi
gable stream for large and small
Hotel at Elk City, all furnished,
Timber and dairy farm on Drift
j Two lots in Toledo near Luthcrn
! Church. Price $2(10.
Harlan to attend the picnic at that, Cal1 011 or a,Wress
place Monday.
There was fireworks at Mr. Wake
field's place Sunday evening. They
were just fine. Everyone ate ,ice
cream and cake before the fireworks.
M. E. Townsend of Independence
was visiting at the home of G. E .
Colby Monday.
O. D. Shirley and family left for
Joseph, Oregon, Saturday. We all
are sorry to have them leave and
wish them success in their new
home. .
The fight between Jeffries and
Johnson was an exciting one, but
Sondre Romtvedt Jr.
Toledo, Or.
Bonds for Sale.
Notice is hereby given that I will
offer for sale and will sell to the
higest bidder the following bonds;
School District No. 2,. ten $1000
bonds, payable in 20 years, optional
after 10 years.
Dated July 1, 1910.
G. B. McCluskey,
County Treasurer.
My price on fruit jars, flour, feed
and coal oil is the lowest.
R. S. Van Cleve.'
fence when the younger hoy fell,
taklTig the pole with him which fell
on and crushed his skull, killing
him instantly.
The price of (lour has dropped,
call and see. R. S. Van Cleve.
Miss Mary Ewing was a passenger
for the Valley Saturday morning.
Henry Howell went to Centralia,
Washington, last Saturday for a
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hall of
Siletz have been visiting relatives
in Toledo this week.
A. B. Hunt of Eddyville was in
the city Wednesday. He returned
home yesterday morning.
For Sale
Mare and colt, weight about 1100
pounds, age 8, extraordinary good
colt, marc is in good condition and
is a good honest all around mare.
Spring colt. Call at Fir & Spruce
T.ninlior Pnmnn n v 'a lin'lui vrrm
...v.. ...... V ...... , j ,j UVUVt l.lUJ :
for F, R. W'eaver. J
Newport and Toledo the latter was,"1 la,"ITOW" 11,0 i' ir and hpruee
victorious after one of the hardest j nii11 wIlit;h " ' wood
contests of the kind on record. !-vaivl to1 ,lia s,ab WO(),, lia
Several boat races, horse races and ' Hm:1,as01 tll,; (Wka woodsaw and
and sports 'were i,;,,! will build a large building for the
The lire works out on the bay made . Klula'(3 (,f w""(l f"r winter. Toledo
a beautiful spectacle. The baiul ( Jon fl'U 11,0 'l00'1 ()f 11 wood
played during the day. At night J'anl w,lpre dl'i' W(V)1 Pawe.l to
. ,.( i i 1 1 i i i
two dances were be d. one at the nl"4' . 11 l,""u
Opera House and 'one at the Casino!
and large crowds attended.
Whenever you have two nickels
think of the Dime.
Newton & Nye have just received
a large consignment of stoves.
C. E. Hawkins and I. R. Wishart
went fishing on Drift creek last
Saturday, returning Monday.
Mrs. J. L. Hyde returned last
evening from a several weeks' visit
with her daughter at Falls City.
Miss Bessie Knauf came up from
Newport Tuesday for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. Robert Andross.
J. Swearingen has the frame of
his new residence up and will com
mence putting on the siding at
The ball game at Newport Sun
day between Newport and the Al
bany Colts resulted in a score of 3
to 4 in favor of Newport. '
Mesdaihes J. F. Stewart and IL
Larson went to Pioneer Wednesday
morning, returning on the noon
train. Mrs. Larson purchased a
piano at that. place.
It is just eight weeks till the
County Fair opens. Are you get
ting those exhibits arranged? You
will bate 'to rustle to beat your
neighbor's exhibits.
Dye Wade returned last 'evening
from the mineral springs on the
Columbia, whcre.ho has been under
treatment fur rheumatism. Ho was
greatly improved by the treatment.
cured any time during the winter,
and now this need is to be tilled.
Mr. North informs tis that there
; will be no advance in the price of
this wood, but that he will still
sell it at $1 per cord plus delivery
The baseball game here last Sun
day resulted in a victory for Elk
City by a score of 8 to 7. During
the first half of the game Toledo
made five runs shutting the visitors
out, but this was too good to last
and during the latter part of the
game Elk City mode the necessary
number of runs to m;de them vic
torious. About 200 persons attended the
Socialist picnic at, Thompson's grove
last Monday. Everybody brought
a well filled basket and a fine din
ner was spread. Speaking was an
event of the day and a social good
time is reported by those who at
tended. . Syringa Circle, Women of Wood
craft, will uiiviel the monument of
their Neighbor Lavena Ale; a der
Sunday afternoon, July 10, PJ10.
All are invited to attend the cere
mony, Beginning next week an entire
change of program Tuesday, Thurs
day, Saturday and Sunday nights
at the Dime the moving picture
Miss Juliette Bradeson returned
to her home at Salem yesterday
morning after a visit with relatives
and friends here and at Newpoit.