Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 01, 1910, Image 5

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    '-.y?y'3y Sr;-' -
Stanton & Gillette
mmfffll II II IH'MMIill 'I i I' i
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelery and
Greatest Assortment of every des
cription ever seen in Lincoln County
A Beautiful Line of
Spectacles and
Fye Glasses
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
(Thirty Year's Experience)
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual I'b'ine, iHith ollic
No. 5ol
At W A LLM'OKT Thursday noon to Saturday.
Our Motto- A Plensed 1'atleiit Our Best
The terrible if chinfj nnd smarting,
Incident" to certain skin, diseases, is
ul most instantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents.
For salo by all dealers.
Toledo Meat Co.
Paine & Gorke, Props.
All kinds of fasn and cured
Meats, Bacon and Lard
Highest price for Hides and Pells
Fish and Oysters in Season
The world's most successful medicine
for bowel complaint is Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It has relieAed more pain and suffering,
nn'd saved more lives than any other
medicine in nse. Invaluable for chil
dren and adults. Sold by all dealers
I want to buy a cow just fresh or
which will be fresh within a week
find gives at least 6 gallons of rich
milk per day.
Apply to J. Margson
Winant Ore
Tho one in i.b t'irri cu
prices Water Front Barber Shop,
Toledo, Or. 1 Hair cut 25c; shave
153. Only the white trade wanted.
Get the Habit and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they ore the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter. '
Base Ball.
. The Toledo baseball team will
lead a strenuous life the next few
days. Sunday they will play the
Elk City team on Toledo'groundB,
and on the Fourth they will play
Waldport on the latler'a grounds.
Following is the Price Paid for
Produce in the Toledo Mar
ket. Corrected Weekly
Butter-fat, Toledo Creamery 29c
Dairy Butter 55c per roll.
Eggs 25c.
Potatoes lc per lb.
Onions 44c pound.
Apples c box.
Veal 7c.
Beef Cc to 7c.
Mutton 7 to 8c.
Pork 9 to 10c.
Chickens 12c.
Oysters SI. 90 gallon.
Clams 10c gallon.
Beef hides 5 to 6c.
Veal hides 7c.
Newport 18; Toledo 7.
The base ball came last Sunday
was a very ove-sided affair resulting
in the score above named. New
port came prepared to win the game
having one of the strongest aggre
gations of players ever gotten to
gether in Lincoln county, then
loledo was unfortunate in making
several very costly fumbles . Fenton
of Dallas who was pitching for New
port was a host in himself, being
the star player of the team. The
Toledo boys have lieen. practicing
this week and expect to make a
better showing Sunday when they
play Elk City.
Fortune Telling
Scow house. Furniture and
tools, etc., for sale. Cheap for
cash. Enquire at this office.
Jersey Bull
Three year old Jersey bull for
sale, or will trade for a good cow.
Archie Pepin, Toledo, Oregon.
Rooms in Ofstedahl building for
rent. Ofstedahl 's.
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises, abraisous, sprains
or wounds that demand Cuckleu's Ar
nica Salve earth's greatest healer.
Quick relief -and prompt cure results.
For burns, boils, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile
cure.' 25c. at Toledo Drug Co.
At the home of the bride's moth
er, Mrs. J. O. Smith, in this city,
T .1 T ..w.-. i . r .
iu -souy, june iyiu, Mr. Luie
Myers-and Miss Eliza Vclk, both of
this city. Rev. ('. II. Ellsworth
Mike Mackey is over from Siletz
tli is week.
Miss Nellie Brown went to Cor
vallis to spend the Summer.
J,. E. Wilson was down from
CI lit wood a Tew limns last. Monday.
The first automobile from, the
Valley this season passed through
Toledo for 'Newport this morning.
In passing we might remark that
those great and mighty rock ob
structions which some of our knock
ers told lis was in the river channel
did not mateiialize upon a careful
sounding and examination of the
river. Maybe it was only a "rocky"
dream after all.
Does not take into consideration the one essential to worn,
an' happiness womanly health.
' The womaswho neglects her health is neglecting the
very (oundatiott of all good fortune. For without health
love loses its lustre and gold jj but dross.
Womanly health when ld"fror impaired may generally be
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
This Prescription has, for over to years,
been cuJn& delicate, weak, pain-wracked
women, by the hundreds of thousands
mad this too In the privacy of their homes
without their having to submit to Indelh
eate questionings and offensively repul'
nant examinations.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frrt.
All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensarf
Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Piikcb's Grbat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense;
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of
21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
K 11
Goods 1
r i
My line is now
new aim up to Lie
U. S. Land Office, l'ortlund, Oregon,
June 4th, 11)10.
Notice Is hereby glvsn that James Stltt,
of Eddyville, Oregon. w ho, on December 7th,
litis, made homestead Entry, Serial No. 0777,
(or n' of svv1, aw'si of w4', Section ', town
ship 111 south, ranee 9 west, Willamette Meri
dian, hits tiled notice of intention to make fin
al commutation proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before ihe County Clerk
of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon,
on the 11th day of July 1910.
Claimant names as wilt-esses:
Alex Wamock, Nortiriis Or; M. IJ. Weltin ami
John Veit of Kddy.iille,, Or.; A. J. Bartholo
mew, Chit wood. Oregon.
Card of Thanks.
Win. II. Darroiigh, who died at
his home, at Nortoiis, June 21st,
was taken to Bethel, Polk county,
for burial. A. Clover and Miss
Detonia Byrn of Salem extend their
thanks to the neighbors and friends
of the deceased fur aid and sym
pathy during his illness.
A. Glover,
Miss Detoxia Byrn
H A bigger line than ever
1 J. 3. Akin
r I Ir r 5 ri i r4 t-n rs r-s rs i5 Fs r-S ri ij j si f
For Sale
A good wagon complete outfit for
wood hauling, also ywd saddle
or driving pony, $10. Address
J. Jensen, Toledo Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Ilia County of Lincoln:
Aim la P. Hawkins, Plaintiff,
J. o. Wrlghtsnian, liefentlant.
To J. O. Wrightsinan, the above named de
fendant; In Ihe name of the stale of Oregon :
You are hereby summoned iciiited to upbear
and answer Ihe com pin in I of pluiitiff in the
above entitled suit now on file in the otllce of
the County Clerk of Ihe above entitled Court
on or before the last day named in the order i
for publication for (his summons, made bv the
Hon. ("has. II. Gardner, Conn iy Jnpge of Lin-j
coll. County, Oregon (being th County where I
Iho above entitled suit (spending In the
Circuit Court of said County uml State) which
said order and tiinp for iinswei lnit said sum
nions are hereinafter referie.l to to-wit; On
or before six weeks fioru the first day of pub
lication hereof.
And you are hereby notilled that If you fall
to appear and answer the said com plain t us
herein required, for w ant thereof, iho plain
tin" will apply to the above entitled Court for
Ihe relief demanded in mid oinplalni
namely; l'"or a docrte of mid Clint, that
plaintiff's title to the following described
lauds to-wit; Ilcglnnlug "00 feet south of the
north east corner of Lot two in section seven
in township U south, rnugo 11 wet of Willam
ette Merideau In Oregon, run ti:ence couth
V)S feet, thence west HD feet, thence north
160 feet, thence east 100 feet to place of he.
giuiiln is good and Valid; that you, said de.
fendanl have no estate, right, titleor Interest
whatever in or to said hind or any part thereof
and that any or all claim whatever that you
may have or claim against snld fliid Is w ronx
fill and withuut right; and Ihat you said de
fendant, be forcvar enjoined and debarred
from nsserilng any claim whatever of, In or to
said lauds and premises adverse to plaintiff
and for such other and farthur relief as mny
be equitable and just:
This summons is published jn Lincoln Cou
nty Lkauku once a week for six HiiecussWo and
consecutive weekly Insertions, beginning with
the issue of tl e 17th day of June and end
ing with the issue f the 29th day of July I'.HO
under nnil in pursuance of Iho direcltoiis con
tained in an order made by the lion, C'hs. II.
Gardner, County Judgo of Lincoln County,
Hated this 15th day of June 1910.
Hawkins & McCluskey
r Attorney's for Plaintiff
Mr. Farmer.
A fresh' milch cow for sale giving
8 to 10 quarts of milk at a milking.
Enquire at this office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. R. II. Kaltz, the well known
piano tuner and repairer, will be
in Toledo and Newport in a few
days. Any orders left nt this ollice
will receive prompt attemtion.
N E WPO RT, yaayna
The ONLY Beach in ihe Pacific Northwest
Where the pretty Whter Agatos, Moss A (rates. Moonstonos,
Ciii noliiiiis, and rtoeli Oysters chu be found.
Including Hunting, Kisliindiiing Ro,lc Ovslcis, P.ontmtf,
Surf Hiit.hiim, Riding, Aiiloinu'. tauonitijf and Dancing.
Pure mountain water mid the host of fund at low pticcH.
Fi-chIj Crabs, ClaniM, Oysters, I'lsli ami Vegetables of all -kinds
daily. 1IHAL CAMPING (3 HOUNDS, with strict
sanitary regulations, al nominal cot.
When I lie stomach failtUo perforin its
functioiiH, the bowels become deranged,
the liver ami the kidnevH conueHled
caiisintf niiiiiennisdisensea. Theftom
hcIi and liver intivt he restored to a
healthy condition and Chamberluin's
Stoniach aiui'Liver Tablets can be de
neiulcd upon to do it. Knsy to take and
most effective. Sold by all dealers.
A woman or girl for general
house work. Must be capable of
milking a cow. Good wages for a
willing and steady person. Apply
personally to, . J. Margson
Winant Oregon. .
. . .
All kinds of Loggers' shoes at T.
P. Fish's.
See those Base Bull shoes at
Akin'B 82.50
Aftor doctoring for about twelve
yearn for a bad stomach trouble, and
spending nearly five hundred dollars
for medicine and doctor s foes, I pur
chased my wile one box of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which
did her so much good that she contin
ued louse them and they have done her
more good than all of the medicine I
bought before. Samuel Hover, Kolsom,
Iowa. This medicine is for utile by all
dealers. Samples free,
from nil points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho on sine daily.
Three Day-Saturday
to Monday Rate
from H. P. points, Portland to Cottage
(i rove Inclusive, including branch lines
also from all C. ill K. stations Albany
nnil wet. Good going no Saturday or
Sunday, mid (or return Sunday or Monday.
from A lbany. Onrvallis nnd IMiiloniath, witli corresponding low rales from
points west, in effect all summer. Call, on any S. P. or C. it E. Agent for
full particulars as to rates, train schedules, ole.; also for copy "of our beau
tifully illustrated bouklet, "Outim.'s in Oregon,'' or write to '
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
.Now is the time to buy fruit jars
R. S. Van Cleve.
Get the" I Tad it, and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
Shoes of very size, pattern and
quality nt Fish's store. Sec this
line before buying those school
U.S. Lund Ollice, Kokcburtf, Oregon,
(0.W.I) May 111, 1UI0.
Notice is hereby given that William Curtis,
oi Tidewater, Oregon, who, on June l'.Mh,
l!W:l, made homestead entry No. l-WL Serial
No. OiOM, for Lot 11, sec. 7, township 14 south,
Kiingo 9 West, Willamette .Meridian, has filed
notice of intention tonrnka final live year
proof, to establish claim to the hind above
described, before Ira Wade, County Clerk Lin
coin County, Oregon, at Toledo Oieton, on
the IWth day of June, 1910;
Claimant nuniesas wllnesscs: .
Carl Minuet ami Carl. August Frederick Wolf
both ot-Alscaw-IIeilln County, Oregon, and
Charle Hails, nnd llartyele Corance, both of
Tidewater, Oregon.
Uknjamin K. Jonk.s, Heglstar,
Dairy and Slock Ranches
Cify Property; De Lava
Cream Separators '
Underwood Typewriters
Rubles Third Addition to Waldport
wns of the unconquerable, nover-snv-dio
kind, the kind that you need niost
when you have a bad cold, cough or
lung discuso. Suppose troches, couch
syrups, cod liver oil or doctors huve all
failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take
Dr. King's Now Discovery. Satisfaction
is guaranteed when nsed for any throat
or lung trouble. It has saved thous
ands of hopoloss sufferers,. It masters
stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hem
orrhages, la grippe, croup, hay fever,
asthma nnd whooping cough and is the
most safe nnd certain remedy for all
bronchial uffections. 5oc, 81.00. Trial
bottle free at Toledo Drug Co,