Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 01, 1910, Image 4

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    For Coumy Clerk.
To the Republican Voters of Lincoln
County :
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the nomination for the
office of County Clerk, subject to
the decision of the Republican
voters at the primary election to be
held Septemlier 21, 1910. '
Johnny 'Williams was over
Siletz Monday.
Iloxie Simmons of Siletz was in
town Wednesday.
Clayton Pond was over from Si
letz Saturday.
George Hodges of Salado was a
county peat visitor Monday.
S. A. Pruett passed through to
his home at Ynquina Saturday
Wm. Towner of Siletz was a pas
senger for Grande Ronde Monday
I-cc rartliolomew moved his fam
ily into the Soule houne on Second
street Monday.
Roy Sweanngen h bavins the
Ifimeh Cliieora repaired at the
Aiidcison Jloal Vmukb.
L. Montgomery of the Fir &
Spruce Lumber Company came
down from Portland Tuesday.
C. 13. Crosno, after lteing con
fined to his room for several days,
i. again able to be nt his office.
Miss Birdie Pradeson came over
from Salem Saturday evening and
returned home Tuesday morning.
Oca Uoeflein returned home Fri
day evening, after a several weeks'
visit with his grand parents , at
W. A. Lawrence, foreman of the
Schwab Printing Company, of Port'
land is visiting at the J. YV Harri
son ranch for a few days.
Miss Elina Waugh returned home
Tuesday evening from Albany where
nhe has lx-en upending the past sev
eral weeks with her father.
Elmer Ilorningof McGce's bridge
crew came over and spent Sunday
among old friends and scenes, re
turning Monday morning.
James Devine and Mrs. Mary
Collett came down from Portland
Saturday evening for a visit with
the hitter's sisters, Mesdames II. L.
Collins and Jack liradford.
It. N. Walters, the barber, has
purchased a 19-foot boat frame of
Pr. Iiurgess and will build a launch
lie will install a gas engine and, as
it is a speed model, Mr. 'Walters
expects to go sonic.
rri iy i mi it. i
ineiounn win prooa'iiy ne a
sino.otio in Toledo .this year.
S .iue of our people will go toev
port, others will go to Waldpoit,
and some will form picnic parties
and go to the woods.
Contractor John Ebby has been
putting rock on the road this wek,
beginning at William Prown's place
and working back toward town.
The rock is now spread as far as the
east side of (leorgo Pother's place.
John A. C. Xye, James W. Chaf
lin and Joseph T. Mustoe of Wald
port were in Toledo Tuesday mak
ing proof on their claims before
County, Clerk Ira Wade. These
gentlemen reside in the forest re
serve. The steamer Truant will run
excursions to Newport on the Fourth
as follows: Will leave Toledo for
Newport ut 7 n. m., 12:30 p. in,
and 7:30 p. in. Leave Newport
for Toledo, 10:00 a. m., and 0 p.
in., and immediately after the
daneo at night. Fare round trip,
75 cents. The steamer will also
run her regular excursion to New
port next Sunday, leaving Toledo
at 9 in the morning. Fare, 50c.
Operator Wanted.
Apply to the Lincoln County Tele
phone and Telegraph Co., Toledo.
Good wugee for right party.
A Startling Announcement, j
One of the most conclusive proofs
ns to advantage of the dairying in
dustry that we have eeen is in a re
cent article by Jas. E. Downing, of
the United States Department of
Agriculture. It is contained in the
following paragraph:
It has been ascertained that ap
proximately $8.35 worth of fertility
is removed from the soil with the
sale of every ton of wheat, while
with every ton of corn that is sold,
approximately $G.50 worth of fer
tility is lost to the soil ; but in the
case of dairying, where butter is
made and where all of the by pro
ducts are fed to the pigs and calves,
it is found that only 36 cents worth
of fertility is removed with each ton
of butler sold. The commercial
value of each ton of wheat at 75cts.
a bushel is approximately $24.75
The commercial value of a ton of
butter at 25 cents a pound isc$500.
For each 100 worth of wheat that
is sold from the soil $31.50 worth
of fertility is taken off the farm,
hut for every $100 worth of butter
that is sold only 7 cents worth of
fertility is removed from .the Boil.
House for Sale. s
In city limits, five minutes walk
from postoffico. Good house, 1 or
2 acres improved land, barn, chick
en house, orchard and small fruit;
easy to reach by rail or wagon.
Fifth house up the track south of
town. See Mrs. Rainiw.
Fishing Tackle
The Fishing Season is here and we have
just received the largest, the best and
most Complete Line of Fishing Tackle
ever brought to Lincoln County. If you
doubt us call and examine the Stock.
mmimni ! I
Socialist Picnic on the Fourth.
The day will be observed at
Thompson's grove, it. the southeast
pari of Toledo, on county road, by
those who desire a greater inde
pendence than was won from King
George. A Socialist speaker from
the state capitol will explain the
Everybody bring well-filled bas
kets and enjoy an old fashioned
picnic combined dinner. Icecream
and other delicacies will be found
on the ground.
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets gwitly stimulate the liver and
bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system, cure constipation
and hick headache. Sold by all dealers.
For that ga rden of yours good
old manure, delivered to any part
of the city. Toledo Livery Stables.
For Sale
Cord wood, perfectly dry, already
piled on the bank easy co load.
Call J. Mauoson, Winant, Or.
For Sale.
Full-blooded Whito Leghorn
chickens. Enquire of
B. S Kin'osley, Toledo, Or.
. .
Teaming & Hauling.
I am new prepared to do general
teaming and hauling.
John E. Crooks.
Newton & Nye
Pool, Billiards,
BowllngAlley, R
Candy, Cigar,
Fruits, Nuts,
Soft Drinks.
I M. N. A NDERSOX, Vvop.
For Sale
One Homestead Relinquishment
price $150.
One hundred acres timber and
farm land, houses and small orchard
some chittem etc." Price $1500.
Five acres near Toledo well im
proved orchard, clover field, two
c iws, chickens, one boat; every
thing goes. PriceSSOO.
Two lots in Toledo near Luthern
Church. Price- $2G0.
Call on or address
Sondre Ilomtvedt Jr.
Toledo Ore.
How delicious were the pies of boyhood.
No pies now erer taste so good. What's
changed V the pie-? No. Its you. You've
lost I he stronn, healthy slomnch, the
viyoroiiH liver, the active kidneys, the
n'Kiilar bowels of boyhood. Your di
gestion is poor nnd you blame the food.
What's needed? A complete toning up
by Klectrio Hitters of all organs of dilution--Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys,
IWwi-In Try them. They'JI restore
your boyhood appetite and appreciation
of food and fairly saturate your body
with new health, strength and vigor.
50c. at Toledo Drug Co.
. Read This
Then Think it
For -a Square Deal
in Farm lands, Tim
ber claims or Town
property in all parts
of Lincoln county,
rco NORTH, the
Real Estate Man at
Toledo, Oregon
J? K ... fA
Farmers desiring to
sell their Farms
will do well to call
and talk with
the Real Estate
Man, at Toledo,
C. G. NORTH, The Real Estate Man
Go to Toledo Stables
For good Driving Teams, Saddle and Pack Horses, Draying
and Job Work.
Toledo-Siletz Stage leaves Toledo postoffice at 8 a. m. daily,
except Sundays, returning same day at 4 p. m. Tare, $1.00..
Horses bought and sold.
Hay for sale.
Good, old manure for that garden, delivered to any part of
the city. .
Get busy now and do not forget your winter's wood. SI per
cord at the mill, delivery charges same as always. For long or
short wood, call up C. G. North, Toledo Livery Barn.
C. G. NORTH, Proprietor.
Have an up-to-date and complete
set of Abstracts of Lincoln County.
Law, Real Kstate and
The World's Standard 2-Cycle Motor
The engine should be the
deciding factor in choosing a
motor boat. On it depends
your satisfaction in motor
boating. The Ferro has pro
ven its efficiency, durability
and operating reliability under
all conditions and in all kinds
of boats for pleasure work and speed. '
The Ferro leads the marine industry by reason of its advanced design
high grade materials and skilled workmanship. There are 20,000 Ferro
in use. Buy a Ferro and be convinced.
Made in 10 Sizes 3 to 25 H. P., Jump Spark Ignition.
6 Sizes 4 to 15. H. P., Make and Break Ignition.
Awarded 3 Gold Medals at Alaska-Yukon Exposition.
Eides Wanted.
Cash paid for hides at the Toledo
Tannery. We pay as much as any
body in town. Toledo Tannery.
Teething children have more or less
diarrhoea, which enn be controlled by
eiving Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. AH that Is
necessary la lo give the prescribed dose
after each operation of the bowels more
than natural and then castor oil to
cleanse the system. Sold by all dealers
Poreness of the muscles, whether in
duced by violont exorcise or injury, is
qniekly relieved by the free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini
ment is equally valuable for mnsuular
rheumatism, aud always affords quick
relief. Sold bv all dealers.
For Sale
Speckled Guinea Eggs for sale,
$1 25 for fifteen. L. F. Tepin,
j Chit wood, Oregon.
! In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
! ' (or Lincoln Countv.
j In Ibo matter of granting a license to Mil
spirituous, malt or viuona liquors, or fer-
metited e'.der, commonly known an hard
elder, in Yaquina precinct, Lincoln Couuty,
To the County Court of Lincoln County. Ore
gon, sitting lor the translation of Coun'y busl
ines", we your ve'ltloners do respectfully petl-
tion Hiid Court (o grant a license to Edward
Wndo, to sell spirituous, mult, or vinous liqu
ors or fermented cider, commonly known as
j hard cider, at Yaquina City, In Yaquina Pre-
clnel In Lincoln County Oregon, In manner
aud form as by law provided, for a period of
one year.
That we and each of ua are legal voters nnd
actual residents of said precinct nnd we have
actually resided in said precinct for more
than no days prior to data of this petition.
Names Kami's
W K llanlon JAShermer.
WESmilh ME Conger
S J Shermcr II J Shertncr
Wm U Hack us Thomas Pavey
V D Boonu John Vlgara
Rocco Detllo James Craig
lien Johnson Ira A Miller
A Hope W Llnderraan
Win Arnold A Ilaberniau
E Meuker O Middlckauff
Tim Dowling Karl Knudson
Thos Brow n John Ackrat
Wm E Smith W E Smith
J Martin I McDonald
Chas A Rldgeway
And notice Is hereby given that on Wednes
day, the sixth day of July, 1910, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m. thereof I will make applica
tion to the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Lincoln County, at the County Court
room in the County Court houBe at Toledo, in
said County nnd State, for a license to sell
spirituous, malt or vinous liquors, or fermen
ted cider, commonly known as hard cider, at
Yaquina City In Yaquina predinct l-.i said
county aud State, for a period of one year
from the 17 A day of July, 1910.
Dated thlB 31 day of May, A. D. 1910. '
Edward Wade.
U. S, I.andOnice, Koseburg, Oregon. ,
April 28th. 11110.
Notice Is horoby given that Hartzell Chance,
of Tidewater, Oregon, who, on August 9, 1904,
made Homestead Entry No. 13711, for Lot 3
Rection 8, township 14 south, range 9 west,
Willamette Meridian, has died notice of in
tention to make final live year proof, to
"Biablish claim to tho land above described,
before Ira Wade, County Clerk, Lincoln
County, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 10th day
of July, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Oglesby, Charles Cams, Henry Boy
son and Ecklny Heals al". o Alsea, Oregon.
Benjamin F. Jones, Register.
For Sale
One span of colts, three and four
year old, $250. AIbo homestead
relinquishment, $300. Enquire
-J. A. CunRY, Nashville, Or.
The busiest little things ever made
are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every
pill is a sugar-coated globule of health,
that changes weakness into strength,
languor Into energy, brain fag into
mental power; curing Constipation,
Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria.
25o. at Toledo Drug Co.