Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 24, 1910, Image 1

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mttip MMer.
News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Hustling Associate Editors
Sidney J. Myers of Woodville.
Southern Oregon, has been looking
at Borne of the ranches around
Waldport with a view of buying.
The Wilhelmina brought in a
good lot of merchandise and house
hold goods last week.
George Woodeum went to New
port on the 16th to look after some
business for the Damascus Cream
ery. W. H. Doyle is building a new
house on his ranch above town.
All the dimension lumber has been
dressed out by hand.
J. S. Thompson, father in law of
Doctor Lintor', is doing considerable
work on his homestead just north
of Lutgens.
Christen Jensen is putting a new
fence around his property near the
The Alsea House is for sale.
Several parties have been looking
over the hotel proposition and it is
probable a sale will be made soon.
Crabbers are doing . well on the
bay this season. Catches of 200
crabs' per boat have been reported
Mr3. M. J. Tyler had a Ecriotis
fall last wee and has been confined
to her bed ever Bince. She was
milking a cow which was so ex
cited over her calf that Mrs. Tyler
was thrown heavily to the ground
and her hip dislocated. Dr. Linton
was called in to set the limb.
The annual school election was
held as usual and Marion Lebow was
elected as director for two years;
J. II. Glines, for three years, and
E. E. Everson was elected clerk for
one year. The district voted a
special tax of five mills and to
extend the school year for the full
nine months.
camped at the mouth of the creek.
W. W. Moore expects to locate
among us in the near future.
Silas Howell went to town last
week and while in Waldport his
team tried to take a short turn and
broke one of the wheels. He had
to borrow a rig to get home.
School elections were held Mon
day. On the upper Yachats Mr.
Ackerson was elected director for
three years and J. E. Edgar was
elected clerk for one year. At the
Ocean View district Mr. and Mrs.
V. G. Reynolds was again elected
as director and clerk.
now. They will take her to the
Portland Sanitarium soon.
Lower Farm
Plenty of rain now.
School meeting passed off quietly;
none of the West Side people being
present. Mr. Brasfield was elected
director to succeed Mr. Pumble.
George Miller and family spent
several days on the beach at Kern
ville last week, going down the
river by boat. Gus Babcock was
chief cook and dairyman during
their absence.
Frank and Caroline Potwora spent
Beveral days at Siletz last week.
Mr. Campbell of Wisconsin, who
owns a homestead here, visited at
Mr. Crawford's last week. He has
now returned to Wisconsin.
Jakie Johnson of Kernville, who
has been hauling lumber for Mr.
Kosydar, with his wife returned to
their home last week.
Everybody in these parts are
feasting on strawberries. This is
certainly a fine country for this
lucious fruit and nearly everyone
has a patch.
There seems to be talk of a Fourth
of July celebration at Siletx. Some
talk of going to Newport for that
Mrs. Will Wann of Waldport is
visiting at the Yachats.
A new Bchoolhouse will be built
near the Hosford place.
B. Doyle has been vUiting at the
home of J. P. Wolf.
William Berry and party are
As Salado has had no items foi a
nTz tiro? w? will try and write n
line or two.
D. B. Ramsdell is finishing the
work on the Gopher Creek moun
tain. This has been a long needed
road and has been the most expen
sive road in the district.
George Hodges is working his
crew on the Pioneer road near Elk
City. He will soon begin building
a barn for Mr. Ullman. The lum
ber is being hauled.
The Harlan ball team came down
and played the S. A. C. team a
return game Sunday, the score
being 10 to 9 in favor of Harlan.
This was the best game played on
Big Elk this season. Jim Hodges
umpired the game and there .was
nothing but good Words from either
Mrs. W. II. Daniel lias been very
ill but is improving.
Vance Kline of Eddyville wns
over to sec the ball gamo Sunday.
j Mr. Bockman is looking out a
! route for the road to his homestead
i on Beaver creek.
Miss Violet Randell went to To
ledo to get her teeth fixed the first
of the week.
Well, the annua'. Bchool election
is over and the air will not be so
blue till next June.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Daniel re
turned to the logging camp at Elk
City Monday.
We lnive no service at all on tho
telephone lines in these parts.
When will those big cedar poles we
have heard of be in?
The little rain we had last week
did lots of good.
S. T. Loudon has been hauling
lumber for M. S. Herring and G.
W. Crocker.
Dee Shirley sheared sheep for A.
J. Warnock and Mr. Damen last
A. J. Colby and wife of Indcpen-
: dence came over last Tuesday and
have been visiting their boii and
family, G. E. Colby, of this place.
Mr. Colby has returned home, but
Mrs. Colby will stay a while longer.
A large crowd went to Newport
Sunday on the excursion and all
report having had a good time.
Clifford Wakefield was over from
Nortons Wednesday.
J. G. Standard had a barn raising
Thursday. .Mr. Stanard is making
a fine big barn.
Mrs. W. Reynolds was over from
Wolf Creek Thursday.
P. O. Shirley and wife spent Sun
day with their son, O. D. Shirley.
. A. B. Hunt is getting along nicely
with his road work.
Rev. Quile held services at the
"Little Elk Schoolhouse" last Sun
day. A large crowd being piesont.
Wm. Wakefield has just got a
fine topped buggy.
I. Magee Went to Corvallis Mon
day. . .;
- Mr, Stitf, went to Portland . the
latter part of tho week,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips
arrived last week to visit their
daughter, Mrs. Carrie Parmele.
They intend to remain during tho
The steamer Oshkosh came in
over the bar Friday evening with a
cargo for the cannery and twenty
three tons for Merchant Bones.
G. S. Parmele & Sons have the
contract to build the fine school
house on Salmon River.
Mr. West and Lilbem Hardin
have been getting cheese boxes at
the Siletz sawmill.
Road Supervisor John Lloyd has
placed an order with the sawmill
company for 10,000 feet of bridge
School is now in full progress in
the Sijota district. Taught by an
elderly gentleman.
Mrs. Joseph Sijota has gone to
Portland to the hospital for treat
ment. Mrs. N..J. Parmele was near
death's door two days and one
night last week. She is some better
The recent rains have been a great
benefit to crops of all kinds in this
vicinity, and all the fanners now
wear a smiie.
J. A. Convert, Henry MoKenzie
and Sam Hill each brought a load
of lumber from Bay View Friday
'for the Grange Hall. Work will
begin on the hall immediately
Harry McKonncy of Upper Bea
ver is now making regular trips to
Bay View every Monday and . Fri-
! day, hauling cream to the creamery
station there.
W. E. Gwynn of Forest Grove is
! visiting his brother, R. R. Gwynn,
of tills place.
Mrs. Ryan and daughter, Mist)
Esther, of Grants Pass are visiting
the former's brother, G. B. Ryan.
Miss Hester Hill returned Sunday
from a short visit with friends at
Bay View.
At the school elect ion Monday the
Ona district reelected the same di
rectors and clerk. We understand
that some changes were mado in
the South Beaver district.
S. C. Denny made a trip to Ya
quina Tuesday hauling out twenty
gallons of cream for Mr. Hill and
bringing hack Mr. Hill's new hay
G. B. Ryan took a beef to Ya-
quina Tuesday.
Rev. Gwynn will hold services in
the Baptist church Sunday, June 2(1.
Upper Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Smithey nrc stop
ping at tho Raddant ranch a few
Superintendent K. C. Egbert
transacted business here Saturday.
The funeral of Clara Ella, the
infant daughter of L. E. Chapman
and wife, who died Monday even
ing, took place' Tuesday. The
sympathy of the community is ex
tended to the bereaved parents.
Dr. Clausius mado professional
calls in our vicinity Monday and
Mrs. George Cux was in the val
ley Sunday.
E. 8. Oakland and family were
visiting ot John Olson's on Drift
Creek Sunday.
Ray Barclay and Willie Helms
were in Bay View on business this
Milsie Snyder of Camas, Wash
ington, is spending a few days with
friends at Bay View.
Miss Hester Hill was a visitor at
Bay View and Waldport Saturday,
returning home Sunday night.
Walter Dodge and John Gnilliams
were in our midst Friday.
The people of Bay View are very
busy preparing for Children's Day,
July 3, at the selioolhouse. Every
one invited. Thero will be a basket
dinner and services all day. Come.
Mr. York and two sons returned
home on Drift Creek this week.
Frank Huntsiieker drove out a
band of, gouts Sunday that he pur
chased from Bert Everetts.
The men of Ona 1 muled lumber
for their new hall Wednesday.
Mabel Fleming and cousin of
Corvallis uro visiting friends at this
Jesso Linquist and wife arc visit
ing the hitter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oakland.
Mr. Leas passed through Buy
View Saturday with six fine Jersey
A.- M. Cook was a visitor tit Burt
Twoinbly's last Saturday.
For Sale.
A good cream separator cheap. .
J. F. Stkwaut.
' '
For Sale
Socialist Picnio on the Fourth.
The day will Iw observed at
Thompson's grove, in the southeast
part of Toledo, on county road, by
those who desire a greater inde
pendence than was won from King
George. A Socialist speaker from
the state capitol will explain the
Everybody bring well-filled bas
kets and enjoy an old fashioned
picnic combined dinner. Ice cream
and other delicacies will ho found
on the ground.
Bad Accident at Siletz.
The community in this village
were shocked last Sunday afternoon
when it was learned that the two
year old son of Mr. John Wain i a, n.
farmer in this vicinity, was burned
to death.
While Mr. Waitiia was burning
brush and stumps the little one
wandered too near the flames. In
stantly its clothes were on tire and
before help could arrive every vestige
was burned from its body. Dr.
Clausius was immediately sum
moned and did all that human skill
could do to relieve the intense suf
fering but all to no avail, and death
took place about two hours after
the accident.
The funeral obsequies were held
at the Methodist church on Monday
afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. W.
T. Peareo officiating. '
The sorrowing parents have the
sympathy of the entire community
in this their first sad bereave
ment - -4 ...
At the annual school meeting
which was held at the school house
Monday afternoon, J. F. Stewart
was elected director to succeed him
self and (!. B. Crosiio was re-elected
clerk. Tho matter of a location for
the new school building was next
taken up. Thero were four sites
offered, thus: Block 11 Stanton &
Nash's Add., 8800; Block 1 Gra
ham's 5th Add.,
Graham's 5th Adii
Graham's 5th Add., $!)00.
SlOO; Block 4
., free; Block 5
A rc-
Onc span of colts, three and four C('Hrf f hour was called to allow
year old, $250. Also homestead
reliuquishiuent, $100. Enquire
J. A. Otrimv, Nashville, Or.
Hides Wanted.
Cash paid for hides at the Toledo
Tannery. We pay as much ns any
body in town. Toledo Tannery.
For Sale
Cord wood, perfectly dry, already
piled on the bank easy to load.
Call J.Maikipon, Winant, Or.
For Sale.
Full-blooded White Leghorn
chickens. Enquire of
B. S Ki.ncjki.hy, Toledo, Or.
those present to inspect tho differ
ent locations offered. After the re
cess the matter was put to a vote
and block 11 Stanton it Nash's
Add. was chosen by a largo major
ity. Tho matter of choosing plans
for the new structure was left with
the directors. At tho present time
it is tho intention of tho directors
to build an eight room building
completing four of tho rooms at
once and tho other four as needed.
II. E. Peterson tho jeweler has
had his jewelery store repapered
and now has everything fixed up
spick and span.. His new line of
clocks and jewelery have arrived
For Sale making the largest stock ever shown
A good wagon complete outfit for; in tho cmnty. Anyone wishing a
wood hauling, $25, also good saddle I elock can surely bo suitod at his
or driving pony, $40. Address store.
J. Jensen, Toledo Ore.
For Sale
One Homestead Relinquishment
price $150.
Ono hundred acres timber and
farm land, houses and small orchard
some chittem etc. Price $1500.
Five acres near Toledo well im
proved orchard, clover field, two
o vs, chickens, one Ixuit; every
thing goes. Price $.800.
Two lots in Toledo near Luthcm
Church. Prico $200. ,
Call on or address
Sondre Bomtvedt Jr.
Toledo Ore".
C. A. Bump of Yaquina went to'
Gervais Wednesday morning to join
his wife who has been visiting at
that place tho past two weeks.
They expect to return homo next
Wo were in error last week when,
we said A. O. Hooker was having u
new fluo built in the post oflico
building, as this building is now
owned by Sehcnck & Wade.
Mrs. Henry Gannon returned
home Saturday evening from Port
land where she went as a delegate
to tho convention of the Eastern