Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 17, 1910, Image 1

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News of each 'Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
Claus Ludemann went to Newport
on business last week.
Marion Lebow and family are
at Cottage Grove.
Our Supervisor ha3 Leen having
some road work done on the south
side of Stouder block.
J. C. Webster, of the Sharpies
Cream Separator Company visited
Waldport last week and was much
impressed with this country.
Mrs. Henry Nice and daughters ! for M. A. Burton.
So far nothing has been seen of
the man that went out over Siletz
bar on the raft.
You bet, Mrs. Kemville, 4S0
pounds of butter on one trip by one
family is good. We are glad to
here that business is piosperinfr.
A. M. Royse came in Friday
with a load of freight for himself
and II. L. Frank.
Miss Margaret Muir is selling a
fine lot of strawberries.
Mr. McDonald is still working
attended the Ilose Festival at Port
land June 6th to Eleventh.
Christen Jensen has bought the
We hear there is some trouble
in collecting poll tax on Upper
Salmon River, but Supervisor
Brundridge place and will improve' McMillian will get it if law will col-
it wil'n the YHstv of iiiuvhig
place this fall.
to the lt
Mr. Burnsides of Bucll, Or., was
Dr. Berry, cf Newport, was down in on Salmon River this week,
on a hunting trip last week but wej II. T. Curl and sons have com
can give no account of the game pleted their job of clearing and wood
Ira Bray, of Ten Mile, was in
cutting for the West district school.
Hardin's cheese is first class.
town lust Saturday. Ira says the Neighlxrs, you had better try a
deer are plentiful in his locality this
summer and he expects a number
i)f Portland hunters to visit him at
the opening of the season.
Saw dust is being placed on some
of the worst places in our streets,
the sand is becoming very dry and
Capt. Johnnie Bones' schooner
got manned by a strong team with
j a load of supplies for his store this
G. S. Parmele got his hand in a
saw last week, but we are glad to
saw dust is a great improvement. hear (lilt ie not gct i)aty jmrt
A. C. Thissell has gone to the Uncle George, you had better look
Point Adams life saving station and out for circular saws have no respect
will have employment there for at for lingers.-
least three months. Dickens & Oviatt have a lot of
,m Dr. Linton and family mado a fine strawberries now and those re
trip to Tidewater The istered cows give fine cream. If
doctor has a fine launch and made you don't thin so call and sample
the trip in seventy minutes. j them.
Elmer Helms and family returned i n V ' " A ' i
from Toledo Saturday. Mr. Helms! KOCK UreeR
while returning from Anion Bones.
Mr. wolf and daughter, Lucy,
were in last week visiting friends
and Mr. Wolf's daughter, Mrs.
Lillie Bones.
Mr. Wick returned from Portland
a few days ago where he had been
to buy good.
J. W. Bones and daughter, Ella,
returned from the Valley. They
visited Mr. Bones mother who is 00
j years old the seventh of this month.
She is in poor health. Mr. Bones
iep"'rts that the steamer will come
in soon if they can get teams to
draythe goods to the wharf, as
there is a drayman's strike on in
C. S. Parmele returned with a
load oi goods from Wiilumina.
L. D. Wood and Mr. Ilemstreet
will take a fcow load of lumber
from the sawmill to, be used up the
Siletz river.
There are three school districts to
have new schoolhouses built this
Fall near here if people can decide
what they want and who they want
to build them.
Anion Bones has been quite sick
the past few days.
Mrs. Bessie Farrin is sick and
thinks she will have to go to Port
land for treatment.
Mrs. Hardin's many friends arc
glad to hear she is some better.
She is at Mt. Tabor Sanitarium in
Bay View
Frank Briggs returned home from
Aberdeen for a visit with friends
and parent.-.
Mr. Kollo and family have rented
gin work on the first of July.
Mrs. James Harrison is not so
well this week. Dr. Linton came
up Monday from Waldport.
Work on the government school
and dwelling has commerced, under
the supervison of Contractor Daly.
Homesteader Gray was down
Tuesday in search of a beast of bur
den to do his packing.
E. T. Raddant was a Portland
visitor last week.
Mr. Hays of Corvallis was in
looking over a homestead claim.
Ike Rippin and wife are now
tenting near the Toledo-Siletz road
where the former is employed.
William Martin and Iloxio Sim
mons returned from a few days in
. Dr Clausius w. s a caller at differ
ent homes in our community last
Scott Lane of Siletz was a county
seat visitor Tuesday.
Workmen are putting a new roof
on the Methodist church in this
city week.
W. II. Conihear, contractor, has
just completed a five-room dwelling
for A. D. Perkins in the south end
of town.
Several Masons from Chit wood,
Toledo, 6; Elk City, 5
The base ball game last Sunday
was one of those long to be remem
liered kind, and makes a person
want to go again. The Elk City
and Toledo Iwya were full of ginger
and into the game all the time. Up
to the fourth inning no score was
made by either side. But during
the fourth Elk City managed to get
a man around the sacks and in the
fifth they ran in three more. Tho
sixth inning Toledo got busy and
run in three giving Elk City another
score also. This ended the scoring
for Elk City as Toledo handed them
three more goose eggs in succession.
In tho seventh inning Toledo made
another score and in the ninth two
more, thus making a score of, Elk
City a, Toledo C. ILnry Howell
umpired the game. Lineup :
Elk City Toledo
Graves c A Goodell
Parks p James
Cook 1st Sturdevant
Simpson 2d J Goodell
Davis 3d Mooro
Enos ss Rosa
Rochester If AndroS.s
Ramsdell cf -Plank
Dalalta if Akin
Tho game at Newport between
Waldport and Newport resulted in
a score of 17 to 1 in favor of New
port. This was Waldport's first
game of the season and will prob-
Elk City and other places attended ably make a better showing later.
the meeting of the Masonic lodge
here last Monday night.
Next Sunday Newport and To
ledo cross bats on the Newport
The Wilhlmina came in from : diamond and Elk City and Siletz
Portland Tuesday and discharged I P'y on the Toledo diamond. So
freight for merchants here and at,"11 J'"" have to da is to pay your
Siletz, returning down the bay later , money and take your choice, as both
went to Toledo to work in the mill! Mrs. Wm. Southwellis visiting' v V. rVPv'aha f,,r tl.P unmmm-
but on account of ill health was at Falls City
forced to return home. I Irs. g. j. Morrison and Grace
The Waldport boys went to New- Hampton have rei urned from a trip
Port Sunday to play baseball but to Portland.
were unable to put mqre than one! Mrs, F j Morrison and two
run over the. plate while the New- two children, of Toledo, are visiting
port boys were running the up score nt J. L. Morrison's,
to seventeen. I unA., ,.i.i ,.. ;.,,i
in our school house last Sunday,
with a membership of thirty.
H.L.Frank is buildine a new mere -will be preaching at the
furnace and overhauling Gardner's gcho1 housc evci-v Sunday t 1:30
sawmill. i P. M. and Sunday school at 2:30.
Mrs. Hardin is reported very low J Wnrren Wri8ht and wife, and
, -.. . , son Jay, have returned from Port-
Mrs. E. A McMille.i is very low janj
and will be taken to the hospital j
this week. She is under -the care'
of Miss Mary Lee, a trained nurse
of long standing and good
Tlin ffnlmrm T?itrfr rnnfla n io in
, . rr v in i ! Mr. and Mrs G. B. Hampton
good shape, as Harding and Gard-.
Mrs. G. II. Horsefall has been
sick for several dayt., but is conva
lescent. , ,
Mrs. Ilulba Baker of Pierre,
South Dakota is visiting her parents
ner came in with 2200 pounds each
with' two horses, and Parmele came
in with 3100 pounds of provisions
for Parmele' s store.
Mr. Gardner is considerably under
the weathei with stomach com
plaint and will go to the hospital
An unknown man was found on
the'beach by Frank Dick Thursday.
The body was without clothing;
measured 5 feet tyi inch high, 15
inches across the shoulders, and hair
all gone. Two bullet holes were
through his skull and one through
the arm. John Dickens, Fred
. Bulterfiled, William Dick and Scott
Muir buried him temporarily on the
beach and notified the county
coroner. It is evident by the bullet
holes in his head that foul play has
been done on the high seas some-
Our public school will close for
the summer on Friday, the 17th.
F. II. Schmidt has bought a new
cream separator.
A dead man was found on the
beach last Thursday about half way
between Siletz Bay and Salmon
river. He hadn't any clothes on
and there was no way to tell who he
was. He wa small and is thought
be a young man by his teeth.
CVS. Parmele goes to Newport
Wednesday aftes his brother in law
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Phillips, of Medford, Oregon.
' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson
is in our part of the county visiting
old friends.
Mrs. Durst and son, daughter,
daughter in law, and grand child
and Miss Laura Bones had an upset
Lillian Strake is visiting her bro
thers on Drift Creek.
Hester Hill is spending a few
days with friends on Drift Creek.
Emma Ilendrickson camo home
from Waldport Tuesday.
Mit Little and Albert Oakland
took a band of goats to Toledo for
Mr. Sagendorf on Monday.
Erma Twombly returned home
from Walhport Tuesday evening.
Cal Barnes is selling out his house
hold goods and stock and expects
to leave soon.
Mrs. A. Kirkland went to New
port last Thursday evening return
ing home on Friday.
L. C. Powell w;is in Bay View last
C. M. Collins was in Bayview
last week in the ii.terest of Mt. Ta
bor nursery.
While butchering a beef J. W.
Wiedvnan cut his hand quite severe-
Samp. Levins was a Newport
visitor last week.
James Harrison went to -Waldport
with a fine beef last Fridiiy.
C. R. Evens is working this week
on the Yachats road.
William Jorgensen is home this
week and expects to go to the valley
in a few days..
It is hard for us to pick up items
of interests in such a scattered com
munity. Willis Evcrson is also at work
hauling shell for the road.
Frank 0, Johnson has a contract
for carrying mail between Ocean
View and Waldport and will be-
in the evening.
Lewis Montgomery arrived Tues
day, evening to look after his saw
mill and timber interests here. He
was accompanied by Miss Morrell,
daughter of Engineer Merivll, at
the sawmill.
For Sale
A good wagon complete outfit for
wood hauling, 825, also good saddlo
or driving pony, $10. Address
J. Jensen, Toledo Ore.
All kinds of Loggers' shoes at T.
P. Fish's.
Sec those Base Ball shoes at
Now is the time to buy fruit jars
R. S. Van Cleve.
(let the Iladit, and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
Shoes of very size, pattern and
quality at Fish's store. See this
lino before buying those school
For Sale.
80 acres land i mile from Nor
tons. Small house and some
fencing, about forty acres bench
,and bottom land, county road on
place, price $1200, half cash balance
at six per cent. Enquire of
E. II. Vader, Edilyville, Oregon.
For Sale
Cord wood, perfectly dry, already
piled on the bank easy co load.
Call J. Mauoson, Winant, Or.
Special Sale
Ten days' sale beginning June
20i.h, on boots, shoes, drygoods, etc.
to make room for new goods.
E. II. Vader, Eldyvillc, Oregon.
Hides Wanted.
Cash paid for hides at tho Toledo
Tannery. We pay as much as any
body in town. Toledo Tannery.
promise to be interesting games.
Hugh Corigan went to Portland
Saturday morning.
J. O. Smith the tanner went to
Portland Monday on business.
C. G. North the real estate man
went to Portland Monday morning.
Road Boss Wm. Mackey camo
over from Siletz to spend Sunday.
Miss Winona Hooker went to
Portland Monday morning for an
extended visit with her sisters.
Con Christiansen went to Salem
last Friday morning to consult an
ear specialist regarding his hearing.
Cleve Fish came over from Philo
math on the excursion Sunday and
spent tho day with relatives and
friends here.
Game Warden James Catena,
after spending several days here, re
turned Saturday evening to his
homo at Ona.
County Surveyor Z. M. Derrick
returned Saturday morning from a
surveying expedition into the South
end of the county.
Dr. It. D. Burgess and daughter,
Miss Elsie, went to Corvallis Mon
day morning to be in attendance at
the celebration Tuesday.
GcorgJ Mitty left on tho excur
sion Sunday for Salem and other
Valley points. He will make a
trip into California before' returning
to Toledo.
J. J. Gaithcr went to Portland
Monday morning as a delegate to
the Masonic doin's. He will visit
with his father and brother at Kal
ama, Washington before returning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Phillips went
to Newport last Monday evening,
and will go on to Devils Lake,
where they will reside during tho
Summer at least. They were ac
companied by Miss Muir,
.-Mr- vr