UP-TO-DATE See Stanton & Gillette Toledo . Oregon vALTHAM WATCH tsN. Watches, Clocks, Jewelery and Silverware Greatest Assortment of every des cription ever seen in Lincoln County A Beautiful Line of Spectacles and ye Glasses Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty (Thirty Year'i Experience) H. E. PETERSON, Walchmnker, Jeweler and Optician TOLEDO, QREUOX Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS Dentists Mutual l'h"iie, both otlie No. Ml" NEWPORT ami TOLEDO. At TOLEDO Friday At WAI.DPORT Thnifdnv noon to Saturday. Our Motto" A Pleased Patient our Rest Advertiser. Lnu e shoulder is Hniost invariably caused bv rheumatism of ihe muscle mid yields quickly to tlio free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. This Liiiimetit is Lot only prompt mid ITeclual, but in no wsiy dissanretable t use Sold by All Dealers. T O L E 1) O o R K G 0 N Toledo Meat Co. Paine & Gorke. Props! All kinds of fresn dtid cured Meals, Bacon and Lard Highest price for Hides and Pelts Fish and Oysters in Season A WOMAN'S GREAT IDEA is to nvike herself h( tractive. But without health it is hard for her to be lovely in the face, furm or tompir. A w ilk siek'y woman will be in rvous ami irritable. Constipation and Kid ney prisons show in piriplea, blotches a-i I a wretdied complexion. B t hVoetrie Bitters always prove a god send to women who want health, beauty ii. I friends. They regulate Stomach, L'vei and Kidneys, purify the Mood; (.ive s rong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c. al. To'edo Drmr Co. ADMINISTRAKOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby glvon that th.i undersigned administrator ot the estate of Bertha WUbiT, deceived, will by vMuo of an order of sale, duly made and entered of record of the Coun ty Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 2d. dn of May, 1910, authorizing and licensing t!io undersigned administrator to sell a lirt of the real estate belonging to said estate. In pursuance thereof I will on and after Saturday the 18th day ol June, 1910, at ten o'clock a. in. of said day In Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, otler for sale at private sale to the highest bid der.nll thu folloiviug described real property belonging to said estate lo-wit: The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter mid the sonthoastquartor of the south quartet of section thirty five In township nine south of range nine west of the Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln County. Oregon. Ter:r.s of salo cash In lmnu. Dated nl Toledo, Oregon, May loth, 1810. 0. It. .McCl.UttKEY, Admlnlstrntorofthe estate of Hertha Wil bur, deceased. Chambei Iain's t tomach and Liver Tablets will brace tip lue nerves, banish si k headache, prevent dispondency and invigorate the whole system. Sold by All Dealers. That Basket Dinner The services and basket dinner given at the Harlan schoolhouse last Sunday were well attended. Rev. Brown preached both in the forenoon and afternoon and every body enjoyed his sermons very much. The dinner, however, had to be served indoors on account of the weather, but the ladies brought their baskets along and the board was well filled with all kinds of good things from roast goose to palatable pies and cakes. J. F. Stewart went to Portland Wednesday. Sheriff Ross went to Portland this morning. Miss Lena Ball is reported on the sick list this week. Mrs. Wni. Scarth was a Valley ward passenger this morning. The Fir and Spruce sawmill started the planers this week. Mrs. Hans Larson and children visited at Pioneer the first of the week. F. M. Stanton returned the first Rev. Brown intends to preach of the week from a visit at Philo- here again the first Sunday of next month, and, it is hoped, will 1 with us the.Fouith to help cele Roy Bryant, a former Toledo boy, was married May 25 to Miss Monah Mae dough of Salem. Jersey Bull Three year old Jersey bull for sale, or will trade for a good cow. Archie Pepin, Toledo, Oregon. Farm for Sale. 168 acres bench hind, good soil, well fenced, over 200 fruit trcc.3 J Bl math. D. B. Ramsdell and A. W. Rams dell were down from Big Elk Tues day evening. A crowd of about 15 ladies came up from Newport Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs. Samuel Center. Commissioner John Kentta li,as been over from Siletz several days this week, in the interest of road WOTK. 'Mayor R. A. Bensell of Newport passed through- to the Rose City last Tuesday morning to see the rose l V f a ( X '' J 0i i . No Man is Stronger ' () Jt IIGUI J.J.IO 1 (UL Cf A strong man ii strong all over. No man can be , . strong wbo is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease to-- ot the stomach and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should uaa Dp. Pierce' a Golden Medical , Discovery. It cure diseases of the stomach and other organs ot digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, Invltorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as substitute for this non alcoholic medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. . 4 r 1 r-i . . , si ,- i . j , 4 si .-1 1 New Goo good springs of water, good house and barn, also cow sheds, 2 miles from railroad station. Address Titit KnimciiAxov, Chit wood, Oregon. Mrs. A. W. Morgan and Miss Mary Ewing went to Portland yes terday morning to visit the Rose Carnival. The young friends of Miss Lela My line is now COMPLETE I want to buy a cow just fresh o r i Bartholomew met at her home last which will be fresh within a' week j Saturday tvening in honor and gives at least G gallons of rich ! eighteenth birthday. A milk per day. Apply to J. Margson Winant Ore. Feminaid. A remedy truly the woman's friend, fully guaranteed. Ladies ask about it. Also if you are troubled with cczema,see Mrs. Fremery. Toledo, Ore. of her HM'St a very pi mawid.LaassaaBamaaaasmaasassD Oecftri Succeed when everything els fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they -are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sok' over a druggist's counter. NOTICK FOIt ITBLK'ATION" 0. S. Lund Ollice, Uoseburg, Oregon. . (tt4Mfi) May 10, l'JIC. Notice Is hereby given that John A. C Nye, of Tidewater, Oregon, who, on July 81, lWifl made homestead application No. 141'.''J. w i-IhI No. Otolfi, for' sv. ec 8 and n4 nw'i. jeetiou 17 township 14 i.outh, range in west, i Willamette Meridian, has filed nolioo of intention to mnke final (ive year proof, to establish claim' to the land above described, before Ira Wade, County Cleric, of Lincoln County, Oregon at Toledo, Orojj"'', on the 2Sth day of Jnne, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph T. Mustns, James W. Chaftln, Fred R.ibnett,and Levi H.Canin nil ot Tidewater, Oregon. Benjamin K. Jonfs, Register CONTKST NOTICE. 0-S93 U. S. Land Office at Portland, Owgon, May 7th. 1910. A suftlclent contest affidavit havimt been filed in this offlco by ("arl W. Buchner, contes tant, against hnmestetid eulrv No. 089.1, made January 19th, 1909, fur the M lie) and nw sa'4, ecllou 17, township 10 south range 9 w., by Owen D. C. I'oi kIiis, Contestee, in which It Is alleged that said Owen D. C. Perkins has never erected a house or cabin on said land either before or after making skM homestead entry; that tho saUfentrymaii lias never lived on or made any improvement! on said land since the date of said entry to the present time; but has wholly abandoned said land from the date of said entry to the present time and has never cleared or caused to be cleared any part of said laud ; that said alleged absen ce from tho said laud was not due to his em ployment In the Army Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier ofll cer, seaman or murine, during any war iu which the United States might have been en gaged; said parties arc) hereby nntilled to ap pear, respond an otter evidence touching Said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m.on June .tllh, 1910, before the County clerk of Lincoln Coun ty, Oregon, at his ollice in Toledo, Oregon, and that tl mil bearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 7th, 1910. before tho lie gUter and Receiver at the United States Land Ollice in I'ortland, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, tiled May 7th, 1910, set forth facts which show that alter dm diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it Is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by tii nid proper publication, Chas. 11. Merrick, Koglster. J. C. AKUittv, Receiver. merry time was had until late hour. . Elk City ami Toledo will play ball here next Sunday. - Our In y now have their pretty, new uniforms and Elk City surely can't go up against them and win. Everybody come out and see the buys win dressed in their nice red clothes. Ted McElvvain has resigned the ollice as Marshal and J. II. Turnidgo was appointed", taking charge of the office Wednesday. Mr, MtElwain went to Poitland yesterday mor ning, where he will soon move his family a,.d make their future home, until they get homesick again for Toledo. The Circle committee entertained about thirty guests at their whist party last Friday evening. Mis. j Arnold won the prize for the most ! panics won, while R. A Arnold and C. E. Hawkins shared the booby together. The committee served strawberries and cream and bread and butter. II. F. Nulto'n, recently of Taco nia, Washington, has opened up a store in the building recently occu pied by Win. Costello. At present Mr. N niton has a line of groceries, but has a full line of 10 and 15 cent articles coming which will lie hero in two or three weeks. The store will bo known as the Toledo Racket. Mr. Nulton is no novice, at the business, having conducted stores in both the state of Washington and and IiOiiisiana.' These 10 and 15 cent stores are Incoming very pop ular other places anil we can see no reason, why oti, should not be a success here. . SOKE NIPPLES Any mother who bus had experience with this distressing' ailment 'will be pleased lo know that a cure may be effected by applying Chitnberlain's Salve as soon ts the child is do? e nurstng. Wipe it off with' a damp cloth before allowing the babe to nuts' , Many ruined nurses use this halve with the best results. For salo by All Dealers. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ollice, Portland, Oregon, June 4th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that James Stilt, of Kdilyvtlle, Oregon, who, on December 7lh, '.K)8, made homestead Kntry, Serial No. 0777, for nt$ of sw'i, sw'4 of Section 2S, town ship 10 south, range 9 west, Wlllametto Meri dian, has filed notice of Intention to make II li st commutation proof, to establish claim to the kind above described, bofore (he County C lerk of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 11th dny of July 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Alcx Warnock, Nortom Or; M. I). Weltln and John Veitof KddyAllle,, Or.; A. J, Bartholo mew, Chltwuod, Oregon. All new and up to the B MINUTE STYLES S 9 : : jjj A bigger line than ever g m g J. 5. Akin 1 INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOR SALE AT SILETZ, OREGON Sealed bids will be received for tho follow lug lfll noon. Juno -J7, lulu" wr,09 "IT Ma'Kk Malde Klama'h, !5 se'i nw'sec. 10 11) 9 20. u R Jiiolt Martha John-m. s-s no'i ee. .. Mildred Solomon J l'Cahill.ct al, n'isw'i.sec. 10 10 1! 80 ' Kllzabeth Cahill W m M tt hite.etal, ei ne'f sot-3 and swl' nw'4 sec. 2-10.9.... so Chester M White Win M White, et al, Be'4 se'.; see. Sand awV swti sec. 2-10-9 81) Abrani L Whim H '.nry itell, w)J w'4' nw'4 sec. and e'.j c'ij ie'-j sec f 10 9 MM Chester Hell Melindn Lxgs.lon.e: al. !.; nw uml mjj ito' see 2-10-9 ' M James White M-linda.I.og.den.ctal. nv,' sw and Lots 20 and 23 tee 2-10-9 so Redo White Melinda Logsdcn, et nl. ne'j nw-and nw' and no.'4 sec2-10 9 Mi 17 Clarluda White Melinda Logsdmi, ot al,c! ue'i sue 2 10 9. 82 1.1 Paul White Joseph O llriggs. Lots 2ii and 27 sec jil and Lots ft and 7 sec 8511 ... 80 Alice Saunders Mary Washington, ff lie's, sec 11-10-10 80 Mary Washington Kliza Albert, s'ij m'i ui!4'. ne' set j and n'i se' u sec 22-9-9 8;) Kll Ross Kliza Albert, s'jsw ne1;, nw'ise,'4' and n', sw; se'.4 sec 22-9-9. . .. 80 . Charles Sheridan Joshua Tom, ctal. nijj iie'i and Lot I sec 21-8 11 89 8,'i Mary Tom Susan Marsliell, sw;4' sw'4', w! se1 nw'4 sec 20 and Lots K and 8ti ""("-'7-1'-"1 80 07 William Lang Nellie Johnson, ut al, Lots 1 and 2 sec 2.1-9-9 - 13 29 Kdna Johnson James Warner, Lots 9, 10 and 11 sec II and Lot 10 Sec 10-7-11 80 Catherine Shelly Nellie Johnson, s'j sw-'j' sec 21-9-9 80 N11IM0 Johnson Mollie Iiollis Lots 12 and l:lscc2 711 82 45 Mary Logan Jane Yanner, Lots lo and 11 see 2-7-11 '. 40 Jane Fester Joseph Lincoln, ne)4 anl sel; and lotSsec 82-8 11 87 19 Joseph Lincoln Susan Puller, Lots 25, 20, 27 and 28 see 25-6-U 80 Husan fuller Charles Sutton, s'ise'i Bee 0-10 9 80 Charles Stilton Frances Sutton, s'a' sw!i sec 5-10-9 80 ' Frances Sutton Solomon Seoit, s'j siv'i sec 2u 9-10 80 Solomon Scot; Lena Itinpln, s".; Lot 15, l.ni Is, and wjj'se'j' ve sec 5 and w. Lot iarjdn.v';i,,tS.,MI()9 8012 Lena Rlppin Nellie Lane, n'a s), and s'lj uj ne; se 22-9-9 80 Nellie Johnson Dick Cook, mv' j nw1; son SS and swj4 swli sec :il-9-9 CO John Tecumseh Mek Cook, Kiso'4 sec 27-9-11 ; 80 Anna Teciimseli John Albert, n1 niv' sec "C-10 11 90 Ona Albert" John Orton, Lots 1,2 and 3 see JO-10-10 72 71 John Orton- Roliert Dcpou. et al, ne' nw.'i. e' nw'i iiw,' and Lot 2 sec 20-8.10.. 08 10 Stella Selslg Robert Depoe, etal, Ijit 4 sec 6-9-11 40(15 Charles Depoe Robert Depoe, el al, Lot 3 sec ft 9-11 48 20 Minnie Depoe Major l.iidson, s;a' v4 seo 28 8-11 80 Ralph Lildsou Joseph (lay, Lots 2,3, 4,5 and 6 sec 11-7-11 8150 Cella (Jay John Kelsay.sw) so'i sec 16 1010 41) John Kulsay Mrs Julia Moggluson, self sw'4 seo 1(1 and Lot 8 seo 21-10 11 73 10 MraJ Mcgglnsou Sara A line Wood, ij ne.'4 sec II-10-10 lj lug south of Siletz River,... f,5 Sara Anne Wood Nellio Duiuont, ej sj1,' and e'.jj ne'4 sec 11-27 3 loo Frank i'alous Susan Laehnnre uoJi se!.; and wUj s!4 so.1 4 sec 33-5 8 00 Susan Luchanee Mary Taylor.ct al, w1 so1 sec 31-6-8 80 Rosa Dowd John Dowd, ct ill, se'4 m see 31 nud w'i 82-5-8 200 Julia Dowd Charlotte Riggs, cj se' ne.'4, sec 15. and ni se'i seo lfl-0-8 UH) . Charlotte Rlggs I.altose Wluslow, iie'.4 ne',4 sec 2 0 8 and 11 swj-i sec 85-5-8 120 85 Laliose Wlnslow Polly Specr, 11 nw'4 see 18-11-7 79 05 Reuben Long Richard Hall, nw'4 awtf sec 10 and nla' so!; sec 9-0-8 120 Richard Hall Killoar Amos, iiw'4 nw;4 see ill-8-8 40 Killear Amoa Julia Warren, w.'i sw1 se'4 sec 12-0-8 SO Cella Smith Louise Selkenh, wjsw'i'so'i'kec 35-6-8 20 1'oter Sllkeah Viola Norwest, e'i iu04 see 31 5-8 80 Melvauie Norwest William Ilarlless, e' uw'i swj4' sec 12 and uw'i ne'4 stfi U-6-8 60 William Harlow Clu ra Jonrnan, et al, c$ nw, swj and no'4 sw and wjj nw; soi sen 14 0 8 80 Alexander Day Mary Stewart, et il. w1 ne1 110)4; see 11 and e1; ei nw.'4 sec 12-0-8 to Thomas Churchill 1'etcr McKye, seJi se) sec 15 and iu)i ne'4 sec 22-0-8 80 Busau 1'ony Josephine Shirley, el al, e'i ne1,', 11'.; nu'4 ae4 sec 6 and sw'4 no'4 Bec82 5 7 MO Thomas Gilbert 'Josephine Shirley, et al, eU nw'.i and wj ::e'4 see 5 and e) no!4 nwl4 and vi'i nw4 ne'4 sue 32 6-7 , .- 199 58 John T Kelly Josephine Shirley, el al, w'j nw)4 see sec 5 6-7 80 Finest Kully Ola Joiinson, s'.jj sw'4 soc 32-9-9 80 Ola Johnson Annie Morris Lots 18, lr, 80 and 81 sec 9-10-10 80 ' John Johnson Shem Lafayette, Lots II, 12, 14 and 10 seo 20 0-10 05 02 Shorn Lafayette Agnes Nowberry, ct al, sol-4 '4 (Lots 27 and 28) and Lola 21 and 12seo2U-9-9..., 80 Adella Harm y Abblo John , ct al', Lots II and 0 Sec 9-10-9 80 80 Mary Wilson Allert Reed, et al Lots 10 and 7 see 9-10 9 80 80 Mliinls Wilson Alice Johnson, et al. vt 1111)4 ne'4 ue)4 nw)4 and It I seo 25-8-11 82 03 Frank McDonald Ida Thomas, Lots 0, 7 and 8 sco 21-8-11 77 65 MarY Mo' Oil aid John Spencer w1 sw4 nw'4 sea 4 se'4 ne'4 lllul l ot 2 sec 6 10-11... 83 03 Catherine Spoucer Thomas Jnekson, et al, w'i sw)4 uw)4 s- c 38 and se',4 and Lol2suo32.8-il 85 78; Andrew Jackson i'aienta aud deeds will contain tho following clatiwe : "And there is re served from the lands hereby granted u right of way thkreon for ditches or Canals constructed by authority of ihe United States." Sealed bids will be received tip to 12 o'clock, noon, of thu various days upon which they are listed to bo opened iu above schedule, and must be directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregou. Knvelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description of the lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon whioli the bid is to be i pened. Enclose ccrtilled check for at least 25 per cent, of your bid. Checks should be drawn payable to the ordor of KNOTT C. EGBERT, Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, iu Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon.