SMITH PAYS 18c TOR GOOD, LIVE FAT HENS 6HIP SMITH YOUR VEAL omr DMim iuuk FORK SHIP SMITH TOUR EGGS W. can uh unlimited quantities of all kinds of Dressed Meats, Poultry and Egg- Ship aa all you have. Wa never charae commis sion. Address all ahipmanta FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "FlfhUng the Beel Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Ui tb. Loop. Stranger How about those elevated caret Are they the pay-ag-you-enter kind, too? Suburban No; they're the pray-as-you-enter kind. Idaho. Minidoka Project, r. 8. Gorernnont lrri stei land. Adjoining famous Twin-Falls tract, ood climate, rich noil. ahundAnnA nf wat 1 uwvifinuniij in mil Dig, new country ior you, Mr. rirmw. Frultprower. Homeaeeuer. Buiinew Man or lnvtor. You need to know of thera rood thlna. It Is Our privilege to know the facts. I'l-fl aa to MDd thm. Address Will J. Jones. Hncretarr. aVatuers Derelopment Lexue. Herbura, Idaho. 1 COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER . f EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT' COSSET &DYH3 1 1 vi tvac. SICK WOMEN & Will Find Speedy Relief and -541 AbaohiU Cure by Uainc the sJ Wejust Treatment j (Bkaea bcslr. kales aanslr.) JCL It ia an honest reliable treatment used by physicians everywhere every day in all rases of inflammations, ulcers, dischargee, arreaTiilaritiea, newoua symptoms, etc ONE MONTH TREATMENT $1.00 At Dnursrtsts or Bant Direct Prepaid. WEJUST REMEDY CO. Forest Grove, Or. Ba'Tlremaatean. The person with the Van Dyke bear and the artistic temperament had dies' and gone to the abode of the blest "Well, what do you think of ltr thej asked him. "The scenery Is not bad," he answer ed, "but the muslo Is hopelessly crudl and archaic." Spring-Cleaning The Human System Needs It. Mrs. M. Morgan. 411 4th Ave, K Bralnerd, Minn., writes: "I take from one to two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla in the spring to purify the blood just as regularly as I do my house cleaning, and go around light-footed and light-hearted. I believe It Is the best blood purifier known." Hood's Sarsaparllla so combines the curative principles of roots, barks and herbs as to raise them to their highest efficiency; hence Its unequaled cures. Get it today In usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. Apologies to Mother Gooae. Old Mother Hubbard, She went to the cupboard. At always had been her habit. "I can't afford beef," She murmured, with arleft So she made her poor dog a Welsh rab bit Sarcaatlc. "Tou VIII admit that a court la necessity," said the judge. "Yes," answered the audacious at torney. "Hut I uuu'l like to be so fre quently reminded of the adage, "Neces sity knows no law.'" Washington Star. CHEAP INSURANCE FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison fa the most teliable and destructive agent yet devised (or the extermination of Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rata and Prairie Dogs. It is the cheapest insurance against their ravages. Every kernel is warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the sarth do not destroy its strength. Re quires NO MIXING OK PREPARATION. Is always ready for use. No other ia so good. Dealers will refund the purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. HovT Chemical Co., Portland. Oregon It's a Wrong Idea To suppose that Nature alone will correct any dis turbance of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Very often assistance is needed, and it is then you ought to take the Bitters. You'll find it Nature's best aid in cases of Poor Appetite, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cos tiveness, Biliousness and Malaria. Always insist on having PI in OSTETTER' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER SOMETHING FOB EVEETBODI FARMERS Fresh, just off the press, a book that tells If K How to Keep the Boy on the Farm. Free for the asking. Write now, postal card, before the supply is exhausted. R. REIERSON 182 Morrison St, Portland, Ongon Ml mm CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB (1.60 Her Dozen. KM Per Hundred. S40.00 Per Thousand Aprll-Mau Is the Tim to Plant Rhubarb ana Barry Plants J. B. WAGNER. The RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Pasadena, California f fK I y You no longer need wear your Ve KJ KJ EV III self out with the weakening ft-, mm - vfc heat of an intensely hot kitch Ii 1 1 O I L en. You can cook in comfort. Here is a stove that gives no OUf side heat. All its heat is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter than either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. All the heat is utilized in cooking none in outside heating. IOR Oil Cook-stove entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is pro jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there is no surrounding heat- no smell no smoke. Why? Because The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is scientifically and practically perfect. You cannot use too much wick it is automatically controlled. You get the maximum heat no smoke. The burner is simple. One wipe with a cloth cleans it conse quently there is no smell. The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is wonderful for year-round use, but especially in summer. Its heat oper ates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but not beyond or around. It ia useless for beating a room. It has a Cabinet Tap with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. It has long turquoise-Clue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 3 and 3 burners; the 1 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere! If not at yrmrt, write for JMscrlpUTaClrcuIar to tba nearest egeuoj otUat Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) M Cautionary Note: Be sure 11 S you set this etove aea H that the name-plate ft reada New Perfection." II The first record of Halley'a comet was B. C 210. Abandoned farms In New England are being used for tree cultivation. A ten-story building was built in New York City recently In forty-seven working days. The United States army, Including the military academy, cost $103,717. 000, and the navy $136,000,000. Vulapuk, one of the most preten tious attempts at a universal language, waa Introduced early in the '80s. The sale of dairy cheese In the New York wholesale market last year amounted to more than $3,000,000. Tea imports In 1909 amounted to $16,500,000, against $11,000,000 In 1889; coffee imports, $86,500,000, against $56,000,000 In 1889; and cocoa Imports, $14,000,000, against $6,000,000 in 1899. Insurance authorities tell us that it requires about 300,000 new houses ev ery year to supply our increase of population and 80,000 more to take the places of those that are destroyed by Are. There has been a big Increase In the production of salt in the United States In the last ten years. Close to 25,000,000 barrels were produced in this country last year, which was In excess of any such period previous. Unse. da U Uocto has wca an tir pilot's license from the French Aero Club by flying four times around the aviation course at Hellopolis, a total distance of twelve miles. She Is the first woman to gain this distinction. . It has been discovered by skillful observers that the average load of nectar carried to the hive by the bee is almost 8-10 of a grain, so that the collection of one pound of nectar re quires nearly 23,000 foraging excur sions. The United States is first with re gard to revenue derived from the tel egraphs, $29,000,000, while the Russian treasury benefits by $20,600,000, Great Britain drawing $15,800,000, Germany $8,600,000, and France $7,600,000 for the year. As regards the number of telegrams nandled for the year, Great Britain heads the list with nearly 94,000,000 messages, the United States coming next with 65,500,000. France stands third, with nearly $58,000,000, and Ger many fourth, with 62,000,000 messages. Mrs. Marllla M. Ricker, a lawyer and a leading suffragist In New Hamp shire, has telegraphed from Califor nia, where she Is spending the winter, that she will be a candidate for Gov ernor of New Hampshire on the suf frage platform. Mrs. Ricker is a na tive of New Hampshire, where her husband died in 1868. She went to Germany and France, where she studied the condition of women for more than two years. She returned to this country and put herself on rec ord as the first woman who ever at tempted to vote. For taxes out of the common one must turn back to the days of George III. For In the reign of that monarch one was almost forced to "die beyond one's means." The army and the navy were in urgent need of money and the chancellor was at his wits' end. He thought of the dead and gravely sug gested a tax on coffins. Which pro posal recalls the day when one could not be born without Involving a proud parent In a tax. A graduated tax. The birth of an eldest son, for Instance, cost a duke as much as 30, whereas a cottager was forced to pay only 2 shillings. To be born with a silver spoon in the mouth cost money In these days. London Chronicle. "Jn connection with 'humbug,' "bug bear and 'gold bug,' It may be ob served," says the London Chronicle, "that the last has probably no direct suggestion of 'terror' to the American mind. 'Bug Is freely used In Ameri ca for any kind of Insect. Our Eng lish word, however, is directly affili ated to the Celtic word, which meant a demon or bogey. It Is conjectured that when the objectionable insect be came acclimated here, which was not many centuries ago, the terror of its attacks earned it- its name. We get the 'bug In its old sense in Shakes peare This Warwick was a bug that feared us all" and 'the terror by night' is bugge by nyght' in old Bi bles." . Perhaps the greatest enthusiast the world over regarding cats is Mrs. W. Eamea Colburn, wife of a Chicago banker. Mrs. Colburn's blu ribbon cats alone number thirty-five, and she has a big collection of less patrician pussies which receive as much loving care. Each of the eighty-odd cats In her possession is known to Its mistress by name and pedigree, and each of them shows by its delighted "meows" and purrlngs It also recognizes Its ben efactress. For her prize cats Mrs. Col burn recently had built a modern stven-room house with every luxury known to architect and designer. It Is fitted up with specially made brass beds, richly hung with silken drap eries and lace curtains, each Just big enough to hold one of the blue-blooded creatures In comfort. And In every room Is a well-nigh inexhaustible sup Otr of thick, luscious cream Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if B any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. A We ?ubllali oar form a 1m m We ban. ill atleohol from our medioina.. Wo urga yon to oonauit your d oo tor iers Unless there is daily action of the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. t -.II. Mass. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00,$3.50,S4.00&S5.0O Union O lI afS kT O Boys' Shoes Had OnUCO t2.00Af2.6t W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other make, BECAUSE t W. T.. DmiKtaa .I.OD and 93.50 shoes are the lowest price, qimllty considered. In the world. W.L.Ooiiirlas 91.10 and shoes equal, in style, fit nnd wear, other inn Una coaling KO.tM) to WX.OO. Fast Color Cutlets. The ifrantne have W. I. rtonulas name sml prhw lainlieil on th Nittom. Tiike .n Nult.lltiite. Ask yonr iWler tor W.I.. Doiiulti. shops. If Miry are not for sale hi your (own write for Mailt inter Catalog, living full (lirei'tlons how to nrtlei hy mail. Hhoes ,nlered dlrei't from fa- tory ilellvere-t lo I he wearer til charge! prepaid. W. L. Douglas, llrockton, 11 af STEINWAY dnosher Sherman aj& Co. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES SIXTH AND MORRISON, OPP. POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, OREGON A Beautiful Book FREE This beautiful booklet, contalnlnc 75 splendid pho togravures of the world's most celebrated musicians, may be had free upon request, providing the follow ing; questions are answered. Wc will also (end free a copy of "Old favorite Sons s." Do you expect to buy a Piano?. When?. Name . . , Address , Ns5r "'0 PIPE REPAIRING Ofrrerr eVwriBO-mby anil. AMBER. BRIER sds MEERSCHAUM. Artuoal Csleriat. SIG SICHEL & CO. 92 Isirs Sties) rsrtlaal KASPARILLA This sterling household remedy has long been recognized as the best and lafest Blood Purifier, the most successful Prescription for spring humors and such isorders of the blood as boils, pimples, pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneoui :ruptions. Kasparilla is admitted to b Jie best remedy for that lack of energy tnd the peculiar debility so prevalent luring the close of winter and the openi n p )f spring. For derangements of the di gestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali nentary canal, gently imt persistently itimulating a healthy activity. Iti aeneficial influence extends, however, tc tvery portion of the system, aiding in th processes of digestion and assimilation ot bod, promoting a wholesome, natural tppetite. correcting sour stomach, bad Dreath, irregularities of the bowels, con itipation and the long list of trouble! iirectly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is s itrengthening tonic of the highest value. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Hoyt Chemicai, Co. Portland, Oregon mm allaasWsslsaalail I Hat. Cleaned A blocVrd BOc with Nrw Trimming! $1 Pan imul-Lailici StrtwHiti re modeled. 5c oottarc mailt youi wilt bat to ui. 315-17 Aldet J St. Portland, Oration. IS THE T BEST II of the year to htva your teutb out and plate and hridite work done. For out of-town patron wa finlih Alltc aa n a J bridge work In ona s dar If neoeaaarr. rnioEai Molir Crown. $5.00 mBr.dff6TeetIi3.50 Gold Filling.. 1.00 Enamel Filling 100 6llver Filling. .50 uoori Rubber Platei Beit Rubber Plttee 5.00 7.50 DL W.A.VV11E, PMtwirmMuun Faintest ExtrMlon .50 tl YlaM IfTUMNn M MtTUJW BUT METHODS Patnlftaa Extraction Froo when pi ate or briilue work la ordered. (JonaultatlonFroo. on cannot put better painleaa work anywhere, no natter how morn yon pay All work fully ruaranteed for fifteen year. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATED Painless Dentists Filling Building, Third 1 Washington, PORTLAND, OREGON omo. Bnrsi la, at. te a s. at. Sundays, te X FHU No. 18-10 w BEN writing to adrertlier please mention etna paper SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost isssssvssBtjJu U-. ii .an aa uasijsjiisasssaaaaaH. it: G? n rzD LJ L (ii nfllsiin. I I I u Gaaranteed nnder all Par. Food Laws Jaquea Mfg. Co. Chicago. M -aaaaaaaaaasaav OUNCES ay m l Uli .(I1 BAKING POWDER Stands for Quality Economy Purity In providing the family's meals,don't be satisfied with anything1 but the best. KCis guaranteed perfec tion at a moderate price. It makes everything better. Try and see. Perfect f or Monej back.