Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 13, 1910, Image 8

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The World's Standard 2-Cyde Motor
The engine Bhould be the
deciding factor in choosing a
motor boat. On it depends
your satisfaction in motor
boating. The Ferro has pro
ven its efficiency, durability
and operating reliability under
all conditions and in all kinds
of boats for pleasure work and speed..
The Ferro leads the marine industry by reason of its advanced design
high grade materials and skilled workmanship. There are 20,000 Ferro
in use. Buy a Ferro and be convinced.
Made in 10 Sizes 3 to 25 H. P., Jump Spark Ignition.
6 Sizes 4 to 15 H. P., Make and Break Ignition.
Awarded 3 Gold Medals at Alaska-Yukon Exposition.
Maurice Anderson came down
from Portland Saturday evening.
Brother Guile, of the Newport
Signal was transacting . business in
this citylast Saturday.
Mrs. J. L. Hyde went to Falls
City Saturday morning where she
will Bpend several months on a visit.
Married At Siletr, Oregon, May
3, Mr. Tom McDonald to Mrs. Me
linda Logsden, Rev. WV T. Pearce
Ole Amundson was in the city
Tuesday making proof on his home
stead. I. F. Hiser and John But
ler were his witnesses.
Mesdames A. T, and W. JC.
Peterson spent Sunday visiting with
friends at Newport, They returned
h:me Monday morning.
J5, Rorick of Harlan was in the
city the first, of the week, Mr,
Rorick has secured the position as
teacher in district No. 40, which h
down near Ona,
Mrs. Joseph Graham relumed
to her heme in KingH Valley.
She was accompanied by Miss
Elisabeth Graham, who will
make her homo with them for a
while, .
The steamer Truant had the mis
fortune to break her shaft last Sun
day which prevented her from
making (ho trip to Elk City. The
launch Oregon loaded von all the
passengers she could carry and went
in the 'Iruant's
Surveyor M, Wygant and crew
aro surveying for the Tojodo 'Wr
and Power company this week Tim
company is looking for njoro water,
While the gentlemen have an ample
supply foj the present demand, they
want to provide for the future
growth of the town,
Jame3 J. Hill Will Aid Ore
gon in its Development,
The visit of James J, JJUl and
party to Portland during the past
week has l)een of groat Nigniftcanoe,
Accompanied, by railroad officials,
!)uis Y, Hill has loft Portland to
make a tour of the state, JJe wiU
cross Centra! Oregon and pee for
himself what the tonnage possibil.
j ies of that gient region arei After
this trip, jt j9 expected that a dpfin
to announcement will be made as (a
the pxpected cast and west lines
across the stato,
Wlrtje.ln Portland,, Mr Hill
talked freely and his statements
mean much for Orvgon, Jle con-,
firmed hja purchase of the Oregon
Elect rip and. , United Railways, in.
terurban systems running out of
Portland, and says W will extend
them down the Willamette Valley,
He al eon firmed ids purchase of
the pacific t& Eastern but sold it vw
yet too rarly tp talk of a connecting
road clear across the state, The
Deschutes road will of civce go
abend na fast as possible, be said,
and besides al this raijroftd. activity
in this slate, Mr, Hill, propones to
do a grit deal jn wenrlng publicity
for Oregon throughout the East and
Middle AV'esU
Fishing Tackle
The Fishing Season is here and we have
jiist received the largest, the best and
most Complete Line of Fishing Tackle
ever brought to Lincoln County. If you
doubt us call and examine the Stock.
The Steamer Truant brought alxmt
twenty five Newport people up to
the dance Saturday night. On the
return trip about two h. m. the boat
run hard aground over on Sou h
Beach. The life saving crew came
out and took the passengers off, but
the Tl'UuliL uiu liul fcul uu until 10 I
o clock the next morning. She was
scheduled to leave Toledo for Elk
City lit 10 o'clock so immediately
she got off South Beach she headed
for Toledo and when within eight of
the crowd waiting to go to Elk City,
broke her shaft. This was certainly
the Truant's unlucky day.
The City Council of. Newport
could make a decided hit with the
sixty odd launch owners on the Bay
and also increase the business of the
town if they would provide Borne
means for a public landing at that
city, As long as the launches have
to tie up to some private landing,
they will go to that city only when
it is absolutely nesessary. Make a
floating landing where the launches
of all sizes may land at any stage of
the tide and invite these crafts to
your city. They will come if you
give them an opportunity.
The Toledo-Newport Telephone
Company has purchased the Wold
wort Telephone Company's lines
and phones. They have also made
switching arrangements with the
Yochats and Ona telephone lines,
This gives their patrons good service
for the south end of the county.
Now connections should, be made
with Kernville ind the Salmon
River country;
E, J, Avery with a party of tim
ber seekers went over to BHctz tho
first of the week and went down
the river to Kernville They re
turned by way of Newport arriving
here yesterday morning,
The ladies Aid Society of the M,
E. Church will hold a special meet
ing nejft Tuesday afternoon at tho
home of Mrs, R, A, Sisoho,
Mrs. E, J. Avery, President,
Carl Davis was over from Silet
Monday night, Mr. Pavis is well
ploased over getting his proposition
to sell tho gnyernmont farms on the
Sileta passed through Congress,
W, G, Sharman was In the city
Monday making final proof on ' his !
hoiniistoad, George Green came
along as a witness,
Hugh Corgan returned Saturday
evening from a month's visit at his
former home In the state of Mlehl.
E, JSverson brought the wturns
from Waldport Saturday morning,
He returned home the same evening,
T)r, Adams of Newport passed
thruugh Saturday evening enroute
home from the Wiley,
It looks as if the first team needs
another nrantisn c.imn with tVii
' pfivr ,i.v. y.iv
married men,
Conductor Hoefleln and family of
Yaquina spent Sunday In Toledo,
Lewis Montgomery returned
Saturday morning to Portland.
Were you. at Elk City last Sunday?
Newton & Nye
Read This
Then Think it
For a. Square Deal
in Farm lands, Tim
ber claims or Town
property in all parts
of Lincoln county,
pee NORTH, the
Real Estate Man at
Toledo, Oregon
Farmers desiring to
sell their Farms
will do well to call
and talk with
the Real Estate
Man, at Toledo,
C. G. NORTH, The Real Eetnte Man
It's a Fact
That for good Driving Teams, Saddle Horses, Droying and Job
Work at reasonable rates you can get them at Toledo Livery and
Feed Stables, Hay for Bale. Toledo-Siletz Stage leaves Toledo
postoffice at 8 a. m, daily, except Sundays. Horses bought and
C. G. NORTH, Proprietor.
Cr.dr Building Near Cit, Fleet
Keep constantly on hand a good
supply of Fresh and Cured Meats.
It is economy to buy your meats at
this market
All kinds of Loggers' shoes at T.
P. Fish's. ' "
See tho se Base Ball Shoes at
Akin's $2.50
U.S. Unfl Ofllce, Portlaud, Oregon,
. April 23id, 1910
Notice la heruby Riven thntJeve St. Render
of SUeti, Oregon, who, on February 17,19(18,
miide homestead application, No. 16457,
Serial No, 015SO. tor of v14 nectlon 24,
township aouth, range 10 west, Willamette
Meridian, baa Hied notice of Intention to make
flnnl three year proof, to eatabliah claim to the
land above desorlbed, balore County Clerk of
Lincoln County, at Toledo.oregon, on the 8Uh
day of May, 1910,
Claimant names na witnesses:
O. J. Ilardv C. C. Pond, J, 1. Perby, and C.
Davie a)I of Sllots, Orgnn.
Cham. U. Mkbrick, Register.
Flower seeds, New Ktock.
Toledo Drug Co.
Thut terrible itoh disappears with
tlierinTTDROpg of a gimple compound
of oil of wintergreen thymol and glyce.
rina mixed in d. d d. Pregorlptlon.
This Boothinj?, heiling lotion, used ex
temallv kills the ecaeraa germ Instantly.
Heretofore the d. d. d. remedy has
been gold only in (I 00 bottlegj but us a
gpeolal offer, any sufferer in this towu
who has never tried d. d. p. can now try
this remedy in a special bottle at 85o.
It cures the itching instantly. We
know this.
The one that made .them cut
prices Water Front Barber Shop,
Toledo, Or. Hair cut 25c; shave
15c, Only the white trade wanted.
For a buru or soald apply Chamber
lain's Salve. It will allay the pain
most instantly and quiokly heal the
injured parts. For sal by Toledo
Drug Co.
The fish are here now. Get your
fishing tackle of Newton Jc Nye.'
Pool, Billiards,
Card Tables, "
Bowline Alley.
Candy, Cigars,
Fruits, Nuts,:
Soft Drinks.
M. N. A NDEJtSON, Prop.
Have an up-to-date and complete
set of Abstracts of Lincoln County.
Law, Real Estate and
Shoes of very size, pattern and
quality at Fish's store. See this
line before buying those school
, III n
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds.
Toledo Drug Co.
.,,..,. ,
Harness, Harness, Harness.
I am now prepared to furnish har
ness, heavy and light; all kinds of
straps, robes, etc. My leather is
my own tanning and is not tanned
by the "quick process." Machine
and hand work, all guaranteed.
J. O. Smith,
Toledo's Tanner and Harnest maker.
- .
Get the Hadit, and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
- '
For Sale.
Twenty-five or thirty, head of
grade Cotswold sheep, mostly ewes.
Dupley tbapp, Chitwood, Or.
. . . . -
Hides Wanted.
Cash paid for hides at the Toledo
Tannery. We pay as much as any
body in town. Toledo Tannery.
Columbia Red Top batteries at
Newton & Nye's..
V. S. Lnnd Otlioe, Portland, Oregon,
April J3rd. 1910.
Notice la hereby given that Christopher J,
Hardy, of SUsta, Orsgon, who, on Sept. 10th.
1906, made homestead, application No. 16048,
Serial No. 01307, (or w1 ot , aectimi 24,
Township aouth, Range 10 west, Willamette
Meridian, has flled notloo of intention to
make final three year proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before the County
Clerk at Lincoln County, Oregon, at Toledo,
Oregon, on I he Slat day of May, 1910.
Claimant namea aa wltneaaea:
Jeaxe M. Reeder, 0. C. Pond, . J, Derby, and.
C,8, Davla.all of Sileta.Oregoa.
Chas. K. Maaatca, Reglater,
V, S, Ind OfHoe, Portland, Oregon.
April 33rd, 1910.
Notice la hereby given that Jamea R. Slyb,
of Chitwood, Oregon, who, on April 23rd, 190?
made hoineatead application No. 16239, Serial
No. 01377, for Lota 2 and 3. at nw4 and aw
of neK. See. 16, townahip 10 aouth, rnge 9 west,
Willamette Meridian, hua Hied uotloe of lnteu
tlon to make final three year proof, to eatab.
Hah cltilra to the land above desorlbed, before
County Clerk of Lincoln Bounty, at Toledo,
Oregon, on (he 3rd day ot June 1910.
Claimant uamea at wltneaaea;
Martin Thompaon, Robert Mann, Bondra
Romtvedl, and 1. M. Wallace all of Chitwood,
Cha, B, Mumhck. Reglater,