Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 29, 1910, Image 1

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    J 1 1 i , ;J i 4 $a a a - . A
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The Condor left Sunday morning
with a load of lumber for Newport.
Work is progressing rapidly on
on the cannery improvements at
H. II. Cook, of Ona, spent Sun
day visiting friends at Waldport.
Captain Henry Nice is having a
new boat landing built in front of
Lutgens Btore.
W. F, Keady finished enumer
ating Beaver Precinct last week and
began work in the Waldport dis
trict. The annual banquet of our com
mercial club occurs this evening.
We will tell all about it next week.
The Wilhelmina arrived Satur
day and left Sunday morning for
Florence with a considerable
load for that place.
Crab fishing on the bay is im
proving. One day last week all
boats reported catching the liuiit as
allowed under the present law.
Quite a number of homeseekers
were in our neighborhood last week,
although no sales were reported.
Linville farmers are planting lota
of. potatoes and oats this season.
We hope to see some of the results
at the County Fair this fall.
When coming up the bay last
Tuesday the Condor ran too close to
the sand bar opposite Salmon Town
and hung up for about two hours.
Last Monday evening a big bon
fire was built on Broadway and a
large crowd turned out to enjoy
themselves. Band music formed a
a part of the e vening program .
There is considerable difference of
opinion over the Port question.
This is proper for in such cases if
the people all held one view of the
matter many flaws and also many
merits of the plan might be over
looked. Each voter is certainly en
titled to his own opinion and there
is no canvas being made by either
side. It fs expected that the full
vote of the district will be cast on
May 5th.
News of each Community Gathered each'
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
with it it will cost them five.
The new bridge across Drift river
near the sawmill is near completion.
They have put in a 42 foot span,
the length of bridge from bank to
bank is 140 foot.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butterfield
passed through Kernville enroute to
Mr. Butterfi eld's mother where they
will leave their two daughters, Ruth
and lone, to attend school during
the summer season.
We Kernvilleites are truly sorry
to hear of the death of Jim Robert
son. He had many friends who
will miss him.
Mrs. Parmele sent 250 pounds of
her choice builtsr U T. S. Tuiviipuii
of Portland.
Miss Myrtle Parmele has gone to
Portland to visit with her aunts.
Upper Farm.
.Last Friday the Upper Farm Day
School was favored with a call from
Superintendent K. C. Egbert and
Dr. Clausius, who came up to lo
cate the new government school and
dwelling, which will be erected this
F. Smithy left for tli Valley
fir i ' i i i !
weanesuay, wnere ousiness wiui
claim his attention for a few days.
Business called William Porter to
Toledo the fore prt. of the week.
Mrs. Smithy is favoring , the in
mates . of the Raddant household
with her presence during the ab
sence of Mr. and Mis. Raddant,
the latter .being Portland visitors
this week.
Dr. Clnusius was called Tuesday
to attend the wants of Charlie
Little Elk
Who has seen the comet?
Young Pierce passed through
Kernville on his way to the county
seat. He has been rather Bweet on
a young lady across the way . ' Can
you guess the rest?
Well the cheese factory and
dairy cows seems to be the upper
most enterprise in our Otis corres
pondent's mind. We think if wind
work pan3 out as well there as it has
at Kernville something will be do
ing.. The wind work cheese factory
of Kernville has developed into a
real enterprise. The Parmele boys
started Sheridan ward April 24 to
bring a bran new cheese plant they
had shipped from Portland No
second hand machinery, seel but an
up to date plant. The ouilcling to
nold this machinery is 180 ft. around
They have a 25 h. p. boiler to
make the steam, and better still the
men(G. S. Parmele & Sons) own 34
cows to help supply the factory
with milk and the most of the cows
are as good as the Tillamook cow.
We think Lincoln county has some
of as good calves as Tillamook, why
not buy your calves at home? It is
true that these Tillamook dairymen
pr.y orr Otis correspondent for ad-
... ii i o r.,
ei'tising ineir nmeoi ... win- u
to Tillamook pay one dollar for a
. calf and by the time they ct home j
follows: .Vance Cline, catcher,
Roy Reynolds, short stop; Chet
Shirley, 1st base; Clifford Wakefield
2d base; Claude Cline, 3d base;
Cliff Hunt, right field; Virgil Lou
don, center field; Roger Louden,
left field; Brown Wakefield, sub
stitute. Direct all communications
to. Vance Cline, Eddy ville.
Lower Farm
Rummer has struck us early this
year. The thermometer registering
95 in the shade several days last
week. . '
Mr. Crawford, Mr. McDonald,
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, Mat Ojala
Frank Potwora were up to the
Agency last Saturday.
Mr. Bell, who now lives in
Portland, accompanied by a cousin
from Kansas, visited at Mr. Craw
ford's last Saturd,.y.
Mrs. James Brown of Yucca
Creek has been out to the Willam
ette Valley the last week. Miss
McCourt is chaperoning the chil
dren. ' Bob Wamock moved his family
to his ranch 12 mile3 over the
mountains from here. It was a
a hard trip and everything must be
moved by pack horses.
L. D. Wood went out to Toledo
last week.
Chicken pox is making itself fa
miliar here as well as other pluccs.
It stems that we oiigbt to be safe
from such things in this neck of the
woods, but that has found us.
C. E. Hawkins of the Elk City
Lumber Company is in town today.
L. W. Moody, with his friend,
W. R. Bernard of Portland are
among the fishes here.
Prof. T. J.. Goin of Jefferson has
returned to Big Elk country to teach
People in this vicinity arc busy
planting gardens.
Ben Guire lost a 'good horse last another term of school, this time at
Friday night. The horse got down Glen.
and choked to death. Col. F. J. Parker was in the last
M. S. Herring went to Toledo on f tlie week in the . interest of his
business Monday, returning home ! real estle business.
Thursday. Hany . Norton of Bakersfield,
Reverend Plum mer preached hi3 . California, has purchased the 78
farewell sermon last Sunday at our
schoolhouse. There was a large
crowd present. We hope he will
come back and preach for us next
Our school closed Friday the 22nd
after a successful term of seven
The census enumerator passed
through our neighborhood last week.
He seemed to be a jolly, good na
tured and very inquisitive.
The mohair pool was sold at
Eddy ville April 20th. Mr. Pruner
of Nashville being the highest bid
der. There were 12,822 pounds in
the pool. It sold for $31.55 per
hundred pounds.'
Mr. Crocker has made quite an
addition to his clearing this Spring.
As it has been some lime since
we have heard from Harlan we are
glad to know that our correspondent
is still alive.
The wool pool will be sold at
Eddy ville June 20th. All parties
wishing to join the pool are requested
to send their names and number of
fleeces to G. R. Damen at Eddy
ville by June 1st. '
. Our junior baseball nine are feel
ing quite jubilent over the progress
they are making. They almost
beat the old nine last Sunday.
Their lineup for the season is as
acre tract ol J. A. Olsson near
, Mrs. C. C. Woodford received a
telegram yesterday with the sad
news of the death of her son, Earl
Sparling of Dufur, Oregon. Mr.
and Mrs. Woodford left this mor
ning for Durf ur.
Elk City fans, about fifty in num
ber, went to Toledo on the 2 1th ex
pecting defeat but were surprised
with a score of 4 to 6 in favor of
Elk City . On the 8th of May a
game has bejn arranged between
the married men of Toledo and the
married men of Elk City on the
Elk City diamond. This will be
the fast game of the season. Get
your ticket for the grandstand.
Dr. Chesley L. Morrison holds
the throttle of the engine at the Elk
City sawmill whrle Bert Geer counts
the population, in this and : Toledo
G. B. Goodell, who purchased
the Miller place on Big Elk, wrote
M. O. Lonsdale of the State Board
of Horticulture for his opinion on
the best variety of apples to plant.
He advised him not to plant.
They nre opening the new road
no between Bridge creek and Loin
Wm. Samuels is fencing in forty! John Christiaisei Drownr.
acres of his land east of .Mose Kill
am's place.
Peter Bobb sold his yung cattle
to F. S. Murray.
Word was received here Wednes
day evening of the drowning of
John Chistiansen while at work on
the government jetties at Ft. Stevens.
Mr. Derrick County Surveyor is in I No particulars of the drowning was
this part surveying. Hois survey- 8' ven ' t'o telegram, but as Mr.
ing at Coon Lake for Wm. Dick and Christiansen's work was over tho
water considerable distance out in
the ocean, it is presumed he wa
washed.overboard. Con Chrisiansen
will also do some for .Burton, West
and Foster.
II. Frank is livine in Johnnie
Pattern's house until he can get a'a 8on' 'elt or Ft. Stevens yesterday
house up on his place. morning.
Joe and Win. Dick have discon- Mr" Christiansen waa ono 0f our
tinned trapping for the season. :,"08t ln,ll,strious citizens, having
r, ci i -in i I cleaned up and made one of tho
Our school will be out next Fri-1. . . . , . . A,
cj j t and most modern farms in the
county one mile northwest of Toledo
Mr. Muir and Roebling have re-j where the family now reside. For
turned to Tt ledo. Margaret and the past several months he has heeu
fccottMuir are running the place working on the govennent works at
Ft. Stevens, and was home on a
visit last month, returning to his
The Otis ball team will play the
Grande Ronde team on the Grand
Ronde ground April 30th and
Willamina at the May Day picnic
at Willamina. Boys, we wish you
victory in both games and if you '
can't get it do your best
labors the first of this month.
The sympathy of the community
go out to the family in their hour of
Steel Evans who has been operat
ing the electric light plant for the
past month left Tuesday morning
for Portland.
Forty Oddfellows and Rebekahs
went to Newport Tuesday afternoon
and evening to attend the celebration
of the anniversary of Oddfellowship.
Tho steamer Truant took thein
J. F. Stewart and little son re
turned home from Idaho last even
ing where he hi.s been the past
several weeks. He was accompanied
by his wife, also, who met him in a visit at Portland
J c Hill is in Toledo this week
rencwiug old acquaintances.
C. W. Davies returned from
Portland last Saturday evening.
S. G. Irvin of Newport passed
through to tho Valley Tuesday mor-
i mng.
Oca Hoeflien left Wednesday mor
ning for Eugene whera he will work
in a sawmill.
Mrs. Wado returned hom'
last Friday evening from a week's
visit at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. North re
turned home Tuesday evemingfrom
The Modern Improvement com-
Altree'smill sent over the ties Pny has just c mulcted a 40xfoot
for the switch to the rock crusher,
the rails have arrived and Section
Foreman Gannon and crew are busy
laying same and will have the
switch in within a few days. Con
tractor F. J. Morrison and crew
have the bin completed and tho
crusher machinery set up. Crush
ing will be commenced within a few
The launches Chicora and Semego
took quite a bunch of Toledo young
people to the dance at trhe cannery
at Oystervillc last Friday night. A
i gins for the piledriver.
Norm Anderson has built a par
tition dividing his pool and billiard
room from his card room .
W. II. Canaday returned homo.
Monday evening from Eugene where
he has been the psst winter.
County Commissioner John Fo
garty came up from Newport yes
terday morning on business.
Ice cream social at Woodmen
Hall Friday evening May 6th.
Everybody Come.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Eglert of Si-
7 , , . , ' let z left this morning for a month s
twenty mimuers uenig soiu, anu an
had a good time. The Oystarville
people are royal entertainers and
they will always get a good crowd
from this place to attend their dances
in the future. The excellent music
was furnished by the Branch Or
chestra of Yaquina. Much of tho
success of the ball was due to Mrs.
Tim Dowling, who arranged for t he
dance, and who served an elegant
Next Thursday is when the special
port election is to be held. Every
man who has the interests of Lin
coln county at heart will do his duty
and mark an x before the woid yes.
No one thing can do so much to
wards the upbuilding of this section
as the forming of this port. It will
advance the va'.ue of property as
nothing else can do. 1 1 will be the
the means of building a city on this
bay. It will give us cheaper mer
chandise also a market for our pro
duce. It will "mark the beginning
of a great lumbering industry. It
will be tho means of bringing other
railroads. In fact this is our op
portunity and it is up to us to grasp
it.' ,
visit with friends and relatives at
Tiffin, Ohio.
Clara and Tommy Harding of Ya
quina visited with their cousins,
Lucile and Charlie Gildersleeve, tho
first of the week.
Dan Grady has had tho interior
of the Water Front barber shop re
papered and repainted. Decorator
Gill did the work.
Renus Arnold yesterday launched
his trim little gasoline launch,
Maxine. She is a lino model and
will surclv eo some.
George Chambers is building a
residence east of tho , schoolhouse,
near Hans Larson's residence. Tl o
house will bo 24x26 fopt.
The basket social given by tho
ladies of tho Aid society at Wood
men Hall last Saturday was well
attended and well patronized. Tho
Tho baskets brought good prices,
Tho program was good throughout,
every number being worthy of
special mention. Sheriff Ross and
C. R. Ellsworth aotod aa auutioneers
and did ample justioe to that pro.
fession. The ladies cleared in the
neighborhood of thirty dollars,