Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 22, 1910, Image 5

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    Millinery Qoods -Hah
Stanton & Gillette
Toledo Oregon
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelery and
Greatest Assortment of every des
cription ever seen in Lincoln County
A Beautiful Line o.f
Spectacles and
Eye Glasses
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
(Tlili ty Year's Experience)
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Dre. P. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual Phone, both cfllce
No. 661-
At TOLEDO Friday
At WALDI'ORT Thurdnv noon to Saturday.
Our Motto' A Plensed I'Htlent our Bent
Toledo Meat Co.
Paine & Gorke. Props.
ImmM R
All kinds of freeu and cured
Meat, Bacon and Lard
Highest price for Hides and. Pells
Fish and Oysters in Season
County Judge Gardner was a I
Siletz visitor the first of tiie week.
Essie and Margery Ball spent I
Saturday and Sunday with friends '
at Pioneer.
Work has been commenced on
the building which Mrs. Ofstedahl
is putting up on Hill street.
MissCressie Warnock and Misa
Sorine Jenson have purchasd the
Vance confectionery store at New
port. They went down yesterday
to take charge.
Basket Social.
The ladies of the M. E. Church
will give a basket social Saturday
evening at the Woodmen Hall.
Every lady requested to bring a well
filled basket. Come and have a
good time. Following is the pro
gram for the evening.
Music Austin Rosebrook
RecUation Bulah Bartholomew
Recitation Frances Paine
Instrumental Duet Edith Ball and
Lela Bartholomew
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration ana lemaie
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sol?
over a druggist's counter.
Solo J. H
Grace Morris
Song Mrs
Concert Recitation
Mollie Ross
Margie Ball
Nellie Brown
Francel Stanton
Ross, Verne Rosa and
Emma Andros
Elma Peterson
R. D. Burgess
By three girls
Elsie Burgess
Mamie Tindall
Austin Altree
Mrs. G. R. Schenck
Raymond Stewart
Verne Ross
By five young ladies
"1 had about Riven np hope, after
nearly four years suffering from a
severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M. L.
Dix, of Clarksville, Tenn. -Often the
pain a my chest would he almost un.
Bearable am'. I couln not do my work,
but Dr. King's New Disoovery has ma le
me feel like a new porson. Its the best
medicine made for the throat and
lungs." Obstinate counts, stubborn
colds, hay fever, la RrirpN asthma,
croup, bronchitis and hemorrhnges,
hoarseness and whooping cough yield
quickly to this wonderful medicine.
Try it. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles
free. Guaranteed bv Toledo Drug Co.
V. 8. Laud Olllce, Portland, Oregon,
Murcli 26th, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles B. Olllott,
f N.huiiiB iirnimn. who. on March 80th, 1904,
made homestead application No. 15341, Serial
No 01078 for, e'A of ne'4, swi of ne!4, "a M'i
of nw 'i, 8ectlon 28, lowushlp 10 south, range s
west, Willamette Meridian, has Hied notice of
intention to make final : five year proof,
... no.hii.h iim tn the land aliove described, ihe County Clerk of Lincoln county, at
Toledo. Oregon, on the Win any oi may,
i-iui...on nainM an witnesses:
Charles Hamar, Norman F. Edwards, F. A
flii.lwin and J. A. Curry, all of ?.asnviiie, ure
Chas. B. Mebbick, Register.
Excursion Sunday.
Tilt steamer Truant will run an
excursion to Newport next Sunday,
April 21. Leaves Toledo 9 a. m.;
returning, leave Newport lip. m.
Fare round trip, 50 cents. This is
this boat's first regular run, and it
is the intention of her owners to
make regular Sunday excursions to
Newpnt during the coining Summer.
Picnic at Harlan
Rev, Roland Z. Brown will preach
at Harlan Sunday, May 1st, at 11a.
m. and a ba.sket picnic will Ik- held
at 2 p. m. Eveiydody cordially
invite1. Oregonians need no invi
tation as to well filled baskets, but
let us have a feast of spiritual things.
Rowland Z. Brown
. .
Notice of Public Sale.
Notice i.s hereby given, that on
Wednesday the 4th. day of May
1910,nt 2 o'clock P. M., the Coun
ty Court of Lincoln County, Oregon,
will sell at public sale all of the
right, title and interest of Lincoln
County in and to the following
county property, to-wit:-
The county farm in Section 26,
Township 10 South of Ranee 10
west, containing 129 acres and
known as th6 Goeser place. The
ten acre tract of lard in Section 4
Town 'hip 11 South af Range 9 west,
known as the Beaver place; also the
county house situated on the Court
House grounds with some household
furniture and work tools. Said
sale will be at the Front door of the
County Court House, terms cash.
Dated this 12th day of April 1910
By order of the County Court:
Ira Wade, County Clink
Notice to Bidders.
Newport, Oreirou, March 20, 1910
Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will
bo received by the County Court of Lincoln
county for the const ruction and cnmnlrtleii of
a wagon road in District No. 6, under following
Beginning at a point on prawn'. Newport
and Toledo wagon road near Lewis Fronly's
home at foot of Budford '-.ill, and following
line of survey to a point where it intersects
wllli present road, a distance of about 6000
Along the bottom on level Isnd to be graded
to a width of 16 feet, with nom nary water
ways and ditches and slashed full width o'
right of ay; on hill side to be graded with a
wagon road bed 1A feet wldo and slashed the
lull width of right of way with all necessary
culverts and water ways.
Bids to be submitted on or bclom May 2, 1010
J. I). Logan,
Koad Supervisor District No. 6.
Mrs. Lee Wade went to Portland
Tuesday morning.
M.Knauffwas in the city the'
first of the week.
Geo. Wetherby of Portland was a
Toledo visitor the first of the week.
Martin Thompson returned home
Saturday evening from Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Akin returned
home from Portland Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Swearinger and daughter
arrived from Eugene Saturday eve
ning. M. Wygant of Newport was a
county seat visitor the first of the
E. J. Avery returned homo Fri
day evening from a trip out to his
Junior Editor Guild of the New
port Signal was a Toledo visitor last
Ned Clark returned from a
month's sojourn in Portland Satur
day evening.
Mrs. R. N. Walters returned
Friday evening from a visit with
her parents at Chitwood .
Robert and Leland Collins went to
Portland Saturday morning return
ing home Tuesday evening.
Chester Marsh left Monday morn
ing for Sheridan where he will work
in his uncle's sawmill.
J. S. Copeland returned Tuesday
evening from Portland where he has
been visiting the past several weeks.
Miss Ida Hurley went to Summit
Monday morning where she has been
engaged to teach the coming year.
Next Sunday the first base ball
game of the season will be pulled of
on the Toledo grounds, Elk City vs.
Miss Ethel Gray of Newport was
visiting with Mis Winona Hooker
and other Toledo friends the first of
the week.
Mrs. A . MY -Gildersleeve and
daughter, Lueile, spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs W. C. Harding,
and family at Yaquina.
Bert Geer of Elk City has been
busy in Toledo tliis week taking
the census. Mr. Geer has Elk City
and Toledo precincts to look after.
Mrs. Frank Whittaker and little
son returned to their homo at Cor
vallis Monday after a visit with
friends and relatives in this place.
George L. McCalulou's family
moved over to their homestead on
Siletz last Wednesday. Mr. Mc
Caulou has been over in the woods
for several weeks building t he houpe.
Attorney Middlekau.T and son,
Mark, came up from Yaquina Mon
day morning. The term of the
Yaquina school having ended Mark
enri l'cu in the Toledo school and
will finish out the term here.
The Senilis and the Its got out
last Sunday and gwe the people of
Toledo some amusement in the way
of base ball. One feature of the
game was the good playing which
every one did. The game resulted
in a score of 3 to 4 m favor of the
The Fir & Spruce Lumber Com
pany is taking two carloads of rails
up Olalla slough on scows. These
rails are to he used in the extension
of their logging road. This road
now extends three miles towaul
Siletz and will ultimately lie built
thcj'c as it will then tap one of the
largest and best Indies of standing
timber in the world today.
P..ul Chatterton slipped off a log
and fell into Yaquina river near
Pioneer while putting logs in Satur
day preparatory to making a drive
I for Altrec's mill and suffered a dis
location of the left shoulder. Dr.
Chesley L. Morrison who was sum
moned from Elk City replaced the
mint nnil f !hnt.t.-i'tfm will lif nt. wrirlr
I again in a short time.
Strong Healthy Women
If a woman is stron and beslttyr io womanly way, moth
erhood means to ber but little suffering. The trouble lies
in the fact that the many women suffer from weakness and
disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
for motherhood. This can be remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cures the weaknesses and disorders of women.
It aots directly on the delicate and important
orient conoeroed in motherhood, making them
' healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and clastic
"Favorite Prescription" banishes tbe indispositions of the
period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and
almost painless. It auiokena nd vitalize h
?r1a2M0d i,UrM '. h"hv.' iis baby. Tb.ou.aads of omea have
testified to its marvelous merits.
It Make Wtk Women Strong. It Maket Sick Women Well.
tlonett druggists Jo aot offer .ubstitutet, and urgt them upon you . "just
s good. Aocept no seoret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It
contains not drop of alcohol sod not a grain of habit-iorming or injurious
drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots.
1 New Goods I
My line is now 1
All new and up to the
A bigger line than ever , 8
, ;
J. 5. Akin I
- 1 f i ; v. 4t 4 l 4. 1 pi rFrVs
Warren Hall came over from Si
letz Wednesday evening.
Did you ever eat granulated
honey? Van Cleve keeps the pure
article. Try some of it.
Bid3 Wanted
With plans and specifications by
the Board of Directors of Dist. No.
48, Lincoln county, Oregi n. Bid
dors to furnish their own material.
Bids will be open until Juno 1st,
1910. The hoard rcpeivcs the right
to reject any or all bids. The bids
must be within the bondu of one
thousand dollars. Fitf- information
write to C. A. Baker, Clerk, Rose
Lodge, Oregon.
Frank McCorniiek, Chairman.
For Sale.
Twenty-five or thirty head of
grade Cotswold sheep, mostly ewes.
Dudley tiiapp, Chilwood, Or.
Mrs. Fremcry is now ready to
care for your hair. Will give tonic
treatments and sham pones in your
home. Also vibrating massage.
Get her prices.
stlie germ of UGi lppe' Hint' breatlieil
in, brings enffurlntf to ihousHtuls. Iia
efter effects are weakness, nervousness,
lack of appetite, energy uud ambition,
with disordered liver and kidneys. The
grenteot need then is Kloctrie Bitters,
the splendid touio, blood purifier and
reuulaterof Stomaoli, Liver, and Kid
neys. Thousands have proved that
thiy wonderfully strengthen the nerves, '
build up the system uud restore health
nnd koihI spirits after nu attack of Grip.
ir snllerttiK, try them. Only COc. Por
fect satisfaction gimrautoul by Toledu
Drug Co
Pay up.
All parlies knowing themselves to
be indebted to the undersigned for
livery hire or stallion Ber vice are re
quested to call at the Lincoln Coun
ty Bank and pay up and get leceipt.
R. N. Warnock
ZEMA Bait-mist are now agreed that the
eczonm germs are lodge ! not in the out
er skin or opidermla. Imt in the inner
akin. Hence, a peiittialiiig liquid In
required, tint an outward salve thut
clogs the pnren.
We reeomciond to nil ec7.emn pn taunts
the slHimrd prescription Oil of Winter
preen as compounded iu liquid form
knowu hi ). D. D. Prescription. A
trial bot tle of this D. I). I). Perscription
at only 23 cents, will instant I y relievo
the lu-li. We have sold nnd recommend
ed this remedy for years, and knowu of
wonderful cures from its nee. we rec
ommend it to our patrons. Toledo
Drug On.
In the mattt-rof the ItuuiKlrallon of the title
to iho NorthcaKt quarter of the SouthweBt
quarter anil lots f, 7, V and 10, mid tbe fruc
tlonal Southwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter, "or Hie lot 8," all In scrltoa It, and
lotsl, 2,3. 4,o, (1,7, Hand , till In scctlcn 1
and Id, I, thi-Nmilht-ititf qiirtrtcrof the North
want qimiuir ami tbu South half of tho
Northnast quarter of w-ctlon 26, all being lu
Tnwimhlpi, Hiuih of hanged, wohI nl the
W. 51., Orison, containing in all 4M.40 acrea
more or less.
Ocenustde Investment Co., a corporation,
vs. Plaintiff.
Churles Do me, Richard Thorie and Lurkey
Lug an, and all whom 11 may concern,
Take notice, that on the 8th day of March,
A. I). 11)10, an application was illod by said
llceanniile Invetinont On., a corpnraliou, in
the Circuit Court of Lincoln vniiiuv lor Initial
! Oregon, excepting a right ef way for a v ag-nii ' registration of the title to the land above Aer
road arros-tsald premises ami ulo conveying a j cribtid. Now unlets you appear on or beforo
right of way throuKhac rtaln tract of Inml Who 27th day of April, A. 1). Win, and show
sold toK. I.Krary as said right of way lant ,., why such application shall lint ho
mentioned was conveyed to suld Jom-ph Luil- I grinned, the num. will be taken lis coufesxed
wick by that certul i deed by T. it. Kynn and and a deon-e will be i-mered ai-cording lo the
wife of record lit page 70 of Vol. I of the Deed pmyi-r of ihe iinpllcallou nnd vou will be for.
Kecords of sal I county. , V(.r barred from disputing the same.
Dated April lit, 101). K. J. Kl EN, hkal Ika W uK, Clerk.
AMoR A, Ti'shimj, dmr. aforesaid. I ( hv KKI.1T Pakkk. Am lUatit'a Altotnev.
Attorney for Adm nislrilor. 1 Portland, Oreg
Notice Is hereby given, that by vlrluo of an
oreur of lha County rotirt of Lincoln county
Oregon, duly entered In the probnte journals
.if suld Court, authorizing and dlrecliiiK the
uiidurHgnrd so todo, the undersigned as ad
ministrator ol the eitiite of Joseph Ludwtck
deceased, will on Saturday, thu Vint day of
May, l'JIu, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after
noon of nald day, nt the Courthouse door in
the City of Toledo in Lincoln county, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cah subject to confirmation of said Court,
the fullilwlng reiil property of wild estute, the
same to be sold In separnte parcels us lollons:
KiasT I'aiicei.
Lots 1, 2, S, 4, fl and 0 hi bliink 22 In (iinhnm's
Kilth Addition to Toledo In I.lms l:i Cvunty,
Skcoko I'AIICKI.
Fractional Lot 6 In Mock u In the Town of
Otter Rock in Lincoln county, Oregon,
iAtl In Block 10 in Jones' and Neb rims' ad
dition lo Otter Rock tn Lincoln county, Oregtn
Fouktii 1'aiukl
Commencing o,i the half section line be
tween Ihe teyt and P.i ol section 19, In Tp..
lis of It. 10 w of Ihe Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, 10.0A i-hs. from the center of said sea
lion, and running from thence s on half sec-
! tlon line 24 rods; thence w I1 tods; thence n
24 rods; thence eSA rods to beginning, cmilaln-
iiiBii.itfBi:iiiiiiiiiiivvi iv-s in i.inriiiii uouiit7