Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 15, 1910, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week hy Our Rustling Associate Editors
Lester White and family have
"" moved back to Tidewater.
News reached here last week of
the death of Andrew H. Hill man
ager of the Waldport Lumber Com
pany. Mrs. C. L. Diven is visiting her
parents who live ori the Yachats.
She announces that her husband is
building a summer cottage at New
port. Commissioners Kentta and Fog-
arty have been looking after road ' proving his farm
-and bridge matters m this, end of
the County.
Christen Jensen and family
, arrived last week and will make
Waldport their permanent home.
George Woodsun is now the
champion agate hunter of this
place. John Goin held the record
as long ns he remained here, but
Jeorge now has the field to himself.
We acknowledge a little bouquet
from Olalla in last weeks items.
We certainly have tried to send our
notes in regularly, no matter how
unimportant the "newi" may ap
'peared to us.
Last week's commercial club pro-
. i i . i
rani was me nit oi the season.
Resides the regular program of
and do likewise. Mr. Hall is sick
and thinks he will have to go where
he can have medical aid. He con
tracted a heavy cold while picking
hops iu they alley last Fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson are
looking for a farm to rent. They
would like to rent ten cows and milk
for the cheese factory. They are a
worthy young couple and do their
work well.
Mrs. Lillie Br.ies has returned.
She says her father is well .
Amon Bones is fencing and im-
A man came in to look at the
Joe Stephens farm. He is contem
plating trading Mr. Stephens a piece
of land near Dayton for his farm.
Archie Stephen's school will close
next Tuesday. Then he leaves for
Rocca, where hi3 wife and children
are visiting Mrs. Stephen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton.
Mrs. Leswick came near dying
last week but is better at this writ
ing. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Morris go to
the Agency this week to visit friends.
Clarence Parmele is taking care of
his place in his absence.
Hurrah ! Another store is going
i up. A company has been lormed
with Win. Scott as Dresident: Mr.
music recitations, etc. were treated McClillt.:K.k; SJCIvt:iry . Josse Farri,
to a legerdemain preformance by I tle,s,irei. T'ev nroinise nil some-
. -
thing to cat.
Stone i3 building a fine
Dr. C. E. Linton who certainly
he was a little .bit "rusty''. He '
bud things, his own wny even when Tl,e c,,lildre,l tliat M- Sto,ie was
it come to cutting holes in silk caring for have gone to their grand
handkerchiefs and pulling all kinds' mothcr' Ml'3- J,,lm L ButterfielJ.
of objects from borrowed hats. The! whero they attenJ scho1-
last feature of the doctor's program Nels Anderson is contemplating
was his talking doll "Lena" who
certainly did do a little talking.
She trL'd to flirt with Andrew Kent
and only settled down to real busi
ness after being severly scolded by
the d .ctor. This exhibition of
ventriloquism was very interesting. !
leaving our part of the county.
The dairymen in.Tillafnook Coun
ty have all gotten rich. We can do
the same thing here. We have the
grass land and factories are starting
Waldport .turned out in full force llP- Get good cows and boost this
Sunday noon to greet the Wilhel
niina and the Condor. These two! wo will
boats came over the bar together counties in the state
industry along, and in a few years
have one of the richest
and as it was the first trip of the
Wilhelmina the band was out to
Grain looks finn in this part,
grass is good and stock is getting
assist in welcoming the new boat. ' fat.
Captain Tyler says there is plenty I n the Kornvillo wind work cheese
of freight in sight to keep him on factury ima Wown over your
the go and as his boat has plenty of : mjjk to Liburn Hardin. He
i : t j it. i. j ... ...
inci iuiu io ui iibui uian ne uoe3wlll make U)e checse and do it
not expect to be tied up in any one right.
place very long.
Assessor W. E. Ball and wife
were in our parts last week visiting
their friends, the Bones, Halls, and
Bruee Farrish left last Monday
for Toledo. His partner, Will
Trent is working in the sawmill at
that place.
Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Parmele on
hearing that C. F. Hall was not so
well started for his place last Mon
day afternoon. They went to Mr.
Almon Bones' stayed all night. At
7:30 Tuesday morning they started
up in the monntains. They went
up a zigzag trail until they were up
as much as 500 feet above sea level.
At 9:30 they came to a beautiful
fertile spot where Mr. aud Mrs.
Hall have delved out a good home,
and such a beautiful mountain trail
Johnie Muir, Jr., visited home
here from Hebo, where he is work
ing for the Government.
The ball team lineup is as follows :
Chester Tooze, captain and short
stop; Murry, catcher; Church pitch
er and third base: Fred Dick, 2d
base; Pierce, 1st base; Joe Dick, 3d
base and pitcher; Oviatt, right field;
Curl, left field; Fuller, center field.
They will play any team at any
time and place, and hope to get lots
of games this year.
Dickens, Oviatt & Co. killed a
fine veal this week.
McDonald is working for Mell
Burton. t
Prof. A. N. Lowe's school in the
Rash district will be out this week.
A. M. Royse and John Dickens
went over on Nestucca and got two
fine calves this week. They got a
fine Ilolstein bull calf from Dave
Foster and a fine heifer of Johnny
Hellcnbrand. This is what every-
thc.v have made one seldom finds
These ladies could not refrain from one that is going to milk for the
praising this happy pair and from cheese factory in this part in the
thinking that many more could go near future should do. Get ' good
stock to start with. There is no
use trying to make money milking
range cows for a factory. That was
tried in Tillamook for a few years.
Keep good cows andyou will make
good money an 1 lots of it.
Dickens, Oviatt & Co. can show
two of the finest cows in Lincoln
The cheese factory on Tucker
started full blast the first of this
month. '
Lilburn Hardin's factory on Sal
mon river will start the first of
May. Now don't get discouraged
if you have a cow that don't give a
gallon of milk a day, and say it won't
pay to milk for a factory. Sell her
for Vef nnd got a good one and it
will pay.
Rock Creek.
R. II. Plank has returned from a
weeks visit in Portland.
Joe Sampson, of Falls City', is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed Wright
J. L. Morrison went to Nortons
on Wednesday, and returned Fri
day. Prof. Geo. Phillips visited several
days at G. II. Horsefall's.
G. B. Hampton lias been sick in
bed for several days.
Our school is still closed, but the
whooping cough patients are all
improving, and the school will prob
ably start next month.
W. D. Mixter, of Albany visited
his ranch here the first of the week.
He contemplates making extensive
improvements on his ranch this
William Southwell, of Falls City,
has bought the John Jusola farm
near the mouth of Rock Creek.
G. H. Horsefall has gone to
Eddy ville, where he will begin work
Friday morning as census numerat
or of Little Elk precinct.
Bay View
George Rowin has moved to Wald
port this week, where he intends to
make his home.
Dan Oakland came home from
Albany Tuesday.
Mrs. P. E. Sheppnrd is spending
a few days on Drift Creek with
John and Fred Strake were visit
ors at J. C. Barnes Sunday.
P. E. Sheppard returned home Mon
day from Toledo.
Willie Nelson was a visitor at this
place Saturday.
J. J. Briggs is very busy pruning
fruit trees this Spring.
John Doughtery and Dan Hen
drickson are working on the Nelson
dike this week.
John Hanlon was a visitor at this
place Tuesday.
Jim Briggs has gone into the
dairy business.
Burt Twombly is working the
past few days for Hurb Twombly.
! Toledo passed through the neigh- Gjvenmant To Oo-op3rat3
berhood one day last week. I With Ports
Four of A. B. Hunt's family are The River and Harbor bill as re
down with the measles. j ported to the Senate carries an ap
Clifford Wakefield and Virgil P"P'fttion of $1,200,000 for con-
Loudon made a flying trip to Eddy- tinuing ' the improvements at the
ville last Sunday night on foot.
On account of the storm tht at-
mouth of the Columbia river, in
cluding the operation of the dredge;
tendance was small at our spelling ' mm for the purchase of the
school last Saturday night, but there ; l" 7 , , , 7 g y'
was some good spelling done just the
Mrs. Murphy of Monmouth was
the stale to bear half the cost, thus
i relieving the farmers of the Willam
jctte Valley; construction of a sea
going dredge for Coos Bay, $350,000;
visiting her cousin, P.O. Shirley, dmlgi 18 foot channe, ,
and family last week
Little Elk 1
We were all glad to have the
Goat shearing is a thing of the
past in.this vicinity.
Grandpa Reynolds went to the
Valley last week and came back
with a nice horse and buggy.
Bert Willoughby has been on the
sick list, but is considerable better
at this time... .
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hyde of
Coos Bay to Marshfield, $50,000
There are quite a lot of sheep , (and this is over a vurorous protest
dying from the effects of being of Billy Matthews); Coos river,
sheared during the cold weather. ! $-2,000; Tillamook Bay, 55,000
Mr. Reynolds of Wolf Creek is' (over the adverse report of the U.S.
getting along nicely on hit-: home- j Engineers) ; Siuslaw river, $50,000
stead. Ho has got quite a large with authoriry to contract $381,000
field cleared and last. week he brou-1 on condition that port of Siuslaw
ght home a fine cow and calf,
Ed Clinc "was showing a Mr.
contributes $215,500 or one dollar
to the government's-two dollars (and
Binford of Elmira, Oregon, some this over the adverse report of tho
homesteads in this vicinity last engineers). " Surveys are authorized
week. Mr. Cline says he thinks he 0,1 Tillamook bay and bar with a
can locate him as Mr. Binford is view of securing a channel with a
favorably impressed with this part ' depth of 15 feet and 20 feet respect
of the country. I ively, with a report on any proposal
Tho junior baseball team, known f()1" C(J-peration by local cities affect -as
the Little Elk Kids, met on the e(l there'y- EiW;h n everyone of
diamond last Sunday for the first thcse Proiecta represent ports and
practise ol the season. We may co-operation.
expect some good playing by them ' Every 1)av an(1 river that is nnvi'
this season, under the management gal,Ie alont' the coast from Washing
of Roy Renolds and Vance Cline. ! ton to Clllit,,l,''il1. except Lincoln
County 's have iormeu ports and none
have ever been defeated that has
been submitted to the people. No
reason Congress takes notice 1 And
Reverend Plunnnerof Sabm has
been holding protracted meetings at
Eddyvillo the past week, closing !
was unable to aUend cannot fiiiy ' County though late in line,
?? hi. viuv. uu viiu l'J 1 to ui XUOUil)
Newport and Toledo on May 5th,
what the success of the, meetings
The mohair producers of the
Yaquina and Little Elk mot at
Eddyville last Saturday for the pur
pose of pooling their mohair.
There was alxiut 3,500 fleeces in the
pool or alxmt 14,000 pounds they
will advertise for sale and the mo
hair will be sold the 2Qth of this
and from appearances all will bo
nearly unamious as not one word of
discontent is heard in either district
as against their own port. ,
Tho people of Siletz are now ci
culating their petitton and expect
to be before the next Court asking
for a largo district reaching from
the coast to the east line of tho
month. Mr. Damon was elected county aml coming M far south ft(J
president and George Cham! was jimt north of Otter Rock. Alsea
elected secretary for the ensuing ( aml Siletz both hlW0 larg0 (li(.trici8
High School Nawi
and full of wealth in good land and
ideal summer resorts. Both ports
will bo able to duplicate the Siuslaw
As the High School was takintr 1 Proportion and with the early corn-
examinations last Friday there was P,etion of tno Tanama Canal, witli
no literary society and therefore no .our thre0 '"W9 improved, our lum
paper. j her going to tho markets of the
The senior class elected officerJ world, people rushing to our Sum
March 20th. Hester Hill, president; mer re9ort8-ol'r Newport ana Otter
secretary andi""1' vv 11111 wi nei lac.uus
and Seal Rocks, Siletz and Devils
! T.illffl nil linun trtn aan. 1 rkWlni r flwi
I he rwclth Grade finished e Atlantic or tho Ptadflc coast, with
Un.ted States Il.story March 31. th(J c &E . riliIl,,n(l th()h to New.
Elma Waugh was absent Friday portf tho Corvallis & Alsea building
u u. b,.il-8, uiiu mere- t0 Waldport, and Hill's electric
iore misseu the examinations.
Carl Gildersleeve,
John Goodell, captain of tho High
road headed for Siletz, and tho
flood of home builders now coining
School football team of 1909, re- and asking for information about
turned to Toledo Friday. Ho is Orcgon(I. received 2181 i nquiries
now talking of organizing a High; ,lurinir the month of March) surolv
Lincoln County is awakening.
School baseball team.
George Day went to Waldport
Friday. Ho has a job on tho con
struction of a Governmenc road down
Practise qn the High School play
began Monday evening.
R. N. Warnock went to Newpirt
last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Akin arc.
Portland visitors this week.
Services next Sunday at St. John's
church, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome
Rev. F. 0. Jones, Rector
Yours for a
Greater Lincoln County.
. - --.
F. R. Weaver of Chitwood was a
county scat visitor Friday.
" Highest prico paid for mohair.
II. S. Pruner Nashville, Oro.
Don't forget the dance to be giv
en by the guards of the Circle at
Woodmen Hall tomorrow night.
Mrs. G. K. Freeman went to
Newport last Friday evoning to
spend Sunday with Mr. Freeman,
who is painting houses in the Resoit
City. ;
. . a. A 4