Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 25, 1910, Image 7

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The observations of H. N. Thomp
son, conservator of forests for south
ern Nigeria, indicate that the mahog
any tree grows much more rapidly
than the number of so-called annual
rings suggests. Mr. Tnompson thinks
that they show three or four well
marked zones of growth each year, cor
responding to the four seasons. Both
forest trees and those grown in the
botanical garden exhibit the same phe
nomenon. On the site of the town of
Ijaye, destroyed sixty years ago, a
forest has grown up containing mahog
any trees with trunks exceeding ten
feet in girth.
Electric baking ovens have long
been available, but their use has not
spread very rapidly, proDably because
of the cost, or the difficulty of pro
curing the requisite current. In the
little Swiss town of Krns, where elec
tric power Is cheap, the electric bak
ing oven has -just been established In
a satisfactory manner, in a furnace
less than eight feet long 100 pounds
of bread, in loaves of one and three
pounds each, can be baked at one
time, and eight bakings can be made
in twelve hours. The cost of the heat
ing is a little more than one cent and
three-quarters per pound of bread.
The brain of the celebrated chem
ist, Mendeleef, has been dissected and
studied by Professors W. von Becht
erew and R. Weinberg. It was above
the average size, but not remarkably
so, the weight being 1,571 grams
about 50 2-3 ounces. The convolutions
were found to be simple in arrange
ment, and from mere examination, it
Is said, no one could have formed any
opinion of the very special qualities
manifested by Us living possessor.
Only two features were In any de
gree peculiar a highly convoluted
part of the left parietal lobe and a
' comparatively small and simple tem
poral lobe. For comparison it may be
recalled that Cuvler's brain is said to
have weighed 64' ounces and Gam
betta's only 39 ounces.
In a recent lecture before the Inter
national Congresa of Applied Chemis-
try Sir Boverton Redwood enumerated
the principal advantages of petroleum
as fuel. Its thermal efficiency as
compared with coal is reckoned by the
British Admiralty as 18 to 10; it does
not, like coal, demand that a thick bed
of incandescent fuel be ready before
active combustion is produced; it is
relatively clean, and requires little la
bor; it is admirably suited to fueling
a vessel at sea by a simple flexible
pipe; the combustion can be controlled
with precision, and quickly brought
to the highest efficiency or cut off en
tirely. Still, the lecturer thought that
liquid fuel will never entirely displace
coal, because the supply is not likely
to be sufficient.
An interesting example of the way
In which modern seismographs detect
at a distance of many thousand miles
the location of earthquakes occurring
is afforded by what happened on Octo
ber 22. Prof. Milne at the Isle of
Wight noticed shocks whose point or
origin was about 80 degrees distant,
corresponding to the distance of Ja
pan, San Francisco, and Mexico. He
thought it possible that the true point
was in the east. At the same time
Prof. Belar at Lalbach, Austria, no
ticed the shocks, and declared that the
center of disturbance must be about
3,750 miles to the east. The next day
the telegraph brought the news of &
great earthquake, which had occurred
at the time of the observations in
Baluchistan, the town of Belput hav
ing suffered severely.
Father and Mother Nearly Came to
a Real Dlma-rement.
Mrs. Lyon lifted the embroidery
from the work table at her side and
began stitching at a long, fine strip
of linen with dainty fingers.
"Do you know," she said, holding It
up for closer Inspection, "do you know,
Edwin, that Arabella looks simply
lovely in white?"
Mr. Lyon was so deeply absorbed in
his editorial that he merely uttered a
casual, disinterested "Indeed!"
"Yes," went on Arabella's mother,
her enthusiasm quite unquenched by
lack of sympathy. "She looks like an
angel in white, really; I can't help
thinking how lovely she will be when
she graduates. I'm planning her a
gown that will be a dream; frills and
Insertion, and all done by hand. Of
course it will be a pity to hide it when
she wears her cap and gown, but it
must show underneath a little, and "
Mr. Lyon, now thoroughly aroused,
laid aside 'his newspaper. "If you're
talking about Arabella going to col
lege," he said, grimly, "you might as
well give it up at once. I shall never
give my consent, never! I nave always
said that no daughter of mine should
go to college, and I see no reason now
why I should change my mind."
"Hut, Edwin," pleaded his wife, "you
now now disappointed I was wnen t
couian t go"
'It was your greatest charm for m -
gallantly Interrupted Mr. Lyon.
And I have always tried so hard
to catch up with the other girls," went
on Mrs. Lyon, unheedlngly. "The lit
erary clubs I've belonged to and the
lectures I've attended "
"The one blot on your otherwise
perfection," interrupted Mr. Lyon
again, not so wisely this time, but his
wife kept steadily to her theme.
"And I'm forever driven with the
fear that I won't know thines. and
and I'm not going to have Arabella
like that, and she's going to college!"
"Not if I have any influence with
her!" said Arabella's father, and he
clutched his paper so firmly that it
absolutely rattled. "Give her all the
pretty, frilly frocks you want to, but
don't, don't put her in competition
with men. Let her have the feminine,
domestic virtues "
"Now, Edwin, that's nonsense, and
you know it is!" answered Mrs. Lyon,
with just as much emphasis. "Susy
Lee went to college, and she married
a poor man, and hei housekeeping's
faultless; and as for Lena Melleny,
who didn't go, well, she never knew
anything and she never will. Why, she
doesn't even keep Arnold's socks
darned! It's all the woman herself;
college doesn't make a bit of differ
ence." "Well, all I've got to say," began Mr.
Lyon, half rising In his excitement,
is " But his words of eloquent wis
dom will never be known, for a sleepy
"yi-yl-yllng" cry came from farther
down the passage.
"There's Arabella now!" said Mrs.
Lyon, getting up to leave the room.
"I knew you'd wake her! You always
do when you get so excited." Her voice
trailed reproachfully down to the nurs
ery, and in a moment more she came
back with a bunking, rosy baby cud
dled tight in her arms, for Arabella
was just eight months old, and the
united ages of her parents amounted,
possibly, to fifty years.
Then something of the absurdity of
their argument flashed across Mrs.
Lyon's whimsical mind.
"And Arabella not a year old! Aren't
we sillies?" she demanded. Arabella
crowed loudly in answer as her moth
er pulled out the frills of her white
little "nighty." "Never mind, that was
a real college yell, wasn't it, daugh
ter?" Mr. Lyon laughed and returned to
his paper. "Well, I'll have to agree
with you in one thing, Bess," he said,
as he gazed proudly at the fat bone of
contention, "Arabella certainly does
look corking in white!" Youth's Com.
Ancient Habit Still Endnre Among
KattTes of Rural Roamanla,
Customs and habits directly trace
able back to the end of the stone age
are still observed by the inhabitants
of the remoter parts of rural Rouma
nia, says Dr. Emil Fischer of Bucha
rest In the-Umschau. The latest sta
tistics show that there are still in Rou
mania over 54,000 cave dwellings in
existence, in which a quarter of a mil
lion peasant folk live. These caves
are almost as primitive in their ar
rangements as the original cave dwell
ings of the stone age.
As recently as in the eighties millet,
the oldest Indo-Germanlc grain, was
still crushed in Roumanla by means
of hand mills and stored In peculiarly
shaped granaries similar to those used
by the natives of central Africa. To
day the Roumanian peasants still use
ancient plows. At funerals a repast
named coliba Is partaken of consist
ing of soaked and boiled corn the ex
act way corn was first prepared and
eaten by the tribes of Europe.
, Even to-day crabapples and wild
pears are the only fruit known to the
Roumanian peasant, and his vegeta
bles are wild herbs boiled with oil
pressed from sunflower, hemp and
gourd seeds. Medical men in rural
Roumanla are still known among the
peasantry as wizards.
Roneh I'auage.
"I hope and pray," remarked a gen
tleman as he left the steamer, "that I
shall never have occasion to cross the
Atlantic again.
"Rough passage, eh?" queried a
"Rough Js no name for it. I had
four kings beat three times." New
York Sun.
Before Election Out Weit,
"Our ticket is bound to win in Froz
en Dog."
"All over but the shouting, eh?"
"All over but the shooting," explain
ed the native politely. Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Wrong Party,
Bill Congratulations on your mar
riage, old man.
Will Congratulate my wife, old
boy; she got the best of men. Har
vard Lampoon.
It you appreciate modesty, talk
with an old doctor. He'll never air
his medical opinions, or be very sura
of them
Don't Wait
For Spring to come, but 1 epin to build up
your system now by elraiiMiig your blood
of those impurities that have accumulated
In it during the winter.
To build up your system now will help
you through the sudden and extreme
changes of w.aiber at this euson and very
likely ve you from serious sickness later.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
is the medicine to take. It purifies the
blood and gives strength and vigor.
Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated
tablets called Sana tab. J 00 Dose $1.
lived Too Fnat.
"Poor fellow! He Is quite broken
down, and the doctor says that hit
condition is due to fast living."
"Fast living?"
"Yes; you see, he Is a traveling man,
and he was obliged to eat so. many
dining-car meals and lose so much
sleep in sleepers that his constitution
ave way." RmnHvn citizen.
The "Ulack-lland" Uuinea.
airs. Bart My husband got a letter
ta-day saying something dreadful
would happen if he didn't send the
writer a sum of money.
Mrs. Smart My husband gets
dunned for his bills, too. Boston
Quick As Wink.
If your eyes ache with a smariinir.
burning sensation and dizziness, use
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. All druggists
or nnwam tiros., remain, in. i.
And It Did.
"Roll on, thou mighty ocean!"
The poet wrote his sons;.
Ah, well, the bard hat had his way.
For evar since that fateful day
The ocean has, in ceaseless play.
Been rolling- right alongl
Chicago Tribune.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use lor their chUdrea
aimug ins teething period.
ailarortan Dullness,
Dullness means a lack of imaglna
tion, and without Imagination life and
happiness are both Impossible. R
llgion and art, from one point of view
ehaxe the same mission. They bring
to man the sense of amazement. The;
teach us that the world is a wonderful
fairy palace, the place of hourly mira
cles. Then we discover that we our
selves are most amazing creatures. The
dull man is not Interested in himself
has no self-love. I am certain that nc
man can love his neighbor unless he
has learned to love himself. From our
selves we discover humanity.
Fair, Fat aad Tlde-yv
A Kansan sat on the beach at Atlan
tic City watching a fair and very fat
bather disporting herself In the surf.
He knew nothing of tides and he did
not notice that each succeeding wavt
came a little closer to his feet. At last
an extra-big wave washed over hit
"Hey, there!" he yelled at the fair
fat bather. "Quit yer jumpln" up and
down! D'ye want to drown me?"
PAZO OINTMENT la piaranteed to cure any ease
of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding- File in
6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c.
Girl With the Fur Jacket Every
body speaks well of the preacher at
your church.
Girl With the Yellow Buskins He'l
Just as nice as he can be. When there'i
only a few people at the morning ser
vice ha never feel ciuatt tuitl louali
them because the congregation Isn't
Squabbling? About Nothing.
"To-day my wife and myself had the
most foolish squabble of our married
"And what was the subject of your
discussion ?"
"How we would Invest our money if
we had any." Kansas City Journal.
Does Not
Color Hair
Ayef's Hair Vicor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even to the slightest
degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop falling hair. No
question about that.
Don not change the color of lh halt.
Vormul with itota bottl
Snow it to your
4ik him bout it,
then do as b save
Indeed, we believe it will stop every caso
ot falling hair unlets there is some very
unusual complication, something greatly
effecting the general health. Then you
should consultyourphysician Also ask
fclm about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor.
m ii Made by the J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Maae.
Aa He Ground.
Tennyson had Just begun to write the
"Charge of the Light Brigade."
"Half a league, half a league.
Half a league onward
Then he stopped.
"Sounds a good deal like 'Off agin,
on agin, gone agin, Flnnegan!" he said,
knitting his brows.
But he went ahead with it, and the
Jingle made a decided hit Chicago
Tribune. -
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
DrUKRiata refund money if it faila to cure. E. W.
GROVE'S signature is on each box. 26c
Literally So.
"I hear your girl has a good trade
"Don't speak of It as A trade; it is
a real calling."
"What Is It?"
"She Is a telephone operator." Bal
timore American.
Our Lucky A(e,
"Speaking of the Wright brothers,
it's a good thing for people who like
to travel by water that Pulton lived
a. good many years ago."
"Why that?"
"He would undoubtedly be trying to
get an injunction on all the boats
afloat." Boston Herald.
Portland is the big market place of the
Send Your Produce THERE
We are handlers of Eggs, Butter,
Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or
dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota
toes. Consignments, whether large
or small, are solicited. We can give
you good prices for good stuff.
Write Us.
McEwen & Koskey
1 29 Front St, Portland, Ore.
Best for Children
Gives instant relief when little throats
ate irritated and sore. Contains
no opiates and is as pleasant to take
as it is effective.
AU DruEsiata. 28
Pleasant l(erw. taeicial
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna appeals to the cultured
and the well-informed and the
healthy because its component
parts are simple and whole
some and because it acts with
out disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from
every objectionable quality or
substance. In its production a
pleasant and refreshing syrup
of the figs of California is unit
ed with the laxative and car
minative properties of certain
plants known to aot most bene
ficially, on the human system,
ivhen its gentle cleansing is de
sired. To get its beneficial ef
fects, always buy the genuine,
for sale by all reputable drug
gists; one size only, price
fifty cents a bottle. The name
of the company California
Fig Syrup Co. is always plain
ly printed upon the front of ev
ery package of the genuine.
trs wr
(aliorria fi? Syrup (6.
Didn't Exactly Mean It.
The airl Isn't this play tiresome!
The Young Man It's an awful bore.
But there Is no use. Miss Pinkie, of
your trying to conceal a yawn with
that fairy little hand of yours; It can't
half cover er I mean that is
Chimin Trthiirxv
.hist mntiT
j V-aayWaafl.l UyialbAkl!
Trial Bottle Free By Mail
It yon suffer from F.tiilepsy. Fits, Falling Slckncaa,
Spaams, or have children that do ao, my Now IHa
corery will relieve them, and all yon are aaked to
dp Is to send for a Free Trlu 1 2 Bottle or Dr. Alay't
Epllaptlolda Ourof
It has cored thnaaanda where everything elu
failed. GuaraMetd by May Medical Lahoratnty
Under Pure fond aud Drugs Act, June 80th, 100
Guaranty No. 1H871. Pleaxe write for Special Fr
t'i liottle and give A OK and complete addreas
DR. W. H. MAY, 648 Pearl Street, New York.
ainiess Oentistry
Out of town people
can havo their plate
and brtiluewnrk fin.
lulled Id oaa daf
U necoHaarv.
Wa will tn yu f 4
22k gold or porcelain
crown lor $3.50
Molar Crowni 5.00
22kBridg Tooth 3.5(J
llinira l.UU
f4i b:i.. tin:... Kn
S-f .'- Vii, "i I HiiiiK .WW
ini.w r;iiiff. 2. fill
Good Rubber Aft
11 y& fitti 9.UU
DH. W. A. WISE, Ptiimi-oM.M- ntw. f .u w
It nm tmitttpfi m MmiM Pa!nii Extr1 don 9 Q
Palnlcwa Extraction frroo whon plattorbritigo work
U ordered. OounulUtion Frnu, Yoo connot prot bottut
nninlcM work doiion.vwhort. All work fully riiur
BiilefHl. Modern elfK-triooquipmuut. Heat tnothoUtk
Wise Bental Co.
Failimo IlmtDmo '?C"?"T"'1.
Thihd aWahh. Bts. PORTLAND, OREGON
omul BODSS: lis. to f. at. .aaaaya, te 1
ii, if
I Gold Filling
rijEntm.l Fillir
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Thl wondeful man has
made a life study of the
properties of Hoota,
llurlta and Barka. and
la Kivinit the world the
benefit of his aervlc.
fpA No Mercury, Poisons
? $i or DruK Used. No
'tgli Operations or Cutting
Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lnnv,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Disease of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekln, China safe, sure
and reliable. U. Jailing- In Its works.
If you cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cent In atampa,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162M rirat St.. car. Mnrrlann. PArlUiuf SW
No. 9 -'10
HKIf writing- to drtlr plM
niflniioa cms ppr.
Color mora aoods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOo package colors silk, wool and cotton equally wen
:e. wnie lor iree doobu
'ANY, Qulncy, Illinois.
i vvnil mviv KUWO vwb.svvi VlftU mwvw wvwio WUtl. M1V WMIV My V. wu. aw wmvaKw VUlUIiOUAi w uu.
, and la guaranteed to give perfect result. Ask dealer, or we will send postpaid at 10c a package. Write for free bookies
i Bwwwayajpitscaattanuivvwiai stwnsua vsvil WUAU'JI