Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 25, 1910, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
The Condor left Alsea Bay early
Monday Monday with a full cargo.
Wm. F. Keady has been appoint
ed census numerator.
The Lumber Company's mill is in
operation this week.
Revival services are to be con
tinued another week.
Mrs. Frank Buker has taken
charge of the Alsea House.
Prof. Brown's classes were dis
missed during the past week on ac
count of our school superintendent
being unwilling to . issue a special
permit to enable Prof. Brown to
continue teaching the balance of the
term. Three weeks ago Prof.
Brown's certificate expired and he
applied to the Superintendent for a
temporary permit. As Prof. Brown
has bad charge of the school two
years and has had considerable ex
nenence in other counties it was
thought that he would receive a
permit and the patrons of the school
were very much disappointed that
he did not, and they'did not want
to see a change of teachers for the
short time between this and April
29, which U the closing day
Supt. Goin has volunteered to send
in a teacher biit as the one proposed
is a relative of the chairman of our
lxmrd of Directors it is not probable
he will be accepted. Director V,
M. Brooks when interviewed yester
day stated he would much rather
dismiss school for the remaining
five weeks than make a change of
teachers in the middle of the term!
The grades affected are the sixth,
seventh, eight, and ninth.. Right
in the midst of this unsettled con
dition it became known that the
Manila itch existed in the school
and when asked about this Chairman
McMillan, of the Board said it had
been in the school for some time.
Patrons of the school, demanded
that immediate steps be taken and
the school rooms were fumigated
And the pupils suffering from the
disease were dismissed.
wants lote of men to work. He(onJ3ig. Elk. This will make it
will pay 25c per hour and they (San possible for. the farmers in both
work all summer if they wish. valleys to get the benefit of water
Mr. and Mrs Fred Butterfield and transportation. It takes a little
children are visiting Mr. and Mrs. itime f,r people to understand the
Stone. i proposition even with the Old War-
The Fitzpatrick girls had six doz- i n?rees w fo"ght and 8Wcat in the
en eggs in the wagon that ran down piomer daB of mna Bay tfyin
the mountain. We have not heard I to Set the government to appropriate
how many were left. another half million for improve-
. . , , ' ments. No telling us Ave will put a
George Wood, our postmaster and . , . . .
" , , . perpetual tax on us for years to
the cannery foreman, gave his , ' ,T .,
friends a grand ball and fine supper
ssems to us that as this port matter
Charlie Robbins has left our part
of the country. He will stay in
Toledo awhile. .
As the Parmele boys were on
their way home from Toledo, just
the other side of Bdd Mountain,
they found Mr. Wisniewski's team
and -loaded wagon way off down in
a canyon, one horse with a broken
leg and a knot run through his
wind pipe, so that part of his breath
would come out of the hole that the
knot had made. The horse had to
.be shot. Wisniewski was laying
half way down the mountain sound
asleep, so sound that the boys could
not wake him up. They got the
horse out that was not hurt. Jim
Robertson and Andrew Wisniewskj
(after he got his sleep out) carried
the freight to the top of the moun
tain, then the Parmele boys hitched
their team on to the wagon and got
it to the top of the hill, then loaded
the freight in and took it to Chat
terton's and it in a shed. There
are some people out of supplies that
are waiting for that load to reach
the dike.
Mx. Hemstreet will make regular
trips from Idlewild to Taft and
back every Thursday Fare for
round trip 75c.
S. D. Wood is talking of building
a large house and barn soon. He
on March the 18. All report a good ! , . . , . ., ...
,r ,. I has furnished news jor the editor-
u me. jut. riemsireet ran nis
launch carrying passengers to and
from the ball.
ial columns of Matthew's paper for
the past two months, that he should
be willing to' contribute the usual
amount nnifl Tiv Ipiidintr rnnota inr
Upper farm. t0-ua ;Thi9 wo"uld 4hd U8
Mr. Buckingham of Marshfield to pay Jim Derrick for a survey of
moved to his homestead last week
Paul Vedder, who has been in
Portland for sometime returned to
his claim.
Mr. Andrews is moving his pro
visions from a claim near Lower
Farm to one up in this vicinity.
Mr. McDonald and son of New
port were Sunday visitors at Wm.
The Department rejected the
petition to establish a "mail route be
tween Rocca and Siletz. Still we
will not despair.
Mrs. E. L. Chapman is down
from their homestead spending a
few days with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Ned- Evans.
Mr. Peterson of Toledo looked
over valley land here last week.
Mr. J. H. Hughes of Portland
and Mr. C. G. North of Toledo
spent an hour at the Upper Farm
Tuesday afternoon.
Elk City
Several thousand acres of land
has changed hands in this vicinity
within the Inst two months.
J. W. IIerro:i of Montana spent quite.a large bunch of cattle, which
the upperjriver.
Rock Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Vader, of Nortons,
visited B. M. Howell's over Sunday.
R. H. Plank is doing some fenc
ing and making other improve
ments on his ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wright
are visiting at Falls Cify.
Mr. Daley has lost a fine cow and
Gladys Horsfall is on the sick
list whooping cough.
S. Wigle went to Toledo on
Fred Brock and wife attended a
dance at Nortons , Saturday night.
Grace B Hampton visited Cor
vallis on business last Thursday.
C. A. Babcock has moved to his
own farm from the Bilyeu place.
Mr. Robinson, of Falls City is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Guy
Chamberlain. v
Mrs. G. IT. Horsfall went to
Nortons on Friday returning the
same day.
Messrs. Wigle and Babcock sold
gardening now. We have had
some sunshine.
Charlie BoIhjII was in Bay View
Thursday on business.
J. A. Pererson of Toledo, was
down on business Thuisday.
Roy Twombly came home Thurs
day, returning to Toledo Friday.
Hazel and Freda Kirkland went
to Newport Thursday to attend the
St. Patrick's dance.
Mr. Kirkland and Simmonson
left for Seattle, Washington, this
L. C. Powell was a visitor at Bay
View Monday.
Mr. Hubble purchased a fine
dairy cow from II. J. Simmonson
this week.
Emma Hendrickson -went to
Waldport Tuesday to work in the
Alsea House.
Archie Rowin went to Waldport
to work in the mill this week.
a week at Elk City lojking over
the country with a view to buying.
they drove to Nortons on Monday.
Our school was closed last week
G. II. Gc nlcll of Chicago spent on account of the toucher and sever
Sunday looking over wild lands al pupils being sick with whooping
with investment in view.
Several parties in this vicinity arc
pruning and spraying their orchards.
Van Orden & Son have the new
schoolhouse about completed. '
Jac ,b Jacobson while cutting the
limbs from a tree lost his In 1J and
fell some thirty feet to the ground
and is still confir.ed to the bed.
The Elk City Lumlwr Company
is building a bridge across the river.
Bay View
Miss Eva Umphreys began the
Bay View school Monday. We
wish her good luck.
Ole Olson was a visitor in our
vicinity this week.
Dan Hendrickson returned home
from Toledo Tuesday.
P. V.. Shnnmrd wpnt to Toledo
for the purpose of moving lumber to work this week.
and ties to the railroad. 1 E. S. Oakland drove out to Ya-
Railroad or electric line talk com- quina Friday, returning home Sat-'
ing down Big Elk these days.
Only a matter of time until ic comes.
Matthews of Newport seems to be
taking quite an interest in our af
fairs regarding the Port business.
We do not know of any one who
urday evening, after a very hard
trip. s
Mr. and Mrs. Titus left for their
home in Beaverton this week. - We
hated to see them go
John Olson of Drift Crock sold
feels out of sorts in this community, his team of mules to J. A. Peterson
On the other hand a very friendly of Toledo.
feeling toward the people of Toledo, Hurb Twombly of Beaver Creek
zr we believe they are .honest and i8 plowing for Mrs. Smidth this
just vith us in the Port matter. wefik.
We withdraw from U for the reason I wmio Nelj40n ifJ di ft few
we consider it best for the Toledo' day8with his brother, John.
pcupic uo wicm wuo ouilio opposition
up the Yaquina river. But the
people in this vicinity are all friendly
to Toledo and the improvement of
N. L. Guilliams spent Sunday
with John Walker.
Olive vMcKney of North Beaver is
Yaquina Bay, and we propose to a visitor at McWillis' this week
form the Port of Yaquina at no dis-' Dnn Hendrickson has gone on the
tant day' for the improvement of Government trail with Ranger
the bay and rivers to Morrison Durbin this week. , j
station on Yaquina and head of tide Everyone is going crazy about
An Explanation.
Editors of Leader: As there
seems to be some doubt as to my
intentions in sending personal
property slips to the merchants and
to all corporations in this county,
on March 1st this year, I wish to
make this explanation through
your paper. My only ohiect was
to call attention that on March 1st
they arc called upon to list their
property for taxable purposes and
, as I can not call on all of them at
that time I adopted this plan be
lieving bettor results-would obtain.
I should have said in the letter sent
with the slip if they preferred they
could fill out and hold until called
for by the assessor or his deputy.
W. E. Ball, Assessor.
Dentist Coming.
Dr. Tatoni, the dentist of Co
quille, will be in Toledo on April 1,
and will remain one week. Pain
less extracting of teeth. All work
I. II. Lutzof Oakland, California,
spent Sunday in Toledo. Mr. Lutz
is a brother to our deceased fellow
townsman, Hurley Lutz, and had
been to Portland to attend Hurley's
funeral. On his return home he
stopped over here to become ac
quainted with our people, among
whom his brother had resided for
so many years.
At the meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Yaquina Bay Mutual
Telephone and Improvement Com--pany,
held in this city Wedndsday
evening, the 16th, the following di
rectors for the ensunig year were
elected: A. J. Warnock of Eddy ville,
R. P. Goin and A. T. Peterson of
Toledo, J. C. Dixon of Elk City,
and Chas. King of Wren. A meet
ing of the directors will be held at
an early date to elect officers for the
At the meeting of the Toledo De
velopment League last Tuesday
evening the annual election of off
icers was held. The election result
ed as follows: President, .1. F.
Stewart, 1st and 2nd Vice Presi
dents, R. E. Collins and W. C.
Copeland, Secretary, C. B. Crosno,
Treasurer, A.T. Peterson, Execu
tive Committee, Wm. Scarth, CE.
Hawkins and E. J. Avtry. The
ferrv proposition was bought up and
as no definite plan were presented
the matter was placed in the hands
of the executive committee to in
vestigate and report to the League
at an early date.
The social and program given by
the Ladies Aid Society last Saturday
evening at Woodmen hall was well
attended and furnished a most
pleasant evening to all who attend
ed. The program by the children
was well rendered. The singing of
Miss Verne Ross and Mrs. Grace
Morris was greatly appreciated and
received lots of applause. Mrs. Dr.
Burgess sang a solo that was well
received, and Misses Esther Cope
land and Elma Watigh entertained
tho audience with piano solos.
Colonol Miller of Portland made an
impromptu address after which ice
cream and cake was served until
the supply was exausted, then games
were played in which the old and
the young alike participated. Tho
ladies received tho neat sum of $23
for their efforts and the amount
would havo been larger if tho re
freshments had not run out as they
could have sold nearly twice "the
amount that they did.
The dance given by the local
Rebekah lodge last Thursday eve
ning was one of tho eveqta of tho
season. The attendance was large,
the music was of tho best, the lip
supper was appreciated by all, t!.o
ladies did their best to entertain
and everyone there seemed to be
there for a jolly good time. Davo
Rosebrook, one of tho leading cornet
playcn of the world, entertained
the audience with several solos, he
also assisted the orchestra to furnish
music for tho dance. It is not every
town thef ize of Toledo wlip has the
opportunity to hear such music as
waa furnished by Rosebrook 'a
orchestra on this occasion and the
people certainly enjoyed the treat
to a full extent. The proceeds of
tho evening amounted to over $90.
Department Commander Jamca
P. Shaw, of" Portland, was the
guest of the local G. A. R. Post and
Relief Corps last Wednesday evening
He Hpoke to a large audience at the
M. E. church. Commander Shaw
is a good speaker and his speech
was full of patriotism. He recount
ed many incidents of the Civil War,
which are always interesting;
ho told of the many god
works done and being done by the
boys in blue. His mission in
speaking in the towns of every sec
tion of Oregon is to teach and in
spire patriotism in the old and
young of tho land. Those who
failed to hear the Commander'9
talk missed a rare treat.
A special Communication of Lin
coln Lodge No. 121, A. F. & A. M.
will be held in their lodge room at
Toledo, Monday evrning, March
28, 1910. All members and visiting
brcth ren requested to attend . W ork
in tho E. A. degree. By order of
tho W. M. W. E. Pkteiwox,
Miss Elsie Raldan'U who has
charge of the Upper Farm Indian
school, was in Toledo last Thurs
day and Friday.
The one- that made them cut
prices Water Front Barber Shop,
Toledo, Or. Hair cut 25e; shave
Foreman Marsh of th e Fir &
Spruce sawmill returned Tuesday
evening from the Valley.
Miss Hattie Gillette returned
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Portland and Corvallis.
Al Reed returned Tuesday eve
ning from a trip to Chemawa.
W. 0. Davis returned home from
Pi rtland Tuesdrj evening,