Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 18, 1910, Image 8

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    " Reply to IJevs-Reporter.
Newport, Or., March 12.
, Editor Leader: Tn reply, to an
cultural published in the last issue
of the News-Reporter in relation to a
shipment of potatoes made from
Elk City in an carlv day, would gay
tlie shipment was made in the Fall
of 1872 instead of 1892 as appeared
in the Leader. The numlCT J
- Packs was 500 instead of 5000.
The mistake, no douht was a mis
print. The name of the schooner
that took the potatoes was the Liz
zie, huilt at Alsea hy Mr. Titus and
named aflcr his wife. The editor
-of tiie News-Reporter doirt seem to
Iw very well posted in the early his
tory of Yaquina hay or he would
have known this.
From the report of the committee
si H J n ted to take soundings of the
liver at low water from Toledo to
Oy.-terville it was t.und that the
channel was much deeper and better
than a good many men, who pre
tended to know, said it was.
At an early day the ranch era at
Elk City raised more potatoes than
they do now. The soil was new
and rich and produced most luxur
iantly ail kinds of vegetables. The
purpose of the article published in
the Leader was to show that the
chr.iiiicl of Yaquina was much deep
er in an early day than it is now,
after being filled with mud and sand
washed in-from the rock quarries
located along the river and from the
brush and trees cut from the banks
of tho upper river washing down,
sinking and forming bars in the
channel. Kef ore this was done
vessels hrawing from 8 to 10 feet of
water could go easily to Elk City the
head of navigation. The, T. M.
Richardson, drawing f, or 7 feet of
water, frequently went to VAh C'itv
the General Wright, a government
vessel, went to Elk City once or
twice. She drew 8 to 10 feet of
water. The Volanta, a fast runn
ing little steamer, built on the Bay,
made a number of trips to Elk City.
She drew 83 or 9 feet of water.
The tun Tononin. f!mt Tn 4..i.
from the rock nnnrnVo t i?n, .; in8 1110111 "c not have to
i "e summer sixteen thousand i " miU. 1U'G .tl ,m'e to (1 18
tons of rock to be used in the jetty1 ?rU'k 11 V"0 Bnmly grUml
work at the mouth of the Bay jalngnnyof r streams and put
She never had any trouble coinn nJ n BOmo barnyav'1 manure to warm
nor down the river towing two large j , B' y 111 tho 8enson as
i-.r-'es. I ooouiu uu piaiueu as early as
practicable after the first of .March,
although I have seen good onions
raised that were planted after the
N. N. Foster of Chit wood visited
this city Monday night.
Grant Hart the sawmill man of
Chitwood was in the city Tuesday.
County Clerk, Ira Wade was a
Portland visitor the first of the
C. E: Hawkins and G. B. Mc
Cluskey were Elk City visitors Mon
day afternoon.
A. L. McDonald and I. J. Pepin
of Chitwood were Toledo visitors
Monday evening.
Chas. King of Blodgett was here
attending the telephone meeting
last Tuesday evening.
Ed Abbey of Newport was paying
his t; x- and transacting other busi
ness in this city Monday.
Pave Rosebrook came down Tues
day evening from Portland for a
visit with his parents and friends in
this city.
I will preach at Ona Sunday,
March 20th, at 11a. m. and at
Upper Beaver Creek at 3 p. m.
All are invited. Roland Z. Brown.
Mrs. Alden Dickinson departed
Tuesday morning for a visit at her
old home at St. Paul, Minnesota.
She will return here in the near
- Kverette Jones has moved back
from the Siletz and has accepted j
his old position as teamster. lie
will drive Gust Olson's dray team
this Summer.
Miss Eva Umphreys of Salem
visited in Toledo the first of the '
week with her cousin Mrs.
Van Llcve.- Miss Umihieys has
been engaged to teach the Lutgens j
SCI) 001 .
Fishing Tackle
The Fishing Season is here and we have
- -M
just received the largest, the best and
most Complete Line of Fishing Tackle
ever brought to Lincoln County. If you
doubt us call and examine the Stock.
Newton &' Nye
n. s. mJB sa w;mm mzmz
ASplendid Overall U
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pocketc.
Felled seams.
f Silt dill Data.
SllFriK&t CilifVlll
How about raising onions? I
i have never seen nnvthinsr in the
papers regarding onions in - Lincoln
county, it is all apples. Now, when
onions a-c nearly always from 90c
to $1.50 per bushel why not give
onion raising a little boost?
We have hundreds of acres of the
very best soil in the world for rais-
The logging on Depot slough also
had much to do in breakincr down
the banks of t.1, 4i. , I raised tha
nd sand washing into the river j f, Mny. 'Ut that not al"
forming shoals and sand ' bars thus I T d T "sk"
obstructing navigation. Then again! ' J" Jnnuary 18 tlie 0n
there is n nnmLr i ..i. I Wccn oi liarlan. bhe raises
merged logs in the channel t.h,.t tlie W fm fifty to three hundred
should be removed.
Tho cost of improving the r'ver in
Pool, Billiards,
Card Tables,
Bowling Alle.v,
Candy, Cigars,
. Fruits, Nuts,
Soft Drinks.
M. N. A NDERSOX, Prop,
-arc t
Have an up-to-date and complete
set of Abstracts of Lincoln County.
V WKStCrVSrrfJXTtoi-.
C. G. NORTH, P.op.
Good Rigs mid well-broken Sarldle II ortefc
HpeiHal attentiuii given to Traveling Men.
Hornet Boarded and (flven (lood Cre
Opratea Toledo-Silelz Stage
City Draying in Connection
Charter Oak Ranges, Cook and
Heating Stoves cheapest and
best in the World
I bushels every year and has gained
: a reputation for her onions to such
this wnv ti.n .,.i .i ,nn extent that where she has sold
from 10 to 12 feet of water would she tclls me' she can Set fif'y cents
le $0000 or $8000. This would
jH-nnit vessels of the above draft to
& to Elk City and Toledo without
any trouble.
It is a proper thing for the people
of Toledo to take the initative in
this matter and demonstrate to the
more on the bushel than
onions sell for. They grow
and are very mild flavored.
B. F. Grant.
' I am 70 years old and travel most of
workt hy actual work that Yaquina Delllt0WI1. Ky. 'Everywhere I go I re
river enn lio m.1,1., 1. ... i commend Eleotrio Hitters, because 1
n Em-ili i t . , ; owe my exuellont health and vitlitv to
" T y l 110 a fern. They effect a cure every time." business m tho line of shipp- They never fall to tone the stomach
l r lit-, t f.. mil .... ......
muiuei irom loicilo and JiJlk regulate the kidneysaud bowels, Btimu
City to tho markets nf 1 1,1 i lave the liver, invigorate the uei-venml
'vvSMVSlill(f ......
The Editor of tho Ncws-Itenorter P"rify ,h bIood- T"ey work wonders
don't biOlov,. t forweK. u"-''owu men and women, re
m t bd.e e this but I am sure it Btori,cBtneth, vlr. h.,,1 health that'.
nn aiul will be done. d.iiiv inv Tr n,0n. n..i m.
1 he Great Spirit has placed this Salisfaft oa Is positively uarauteed by
- .wUw.i.i 1 1 , u mm uaiuoi ne.e IOl iuu urugiu
the pui-jKiso of navigation and we
should use it b",lu Ul,u t. notice for fuhucation.
U.S. I.iind on.ue, Portland, Orc:on.
AKmtnow drawing twelve feet M.rh 7th io,
of v. uter can go to Toledo.
Notice In hereby Riven that Mlna ThompRon
formerly Mina Komtvedl. of Chitwood, Oregon!
Who. oil Illlv 12. 1906 lIlH.ln hnmnatuuil
j ci.llon No. 1MII8, Srlal No. for ni of nw-J
Telenhone iie'4'f bw, Sec. 17. and'i of new. see. li.
Company now have their line nn f "w,,"h,P" '',,uh. et. Willamette
f, I,- . . iweriuian, nni llled notice of inlentlon 10 make
orvalllS. llieoltice IS open from final inre year proof, 10 establish eliilm to
seven in the morning until nine in '""e. !""d v aecrijed. before county cierit
jt" lumuu, vikuu, vii ine
lllth day1 ol April Into.
I ('liilinant 11111110K n wllnsi-e.:
JanionSlyh, Soiidre Romtvedt, Jr., Gerre
The Toledo-Newport
flie evening also during meal hours.
Tho office is open Sunday from ten 1
. , Binm oij -11, coiiure ivoiniveai, jr., tie irrfc
to eleven in the morning and from T- ""Hh and Thoma f. Lewi, ail of Toledo,
four to five-thirty in the afternoon. 0w"""- tHAS. B. MkrricKi RcgUlo.
Flower seeds, Kkw Stock.
Toledo Drug Co.
Merchant Chcs Morrison was
down from Elk City Tuesday even
ing. Dr. Berry of Newport was in
Toledo Tuesday and Wednesday on
professional business.
Austin Rosebrook the furniture
man returned home from a trip to
Portland Friday evening.
Mrs. Jim Hodges came clown
from Elk City Tuesday evening for
a visit with her parents in this city.
Messrs. Loudon, Damon, Veit,
Wamock, and Hunt of Eddyville
were in the city Tuesday evening in
attendance at the meeting of the
stockholders of the Yaquina Bay
Mutual Telephone Company.
Last week the patrons of the
Mill 4 school met and installed
modern seats and desks in the
school building so hereafter the
pupils will be able to learn in a
more up to date manner. School
will commence about the first of
April. A number of books from
the library also other articles have
been stolen during the past winter.
A . quiet search is going on and
should the guilty culprit be found
it will go hard with him.
Rre liver and bowels sometimes; seem to
baik without cause. Then there's
trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion
Nervonsuesg, Despondency, Headache.
Hut ancli troubles fly before Dr. Kiug's
New Life Pills, the world's best Stomach
and Liver-, remedy. So eusy. 25c at
Toledo Drug Co.
Law, Real Estate und
Stiff neck is caused bv rheumatism of
the mnsclesof the neck. It is usually
confined to one side, or to the back of;
the neck and one side. While it is ofteu '
quite painful, quick relief may be had j
by applying Chamberlain's Liniment.'
Not one ease of rheumatism in. ten i e-
qui ro internal treatment. When there
in no ieer nun no swelling as in mus
cular and chronic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Liniment will" accomplish
more than auy .internal treatment.
For sale by Toledo Drug Co.
At Greatly Reduced Prices
In the Circuit Cotirt ( the state of Oregon,
for Lincoln County.
Mrs. Annie Jones, Plaintiff,
Laura McCullum, Esther McCullum, Edith
McCiiUnm' Golda McCullum, Peter McUiillnm,
Flora McCullum, Samb McCullum, Townscnd
Mccullnm Biid William N. Borden, Defendants.
To Lnura McCullum, Esther McClullum,
Mlln AicUHlIuin, Golda McClnllum. Peter
Shoes of v;ry s'u3, pittern and
quality at Fish's store. See this
line before buying those school
For Sale.
Several good milch cows for sa'e.
Enquire at this office.
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds.
Toledo Drug Co.
For Johnson's Pheasant brand
llnur KV.m-ts wbont onta nnd phiflr-
, vvtji,im, iomji i,Jl "...v-, ...... . .......
Mctlullum, Flora McCullum. Surah McCullum I pn fee(1 eo to CosTFI I o's WATER
and Townsend McCullum, eight of the above! ' B U3STELLO S WATER
namnd HufABdontB 1 Punvrr O inrnv
v-umiivb, 1 A JVVi. X J IV IjIV X
Tree, Apple Trees.
1000 Baldwins and 500 of other
varieties; 2 year old 'stock. For
sale at reduced prices.
Geo. T. Smith, Chitwood, Or.
" As an ideal cough medicine I regard
Chamberlain's Cough UeineJy in a class
byitsalf." says Dr. 1;L A. Whltrhire.
of Gwynneville, Ind. "I take great.
plPBsnre iu teslifvimr to the results of
Chamberlain's Couch Medicine. Iu
fact, I know of no other preparation
that meets so fully the expectations of
ihe most exacting in 0 isas of crotii) and
coughs of children. Asilcontnins no
1'iiim, chloroform or moruhiue it cer
tainly rnukes a most safe, pler.sant and
efficacious remedy for the ills it is in
tended." Kor sale bv Toledo Drue
You are hereby reauired to
ei- the jilnlntlfTs complaint on (lie herein on or
before the first day of April, 1910, the same be
ing the last day in tho time prescribed in the
order for publication of this summons, and
yon are hereby notified that if yu fall to np
pflar and answer said complaint as herein re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief grayed forin her complaint, viz:
For a decree adludiri n? linnnnt Hma nn
plaintiff's note and mortg-ago tQ be the sum of
i,iM uu, loaetnei- with accruing interest thece
on to the date hereof at the rate of ten per
ceni per annum; that $loo.00 bo adjudged
a reasonable attorney's feo; that the
plaintiff's mortgage be foreclosed and the
real property therein described &a fn..
Beginning at the n.w. corner of the sw'i of
ine swi of section 28, Townnhlp 10 8., Range
11 W. of the Wil. Mer. in Lincoln County, Ore
gon, running thence south 20 rods, thence
east 80 rods, thence north 20 rods, thence west
80 rods to the place of beirlnntnir. h knM h
aw upon execution and that the proceeds
inereiroin De applied as follows: Kirst to the
payment of costs and ilisbursments of this
ui t, thn accruing costs and sttornev'a rM
second: to the payment of amount due to
piaiiuin as found and determined by tho
court; third: the overplus if any be paid into
court, to await the further order of this court,
ana a luuner order that each and all of the
defendants be forever barred and fni-rlnori
irom any right, title, interest or claim of, in
or to sun real properly or any part thereof.
The time prescribed in ihnnlr inr r.n nu
tation of this summons is once a week iu
seven consecutive and sticccs-dve issues of the
Lincoln County Leader, a weaUlv mninmu.
published and of goneral circulation in Lin
coln County, Oregon.
The date of the first publication hereof is
February 18th, 1910, the date of tlio Inst pnbll
caiiou to ipril 1st, 1010, the date of the order
directing publication Is February lltb, 1910.
Datod this 12th day of Febryary, 1910.
L. M CJ t . Itt'lf for nluliwiir
8. Lund Ollice, Portland, Oregon,
February 14th, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that Isiiao Johnson,
of Siletii, Oregon, who, on July 8rd, 190G, made
homestead applicatinn No. 15993, serial. No.
' 01289, for t of ne. and nji of se.
Section 04 township 9bouth, range 10 west,
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of
intention to make final five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described,
before Ira Wade, County Clerk, of Lincoln
County, Oregon at Toledo, Oreon, on tlie 5th
day of April, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Mat OJala, Victor Nloml, Matt Pompelll, and
John Kanttu, all of Sileti, Oregon.
Chas. B. Mkriuck, Register
Notice is hereby given that the uuderslgned
has been appointed by tho County Court of
the Stats of Oregon for Lincoln county, execu
tor of the estate of John Hill, deceased.
All persons hivli.g claims against said estate
are hereby lequired to present same to the
undersigned, at his residence in Newport
Oregon, properly verified as by law 'required,
within six mouths from date of this notice.
Dated this 23d day of February, 1910,
R. A. Benskll. Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
hasbeen annolnted bv the c.nw ntv Court jf
the State of Oregon for Lincoln County, ex
ecutrix of the estate of Thomas . nil
ceased. ' "
All persons having claims airalnst tald es.
late are hereby required to present same to
Executrix at the In IV ofltrft nf C. TC Hawk ilia
In Toledo, Oregon, properly verified as re
quired by law, within six months from data
of this notice.
Dated this 23d day of February,1910.
Mioa C. Smith Executrix.-