Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 18, 1910, Image 5

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    ! New Goods 1
My line
is now
new and up to the
i a
J A bigger line than ever
J. S. Akin
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelery and
Greatest Assortment of every des
cription ever seen in Lincoln Comity
A Beautiful Line of
Spectacles and
ye Glasses
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
(Thirty Ycir'a Kxpcriwce)
Waichirnker, Jewi-Ier and Optician
Jack Morgan went to Portland
Monday morning.
R. N. Warnoek was a passenger
for Portland Monday morning.
Grant King was over from- Siletz
Monday night.
Dr. M. M. Davis went to Eugene
Monday morning.
Mrs. Everette Jones is very sick
ut Siletz with pneumonia.
Elmer Patrick, the merchant,
was up from Newport Tuesday.
Frank Lane came up from the
Resort City yesterday morning.
The fish are here now. Get your
fishing tackle of Newton & Nye.
W. 0. Davis, the harness maker,
went to Portland yesterday.
Lambert Nelson of Pioneer was a
visitor in this city this week, return
ing home yesterday .
Fred Olson came down from Chit-
wood Saturday night, returning
home the next morning.
L. D. Nash was down from Nash
ville several days this week, return
ing home yesterday morning.
Mrs. Rena Cartwright of Newport
came up from Newport for a visit
with her brother, Charles Bradeson,
and family.
C. F. Varney has quit the draying
1 ho electric light people are mov-! business with Gust Olson and has
ing the boiler to the new location at ! accepted the jwsition as teamster
the sawmill.
The season for coughs and colds is
now at baud and to much care canuol
be used to protect the children A
child is mffch more likely to contract
diphtheria or scarlet fever when he
has a cold. The quicker you cure his
cold the less the risk. Chamberlaiu's
Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of
many mothers, aud few of those who
have tried it. willing to use any
for Mr. North
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Montgomery
and little daughter came down from
Portland Monday evening. They
returned yesterday morning.
Mrs. Charles Litchfield and child
ren came up from their home at
Yaquina yesterday morning for a
visit with Mrs. Litchfield's parents.
Carl Davis, Samuel Kimmel, W.
C. Fischer, Walter Hall, P. II. Elt-
ing and Fred Wilson were over from
U.S. Land Ollloe, Portland. Oregon,
Miircli 5ih, 1910
Notice is hereby Riven that Ellert 11. Slenju
land of Tolelo, Oregon, who, on February 20,
1904, mnda homest-jad application. No. 132H6.
Serial No. 010(53. for nw!4 ol f&i Fection 28,
townhlp II south, ran ire 10 next, Wil'ninette
Meridian, has Alert notice of Intention to make
final Ave year proof, toeHtttb'.ish claim to the
land above described, bitore Connty Clerk of
Lincoln Courtly, at Toledo.Oregmi, on tho 14th
-day of April. 1910.
Claimant names nn witnesses:
GnndorOlnon, I. P. Iliser, John Anderson
and Hum E. Peterson, all of Toledo, Oregon.
Cms. It. Merrick, Register.
3rs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual Phone, both office
No. 651
.At TOLEDO Friday
At WALDPOKT Thuif d:iv noon to Saturday.
Our Motto- A Pleased Patient Our Best
Notice to Bidders.
Bay View, O".. Feb. 28, IfllO.
Sealed bids be will received by the County
,'ourt of Lincoln County, for "Hendricksou
Hike" near Day View, under following speci
tlcations. Beginning at at p.ilnt 100 fret west of what
is known as Hendrickson's Boat Landing at
foot of hill on county road, thence in a n n th
easterly direction followlngcounly road across
de flat to foot of hill, a distance of 432 leot.
Dike to be built 12 foot wide by setting posts
2 It. in gr.mnd and 4 ft. high, not less than
6ft apart, on b th side of dike. Poatstosquare
up not less than 6 Inches, with beams not lews
always given tfood gtisfa siioa " This
remedy contains ni opium or other tmr
cotic and may lie given as confi lently to
a child ns to an nrlult. Fur sale by,
Toledo Drug Co.
Toledo Meat Co.
Paine & Nye, Props.
other. Mrs. F. P. Sturdier, of Riplev,
K;t attending Ma-
Remedy for my children, and it has i bumo 10(-'t5e-
The Fir and Spruce sawmill com
pany this week received another
large donkey engine. This engine
will he used as a roader and will he
used on the . Depot slough to pull
the logs to water.
Road Supervisor John Peterson
has a crew of men nt pork grading
n jar the Stewart fill for the spur to
the rock crusher. The crusher will
he set up and work on the road will
! hegin as soon as the weather permits.
I William Scarth returned from
; Portland last Friday evening, where
jhe went to make arrangements for
the purchase of the schooner Wil
jhelmina for the Lincoln County
i Transportation Company. Captain
j Tyler went to Coos bay to take
charge of the vessel and will bring
a load of coal to this Rny, and is
due-to arrive within a few clays.
B. Rosenthal, who has been running
For Sale ! a tailor shop in Newport the past two
W 1,C3 I,.,.- Hlltim.l ft , vl.tnn
.onie good hay for sale on bank . . .... z. .
of Olal'a slough at ten dollars a ton
if taken at. once. Hans Olson.
All kinds of fix- u and cured
Meals, Bacon and Lard
Highest price for Hides and Pelts
Fish ai:d Oysters in Season
lie is temporarily in the Grady
i building next door, to the ware
! house on Water Front, hut will fix
I up a shop in the Olson building at
Mr. Rocsnthal is
Dues it not seem strange that so the city landing.
many people Buffer year in aud year out an experienced tailor and also does
with eczema? ' . i pressing, cleaning, etc. He is al-
A 2o cent bottle of a simple wash , , . , ,
stops the itch and will surely convince ' re'u1 bjln- kePfc .V
any patient. ' . Samuel Beaver, one of Lincoln
This wash is composed of mild a ; couutya old pioneers, died in this
with 2 in. plunks to top of posts then filled
with earth. No tlm'ier exoept rir or cedar to
be used. Must bu completed by first of Au
nst 1910.
Bids will also be received for a fill on above
roadway. And the plan considered the most
practical to be accepted by the undersigned.
Bids will be received until Monday. April 18,
1910. J. C. DOUGHERTY,
Supervisor Road District .No. 8, Bay View
thnn ... 1.. .. ., 11 . nnnll.i...nil nf n.lllfomMan n A V ill I II i f K
4 ft. from ground, to b. planked up inside . lnva)0. Hnd glycerine, etc., and known Weducslay evening, at the age
as D. D. D. Prescription. We do not 'of 76 year, after an illness of sevcr
kuow how loug the I). 1). D. Laborator. j al months. Mr, Beaver retired ear
ies will continue the 25c offer, as the j y ;n ti1(J evening feeling as well as
rempilv ia rftcrnlnrlv Hold onlv in SI. 00 ' . i l r.. -r t -i
described land to be 12 .oot wide on top or bollles'aniI never before been put T TV ! , . , 1 ,
on the market on any special oners. i '
If you want relief to-niuht try a b-.ttle inga moan went to his room and
at 25c on onr personal recommend-. found Mr. Ueaver breathing his last.
Mr. Beaver was for many years
prominent in the Socialist nnrtv in
Our fresh stock of garden seeds thia C()(int So far as we are able
Toledo Drug Co.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, aa thousands have testified.
It is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
' are here. Get your seeds now. To
ledo Drug Co.
of a volcano excites brief intert-st, and
your iuterest in skin eruptions will he
to learn he has no relatives in this
Teams- for Sale.
Three good teams (or sale, weight
The Fountain Head of Life
Is The Stomach
A man who has s weak and impaired stomach and who doei not
properly digest his food will toon find that hit blood has become
weak and impoverished, snd thai bit whole body U improperly tad
iaiumoiently' nourished.
tnaktt tli ttomach atroai. promote th flow of
ttlOeatlrm lulee. reatorta th loat appetite, ta.iftem
atalmllatlort perfect, Invltoratea the liver and
purine and enriches the blood. It la the treat blood-maker,
tleeh-ballder and reatoratlve nerre tonic. It make men
atroni In body, active In mlad aad cool In ludtement.
Thit "Discovery" it t pure, lyceric extract of American medical roots, '
absolutely free from alcohol and all injuriout, habit-forrainfl drugs. AU its
ingredienti are printed on its wrappers It hat no relationship with secret
Bostrumt. Its every ingredient it endorsed by the leaders in all the tchoolt of
medicine Don't tccept t secret nostrum as a tubstitute for this time-proven
remedy o rnown composition. As vous neighbors. They must know of
many cures made by if during past 40 years, right in your own neighborhood
World'f Dispentary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce. Pret., Buffalo N Y
Sealed bids will be received for the following till noon. March 'JU, lull):
Cllly Johnxnn, e e sw1. sec. 13-6-8, aiide'j se' nvr'i nee 136 8... 01). Jacob Kilonicheoy
Cilly Juhnson, wj j e r'4. sec. 13 6-8 -10. . Susan Edomcheoy
C 8. Blackeler, et it, nwj swj, bbo. 19-&-8 and e sw i nw.' 4, sec.
2-6-8 60. Alsea Bill
Moses Lane, wjsw!4 "ee. 14-5-8, and e'e'i, see, 15-5-8 160. I.tie y Sampson
Mabel Klnmnth, w nw), sec. 10-10-9 8J. Matildn Jaelt
Muble Klnma'h, wj wi nw'i.sec. 10 10-9 20. K. It. Jnrk
Martha Johnson, s4 ne sec. '6-9 9 80. Mildred Solomon
Non-l'ninietent land for sale
Charlotte Rlggs, el sei ne4, sec 15, and i m'i sec 16-6-8 1(V). Charlotte Klgx
M'unon feott, sJJ sw?; sec. 23 ? 10 Eu Su'mmuii Scoil
Joseph Lincoln, s,'i Irtit 12, soc, 9-10 10 10. Joseph l.lneoln
I.avlna Fi'lix.e1 nwRee 2!) 6-10 80. I.avina Kollx
Jane Yanner, Iots 10 and 11, sec. 2 7.11 40. June Kostor
Mollie Mollis, Lots 11 and 13, see. 2-7-11 32,15 Mury Lokbii
Patents aud deeds will contain the following elaufc : "And there is re
served from the lands hereby granted u right of wny tiikkeon for ditches or
Canals constructed by authority of the United States."
Sealed bids will be received up to 12o'clock, noon, of the vnrious days upon
which they are listed to bo opened in above schedule;, and must lie directed to
Knott C. Kgbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregon. Envelopes coutuiuiiifr snob
bids should not hnve noted thereon the description of the hinds to wTiich the
bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the dnte upon vhicb the
bid is to be pened. Knclnse certified check for Ht least 25 per rent, of j our
bid. Checks should be drawn payable to tho order of KNOTT C. KGUEKT,
Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Chtu'Ke of Siletz Agency, Oregon.
as short, if you use Bucklen's Arnica lOOO to 1100 lbs. See North, the
Salve, their quickest oure. Even the livery man, at Toledo.
worst boils, ulceea, or fever sores are i
soon healed by it. BeBt for Burns, I Hidea Wanted.
Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips, Chapped c h i(1 for hJ j 1 1 To
Hands, UUiloiains nnu i net. K1e n,nnnorv W , ,!, ...
25c. at Toledo Drug "- - - -v
j . bjdy in town. Toledo Tannery.
' instuct relief.
Siletz Homesteader Replies.
Editor Lkapeu:--I notice an
article in the last issue of the New
port NewB-Renorter asking "Mr.
Siletz Homesteader" wliere vc may
he found. Some o im in the eastern
part of township 10 smith, range 11
west can be found on our claims
any time and any day, and such has
been the caso for the 'past three
years. We can be found in loleuo
frequently, wliere wj trade, where
our roads lead to, and where we can
and do earn a part of our living
without having to pay a license to se
cure and h Id a job. Even if most of
the Siletz homesteaders did tskidoo
out of the timber as soon they could
tha1 is not any reason why we should
be unjustly taxed and country
school districts deprived of their
just share of taxable property.
In reply to Mr. Minlhorn will
say that it is unfair and uniust for
the Newport school district to hold
the Siletz territory annexed to it on
iccount of its geographical situation
and tho needs of the Newport
school district or the nuinlier of
pupils in the district has nothing
to do with it. When I attended
school I was taught that a narrow
channel of water connecting two
larger bodies of water was called
a straight, but it is beyond my com
prehension how a long, nariow
strip of land connecting two larger
kidies of land, and then only by an
error in surveys, can be a straight
proposition in the division of terri
tory between different school dis
tricts. to the legality of tho annex
ation of this territory to the New
port school district that can lest be
decided by the Courts, if such proves
necessary. The people in the ad
joining district should arouse them
selves and each district petition for
its fair share of this territory, which
they can certainly secure by united
action. JiCt those interested go to
the County School Superintendent's
office and examine a map of the
Newport and adjoining school dis
trict and investigate for themselves
the truthfulness of my statements.
In conclusion I would nsk Mr.
Mint horn to have a map of the
Newport and adjoining school dis
tricts printed in the News-Reporter
to prove that this territory justly
1 1 elongs to tho Newport school dis
I trict. He or any other Newportcr
: does not dare to nave such a map
printed in either of the Newport
papers as it is a matter that won't
stand publicity. Come, Doc, print
a map of your school district, lx-forc
someone else dors it for you, and
show your districts fairness to other
8i;hool districts and the justness .in
it to us people to be attached to
youi district and to be taxed to
support your city schools. Also ex
plain how it ii that the Otter Rock
Resort is in the Newport school dis
trict, but the people there have to
cross another school district to reach
Newport. Yo.irs t uly,
In the J&wpoit school district.
-S3 .
Vacancy.' on School Board.
Lincoln County Leaiuch: There
u at present a vacancy in the otlico
of School director in the Waldport
District and I am informed by one
of the remaining directors that tho
County School Superintendent has
decided that it is not necessary to
call a special meeting to fill thU
vacancy, and there sre about twelw
districts in the County which have
only two directors. Inasmuch an
Section 101 of the school laws of
Oregon provides that "A special
school meeting to fill said vacancy
shall be called in accordance with
section laO" I am at a loss as to
why such advico should be given by
the superintendent. The law sure
ly contemplates that there shall l;o
three directors in each district, not
part of the time, but all the time.
I am told that the Toledo district i
ono in which there is a vacancy.
Section (!7 of the school laws pi-,
vides t hut" the director thall visit
and inspect the schools from time to
time." Tho monthly reports in tho
Leader nearly always show no.
visits by tho school board. Since
school opened at Wa'dport List Fall
we have had one visit by a director
of our district. Very truly,
Win. F. Keady.
0. D. DeLauricr after spending
most of the Winter on his home
stead on the Siletz, departed yester
day morning for his old home in
Long Prairie, Minnesota. Mr. De
Laurier expects to returned to Ore-,
gon in the near