Lincoln Ccarity Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPF.R COLLIN'S A HAYDEN, Pcblishers KDire1 tthe jwiofflci at Toledo, Oregon, u aecoinl -clasp mall matier. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - - - 1 50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - 50 ADVERTISING HaTKA PUplay, 10 cents per Inch per lusne. Lornl and Hearting Not let-, be per line. Notices 'or Bale, Wiititod, Kte., live lines or nn dor, 'JSc per lsxtie; !) per monlh. Homestead Notices, 13; Timber Kulieei, 910. Iii Dr. MH ntliorn's article in this tuner Inst ismie tlic typo ni.ulo him nay Dig Elk when they should have been "Hig Creek district got four sections added of tiiiiljcr lands and that district has only one pupil in- their school while Newport has over two hundred children of school age." Every man in Toledo and the pin-rounding vicinity should attend the meeting of the Development League next Tuesday cvonincr. Of ficers for the ensuing year are to he elected, the coming County Fair is to bo -discussed, and much othe business, important business, is to oomo before the meeting. Bids for operating a freo ferrv ncross the river at this place is being advertised for. The bids will be opened at the next meeting of the Development League. This is an important thing, and one that the people of Toledo must arrange for Ncwjwrt'H enterprising citizens an : i - i Konig in jiave a ierry across the lower hay, and Toledo needs one Let ns all pull for the ferry. The Secretary of the Interior has reported adversely upon Senator Chamberlain's Senate bill whicl provides that entries of Siletz lands rihall not he canceled for insufficient residence and cultivation in cases where it can bo shown that entry was for the exclusive use and. bene fit of cntryman and a habitable house was built on tho land and actually occupied by the entry man, and a portion of the tract cultiva ted. ' - RED FRONT , BLACKSMITHSHOP F. W. CARSON, Prep. S The Best Quality of Groceries, Drygoods, Horseshoeing a Specialty. Black- smithing of all kinds. Satis faction guaranteed. TOLEDO OREGON Flour and Feed at the Lowest Prices R. S. VAN CLEVE I The Tort of Toledo has been form ed for tho betterment of Yaquina Bay, There are magnificent op 1 i! unities lying idle all around Yaquina waiting for bettor trans portation and harbor facilities. The property lencfited should and could pay for the improvements. The State of Oregon should loan to Piich ports the credit and tho land values should return the loan ovor lifter a term of years. That is be ing done in Denmark with profit to the land owners and tho develop ment of the entire community. Labor Tress. . Portland's big new packing plant, "just completed by the Swift interest i !cgan killing livestock yesterday. From now on, it will enlarge its operations until all the departments and allied industries are under way. It is expected to be two or three months before the big $2,000,000 plant is in full operation, The com pletion of this great packing house is a big boost for the producers of livestock not only in this state but throughout the Northwest, The killing department is prepared to handle about 00 cattle a day as a starter and has a capacity of 1000 hogs and sheep. The interest in livestock production throughout the big territory tributary to' this innrkut will largely determine tho magnitude of opera! 5 ns by the now plant, Hogs reached $11. 10 during the past week, A PLEASANT PHYSIC, When you want a gleasaut physio ffiva Chamberlain's Rtomauli and Liver Tablets a trial. Tbey are mild and gentle in their acMou and alnya pro (luce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call tit Toledo Drug Co'i drug store for a j free sample, Columbia Red Top batteries at Newton & Nye's. Get tho Habit and chew Zeno Gum, for tho breath. All our seeds are new crop. No old last year seeds. Toledo Drug Co. Tho Le?t side hill plow for Lincoln county. II. S. Phuxkk, Nashville, Or. Onion sets, we have plenty of them and the price is right. Toledo Drug Co. II. J. Altnow, secretary of the Pacific Federation of Hardware and Implement Dealers' Association, was hero from Woodburn latt week. A. W. Weber of Ona was in the city Monday. While here Mr. Weber availed himself of the oppor tunity to have a couple of painful teeth extracted. Newton & Nye have just recieved tho largest and most complete line of fishermen's supplies ever shown at the Bay. If you expect 1o catch fish of any kind see their line. i lie loggers' dance given in Woodmen Hall last Saturday even ing was one of the nicest functions of tho kind held in this city for a long time. There was a large crowd in attendance and tho boys showed their guests a good time, As floor managers Messrs, Merrell, Gatcns and Mann cannot bo beaten. The boys dressed in logger attire made a novel appearance. Prizes were awarded the following: Miss Maggie Freeman, for host sustained logger's costume, Frank Gatens, gentlemen's logger costume, Mr. and' Mrs. II. L. Collins, best carriage, position and smoothness in dancing. The young people hope the loggers will give another ball in the near future. TOLEDO, OREGON Development Laague. A meeting of the Toledo Develop ment Lcaguo will be held on Tues day evening, March 22, 1910, for the purpose of electing officers, ar ranging for literature, etc. Come out, C. B. Chosno, Secretary, . Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by the Sec retary of the Toledo Development League, for operating a free ferry across the Yaquina river from tho city wharf at Toledo to the terminus of the Wald port-Toledo wagon road at Butler's place, Bids will be opened Tuesday, March 22, 1910. C. B, Cuosno, Secretary, i - Hurley Lutz Passes Away. J. II, Lutz, one of the best known citizens of Lincoln county, died at Portland last Friday night, after an illness extending over several months, Mr, Lutz was a county officer of this county for several terms, and about two years ago resigned the office as Assessor and went to Port land where he has operated in tim-Ix-r lands until his death. Ho also I HAVE MOVED My Shop to the Woodmen Building, next door to the Bank, and am low prepared to repair Shoes Boots Trunks Valises Purses Harness Strap Work Belts Cuffs Collars Etc., Etc. Lot me figure with you if it is to be made of Leather. . W. O. DAVIS, Prop. Get the Habit AND GO TO SAVED A SOLDIER'S LIKE. Fiintijj death from shot and shell in the civil war was mote n'geeable to .1. A. Stoin-, i.f Kemp, Tex., theu facing it from what, doctors eni.1 was consum ption."! commuted a stubborn cold'' he writes, "I hat developed a cough, that stuck to me in ppite of all remedies for. years. My weight ran down to 130 lonnnV. Then I bejiau to use Dr King's New Discovery, which com pletely fined me, I now weigh 173 pounds,'' For Coughs, Coldf, I,Hgi ippe. AMhmu, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness. .L'ronp, Whooping Cough and hinjr trouble its supreme. 50c. 1 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Toledo Druij Co. FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Nearly all diseases of the skin as ec zema, totter, salt sheum and barbers' itch, are characterized by au intense itching and smiii'ting, which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest, ' Quick reltof may be had by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It all ays the itching and Ginnrting almost iu' stautly. Many cases Lava been cured liy it s use. For sale by The Toledo Drug Co. AL'S SMOKE HOUSE AND SANDY KITCHEN For Your Segars, Terbaker, Kandy, Frutes, Nuts, Lunch Goods, Etc. We alao carry a Large Assortment of Pipes and Smokers' Articles. Sr Short Order House and Pool Hall in Connection AL WAUGH, Proprietor I.estonitlon to entry of lands In National Forest. Nut Ine Is hereby given that the lands described below, embracing 90 acres, within the Hlaslaw National Fi-ret, Oregon, will be subject to settlement and entry under the pro visions ot the homestead laws of tho United States and the net of June 11, 1900, m Slat. 11SX), at thi United States land oflice at Kose- bnrg, Oregon on May 10, 11110. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claiming any ot said land for wrrliMiltiiral purposes, prior to January 1st, 1900, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a home stead entry for the lands actually occupied Said lands wore listed upon the application's of llie persons mentioned belov , who have preference right Bnbject to a prior right of any' such settler, provided such settlor or applicant is qualified to make homestead en try and the preference right is exercised prior to May 10, 1910, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and entry by any qualified perBon. The lauds are as follows: Thenof mvjof nwof See, 25; the nJj;of nei of n o; Ihe sw of 110J4 ofne'i; the wj 01SBV4 orne4; the w'$ of S of se!-i; of Sec. 2ti,'l HS B. 11 W., W. M.t Hated upon appli cation of Sampson Levins of Ocean View Ore gon; Mst 6-212. B. V. Pboudfit, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Olllce. Ap- proved February 19, l'.MO, Frank Pibhce, First Assistant Secretary of the Interior. ltostorattou to entry of land.- in National Forest. Nolice Is hereby given that tho lands described below, embracing 73,32 acres, within the Sluslaw National Forest, Oregon, will be subject toscttlenie it and entry under the pro visions of the homestead laws of the United Htatesand the act of Juno 11, 1906 (31 Stat. ,233), at the United States land cilice at Portland, Oregon, on May 10, 1910. Any Settler who Was actually and In f0nd faith claiming any ot said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January , 1900, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a home stead eiitrj for ti e lands actually occupied, bald liuids wore listed upon the applications of tho persons mentioned below, who have a preference riuht subject to the prirr right of any such settler, provided such settlor or mi. hold the Office OS County Clerk 0f ,P11?,nl,)'l to make homestead entry ., . , , , , , "l th prei'oronco rlith lis exercised prior to tlUS COUllty, being SUCCeodOll by Olir May 1910, on which date the lands will present clork, Ira Wade, in the 06 ".,,ft 10 "9ltle,"e,,t "nd on,rr by "" J. , ' ' quail lied person. The lends are as follows! the election of June, 1902. hot 3 of see. a, t. 8 s., u. 10 w, w. m.; om Hurley Lutz was born in Illinois ' 1Uud upo" ,he ppiioHn of sardius , 1 j 1 .t I h Jenkins of Keruville, Oregon; hist 6-163. In 18 (0, ond was unmarried. Ho Tneni.';0f oi ej: the.of nwof sej came to Toledo In 1890, and made lo' "'' th sw4 ' nu ' M of se!4- the i . 1 . rr, 1 j 4J 1 i "J o( wi of se' of e;; the sw of iw!4 ol his homo at Toledo continuously, I e of se;;, th. Mt 4 0t seiii the seji of except a couple of years spent at th8n'""he,M,!40"he e'i of 8,n- 3- o-i , ... . . n , TT 1 utfof nwlnf nofi the nw'4 of tne se4 of biletz, until going to Portland. He nwof in;; tbeneof.wHof nwj 01 th. was always a staunch friend, a jolly, ' . 10. t. i s. k.iow.j 72.5 acres, aP. . , , it, plication of W. C. Maynard of Newport, Ore. good natured man, and bad many gon; 6-239. s. v. PaouDFit, Assistant warm friends here who will be ;mm isomer of the .ieuerai und oitice. , . , AI'P"'V1 February 21,1910. Frank Pikbcb, grieved to learn of hlS death , irst Assistant secrottty if the Interior, Don't be misled into the belief that a loose shoe will be comfortable. It is just as bad for the foot to'slip in a shoe as it is to have tne shoe pinch. A proper fat is a snug fit at every point of contact with the foot Try on your size in the American Gentleman Shoe and you will know what we mean. This shoe is made on anatomically correct lasts, and in a great variety of styles and shapes, making it possible to fit most any foot. The Largest Manufacturers of Shoes in the World have been able to put into the American Gentleman Shoe a quality of materials and workmanship that assures unusual durability and style. Come in and see the new styles for Fall and Winter, and let us fit you in a shoe that is suited to you. We carry a large line ot American Gentleman Shoes, in many styles, sizes, shapes and leathers. T. P. FISH Toledo, Or. R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURG HON TOLEDO, OH LOON Office in Sclienck Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 a. ni.: 2 to 4 ninl 7 to 8 1 p.m. Emergency Calls at auy time. WBOTH 'PHONES-W1 TOLEDO JIAK1UIY J. BURKEL, Proprietor South end Railroad Aveuuo- Fresh Bread, Fresh Piea Fxesh Cakes - Everything First-Class Orders out'of town promptly fille d. Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. INCORPORATED) We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of YELLOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Special Bills on short notice 1 JOHN FOG ARTY, Agt., Newport I O. R. ALTREE, - - - Manager B L INCOLN BOUNTY D (INCORPORATED) $10,000 Paid Up Capital ANK Dfafts and Money Orders sold, payable at all principal points the United States, Canada and Europe. THOS. LE . President, WM. SCARTH Cashier 1