topics or -MW A M'ee' Ifs easy to tell others to let well tough alone. It's pretty mean to hint that Peary's story was Cooked up. Woman suffrage is gaining ground. Emma Goldman Is out against It. Professor William Henry Pickering thinks he saw a little vegetation on the moon. Sad, indeed! held by military men that tha strict censorship which the government was enabled to exercise contributed largely to Japanese success In the struggle with Russia, as by it the enemy and( the world at large were shrewdly de-; celved as to Japanese plans, losses In battle, and resources. The vital fea ture of the Japanese system was to compel the press to tell deliberate false hoods whenever It seemed necessary to conceal the real facts. We are told by the purist and strict construction ists that such a system would not do at all for the United States. In the first place, such a censorship wouldn't be constitutional; that whatever cen- Back to the Farm. There are three all-important things to be weighed by the city man who wishes to return to the farm. The sorship might be attempted outside of , nrBt is his wife. If she is in every Andrew Carnegie ls tightening the purse strings, having Indefinitely post poned the job of dying poor. The University students have asked for a wrestling director.' It takes skill to get one of those Greek roots three points down. A Chicago clergyman advocates com pulsory marriages. This space ( ) Is reserved for what the bachelors think of the idea. "When would you call a man a vic tim of fate?" asks a correspondent. Well, for Instance, when he has his skull fractured with a life preserver. A Texas man has just given away several million dollars' worth of prop erty; but don't get excited. He mere ly gave It to members of his family. King Leopold left a private fortune which Is estimated at $53,000,000, not withstanding the fact that he never went around complaining that wealth was a burden. the military -areas would be subject to the civil law, and that it would be wicked to make the newspapers tell lies, even to deceive the enemy. This may be admitted as a general propo sition, yet if the country were engaged in a life and death struggle the strict constructionists might have another thought coming. Deceptions, strata gems, are considered fair in war. A man of integrity in civil life, drafted into the army, might be compelled by the exigencies of his situation to draw the enemy into an ambush; to lure him by false appearances and signals; to pretend that he had a thousand men when he had perhaps actually not more than a hundred. If a citizen can thus be made to lie in act or word, to risk his life as well as his reputation for veracity, why should not a newspaper be compelled to suppress or color the truth If our success in arms were to depend upon it? It is to be hoped that no situation will ever arise re quiring an addition to the list of news paper liars but it it does, we may even have to grin and bear It, as ws do war taxes. A Northwestern University profes sor thinks men should be proud to have descended from an ape. Some men Bhould be proud, undoubtedly; but what about the ape? UNCOMMON WANTS. 2 sense of the word a helpmate, loves the country and can give up what she has been used to in the city for the sake of the children and the building of a real home, then the prospects are fairly favorable to begin with. The second thing to be considered Is your years and capacity for work; the third, what is your capital? If all these are favorable, don't lose a day in trying to get suitably located. If any one of these points Is doubtful, deliberate well and move slowly. If you have a fat bank account and a wife tied to the fleshpots of the city you can do nothing in the country; but, on the other hand, if your wife be ono with you heart and soul, then capital might at a pinch be forgotten. As to the second point that of years and capacity for work this is very important, because so many cf thosa who are earnestly desirous of forsak ing the city to-day are well advanced In years, who think that the country would afford them an easy means of earning a living. There is nothing easy on the farm. Animal Food for Poaltrr. ITALIANS iSP TBVlfl. Bones and meat secured from ths I ....... ........ a ... ,. n. nlprea br Memorial Presented lr Aabwwd DULCUcr UiU l.ufc r means of a bone cutter are perhaps the best substitute for the Insects a hen finds when on free range. Horse meat, being free rrom tuberculosis, is probably slightly preferable to that from the butchers' stalls. Skim milk is a good substitute for meat, but be ing so bulky the fowls rarely eat enough of it to supply the required nutriment unless It Is soured to a clabber and whey drawn off. Dried beef scrap is a product of the packing- houses and if of assured quality makes a fair substitute for fresh meat. It should be fed in hoppers and should constitute about 8 or 10 per cent of the grain ration. Landing; Blocks of lee. An easy way to take the blocks of Ice from a pond after they are cut is shown in the accompanying sketch, from Popular Mechanics. A plank ten to twelve feet long, with a handle at- Judlclal authorities are wrestling with the question, whether a safety razor is a deadly weapon. It may not be deadly, but amateurs In Its use assert that It can hurt a lot. Some persons are reviving the old controversy about Abraham Lincoln's religion. Viewing the career of the great American from this distance it seems hardly worth while to worry about what particular brand of reli gion he affected. Curiously worded advertlsementai which are funny without the author's intent, are to be found in almost any number of any newspaper. The fol lowing announcements were printed In all good faith In the advertising col umns of various English newspapers. and, as a whole, they won a prize of fered by a London periodical for the best collection of such specimens of unconscious humor Annual sale now on. Don't go else where to be cheated come in here, A lady wants to sell her piano, as she Is going away, in a strong iron frame. Wanted Experienced nurse for bot tied baby, Furnished apartments suitable for gentlemen with folding doors, Two sisters want washing. Wanted A room by two gentlemeu about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad Lost A collie dog by a man on Sat urday answering to Jim with a brass In a recent speech at Yale Unlver-1 collar round his neck and a muzzle. slty, Governor Hughes, of New York, Wanted, by a respectable girl, ner nut his finger upon an ugly spot in passage to New York; willing to take American life -the ready habit of be- care oi cnnaren ana a gooa saiior. lleving and spreading evil stories Respectable wiaow wants wasning about men in Dubllc ofllce. He plead- on Tuesdays. Lous on Farm Crops Doe to Fungi. Prof. W. A. Orton, in an article on the importance of the development of farm crops resistant to disease, justi fies his statements by pointing out that the present losses from plant dis eases are a heavy tax upon the farmer. He states that In the United States I alone the average annual loss from oat smut is more than $6,500,000; from loose-smut of wheat, $3,000,000, and from bunt, or stinking smut of wheat, more than $11,000,00'0. Loose-smut an nually diminishes the value of barley $2,000,000, a careful estimate of the loss in one State last year placing it as 7 per cent The combined effect of the various diseases of fungal origin attacking, the potato diminish the The holiday season brings a realiza tion of the importance of toys in the commercial world. In 1908 more than seven million dollars' worth of toys were imported by this country, mainly from Germany, which excels the rest of the world in producing wonderful things dear to the childish heart. ed with the students that those who go Into journalism be fair with pub lic men whom they criticize, although they comment freely upon the acts of such men. "A man who seeks profit In the sale of calumnleB is the most despicable of human creatures," said the governor. The movement for uniform laws governing the operation of motor ve hicles throughout the United States Is gaining strength through the activi ties of the various automobile asso ciations in the country, and the prob lem will be one of the chief matters tor consideration at the meeting here In January of the American Auto mobile Association. It Is not believed that exactly similar laws will be adopted by all of the States, but it is hoped that uniformity relative to ex amination of drivers, registration of cars, signals, road signs, etc., can be obtained. For Sale A pianoforte, the property of a musician with carved legs. Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to announce that he will make up gowns, cape3, etc., for ladles out of their own skins. A boy who can open oysters with reference. Bulldog for sale; will eat anything; very fond of children. Wanted An organist and a boy to blow the same. Wanted A boy to partly outside and partly behind the counter. The World Went . Round. When Blogglns senior on the occa sion of his annual party was obliging his guests with " Tis Love That Makes the World Go Round," Master Wil 11am Bloggins seized the opportunity to retire for a few minutes behind the Japanese screen with his sire's half smoked -cigar. The applause subsiding, Master Blog gins was observed by one of the com' pany to be looking far from well. His The spelling of some of the enter- face had taken on the hue of putty, lng class of a great Western university and his eyes stood out like small hat has lately been published for the nees, amusement, and perhaps warning, of students elsewhere. Words were mis spelled that any pupil of an un graded country school should know by heart. The head of the English de partment, in commenting on the mat ter, expresses the opinion that possibly one in a hundred who thus offend Is constitutionally deficient in the men tal traits which make an accurate speller; but with others who have studied the matter, he lays the trou ble among the ninety-nine to lack of sufficiently thorough early training and drill. No real substitute tor the old spelling-book haa ever been found, and Ignorant and illiterate spelling Is sot "reformed orthography. "Good graclaus, Willie! What's the matter?" cried Mrs. Blogglns In alarm I believe you've been smoking." Willie' shook his head. "'Taln't that," he declared untruth' fully. "If It s true what father's been singing about, I I reckon I'm In love?" London Express. Crushed. Colonial Dame (impressively) My ancestors came over in the Mayflower, Daughter of the Revolution Humph If my ancestors were immigrants wouldn't brag of it. Pathfinder. HOW TO BEMOVE THE BLOCKS. tached to one end and a block of wood nailed to the other, takes the place of Ice tongs. One person can take out a heavy block of-ice as easily as three men could with ice tongs. In remov ing ice blocks with this board, the op erator will not get wet Owls for Orchards. The fruit growers of New Zealand, after long racking their brains in vain to find some way of getting rid of the small bird pest, recently thought of trying owls, says the Sydney Mall. hundred small German owls were or dered from Europe, and a part of the order was delivered last September, The owls were liberated in the fruit growing districts and immediately proved a wonderful success. They kill COW 8TALL FOR WINTER. tea tea . A' 4 A stall with movable wooden floor and fastening for the same. The ad Vantage of this design will be appreciated In winter when the concrete is too cold for-the comfort of cows. Two iron pins set In the concrete floor near the front corners of the stall keep it in place. The floor panel Is easily removed for cleaning. In London to Drorjr Lane. "The critics were very severe and. in my judgment justly Bevere to ward the 'Dante' of Sardou; but the fact remains that Irving, at the de cline of his life, felt the attraction of the Influence of Dante's great person ality. Irvlng's endeavor to. impersonate on the EngUsh stage that powerful individuality turned his last thoughts toward Italy, and today it la. those among her sons who are united, to him by the brotherhood of art who offer this tribute to a man who has so highly contributed to show to man kind all the nobility and loftiness ot his art." Thus spoke the Italian ambassador in London, the Marquis of San Giulla no, at Drury Lane theater recently in unveiling the memorial to the late Sir Henry Irving presented by Signor Tommaso Salvinl and the leading members of the dramatic profession in Italy, says the London Chronicle. The memorial shows the effigy of Irving in bronze, enriched by a wreath of laurels, with a background of gray marble. The memorial has been placed on the wall at the head of the granl staircase. Around -it yesterday were gathered many people well known in, the dramatic world. "You English artists," said the am bassador in the course of his speech, have greatly assisted me in my study of the English language, trequeuuus the theaters and seeing your acting have learned more of the English character, life, feelngs and mode of thought than in reading many learned books which I have tried to forget as much as possible." "The English artists have given elo- - quent proofs of their sympathy with; Italy by the homage they have paid to Salvinl, the magnificent benefit to tne memory of Rlstori, and the part they have, always taken in our charitable works. When Italy was sua divided, when its Independence and unity were still a goal and an ideal, and ta many people even a dream and a Uto pia, Salvinl and Rlstori were among the forces which contributed to our national deliverance. "Salvinl In 1849 acted in Rome, ana at the same time fought In defense ot the cause of liberty. Once an alarm was raised during an Interval. He went to the ramparts and after the repulse of the attack resumed the performance. Ot course that evening the curtain, after the Interval, did not rise with the scrupulous punctuality of the English stage." Wanted a Pattern. A ragged Irishman was charged in a London court a short time ago with tendering a counterfeit shilling in pay ment for a penny loaf. Though forlorn in aspect, he was not destitute of that shrewdness which Is characteristic of his countrymen. He stated that he was sent tor the loaf by a person at a public house close by, who gave him the coin to pay for it, and that on discovering it was not good he bought the coin for three half pence. The Magistrate How came you to buy the shilling after you had discov ered It was a bad one? The prisoner, with much apparent gravity, replied: "Sure, then, your honor, I bought it so that If I should happen to have a bad one offered to me I might know it by looking at the one I had with me." There was a burst of laughter, and the rogue was dismissed with a. caution. General Bell proposes a military censorship of the American press In -war times suggested by the Japanese censorship in the recent war. It is yield of this crop over $36,000,000 each year. The above account shows that an annual loss amounting to over $55,- 000,000 Is sustained, due to the injury caused by fungi to cereals and pota toes alone. The Fnrm-Wlfe. Where ends the road xcrosB the hill? I do not knovv I do not know; Bui all 1ny long and all the night I long to go I long to go! It runs so stralpht beneath the sun. So white heneath the moon; It calls me from my work and dreams. And I must answer soon. I holt my door, I do my tasks, I kiss my goodman's cheek Yet I cannot hear my baby's laugh For what the road would speak. Where ends the road? I only know Here, from the pasture-bars, It la familiar to' the sun And mistress to the stars. Reginald W. Kauffman, in Llppln cott's. Wisdom In Boring- Feed. When much food is to be bought the aim should bo to grow so much coarse fodder that whatever is bought will bo bought in the shape of fer tillzer. The wisdom of doing this arises from the less cost of transport ing concentrates because of the less bulk which they contain in proportion The hole in the doughnut doesn't to their nutriment The fertilizer may amount to much, but it is better for ' be very profitably used in growing the you than Us surroundings soars fodders needed Put a man's hat on his head, and the chances are about a hundred to one that it will be uncomfortable until he adjusts it in his own peculiar way. ed waxcyes, finches, green linnets, thrushes, blackbirds and sparrows also mice, rats and young rabbits. They fed their young on caterpillars, grub and beetles, and their only fault seemed to be an occasional fondness for a barnyard chicken. ProAtnlile Hog Has Strength. The profitable market hog must pes sess a good, strong constitution, for without this no hog can make a good t.iarket hog. The hog that possesses a good, strong and vigorous constitution Is invariably extremely good through the heart and chest, and here is when he lives, and he cannot be strong and vigorous if he lacks in this essential of development. He should have a good strong back, be broad and strong through the loins, for it is a mere chance if we ever find a profitable mar ket hog that is weak and poorly de veloped through the loins. Valne of a Good Garden. A good home garden is a great insti tution. It means more on many farms than the crop of wheat, corn or oats. It furnishes food for the family throughout the summer, and, if prop erly handled, a liberal supply for win ter. Some gardens are handled so skil fully that there is a surplus of vege tables tor sale almost every week. It means much to the farmer and his' family and should be planned with the utmost care ana given the very best attention. Rotes of Women. A French book on the evolution of the Englishwoman finds the woman's club which in England is a real club, not a body which holds monthly meet ingsan excellent institution for both married and single. For the married woman It Is her "own place, where her husband cannot worry her," while for the unmarried it is a place where she need never be dull and where she can properly entertain friends of both sexes. Airship Btrd The canaries are having the bene fit of the present craze for all things in the airship line. The latest bird cages are made In the shape of air ships, to be hung in the window. And so pretty are they the wonder Is the airship fashion in cages didn't become popular among canaries long ago. Esprit de Corps. Passenger (to motor bus conductor) What's all this crowd about Is It the motor show? Conductor Yes, sir; and the most successful show we've had so far.- Punch. Hyprophobla In Germany. Though hypdrophobla "has been stamped out ot Britain, it is still ram pant In Germany, where every year, over 2,500 doga and cats afflicted with the disease are destroyed. When a man puts on another suit, the other men will sav: "New. or cleaned up?'