Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 11, 1910, Image 4

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    Lincoln County Leader
COLLIN'S & HAYDEN, Publishers
Kair4 tthe poiUflire at loledo, Oregon, u
ei-uu-vi&iui lUHit mailer.
One Year - - - $1 50
Six Months - - 75
Three MontliB - 50
Display, 10 cents per Inch per Untie.
l-ie:il and Reading NoiIcm, 6c per line.
Nollces-ror Sole, WhiiuhI, Kic., live lines or
under, 25c per Issue; 50c per month.
Homestead Notices, 5; Timber Notices, $10.
Following ia an extract taken
from an article in last week's News.
licixirter: "The pioplc of Newport
are to bo congratulated upon thei
prompt and eflictive refused to be
roped into a "wildcat scheme" to
boom sonicbodys sawmill property
at the expense of tlujir own and
their grand childrcns childrens
pocket books. " Will Mr. Matthews
kindly explain what iflictive re
fused" means. This is a new term
to us, also eflictive. is a new word.
We have taken it up with high
juithority and the latest decision to
date, is, that it means to go back
nn your word nr brcik n lr.r"rin
Now we realize the folly of trying
to argue the matter with a ninny
like the editor ofjhe News-Reporter
has proven himself to be, but,
for the benefit of those who do not
know the facts of the matter, we
will outline them in brief. Here
are the facts: Some of the leading
citizens -of Toledo conceived the
idea of forming the county into a
port district and improving the
rivers and bays, thereby opening
them up to navigation. A meeting
was cidled and the matter discuss jd
and it met with unanimous favor.
Another meeting was held at Elk
City and it met with favor there.
They said we will think t he matter
over, come back again in two weeks
and we will give you our decision.
Meetings were held at Eddyville
and Waldport in mean time and
while these people were not enthusi
astic over the matter, yet they said
we ore open to conviction." . But
while Toledo, in gosd faith, is going
ahead and holding these meetings,
what does Newport do? It says
' vp will just block this scheme which
o.1. i i mted at Toledo and which
will give the other parts of the
country a chance to givnv. So they
fc'ct up a petition creating the port
of Newport. And mind you, this
vas done without waiting to meet
with the rest of the county as they
had promised to. do. A majority
of the people of Newport are dis
gusted at the sneaking manner in
which a few of her citizens acted,
also the News-Reporter for uphold
ing such methods. This is shown by
the last week's I,haieu which was
written by one of Newport's leading
Should this weather continue we
may soon see the work on the To-lcdo-Silclz
road resumed.
This nice Summer weather is
causing the grass to grow like magic.
Early gardens are being planted.
Lincoln county climate against the
F. V. CARSON, Prop.
Horseshoeing a Specialty. Black -
smithing of all kinds. Satis
faction guaranteed.
ft - - - - s
Tne Best Quality of
Groceries, Drygoods,
Flour and Teed at
the Lowest Prices
indeed. Starting from the wharf
at Toledo the water averaged about
14 feet in depth until the bar mid
way between the mouth of the
slough and Altree's mill, where the
shallowest water was A feet with
a mud bottom. From this bar to '
Frarj '. V40 water is from 14 to 30,
feet e'ecp. Here, on this bar the
water is 8 feet deep, the bar is
short and is composed of mud.
Continuing from here on down the !
bay the water is from 14 to 24 feet
deep until Rocky Print is reached.
On the bar at Rocky Point the
water is again orly 8 feet deep, also
mud bottom. Now, these measure
ments being taken at low tide,
gives a depth of 15 feet of water on
tv o of these Intra on. a half t ide,
and liyi feet on the bar just below
town.. On the large liar supposed
to be situated at Mill Four there
was found to lie 14 feet of water at
low tide. When this one- bar just
bulovv town is removed tiny boat
that can come in over the bar at
the mouth of the bay, can come up
to Toledo. Between here and Elk
City them are only two bars that
need fixing, and then boats can go
onto Elk City to load.
Oyster Cocktails I
Oyster Stews !
Oyster Frys!
Oysters by the pint, quart, pnllon
or carload, at Al's Smoke House
Cafe. Get The Habit.
Columbia Red Top batteries 'at
Newton & Nye's.
My Shop to the Woodmen Building,
next door to the Bank, and am i.ow
prepared to repair
Strap Work
Etc., Etc.
Let me figure with you if it is to be
made of Leather.
W. O. DAVIS, Prop.
Get the Habit
For Your Srgars, Terbaker, Kandy, Frutes, Nuts, Lunch Goods, Etc.
We also carry a Largo Assortment of Pipes and Smokers' Articles.
CT Short Order House and Pool Hall in Connection .jpflf
AL WAUGH, Proprietor
Yesterday's issue of the Newport
Signal completed that paper's second
year of existence. The Signal is a
good paper ami we note that tho
citizens of tho Besort City aro ap
preciating it, ns shown by their
liberal advertising patronage.
Last Sunday the committee, ap
pointed to take soundings of the
depth of tho water on tho several
bars between Toledo and Oystcr
viJle, accompanied by a nunber of
others, made the trip on tho steam
er Truant, owned by the Modern
Improvement Company, They
made the measurements at low tide
and the results are most gratifying.
High School News
The Tenth Grade finished the
General History Wednpsd.iv
Nothing has been substituted as yet.
The Spanish class is having trou
ble with the subjective- mood nt.
present. j
Some unknown attraction called King's
the Ninth (J rude outside Wednes
day afternoon.
The Ninth Grade has' finished
Lowell's "Sir Launfall," and is
now reading Shakespeare's "Mer
chant of Venice."
The Toledo High School met
last Friday afternoon and organized
a literary society. Annie Hawkins
was elected president; Aileen Gai
ther, vice president, and George
Day, secretary and treasurer. The
society is to meet every Friday
afternoon. This is not the first
literary society of the High School,
but is going to be the best, as be
fore the meetings were held at
night, and tliQse living at a distance
from the schoolhouse could not
come when it was stormy. There
is no reason why it should not be a
success this time, if the members
are willing to do their part.
Several cases of Spring fever have
been reported in the High School.
This matter should be looked into
at once and necessary steps taken
to stop the spread of. the . malady.
The Eleventh and Twelth Grades
have finished "The Knight's Talc,"
in "Canterbury Talcs," and are
ready for more.
Mis Annie Hawkins taught the
Primary room last Monday morn
ingduring Misi Copland's absence.
During tho high wind Sunday
the schoolhouse flagpole b'ew over.
i . t. . . ...
r.u-injj oesin nous snot und Mien in
Hie civil wmp w:tg more ag.'eable to J. A
btone, of Kemp, Tex., then facirg it
from what doctors said was consnm
ption. "I contacted a stubborn cold
he writes, "that developed acoiisrh. that
j stuck to me iu npite of all remedies for
I years. My weight ran down 10 130
pounds. Then I beaaa to use Dr.
New Discovery, which com
pletely cared me, I now weigh 178
pounds. For Coughs, Colds, Lagrippe,
Asthma, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness
Croup, Whooping Cough and lung
trouble its supreme. 50c. 1 00. Trial
bottle free. Guaranteed by Toledo
Drug Co.
Brother Matthews say a he don't
want the sawmill atNewport. Toledo
does, and as Mr. Montgom
ery is satisfied with the mill's pres
ent lecation, we will consider the
mill proposition settled, quagmire
or noquagmire.
W. D. Griffith, writing from
Sonora, California, sends his regards
to all Toledo friends, and promised
to bo among us again within a short
Miss Hester Hill came up from
her home at Ona yesterday morning,
e positively forbid anyone,
friend or otherwise, to hunt or tres
pass on any of what is known as
the old McClukey or Larson places,
under penalty of the law.
Thos. Creistopher,
C.L. Green.
Nearly all diseiises of the Bhin as eo
zema, tetter, salt sheum and barbers'
itch, are characterized by an intense
itching and smarting, which ofien
makes life a harden and disturbs sleep
and reBt. Quick relief may be had by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. It all
avs the itching and smarting almost in
Btantly. Many cases have been cured
by its use. . For sale by The Toledo
Drug Co.
- A class pin of Toledo High School
blue raised triangle with "09" in
center, gold background with letters
T 11 S." Reward.
Esther Copeland
All our seeds are new crop. No
old last year seeds. Toledo Drug
Get the Habit and chew Zcno
Gum, for the breath.
See Dalaba, at Elk City, Jor your
dairy farms.
The best side hill plow for Lincoln
county. JI, S. Pkuseu, Nashville.
Onion sets, we have plenty of
them and the price is right.
Toledo Drug Co.
When you want a gleaxant physic
give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
1 ablets a trial. They are mild and
gentle in their action and always pro
duce pleasant cathartic effect. Cull
at Toledo Drug Co's drug store for a
free sample.
Von t be misled into the belief that a loose shoe will
be comfortable. It is just as bad for the foot to slip in
a shoe as it is to have the shoe pinch. A proper fit is
a snug fit at every point of contact with the foot
Try on your size in the
American Gentleman Shoe
and you will know what we mean. This she is made on anatomically
correct lasts, and in a great variety of styles and shapes, making it
possible to fit most any foot.
The Largest Manufacturers f Shoes 1n the World have been able to
put into the American Gentleman Shoe a quality of materials and
workmanship that assures unusual durability and style.
Come in and see the new styles for Fall and Winter, and let us fit you
m a shoe that is suited to you. We carry a large line ot American
Vientleman bhoes, in many styles, sizes, shapes and leathers.
Toledo, Or.
tolkdo, okkgox
Office In Schenck Buildina. Office
hours : 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to i and 7 to 8
p. m. Emergency Calls at any time.
J. BURKEL, Proprietor
( South end Railroad Avenue
Fresh Bread, Fresh Pies
Fiesh Cakes
Everything First-Clag
Orders out of town promptly filled.
r ll !! 1 1 mm 1 !
Yaquina Bay Lumber Co.
We Manufacture all Grades and
Dimensions of
(No. Sapling Growth Timber Used)
Special Bills on short notice
JOHN FOG ARTY, Agt., Newport
O.R. ALTREE, . - . Manager
It JV l'UP .W Ul
tJ- - -"---ifrii ifr
i r i
$10,000 Paid Up Capital
Drafts and Money Orders sold, payable, at all principal point s
the Unitadtates, Canada and Europe.
THOS. LEES.. President.
, . MWAM AJa vauier j