Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 11, 1910, Image 1

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News of cacli Community Gail
week by Our Rustling Associate
lercd eacli
lort. !
Berry Bray has gone to Coos Bay
to work in the mills.
Myron Brooks went to Portland
last week where he has employment.
Chas. Trask has been visiting with
Charles Bobell and family.
W. K.' Merrill of the Pacific
States Telephone Company recently
paid Waldport a short visit.
S. Westfall, who has been visiting
J. R. Hays of Yachats, returned to
Portland the 5th.
W. Plympton and wife of Port
land have been visiting with Will
Miller at their ranch opposite the
foonth nf Drift. CVppk.
C. J. Smith went to Tidewater
last week. On the return trip Mr.
Smith decided to walk and beat the
launch in.
Christen Jensen came in the 4th
and with his brother Antone is doing
Home work on the property he re
cently purchased.
The whist club met on the 2nd
and spent another delightful eve
ning. Those securing the high
scores were Dr. M. V. Leeper and
Miss Esther Williamson.
One day last week Newton Davis
started to walk across the Waldport
bridge whicn is being repaired. He
stepped on a loose board and sudden
ly found himself inthxMvater below.
Mr. Davis headed for the boom
nearby but before he cnild reiich
it was rescued by Pearl Darnell
who came to his assistance in a
row boat. Mr. Davis' little brown
dog fell in at the same time and
swam to his master's back soon
after hitting the water.
A Special program was prepared
for the last nicit'ng of the Com
mercial Club. .Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Evens sang "The Song of the Angry
Deep", "Dirty Face" and "A
Night, A Girl, A Moon". Leslie
Evens and George Neiton gave a
vaudeville skttch entitled "The
Lawyer and the Coon" which was a
mirth producer. Mr. W. F. Keady
told what he knew about bridges.
A Tableau "The Sick Child,' was
accompanied with a duet sung by
Mrs. Merle Evens and .Miss Brooks.
Cyrus Patterson recited a most
comical story about "Mose and his
Nose". A vaudeville sketch entitled
"Doctor Sawbones" was given by
George Nerton, Leslie Evens and
Erwin Hosford. Miss Williamson
read a bear story. Shadow pictures
were given by six girls. Willis
Everson gave a talk on "Courting".
The hit of the evening was the
character sketch entitled "I'm Un
lucky" which was produced by
Leslie Evens and Chorus. Club
papers were )rc:id by Burns Will
iams and Erwin Hosford.
John Morris. When they turn the We hope and expect to soon see a have known of two the past week
horse over to-Mr. Morris he can ' good phone line fioai the mouth of to be saved in that way) with hay
ride him all right, for they are old
hands at the business.
Joe Powers is going to leave our
part of the country for a while. He
has fixed up his farm in fine shape.
Perhaps when he returns he will
Mill creek to Salado along the and grain for dessert
county road. We also suggest a
daily mail from Toledo to Elk City
J. Jenson has been hauling hay
through the mud and over the
one day and return over the same -steel hill from Mr. Creistopher's
rouie. ims wouiu include ine'
route from Glen to Elk City, and
bring the bird for the cage he has ' akl niany families o now have a
built. very Por way getting mail , being
from six to eight miles from an
Well, the small pox was only a
false report. The Deputy Health
Officer, Mr. Len Butterfield, was
over and gave the community a
thorough examination and reports '
satisfied that there is no danger of
Cr"TTiPTy huttpr for sale at G
Mr3. Wm. Toner returned home
Saturday from Corvallis, where she
his been staying with her son,
Claude, who is attending OAC.
Mrs. T. Tellefson lately returned
home from a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. V. G. Chessman, of Port
land. Selmer Tellefson and Mark Mid
dlekauff are expecting to take the
eighth grade examination in May.
Mr. T. J. Booth and family of
Oklahoma, who have been staying
at Yaquina for some time, have de
Bay View
Ole Olson went to Toledo Thurs
day on business, returning home
L. Thompson and Waltei Dodge
have been hauling hay the past
Z. M. Derrick passed through
Bay View Thursday on his way to
Hester Hill's Bay View school
closed Friday.
Sam Hill was a visitor at Cal
Barnes' Friday.
A surprise party was given in
honor of Hester Hill m Cal Barnes'
Thursday evening. A good many
were present and all had a very
good time.
a visitor at George Rowin's Friday.
Henry Hendrickson, N. L. Guil-
tho past week.
C. W. Day and family are plan
ning to move to Toledo before long.
J. M. Reeder of Siletz was in the
city Monday.
Banker William Scarth went to
Portland yesterday morning.
C. W. Orton was over from
Siletz Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. Barclay of Tidewater was
transacting business here Monday.
M. L. Trapp of Chitwood had
business in Toledo Tuesday and
J. E. Wilson and D. J. Chitwood,
of Chitwood, were county seat visit
ors Tuesday.
S. G. Irvin of Newport was at
tending Commissioners' court here
Valentine Thiol of South Beach
is looking after his property interests
in this city this week.
Warren Hall came over from
Siletz Monday and took the train
Mr. Hubble of South Beaver wasfuesdav mornins for Salem.
D. B. Ramsdall came down from
Elk City Tuesday evening to be in
to make their permanent ' Hams, Walter Dodge and Herb attendance at the county court
at Toledo. During their i Twombly all went to Yaquina Sat-
short stay at Yaquina, they have ! urchiy after a load of furniture for Albany yesterday morning,
made many friends, and the' E. S. Oakland. , ' expects to i return home this-eve
people of Toledo are to be congratu-
Rev. Burns spent Sunday with
river in a row boat.
lated on securing for citizens such a. us, after .a long, hard trip down the
splendid family.'
Rev. Jones of Newport held ser
vices at Yaquina Sunday.
This fine weather is making thir gi
Hrely on the buy. All who are not
m iking tare'ens are fishing tr doing
something to take advantage if the
good weither.
Attorney C. E. Hawkins went to
expects to return home Him evening.
John El -be ' arrived from Dallas
Tuesday evening. Mr. Ebbe had
icharge of the Toledo-Depot Sloiudi-
BartMcKiney was a visitor at ' giletz roiul work laat vcal. anJ hi
Cal Barnes' Thursday.
John Howell of Onawasa visitor
at George Rowin's Saturday.
visit here this time is in the interest
of this work for this year.
F. C. Savage of Portland was in
Toledo Tuesday attending the stock
holder's meeting of the Lincoln
County Transportation Company
Mrs. E. T. DeBord is mu.;h ini
Mrs. E. B. Fulton of Newport proved. A few of her neighbors jjr. Savage was elected Viee-Pres-
has moved to Yaquina where sha called on her last Saturday and she ident of the company, also director,
will make her home during the com-, was able to pass around some fine Mr. Savage is interested in the do
ing Summer. ' cake. She expects to leave for velonment of this part of the coun-
Portland on Tuesday, weather per- , try.
noting. R. N. Warnoek has sold his liv-
W. H. Shipton has been suffer- erv stable, drav business and stnee
Everybody well, and a few Spring
flowers and daffodilisin bloom.
ing for several weeks with his eyes, ' and mail contract to C. G. North.
Mrs. John C.ilkins has a new
and the pain was so intense that it Mr. North has taken charge and is
Drift Creek has been real high for
the last four or five days, but there
has been no damages reported ex
cept that Mr. Stone lost a fine boat.
Jesse Farrin is sick.
Charlie Robbins thinks this is the
worst country he ever struck.
Bruce Fai rish and Willie Trent
are working on C. S. Parmele's
lvouse this week.
The three Paramele boys are
tearing up the ground. They are
plowing John Morris' farm, getting
ready to sow oats. They are running
nine horses and three plows.
Bruce Farrish and Willie Trent
is breaking a dreadful wild horso for
daughier-f.omth3 Boys' an 1 Girls'- fttC I1'9 wl?!e f , Tl,ie , Pai"ng and remodeling the barn
Aid Society at Portland lhe liUIj , . .
girl is about eight years old.
Sain Williams of Kingston is
visiting with his brother, Luke, and
also helping to re-erect his new
house, this time on his own land.
Everybody talking gardening ar.d
WJH Davenport is preparing to
raise an exhibition of fine vegetables
for the county fair that, will do
Glen credit.
Our old-time neighbors, S. J.
Sk wart and son and C. C. Brown
and family, have moved to Toledo
We understand that some of our
young men are getting very much Ladd, an experienced liveryman,
He will paint the building inside,
and will fit up the office and move
his real estate office there. C. V.
interested in telephones. We were
told that a company of two has been
organized, consisting of Henry
Campbell and Tom McClaughcry,
and a private line is being put in
between their two residences. Glad
to hear it. We think that there is
no country on earth that needs tele
phones more than a hilly and thin
ly settled country, and we hope the
time is not far distant when there
to establish a meat m.irket. We wjn be a phone in every house in
know that Toledo will give them the Lthe county and on the Coast Range.
glad hand and a fair share of . its
patronage. .
George Davenport's family have
rented the S. J. Stewart place for
the year, and Ray Calkins and wife
the Brown property.
Some of the places in this vicinity
are being held for speculation. We
would like to see good thrifty fam
ilies on each ianch .
ChaYlie Brown's little daughter,
Jesse, is recovering nicely from a
fractured arm that was skillfully set
by our County Surveyor and Mr.
Will Davenport.
- Henry Schreyer made a business
trip to Toledo Wednesday. He
owns the old Hurley place, and he
is one of the few cattlo raisers who
have not run out of hay this winter
having saved a lot from last year's
abundant crop.
The grass is starting in good
shape, also the brush, so the cattle
from now on can hold their own if
they don't venture into a deep
mirey place. In such a case try F.
will manage the business, and Mr.
North will continue to devote his
time to real estate. Mr. Wnrnock
has not yet decided on what he
will engage in. Mr. North invites
the public's patronage and prom
ises good, ellicient service with
reasonable prices.
Last Tuesday the stockholders of
theLincoln County Transportation
Company met and perfected their
organization, elected officers, etc.
The company will take over im
mediately the gasoline schooner
Wilhelmina, which will bo put on
the run from here to Portland, also
making Alsea and Coos bays. The
following are the officers that were
elected: President, Lewis Montgom
ery; Vice president, F. C. Savage;
Wm. Scarth, Secretary and Treasur
er. The Directors are Wm. Scarth,
Toledo, Lee Williams and George
Tyler, Newport, and Lewis Mont
gomery and F. C. Savage, Port-
M. Stanton's cure. Tie a rone: hind. This company will be a
around the horns, hitch the horses! great help in. the development of
on and drag to a place of safety (we 1 Lincoln County.
Ed Wade was up from Yaquina
Get the Hadit, and chew Zeno
Gum, for the breath.
The Fir ana Spruce sawmill
started their planer Wednesday.
M. L. Trapp of Chitwood was a
county seat visitor Tuesday evening.
The one that made them cut
prices Water Front Barber Shop,
Toledo, Or. Hair cut 2oc; shave
Rev. Bartholomew of Chitwood
visited this city last Monday night,
returning home the following morn
ing. B. F. Grant of Ila'lan had busi
jicps before the C,MY!Wlaaio'i'i'H'
Court 'his week. Ho returned
home yesterday morning.
A largo delegation of Newport
citizens were up before the Com
missoners' Court Wednesday, pre
senting a petition to the court for a
ferry across the bay at that place.
Married At the Commercial
Hotel in this city, Wednesday,
March 9, 1010, Mr. James K.
Ber'y and Miss Tensie Johnson,
lioth of this county. Rev. C. tt.
Ellsworth officiating.
A. M. Baxter, S.T. Loudon, A
B. Hunt and M."S. Herring, all of
Eddyville were in the city Wednes
day on road matters. Tliey report
everything to be movnig along
smoothly in their part of the coun
ty and that everyone is looking for
ward to a prosperous year. ;
Mrs. T. P. Fish went to Portland
yesterday morning to purchase her
Spring stock of millinery. Mr-.
Fish is an expert in this business
and always has the most complete
and up to date stock fin the bay.
She will have her millinery .opening
on Saturday the 20th of March, the
day before Easter.
Victor Marden of The Dalles was
a Toledo visitor last week. Mr.
Marden is a harness and saddle
manufactured1 and has used sonic
150 sides of leather that was made at
the Toledo Tannery. This leather
pleased Mr. Marden so well that he
came over hero and made a contrac'.
with the tannery to take all tie
leather that it could turn out, or
some 200 sides per month. This
contract calls for all kinds of leather,
also sheep and bear' pelts. This
speaks well for the quality of the
tannery's leather.
R. B. Walla, with a crew of men,
is at work this week, in Toledo,
giving the lines of the Toledo-Newport
Telephone Company a general
overhauling. They are putting
new cross arms on the poles and
stringing ihore wires making a me
talic circuit, also tightening up the
old wires and putting them on the
new cross arms. A new switch
board has been installed which will
greatly faciliato the service. Two
girls will be employed hereafter,
being Miss Winona Hooker and
Miss IiCli. Bartholomew. New
phones will be installed whereever
needed. This company has just
completed overhauling its lines at
Position as housekeeper, by mid
dle aged widow. Apply at this of
fice. for Sale.
Some good hay for sale on bank
of Olalla slough at ten dollars a ton
if taken at once. Hans Olson.