Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 04, 1910, Image 1

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    I 1
i ;
C. R. Evans has been up the
Alsea looking after some logs for
the Lumber Company.
Antone Jensen came in on the
25th to look after some property he
recently purchased.
The C. J. Smith Realty Company
. has moved its office so as to give
Christen Jensen poseasion of the
property the company formerly
A one thousand candle power
lamp lias been ordered for the band
hall and will arrive in a few days.
This will be a great improvement
over the present lamps.
The dance given in the dance hall
Thursday evening was well attended.
As the band progresses their music
is very much appreciated.
The masque ball given on the 22d
was well attended and a success
in every way. A large number of
visitors came in from Newport and
Tidewater and added to almost all
of Waldport's population, they
rilled the hall to overflowing. The
band furnished the music. Finan
cially the dancing club was consider
ably ahead.
The committee which attended
the Port meeting at Newport came
home with the report that the plan
was unboubtedly defeated, as New
port had quietly got busy with a
petition to form a port of their own
and thus had the County Port
headed off.. The committee also ad
vised that the residents of the Alsea
form a port and thus be in a posi
tion to derive -soine 'x'nefit from the
immense body of timber- in the
south end of the country. J. II.
Glines circulated a petition and
secured 34 names which is in ex
cess of the number required by law
to put the plan before the voters of
the district. . The petition was then
sent to the county court. The dis
trict to be embraced in the port of
Alsea is all that part of the county
lying south of the township lines
between townships twelve and
and thirteen. The district will
therefore be bounded by Benton
County on the East and Lane
County on the South. These port
petitions may make it necessary for
the County Court to readjust the
precinct lines as in few cases "will
the precinct lines correspond with
the exterior limits of the ports, but
in any case the law provides that the
court must call the special election
within certain limits as to time.
The Alsea petition was filed Feb
ruary 21th so we may expect an
election sometime between April 15
and May 5th.
We are having quite a scare,
(ieorge Thompson of Willaruina
came in hen to do some trapping.
Fred Butterfu'ld got him to look
after his things while he was away
on business and his wife and child
ren were visiting relatives, (ieorge
was staying in Fred's house and
caiiie down with the small pox.
Fred's wife and children are still
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Payne ltought
the Aire Cat fish place that joins
Mr. Payne's place on the east. They
also ltought Fred Buttc field's home
stead on the Siletst river.
Jaim Lynde who sold bin farm
on the Yaquiwi river last Full and
moved to the Valley near Cottage i
(iive, w i i'.et," Lincoln County for J
News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Rustling Associate Editors
me, I am coming back."
There have been several land
buyers in and more send word thty
are coming.
Mr. Jess Farrin returned from
Toledo. He says he could not find
a place at Toledo that Buited him.
Now he will try Sheridan. We
think that Mr. Farrin cannot find
a better place than he has here.
Dick Anderson and Jesse Stone I
bought most of Mrs. Walter Bones'
household furniture.
to Harlan again. Mr. Martin went
to Summit after her and one of hie
horses got sick on the way and he
had to leave it.
Stock Holders meeting.
A meeting of the stockholders of
the Lincoln County Transportation
Company will be held in the City
Hall, Toledo, Oregon, Tuesday,
March 8th at 10:30 a.m. All per
sons havingsubscribed for stock are
requested to be present or send prox
ies to the Lincoln County Bank.
Jesse Stone has began work on his Object of meeting is to form the
place getting ready to milk ten or organization, elect officers, etc.
hfteen cows for the cheese factoiy.
Miss Julia and Emmie Parmele
have thpir qniUinw fnotnry running.
They will be found on 330 Russell
St., Portland.
All that attended Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Bones' sociable report a fine
time. Mrs. May Butterfield pre
pared the dinner for 27 and supper
for 37. She had as fine candy as
could be made by any one. The
company made three comforts and
quilted one quilt. All worked their
initials on the quilt. May we have
many more such social gatherings.
Bay View
The beautiful wind and rain
still raging.
Ole Olson and Henry Ilendrick
son went to Yaquina Wednesday.
E. S. Oakland and family return
ed to his ranch at Bay View.
Miss Hester Hill has ken on the
sick list the past few days.
Signed, Capt. Geo. Tyler.
Representing the Incorporators.
The people-of Oregon, Washing
ton and the Pacific Northwest, will
have an opportunity o see a "man
bird" in actual flighc. Lots of us
have read about flying machines and
it is the desire of every one to see
one of these soaring across country,
disputing for space in "the heavens
with the clouds, and making speed
that will put the fastest bird in the
world to shame.
Tnere will be a big Aviation Meet
at Portland on March 5, 6 and 7,
which will be the first chance that
has been given the people of this
part of the country to see this actual
marvel. People who talked of fly
ing machines five years ago were
considered dreamers, but it is guar
anteed by the business men of Port
hind who are bac k of the flying ma
chine meet -unit .'" unless there are
genuine cross-country and high aiti-j
tude flights, ticket money will be
refunded. Charles K. Hamilton.
Toledo Meat Co. will Equip to
Handle all Kinds of Meat,
Fish, Etc.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Burt
Twombly, Fehruary 27, 1910, a 9 , the daring avitor who, operating a
pounuson. coiner ana son doing Curtiss biplane, holds the world's
we"' records for higli sdoed with a mile
John and I red tetrake have been : in 1-27. the w.irld'a slow Hrvnrvl
- - j --,
spending a few days at the Bay.
Mrs. Jim Taylor has been fefxMid
Henry Gorke of Dallas, with Ed
Paine of the Toledo Meat Company,
have purchased the City Meat Mark
et of Charles Hartman and have
conihined the two markets. Johnny
Nye, who .was a partner of Mr.
Paine, will hold the position as
meat cutter in the new shop.
The new company will build a
cold storage and ice plant and run
in conjunction with the meat and
fish market. The market will be
equipped with cold storage counter
and all the latest modern improve
ments. They will handle all kinds
of meats and fish, and will manu
facture ice for the local Bay trade.
It is the intention to begin work on
the ice and cold storage plant with
in a few clays.
St. Patrick's Dance.
The ladies of the local Rebekah
lodge will give a St. Patrick's dance,
in Woodman Hall, Thursday night,
March 17th. The object of this ball
is to raise funds for the Itebekah
cause and to have a good, social
time. Rosebrook's oichos'ra will
furnish music. The ladies will
serve lunch and refreshments in the
banquet hall throughout the, eve
ning. Tickets fo-dance, $1. Do
not fail to attend this dance, help
the ladies out and enjoy a pleasant
which is more difficult, with a mile'
in 4 niinuits, will try to take the!
ing a few days at Burt Twombley's. high altitude record at the Portland !
C. McCraein was a visitor at Bay wet. Bwause of the stillness of
View Saturday.
Hazel Kirk hind went to Beaver
.Creek Sunday.
Mrs. K. Hendrickson is down
for a few dtiys.
the air currents around Portland he
believes he can do this
Mrs. Bailey went to Yaquina
Monday evening.
Dr. Carte of Newport was a
Toledo visitor Monday.
Miss Esther Copeland spent Sun-
Mr. Davuon is still very low. day and Monday at Newport
Mrs. B. F. Grunt is akut well W. K. Merrill the telephone man
aali. - , was a passenger up the line Mouday.
Messrs. MeClellan' and Cameron! James McDonald returned Friday
went to Corvallis last week for sup-1 evening from a several day's visit
plies. They had quite- a time. 1 at Chitwood.
Had two run-a-ways, broke down !
twice, upset once and pulled the
Miss Ruth Ofstedahl has accepted
n rlpnnt vulii'n in Pdiiiilv Plnrk
bottom of the road all on top and vaje8 0fijcc
Samuel Brassfield of Siletz
finally came home horse-hack.1
rri.- i i, 4., . , i oamuei rmissneiu oi ouetz re-
iiikj ireiu uiu;R. me iit-Ai uay aiier , , .,r , , ,
short visit to Corvallis.
Well, March sure came in like a
their wagon. They had copper riv
its, sugar, baking powder, oatmeal,!
Neats' Foot oil and various other
things all mixed up in one conglom-1 lion- and nmv we ave holjinS will
eration in the upset, and they re- wind up in a llim,)like fashion,
port the roads as not very good. Fre,l Romtvedt came over from
The lowers all started their 1,, Corvallis Monday eveni ng where he i
- - ci-
for Elk City, and the last report we"
had been taking the Bhort course at
had they were getting along fine. j
They have about six hundred logsj Service next Sunday at St. John's
in the drive. Jim Hodges, Delbert . Church, at 11:00 a. m. Yaquina
Hodges, Willis and Ixstcr Grant
and B. O. Young aro doing the
Tho warm
rain is starting the j
at4:00p. in. Everybody welcome.
Rev. Francis O. Jones, Rector.
Miss Gertrude Phelps of Ona was
in tho city Tuesday taking the
grans a little. Looks like we might tuber's examination so she could
have Spring after while but none to get a permit to teach,
soon"", for feed is geltm mighty rgerouTBulT
All parlies are warned not to go
The supervisor has replaced the u,,,,), lho ,)aHtliro of 8 R
brid-ihat went down with Ben tvoJt ,lH ,j,o Jersey Ball confined
Young and team. j llicrci, ifJ dlinB,.roilH
Miss 8.trah January has got hark J. 8. Cojicland.
Attorney C. E. Hawkins went to
Eugene Thursday morning.
R. N. Warnock was a passenger
for the valley Tuesday morning.
A reversihledisc harrow G-16 inch,
for sale, 823. Just the thing for
.two horses.. II. S. Prune r,
Nashville, Ore.
Fred Ross returned to his home
at Lodi, California, Tuesday morn
ing, after an extended visit with
his parents and old friends in this
General Manager Lowe of the In
dependent Telephone company, of
Corvallis, arrived in Toledo Wed
nesday evening, to look after the
company's interests here.
Jas. P. Shaw, of Portland, De
partment Commander of the G. A.
R. will be in Toledo, Wednesday,
March 23 and deliver an address at
the M. E. church at eight o'clock
p. m. Every one is invited to at
tend. Henry Gorke of Dallas was in
Toledo last week, closing the deal
for the City Meat Market. He re
turned home Saturday morning,
but will be here in a few days to
start operations on the new cold
storage plant.
G. L. MeCaulou and Wade
came in from the big timber Tues
day afternoon, where they have
ken building a house on tho form
er's homestead. Mr. MeCaulou
intends moving to the claim very
Carl Davis returned Wednesday
evening from Corvallis where he
was called as a witness iu the eject
ment eases of J. K. Weatherford vs.
McKay, McCourt and Kyniston,
which were taken from this to Ben
ton county to lie heard. ' Judge
IlaiTiri hns not rendered a derision
as yet.
Mr. Irvin Replies.
Editor Leader: We commend
Toledo in their united effort for tho
upbuilding of their town, and no
one should find fault with any
honest effort to make it the best
town possible.
We have no better authority than
the Leader for the sentiment, that
it is poor policy to attempt to build
up a town at the expense of its
neighbor. This is equally true of
personal reputation. When ono
judges of the motives of another,
they usually apply their own stand
ard of measurement.
It is for the best interests of so
ciety that the leople should not
only take an interest in the public
affairs of the county, but should
express their opinions on such mat
ters. The Leader has dono a good
service to the county in discussim?
its public affairs. Why then should
I be censured and my motives mis
represented, for expressing an opin
ion, even if such opinion seems to
be not in accord with some of tho
people of Toledo? Does Toh-'.i
claim a monopoly on private a:. I
public opinion as well as nearly
everything else in the county? I
would not ask Toledo to inve us tho
sawmills, because they belong to
private companies, and if we would
get them we would have to deal
direct with these companies. I
would not ask Toledo to give us tho
county seat, hecouse it belongs to
the whole county, and they have
placed it at Toledo for a little while
until they find a better place for it.
I would not ask Toledo for the high
school, because that is under the
control of the County High School
Board, and we feel sure they will
put it in the right place for the kst
interests of the county schools. I
would not ask Toledo for any school
or road district, because both of
these matters are under the direction
of the County Court, who will no.
doubt divide these districts with
reference to the interests of the
whole county.
There is no doubt hut that "To
ledo is on the map," but she is
rather premature in presuming to
be the whole county, with such
things as county seat, county high
school and road districts to givo
away. S. G. Irvin.
Newport, Or., March 1, 1910.
The loggers and mill hands aro
figuring on giving a big Loggers'
Dance here the 12th.
Tho Fir & Spruce sawmill did
not saw Monday and Tuesday on
account of the storm.
Deputy County Clerk Lee Wado
returned Wednesday evening from
a shorf visit to Corvallis.
Pony For Sale.
A good twiddle pony, broke to
ride or drive, gentle, weighs )U0,
!A good horse. O. G. North.
. '
Kow Kale.
Thousand .Headed. 200 ; pounds,
choice, fresh seed. 30 cents per
pound. A. L. McDoxiao, Chit,
wood, Or.
For Sale.
About twenty five' tons of good
hay, on my farm.
F. H. Weavkk, Chitwood, Ore.
The one that made them cut
prices Water Front Barkr Shop
Toledo, Or. Hair cut 25c; shave
i i