Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 11, 1910, Image 8

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The Following Cases are on the Docket' for the February Term
ol Circuit Court to Convene this Evening:
Names of Partihs
Maggie S. Sullivan, et al,
vs. Griff King
William B. Mulkoy
. vs. George 1J. Mulkcy, et al
Minerva J. Kiger. et al,
vs. Jennie Stull, et al,
George Hodges
vs. R. G. Case
Andrew Smith
vs. Joshua Louie, et al -Andrew
vs. Joshua Louie, et al
Ira Miller
vs. George Scott
M. J. Bradford
vs. J. Van Schoiek, et al
Mrs. Annie Jones
vs. Laura MeCulum, et al
J. N. Cliambers & Co.
vs. F. M. Carter, et al
J. K. Weatherford
vs. Victor Land Co.
Eliza B Fulton
vs.Allen Fulton
Butler Fairchild
ya. Jrvo fVwk
Names)f Attorneys
Weatherford & Wyatt
Percy R. Kelley
G. B. McCluskey
McFadden & Bryson '
McFadden & Bryson
McAllister & Upton
G. B. McCluHkey
C. E. Hawkins, McFadden & Bryson
J.K.Weathefford , McCluskey
Hawkins, McFadden & Bryson
B. F. Swope
McFadden & Bryson
McCoy & Nichols
O. Middlekauff
L. M. Curl & Percy R. Kelley
B. F Swope
C. E. Hawkins
G. B. McCluskey
Percy R. Kelley
Frank Schlegal
G. B. McCluskey
. G. B. McCluskey
C. E. Hawkins
C. E. Hawkins
Lincoln County Bank
vs. M. S. Colln.s and S. Kimmel
Thomas E. Barrett Frank Schlegal
vs. Sophia Barrett
Fred Dawson, Et ux. L. L. Swan & C.
vs. J K. Weatherford, Et ux. Percy R. Kelley
Samuel Ileitsliu G. B. McCluskey
vs. P. A. Miller and Mrjt. F. Munger
R. S. Walker and Marion Lelxnv G. B. McCluskey
vs. James Kent and Eliza Kent '
c ion
E. Hawkins Suit
Ixniis Southworth . Appeal from Justice Court
vs. N. Constantino C. E. 'Hawkins .
J. W. Corner John F. Logan " Action
vs. J. S. Copeland McFadden & Bryson
W. S. McFadden E. R. Bryson . Action
vs. John Long 0. Middlekauff
Estate of E. F. Garr, deceased, . , .
and Corvall is Flouring Mills J.F.Yates Appeal
vs. J. F. Stewart, Adm'r. . " '
of said Estate Middlekauff & Hawkins
C. G. North C. E. Hawkins f Action
vs. John Micek 0. Middlekauff
M. DeLancey 0. Middlekauff Action
vs. Charles Day
John Micek 0. Middlekauff Action
vs. John II. Schneider
Corvallis Flouring Mills Co. ' Oscar Middlekauff
vs. J. T. Porter and C. B. Pruett
Michael Knauff C. E.' Hawkins , Suit
vs. Albert N. Cooper, ct al
Thomas Holverson A. W. Lafferty Injunction
vs. Samuel C. Brassficld Moulton & Scobey
Ixhj W. Williams, et al Gale S. Hill . Writ of Review
vs. Lincoln County, Oregon C. E. Hawkins & E. R. BryBon
W.J. Bones C. E. Hawkins Action
vs. W. J. McDonald," et al "
CIms. II. Hill Oscar Middlekauff ' Divorce
vs. Mary J. A. Hill
Fannie Graves G. B. McCluskey Divorce
vs. Owen C. Graves .
E. E. Wilson E. E. Wilson Suit
vs. Ahneda Lewis, et nl '
Felanitw Munger - G. B. McCluskey Divorce
The Waldport Lumber Company G. B. McCluskey
vs. P. S. Darnell and
('. G. Copeland
vs. Josh ley Brown, ct al
C. G. Copeland
vs. Jos.ilcy Brown
C. G. Copeland
vs. 'Robort Felix, et al
Eva Counsil
vs. E. W. Couneil
Adelaide Guynn
vs. Ji hn Petertcn, ct al
Florence Bailey
vs. Alfred Bailey
J. K. Weatheiford
. vs. Robert McKay
J. K. Weatlterford
vs. Minnie McCourt
. K. Weatherford
vs. Julia A. Kyniston
Rich Chatterton
vs. John Porter
Thomas Holverson
vs. Samuel C. Brassficld
Ellen A. Watts
vs. James Watts .
State of Oregon
v. John Gatcns
George Rilea
w. R. B. Montague
C. E. Hawkins
C. E. Hawkins
C. E. Hawkins
C. E. Hawkins
J. F. Yates
C. E. Hawkins
G. B. McCluskey
McFadden & Bryson
Robert A Miller .
McFadden & Bryson
McFadden & Bryson
O. Middlekauff
McFadden & Bryson
C. E. Hawkins
A. W. Lafferty '
Moulton & Scol)cy
J.. K. Weatherford
K. R. Bryson
O.. Middlekauff
A W Lafferty Motion and affidavits
Weatherford A Wyatt to vacate judgemen
This is tho time to go to Newton & Nye
and see about your
f c A
We also cany all . inds of Hardware,
Doors and Windows, Lime and Cement
and all kinds of Poncing
Newton & Nye
k Vs7r-'wmm
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
foUtrtiltokn. ;'
SnrmdM UifvM
Just arrived 'my largo assovtment
of ip to date slices i f all kinds.
Call and see 'them. T. P. Fran.
The particular man demands par
ticular attention 1 You can get it
at Depot Barbcr Shop, Toledo, Ore.,
near boat landing. Shaving 15c.
Wanted -Men
to cut cord wood; will pay
by the cord or will give good con
tract for large amount.'
Toledo Light & Power Co.
Toledo, . Oregon
Hide3 Wanted. , ( .
, Cat,h paid, for hides at the Toled
Tannery. We pay as much as any
bodv in town. Toledo Tannery.
Sweedish shoe greaso at Newton
& Nye's.
School Teacher Wanted.
.Male teacher wanted for District
No. 51; nine months term, begining
March 1, 1910. Teacher must be
able to board himself, house can be
secured mile from schoolhouse.
This school is 20 miles from New
port, mile from . Pacific Ocean
and mile from Siletz bay.
Joseph- Sijota, Dist. Clerk,
Kernville, Oregon.
Law, Real Estate and
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Lincoln:
Felanise Mupger, Plaintiff,
John W. Munger, Defendant.
To the above named defeudnnt, John W.
Munger: .
In the name of the State of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint flled against you ln the above en
titled Court nnd Bult, now on Ills wllh the
Clerk of wild Court on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publication of this
summons, to-wlt: on or before the 11th day of
February, 1910.
And you are notified that If you fall to ap
pear and answer the siild complaint as herein
required, theplalntlft will applv to the Court
for I he relief prayed for in said complaint, to
wlt, for a decree ol said Court dissolving the
marriage contract now existing between the
plslntill' and defendant: - and further
that plaintiff be restored to her former name,
to-wlt; Felnnise Eddy, and for suor other and
different relief at to equity seemeth just.
This summons la served upon you by publl
catlon thereof by order of Honorable Char. H.
Gardner, County Judge ot Lincoln County,
Oregon, made on the 801 h day of December,
1909 directing publication thereof onoe
week for six consecutive and successive weeks
in six Issues thereof, beginning with the issue
of December SI, 1909, and ending with the is
sue of the 11th day of February, 1910, in the
Lii.coln County Leader, a weekly newspaper
of general circulation, printed and published
at Toledo, Uuoolu County, Oregon
Date of lirst publication December 81, 1909.
O. B. McCluskey,
Attorney for . riaiutifr. !
"I never felt so near my grave," write i
Lewis Cbsnibliii, of Maucbester, Ohio.
R. R. No. 3."as when a frightful cough
and lung trouble pulled me down to 115
pounds in spite of many remedies and
tlie best doctors, And tbat I am alive
today is due solely to Dr. Kings New Dis
covery, wnich completely cured nie.
Now I weigh 100 pounds and can work
hard. It hlso cured my four children of
croup." Infallible for Coughs andJCold,
iistlie most certain remedy for La-
Grippe Asthma, desperate lung trouble
and all bronchial affeotione, 50c and
$1.00. A triul bottle free. Guaranteed
by Toledo Drug Co.
Tree, Apple Trees.
1000 Baldwins and 500 of other
varieties; 2 year old stock. For
sale at reduced prices.
Geo. T. Smith, Chitwood, Or.
To buy a small farm, must be
cheap for cash. Address, Julius
Volheye, 231 Front , Street, Port
land, Oregon.
We claim tbat if catching cold could
be avoided some of fhe most dangerous
and fatal diseases would never be beard
of. A cold often forms a culture bed
for germs of infectious diseases. Con
sumption, pneumouea, diphtheria and
scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous
and fatal disease?, are of this class.
The culture bed formed by the cold
favors the development of the germs of
these diseases, that would not otherwise
find lodgement. There is little, danger,
however of any of these diseases being
contracted when a good expectorant
cough medicine like Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out
these culture beds that favor the de
velopement of the germs of these dis
eases. Tbat Is why this remedy has
prove.! so universally successful In pre
venting pneumonia It not only cures
your cold quickly, but minimizes the
risk of contacting these dangerons dis
eases. For sal by Toledo Drug Co.
vm PiiM
Fool, Billiards,
Card Table,
i' Dowl'ng Allev,
Candy, Cigars,
Fruits, Nuts,
Soft Drinlts.
T 3f. K AJ)JEItSON, Prop
Harness, Harness, Harness.
I am' now prepared to furnish
harness, heavy and light; all kinds
of straps, robes, etc. My leather is
- A 1 J ! . i. A 1
my own tanning aim m not, utiuieu
by the "quick process." Machine
and hand work, all guaranteed.
J. 0. Smith,
Toledo's Tanner and ILimcssmaker
Dairy and Stock Ranches
City Property; De Lava
Cream Separators
Underwood Typewriter
Rubles Third Addition to Waldport
Lots in this beautiful addition now
on snle at prices ranging from $45.00
up, according to location. Coniie
early and get the best selections.
r3 '
K. N. WARNOCK, Prop,
tioud Hljts mid well-broken Seddlu Horse
Special attention given loTmvelltiK Men.
Hornes boarded and Kiven Oood Cre
Operates Toledii-Sllelr. Stage
City Draying in Connection
Charter Oak Ranges, Cook and
Heating Stoves cheapest and
. lxst in the World
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Shoes of very size, pattern " and
quality at Fish's store. See this
line before buying those school
Relinquishment in Siletz wanted.
From owner only. Address
Box 204, Springhrook, Oregon.
For Sale.
several gooa mucti cows tor sa'e.
Enquire at this office.
Get the Habit and go to Al's
Smoke House cafe. x Meals at all
hours day and night. Red hot
Chicken Tamales a specialty.
Get ready for those ducks. Jew
ton & Nye have guns and ammuni
tion of all kinds.
Elegant Rooms.
A few elegant rooms to rent-.
Enquire, Mrs. E. Ofstedahl.
U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
January 15th, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that Arthur W. Acker
man, of Glen, Oregon, who, on March 3rd, 1903,
made homestead entry No. 14764, serial, No.
02381, lor n4 of seJi. sw!4 of ne. setf ot nwJ4,
Section 29, township 12 kouth, range 9 west,
Willamette Meridian, has riled notice of
Intention to make tinal five venr nrnof. tn
establish claim lo the land above described.
before Ira Wade, County Clerk, ol Lincoln
County, Oregon at Toledo. Oreuon. on tii ,;
day of February, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
1. W, Davenport, T. L. Bohannan, C. W.
Brown and George W. Davenport, all of LQlen.
Oregon. . - ,
Cm.. B.Mibjlice, Register.