New Goods My line is now COMPLETE All new and up to the MINUTE STYLES A bigger line than ever S. Akin k: Xk- w. w . . I . . - I Watches, Clocks, Jewelery and . Silverware Greatest Assortment of every dop cription ever seen in Lincoln County A Beautiful Line of Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fine "Watch Repairing a Specialty (Thirty Year's Lxicriii-ce), Jenifer uml opucian OLEDO, OREGON Succeed when evemViIni In nervous prostration and female M weaknesses they are the eupreme remedy, as thousands have testified. I &fn irm i v . . . i rwn rviL!UfcT,JIVfcHAriD C T r H A All v-r t m it is the best medicine ever nol.r over a druggist's counter. Clayton Pond of Yaquina hud business in'Toledo last Saturday. Miss Hester Hill of Ona is in the city attending teacher's examina tion. C. & E. Bridge , Foreman Johnny MeGee was in the city last Friday night. The regular term of Circuit Court for this county will convene this evening. . : . Mrs. I. R. Wishart returned last Friday evening from a month's visit in Portland, G. H. Horsfall of Nortons was in this city from Friday until Mon day morning. ' Joe Patterson, the Oregonian cor respondent, of Newport was in this city last Saturday. ', . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Farrin of Taft have been visiting friends in Toledo the past week. Not Sisters Now and again you see two women pasv ing down the street who look like titten. You are astonished to learn that they are mother and daughter, and you realize that a woman at forty or forty-hve ought to he . at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so? The general health of woman is so in timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be no red cheeks end round "Torm where there is female weakness. Women 'who have suffered from this trouble have found prompt relief and cure in the use of Dr. Fierce' Favorite ' Prescription. It gives vigor and vitality to tba organs of womanhood. It clears the, complexion, brightens tba eyes and reddens the cheeks. No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription." Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pieroe by letter, free. Every letter is - held as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address: World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Bulbilo, N Y. INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOR SALE AT SILETZ. OREGON ; till noun, Jlnrch ".8, JtUO: ACRRS AI.I.OTTKK NOTICE FOK 1'CHI.f CATION - V. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Pecember lllh. 1909 Vn.l..t i . .... . ..uu.-cia wreuy given mat jennv Dickfii j son, of Toledo. Oregon, who, on MavlTtn, ' Came Up from tl Kliiil ... -A. ft'i i . ... .. .. . I Fenled UUU will be rt-eeivetl for the followln OWNKRS IfKMrillPTInM rn i.. i .1. ..... v," "n, e;,e;j sw' sec. 13-M, aul e' so' nw'i sen IS 6 . . no. I'illi- 1..V..... i i , , ; . -"""""o, ".-a ;j b.i i. sue. i j-ii-s 40. JXMVIS. Montgomery, tlie Sawmill U-H-Blarhel.t it, nws4vti. see. H--g and e.'g'w!i nttU, nee. man, returned Monday evening from j MoJtLv;; a week's Visit to Portland. .. j -'-l Klamath, w!; 1111)4, see. HUO-9 8), rx n t t '' - ' MMe Khmnvh, wj, so!,' nw!4', nee. 10 10-9 . ' ' 20 O. JL DeLaurier was over from , Martha Johnson, sv4mi! 9 Hu" Siletz Saturday and Sunday, attend-! . , Nun-competem land for ie . it .. . harlot le Higgt, X seJi netf, see 15. and w'i see 17-8 8 10). some legal matters. . .. Solomon scott, s$ scc M.9-10 ' '" The attention, of. .our readers is " called to the "new ads in this issue. Ij"evnner, i.ouiound 11, mc. 2VVi'V.V.V'.'.'.'.'.'.,..V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.T. 4' Raw! them and be profited tilcr,.i)y.j wu,,WUu,. . -7- . rp it. .1.: . 1 ii- . J - fiilents ami tloeds will contain tlie following elaiist jum iijwMiisuiiKU ill? term Ot asrirsri rrnin tl,n I, 1:1.. 1 , . v , , , , , " " rifii 01 way thkheon lor iliiohos or j.n,, v iwuu.c Lion nmi, unit uniiaiH cnnHii tiL'tcil hy HUtlKinty of llie United Stutes." j has returned to his home in this city, j Sealed 1mJa will be received up to 12 oVlo!k, jiooti, of tlie various days tip"" P. A. Miller and James Bell of MclJ H"';. re lisU''1 10 1,0 0'cno1 ul'ov "ul. m.d nmst l.e dimMe.l to ' Pioneer were in town . Wednesday ' Itn M Tt hZTT' ?V'- K"Wl",,eH c,"Ul,i"i I .. . . j b,ls Hl"",1,l "a lllue ""tfi'l tliereon (ho dK-cnplion of tlie lan.Ls to which tlu attending tnc fruit growers' meet-: bids relate, bnt there shall be t,l , fih , !,. n, ,t, . 1 ..... , , - ,,,,,,,, nil-,, 1 1, to be. pene.1. Knclose cwlilimr check for Ht. leant 25 per cent, of vonr John I. Butterficlilf Kernvillo 1 c C cli8 h,,0,,,'., l,e ,,PHW" l"'yl'l to the order of KNOTT C. EfiUEUT, . 1,.vpi- Rih.t, !.. PI-14111 55"!e"u """iirwiiK Atfeiit, in ClmrK of Silcl. ACencv, Owijon. ... . . . . v.. f. (Lb ) I . . i f ..'."Jl.W'W""auri..1 J..1...1. iiimi u r .,w.... . !,l" 'And Jnc ib Kdnn.chfojr HiiH.-.n tMonn'heoy A l.ion lil II J.ui'j' Sinn I'Knil JlHIIldu Jnclt II. li. Jin-k M IKl red Solomon Charlotte HiKKl . SjIomioii Scott Ji.H'iih l lnuolii l.avinii I'ellx .111 hi! fuStlM- Murj l.oKan til' r IS to- iiirday. Ho will do some carpenter! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION: V. S. 1-snd Olllce. Portland. Orenon, January 12, V..10 Notice is heroby iftven thnt I'lisva Wlllianifon fonr.erlv riissa Wilson, widow and heir of Milton II. Wilson dccosod of Carrol I ton, Washington, who, on 'August 1, tuns, made liouicMOHd entry, Xo. 15-MO, Serial Ne. 01H4. (or s'iof thehjsec.'Jll, tow nship 10 south, ranee 10 west, Willamette Meridian, t.m tiled notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described, luiore Comity Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 8th day of March, 1!H0, Claimant liRines ns wit. icses: J. E.Wilson, I). W. 111am Cook, all of ChlCvood, Oregon, and Denver Wilson, of Portlond, Oregon, s. C'has. B. Mxkkick, Register. TOOK ALL HIS MONEY. Often, all a man earns soes ti doctors or for medicines to cure a Stomacb1, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly euro at tditfht cost. Best for '.Dyspepsia, Indi gextion Biliousness, Constipation, Jaundice, Malaria and Debility. 2ou. at Toledo Deng Co. . See Dalaha, tit Elk City, for your dairy farms. lWrt). madii Timber Application, No. CU5!, for ui ne;.j, i-ec. zi, lownsnip 11 soutn, range 10 : west, niamelte Meridian, bus filed noticcor WOI R iKTC. Intention to make fini.l Timber prool toes-! 0 ' , , . . , , tablish claim to the land above described 1 tf ' bargains in RuhherS l,.fo,e Ira Wade, rom.ty Clerk, at Toledo ' ',111(1 Rubber Boots at II. L. VlCITS Oieeon.on the 4th dav of March, 1010. ,,r i ctatmnnt i.aniei ns witness: j (I tiring I' ebtirary and jlarcli. Don't f. B. Cfosnoand Alden Dickiiifon. both of : niiss 'cm . - Toledo, Oregon and o. fs. UalaW and Laura j . . ' ' ' V E. Diiluba, both of Klk Cily, Oregon. j .Miss A 11 1 1 a JldmSOIl CdinC OVCr Ki neer. fl.0il) Corvallis Monday; and hm Toledo Market Paine & N-e, Props. LME SHOULDER This is a common form of muscular rheumatism.' So internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Lini ment freely 1 hree times a day and it quick cine is certain. This liniment has proyeu especially valuable for tuns cularand chronic rheumatism. Sold' by Tolede Drug Co. ; FOR THAT TERRIP.LE ITCHING hewma, tetter and salt ' keep ; lllfil' vi-tinis in nprnp'ml Inrmont I'TlKVHppiicR.iou of Cbamberhviu't, Salve ' ,.Jng. fr(im L;(;i, Caifomia' wit .1.:.. I...I 1 s . 1 i accepted n position as compositor in I tlie LnAm:re office-. - I Frtd Pn.'ss larived Satrtrdav cvc-l. for a ! T.ds is'Frcl's first! visit here for over two'years. j "in iiiiMniiuy aiinv mis He I Mi?. Rllll ' ! ii n,. i,... . , .... r visit, ai iiome. niiu ijc.-h cuieii uy its use. For snlc by Toledo Dreg Co. j A. L. ."cDonall, I. J.and L. F. See Dalaha, at Elk City, for wil 1 ; Pepin were down from Chitwood lands. '.' IWfdnrsd.iv of the Fruit (Idw.m's' Union.. Attorney C-. h. Hedges of Oregon h f : Q I ITCHING ECZEMA WASHED AWAY , T il L tit y v ' i i ii .ti t""ii'f jo yr.ll TO prop r-I, .. 4i -i iit i t thatawful, aKonlZi,W itch? Uiy WMS " t1,C U ynu will spend 25 cents on xAnr drtiL'. . "ttoI'"cJ' Anna D. Elliott in her gift's recommendation, to cord am! heal ' contest case r-gainst the claim of and ooh that, terrible itching empftonT Judge C. M . Brown.'. I'.y ariatiKemPtir, with the. D. D. D j c , , , . , , Laboratories of Chii.a.m . ... ..t. I ih ll() we ret umeu last week from; to iiiaka a special offer of a 25 --cent 1,nt,i,n,, wl ;l've J:t' wit!l llis f'tniily bottle of their oil of wiiiierareei) - corn- i 'lils spent the' winter. Mr. Rowe pound, as D. 1). O. Prescrii.t ion. j will bo Tend y to work tm the Toledo- Call or write or telephone to Toledo 1 Silct.1 Wtr'on r Drnif Oi ! ' ' Drug Co. We nbsoliitlv kno v that thn ileh is j stopped AT ONCE hy D D O. Prp--rMip. ! tioti, ami the cures ail seem to be per manent. for Sale. A good work mare, weight about 1000 or 1100. Price $f0. Titus Kuhtichanov, Chitwood, Oregon. I Have inst received a larco line ... t-i n it has been appointed by the Couniy Court o Of the Cnpcn Shoe Company's fam- tho state of Oregon for Lincoln Conntv. ad ... 1 , I. . I . l It ...I..I..I. ...I.U , I. ...... . . . . ' ' cms men s ana noy s snoes. tau itnd get a pair. If. Lewis Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS Dentists Mutual Phone, both ollics No. 551' NEWPORT and TOLEDO. a 'rnr.trno rrl.tnv At WALDI'OltT Thursday "noon to Saturday, i Our Motto- A Pleased Patient our ltest j - ' AdvorUse.'. ' 1 1 Mini an ihiiiib am limn nmjJJMwmi , NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, Notice is hereby given that the mirier! has been appointed by the Couniy Court of tho State of Oregon for Lincoln County, ad ministrator with the will annexed, of the es j tate or lllnun rlickinger, deceased. - All persons having ciainis ngaiunt said estntu are hereby required to present same to the nn- nersigne i, ai tne oince of C. E. Hawkins in To ledo, On gun, with proper vouchers as b" law required, within six months from date of this notice- Datid this 9lh day of February, 11)10. - L. I., swan. Administrator. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION, ' U. S. Land Ollleo, Portland.'Oregon, - ' - February 4, 1D1(. Notice, is hereby Klven that Fred Olson of Chitwood, Oregon, w ho. on Feurimrr 1:1 lorn made homestead entry No. 1017-1, Serial No ; Oil'! for, Lots 2 and 3, and swj-i of ne!, Scctiun IS, township 10 south, range 9 THE YAOUINA BAY west, Williimctlc Meridian, has illed notice of Air ADCTrAr"H l",e"tl"" ,n m,lk0 lll,Rl '"''c year proof, LAND AND AtJS 1 IAL"r'to eslablhhclaim to the land above described, before tne comity ciern ot Murom county, at Toledo. Oregon, on tlie Kan uiy of March lfllo. Claimant names as witnesses: COHPANY TOLEDO, OREGON lllvsses 0. Hart. Jolin 0. Adams. Martin P . .. . . 1 Pniiiiiicrmau anil Charles . I. Olson, all of Chit- Jiave an np-,0-liai'J umi ruiiuuo wood, Oregon. net of Abstracts of Lincoln County. . Chas. It. MtiiiuiK, Register. oad as. soon as the weather prcmi'.s resini'iption of that work. ' j P. IT. Martin of Harlan nttended tne j nut vi rowers' niceimg in tins city Wednesday. ;Mr. Martin is a new comer to this country, recently from Hood 1'ivcr, and is enthusias tic over the prospects of Lincoln county. .. Charley Brown was over from Drift Creek the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Itrown will move to Toledo as soon as they cun find a vacant house. Mrs. Brown's health is nol good and she wants to he near medical assistance.'. The Fireman are mighty busy these days making' arrangements for their big annual dance to he given in the Woodman Hall, Tues day, Fehurary'22. They are 'deter mined to make this dance even bet ter then any iirevious annual dance. The contest of Anna B. Elliott vs. C. M. Brown was heard before County Clerk Ira Wade here this week. G, L. Hedges of OrcKon City appeared for Miss- Elliott, Judge Brown defended his own case. Miss Ethel Ross, stenographer, took tlie testimony. - Several witnesses were examined for the defendant, hut none appeared for tho -plaintiff. All kinds .of fresh and cared Meats, Bacon and Lard Highest price for Hides and Pelts Fish ami Oysters in Season Notice Of Disolution. Jvotice is hereby given that tlie undersigned will not bo responsible for any bills contracted under the. firm name of Ilartman ifc Paine, from this date. Dated, Toledo, Oregon, Feb. 7, 1010. . - E. C. Paine Notice to Bidders. Sileu. Orcjfon, February 2d, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Sealed bbls win lie received by tlio. County Court of Lincoln County f ir tho coiistrucilim ami eoiiipUlton of a trail or waiton road In Komi District No. 1!"., under following specifications: llegiiinlng at wod bouinlcry of snld road ilistilci No. Ift on iCnchrc Mountain at cast tei hiinus ot new roiul in District fo. IH, mid following slong lt:e of survey to a point neur Rnd's cabin, being a distance of less than one mile, tilling the bottom on level land, ihe rond "ny to bo .-l,if.!,-d nii:l grubbed to a .vidlli of fixiten feet, uml gniited in low ami vctplaeca elylit feet nlde. On the hill side to bo guided l'i foot wide mid sbii died ill feet rin up.r"s!d6 cf rad wit y llridjics to bo y reel wide. All bids to be presented by March :ld, 19111. Iiido for biidjfo work may bo niadn separate. ' I'. Ml KM I, I'.oad Supervisor Dlit. No. 15. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. Toledo Drug Co. A J Warnock of Eddyville was in the city last Friday evening, attend ing a meeting of the directors of the Mutual Telephone company. Miss Ida Hurley came down .from Nortons Tuesday evening to he in attendance at. the teach ers' examination held hero this week. Capt. George Tyler of the Lincoln County Transportation Company went to Portland last 'Saturday morning, on business regarding the company.- . At the last meeting of Pocahontas Camp, No. 299, W. O. W., the an nual election of officers- was held. It was decided at this meeting that the camp will hereafter hold regu lar meetings twice a month. For the past several months the meetings have been held very irreg ularly. But now new interest will be shown and the lodge brought back in good working order. An entertainment committee was ap pointed to provide ehlertainnicnt for the next meeting, which will he held next Friday evening, The committee will Drovide for a snread end n jolly good time will be had. All members are urged to be there. Tho Firemen's Annual Ball will be given on the evening of February 22, 1910. Service at St. John's church Feb. 13 (first Sunday in Lent) at 7:30 p. m. The Rt, Rev. Charles Scad ding, D. )., the Bishop of Oregon, will preach. Everybody ' welcome. , Rev. F. 0. Jones, Rector. Oliver Altree has had a crew of men at work driving piling along Depot slough, coiistiucting sheer booms at the bridges and other bad places where logs are liable to. lodge, are now building a logging dam in the slough at the RomUedl 'place. He expects that in the future when a log is turned loose in the upper creek tlu.t it will run to tho mill. Ed Paine has sold out his in terests in tho City Meat Market and has formed a partnership with Johnny Nye and will continue in the :neat business, under the firm' name of I'aine it Nye. The new firm has temporarily' opened up a market in the old Graham building on the Water Front, next door to t'.ie Costello grocery store.' Hart nian will continue the business as the Cily Aicat Market. , Tho Weather .- . Station i Toledo; Month: Jan., 1010 Mean temperature, .Maxin:tttn tciiiperiinue, 08; daieB, 1 Minimum temperature, date, -3. Total precipitation, 9.00 inches Total snow full, 'a' Inchon Prevailing direction of wind, Numborof cloudless days, 7. Number of partly cloudy days, 14 Number of cloudy days, IU Dates of killit:( frost, Dates of thunder storms, none Dales of bail , Datt'tt of sleet, t C. L. Cnos.No.'Cbeei vei, 1