Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 11, 1910, Image 4

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Lincoln County Leader
COLLINS & HAY DEN, Pdblishers
KnMred at the pontofflce at Toledo, Oregon, at
eeond class mail matter.
One Year - tl 50
ix Mnths - 75
Three Months - - - 60
Display, 10 cenU per Inch per Unue.
Local and Reading Notlcct, 6c per line.
Notices-or Sale, Wnnled, Elc, Ave lines or
under, 25c per ixsue; 50c per month.
llomesUiid Notices, to; Timber Notices, f 10,
Tax Levies
Toledo Oregon, Feby., 3, 1910,
The following is a statement of
the different Tax Levies for the year
1910. in the several Road and
School Districts, and other taxes in
Lincoln County.
City of Newport $1299.83.
City of Toledo $1081.57.
State and County Tax$50,034.02.,
Dyke Tax 21.07.
School Tax District No. 1, 371.21
Throw them away. Bring them
to the Shoe Shop on
' Water Street.
Half Soles nailed on .75
Half Soles and Heels, nailed, $1.00
Half Soles, sewed, $1.00
Half Soles and Heels, sewed, $1.25
Ladies' Tine "Work a Specialty
W. O. DAVIS, Prop.
ft The Best Quality or
Groceries, Drygoods,
Flour and Feed at
the Lowest Prices
No. 2, 2483.71 No. 3, 7416.37
No. 4, 222.12 5, 28.99
6, 110.87 - 7; 141.33
8, 356.97 9, 130.95
10, 332.C0 11, 21.23
12, 1137.24 13, 132.29
14, 112.18 15, 122.83
1G, 55.85 ' 17, 722.18
18, 144.20 . 19, 20o.91
20, 109.85 21, 101.65
22, 213.90 " ,23, 198.79
24, 61.54 25, 129.37
26, 31.22 27, ' 181.67
28, 133.79 29, 22.35
30, 113.68 31, 145.06
. 82, 238.52 33, 65.70
35, 271.38 36, 79.65
. 37, 58.85 38, 2S2.10
39, G5.1G '40, (J8.48
41, 124.70 43, 117.02
44, 143.52 45, 51.77
47, 317.23 48, 50.67
49, 65.64 .60, 222.01
s. 51, 142.18 52, 4S6.51
53, 159.98 51, 97.f9
55, 116.6 4 5(i, 5.96
57, 1498.63 58, 213.57
59, 95.94 CO, - 59.41
61, 26.3G 62, 60-80
63, .64
Special Road Taxes district
No. 1, 316.57 No, 2, 1543.24
3. 430.66 4, 666.87
5, 200.59 6, 1164.83
8 , 3953.13 . 10, 726.70,
11, 318.95 -12, .834.72
13, 599.47 . 14, 158.09
15,4713.23 16, 526.G8
18 , 2341.04 19, 158f.31
day to run mill machinery and at
night to run light machinery. The
contract with Mr. Montgomery
stipulates that the latter must fur
nish sawdust for fuel for a period
of five year. -
We underetand the plant will Ik;
moved within a few days, as soon
as the mill company's donkey en
gine arrives, with it is intended to
haul the boiler.
H. M. Friendly, general manager
of the Northwest Long Distance
Telephone Company, was in Toledo
last week and, in company with
m. i- A. T. Peter?"" of the
Yaquina Bay Mutual releplnne
Company and Zeb Davis of Co rvnl
lis, went to Newport Friday. The
Northwest lying Distance Company
has leased the local Mutual lines
for a term of years and will remodel
all the lines and make an up to
date system throughout, and guar"
antee to give satisfactory telephone
service. . Lincoln county lines will
be run in connection with the Ion?
distance lines in the Valley and will
be practically under the same
management, which fact insures a
first class service. A good switch
board, similar to the one in the
Toledo central office, will be install
ed in the Newport -office, and all
lines will be repaired and put in
good working order. A man from
Corvallis will be sent down here to
oversee this work. With both of
Lincoln county' s telephone systems
in the hands of large companies the
patrons are assured of the hest ser-
ice. - ' '
OysU-r Cock tails 1
Oyster Stews!
Oyster Frys!
Oysters4y the pint, quart, gallon
or carload, atAl's Smoke House
Cafe. Get The Habit, ;
Columbia -Red Top bakeries at
Newton & Nye's. . .
The best of Fresh and Cured meats
Clams, crabs, oysters, and fish
in season .
fait' i
P K i i j;-'":J,.w;-i
Total County & State tax $50,084 02
Total city tax Newport 1,299 83
Total city tax Toledo 1,081 57
Dyke 2107
. Total special school tax 21,009 G2
Total special road tax 20,066 28
Total tax levy for 1909 $93,562 39
Respectfully submitted, '
Ira Wade, Clerk.
( .-
Citizens Meeting at Waldport
A public meeting of the citizens
of Waldport and locality will be
held at Waldport on Thursday,
February 17th, at 2 o'clock p. m.
for the purpose of considering the
matter of forming ' a port for im
As I have only a short time to
remain at Eddyville, I will make i
great reduction in Dry Gyods, Hard
ware. Boots and Shoes, call while
you can pick from a large assort
ment at prices never heard of before
in this part of Lincoln Couuty.
II. L: Veit.
Onion Sets, we have plenty
them and the price is right. .
Toledo Drug Co.
When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor
nelius, N. C, brused his leg badly,
started au 'ugly eoro. Many salves and
ointments proved worthless. Then
Bucklen's Amice Salve healed it thor
ouehlv. Nothing is eo prompt and sure
for Ulcers, Boils, BuniR, Bruises, Cuts
Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles
25c. at Toledo Drug Co.
vJ-wx lily
:i AL'S
For Your Segars, Terbaker, Randy, Frutes; Nuts, Lunch Goods, Etc.
We also carry a Iarge Assortment of Pipes and Smokers' Articles.
v ......
g2r Short Order House and Pool Hall in Connection jJ
AL WAUGH, Proprietor
CIIA S. II A It TJU A y, Prop.
Toledo, Oregon
CII A M BE Itl.A 1 N"S CaU J i 1 UliM BUY
have sold CliamW'i Iain's Cough
Remedy for the p iit eigii. yiri an 1
Hnd it to be one oftlie In-i-t M-lliiir ined
icihes ou the markut. V r b.biesand
youtitj ehildrpn them ia i.oihing better
n the line of con.'h synips, huvs Paul
Allen. Plain Dt;tt injf. I . reindy
not only cures the uTijhs, cold m end
croup so com liion among j ou n jj cii laren
hut is pleiisatit und safe for them to lake.
For sale lv 'J'nlodo Druu Co,
Report of the Condition
of the Lincoln County Bank
No. 2oa
At Toledo, in the State of Oregon, at
the close of business, Jan. 3,. 1 jio.
Loans and discounts. ..... $ 73,589.62
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 2,795.83
Bonds, securities, etc 37,496.28
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures. 566.90
Other real estate owned 3,730.00
Due from banks (not reserve
banks) ... . 0.41
Due from approved reset ve j ,
banks 15,870.06
Checks and other cash items. .' 54.60
Expenre account ...
Cash on hand.. 5,556.55
Don't be misled into the belief that a loose shoe wilf
be comfortable. It is just as bad for the foot to slip in
a shoe as it is to have trie shoe pinch. A proper nt is
a snug fit at every point of contact with the foot.
Try on your size in the .
American Gentleman Shoe
and you will know what we mean. This shoe is made on anatomically
correct lasts, and in a great variety of styles and shapes, making it
possible to fit most any foot.
The Largest Manufacturers of Shoes in the World have been able to
- put into the American Gentleman Shoe a quality of materials and
workmanship that assures unusual durability and style.
Come in and see the new styles for Fall and Winter, and let us fit you
in.a shoe that is suited to you. We carry a large line ot American
Gendemaa Shoes, in many styles, sizes, shapes and leathers.
Toledo, Or.
We positively forbid anyone,
friend or otherwise', to hunt or tres
pass on any of what is known as
proving the waterways and harbors the old Mc'Clukey or Larson places,
of Lincoln- county. A full attend- under penalty of the law.
ance of all of thcN citizens is earn-
estly requested, as the importance
of this matter is very great. Mem
bers of other conimittes. from other
parts of the county will be present
and help discuss the subject.
Come out and let us move for the
upbuilding of the commerce of Lin
coln county, and let us not lie be
hind every other coast county of the
Tuos. Creistopher,
C.L. Green.
Hundreds of orphans have been help
ed by tbe President of the Industrial
and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ga who
writes: "We have used Electriot Bitters
in this Institution for nine yenrs. It
has proved a most excellent medicine for
Stomach, Liver and Kidney , troubles.
We (is oue of the best family
medicines on earth." It invigorates all
vital organs, purifies the blood, aids di
gestion, creates appetite. To strengthen
Light Plant Will Move
Iwis Montgomery, of the Fir nd ull "P tl "'n, weak children
and Spruce Lumber Company, this
week purchased a one fifth interest
in the Toledo Light', Power and
ManufactorinK Company. The
plant will be removed to the saw
mill, tho eiiKine and iK.iler usel in
or run down people it has
Best for female complants.
at Toledo Drug Co.
no equal
Only 6O0
All our seeds are new crop. No
old last year seeds. Toledo Drug
Total, fP3r.685.30
Capital stock paw in 10,000.00 1 rw
surplus iuna - ou ou
Undivided profits, less expen- ' .
ses and taxes paid ...... 2287. 1 9
Due to banks and bankers. ... .
Individual deposits subject to
. check 102,691.97
Demand certificates of deposit 5,998.78
Time certificates of deposit... 13,073, 14
Certified checks. 234.22
Bills payable, including certifi- "
, cates of dopositjor money
borrowed 5,coo.oo
Total, i39.685.3o
STATE OP OREGON, ) . -County
of Lincoln, J '
I, Win. Scarth, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear I
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Wm. Scarth, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
8th day of Feb., 1901.
G. B. McCuskey, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: Thos. Leese,-
C, E. Hawkins,.
' Directors.
The best side hill plow for Lincoln
county. II. S. Pruner, Nashville,
Or. - '
Because meats are so tasty they are
consumed in great excess. This leads
to stomach troubles, biliouness and con
stipation. Revise your diet, let reason
and not a pampered appetite control,
then lake a few doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and yon
will soon be well asain. - Try it. For
sale a t Toledo Druu Co's. drug store.
Samples free, - .
Office in Schenck Building., Office
hours : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 ou 7 to 8
p.m. Emergenoy-Calls at any time.
BURKEL, Proprietor
' South end Railroad Avenue
Fresh Bread, Fresh Fiea
Ficsh Cokes
Everything First-Class
Orders "out of town promptly filled.
Yaquina Bay Lumber Co.
'.'We. Manufacture all Grades and
- . Dimensions of
1 (No Sapling Growth Timher Used)
Special Bills on short notice
JOHN F OGRTY, Agt.. Newport
O.R. ALTREE, - - - Manager
$10,000 Paid Up Capital
Drafts and Money Orders sold, payable at all principal point s
the United States, Canada and Europe.
THOS. LEESi., President.
WU. SCARTH .Cashier
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