Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 21, 1910, Image 1

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News of each Community Gathered each
week by Our Hustling Associate Editors
Miss Effie Williamson, primary
teacher, was out of school one day
last week on account of sickness.
Dr. Carter, of Newport was called
to Waldport last week to attend the
infant daughter of E.E. Everson.
'Harry Holman has gone to Port
land where he will remain if he can
find suitable employment.
P. J. Cauthorn is building a house
near the school building for his
mother, Mrs. M. Cauthorn.
W. G. Helms is progressing rapid
ly in the construction of his launch.
When com plot-id it will bo the finest
on the Bav.
The C. J. Smith Realty Company
report the sale of the Jorgenson
ranch on the Yachats to II. L.
Kocher. This place contain's 83
acres and brought $1,5000.
Dr. Linton returned last Friday
from a business trip to Portland.
Chris Gwyn was in charge of the
drug store during hi3 absence.
Harlan i3 again it print, and says
go to Eugene where Mrs. Scott has
relatives where they will visit awhile,
from there they will visit relatives
in Salem. We think by that time
they will le homesick to return to
this good place.
Jakie Johnson is living in his new
house as c zy as a bug in a rug.
Jess Stone and Dick Anderson
have been helping Joe Powe'8 in
his clearing the past week.
Nelse Anderson is working on
Drift River this week.
Lee Bones has been trading cows
for young steers. He going to raise
beef cattle.
Joe Stephens intends selling his
the country. .
Superintendent Goin had quite a
rough passage crossing the Siletz
Bay last Friday. The was wind
blowing real hard, the swells running
high. He hasgone to visit the Sal
mon River schools.
Mr. Bradshaw of Newport was in
our parts last week circlating a peti
tion to get a portion of the taxes to
Siletz on Sunday.
Grace B. Hampton has sold her
timber land to Portland parties.
Fred Wittenstrom is building a
water-wheel with which he expects
to run various kinds of machinery,
among which will be a machine for
polishing granite.
Mrs. S. J. Morrison is visiting at
G. II. Horsfall's this week.
There is a prospect of several new
houses being built on Rock Creek
next summer. We have a growing
and progressive community.
"although we have not written we build a good road from Newport to
are as much alive as ever." Better ; Siletz
have the evidence in each week.
We all like to hear from you.
Some mineral ore picked up near
Waldport has been causing consider
able speculation as to its value. We
hope it is something good.
A number of pupils of the school j
Bk City
Seems to be some cross talk over
the appointment of road supervisor
in this district. It seems a petition
cuts no ice with the county court.
last week. Dee is a good huntei as nize the quality and shall willingly
well as a good neighlwr. He says pay the highest market price. . The
his dogs can not lie beat for hunting Becond necessity, the quantity, nl
varmints. ways growing, never to ho over
There was a Mr. Baldwin from 'cached. The third, the marketing.
Albany looking for a location for a J Wc have nt hand a clear ' state'
fruit ranch. He says, if he can ' ment of how the poultry and egg
find a place suitable he will buy. producers of Denmark have co
and set out apple trees, as he wants operated to capture the high prico
to get away from ire worms that 'London market. Their plan has
infect the fruit in the Valley or-' succeeded to the full, and is being
chards. Mr. Baldwin was favorably ! followed in many parts of the
imores-ied with the Little Elk i United States.
A district association is formed of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, form
ally of this place, are visiting rela
tives and Friends in this neighbor
hood. Mr3.Darnley is able to be up and
around now.
The dance at George Davenports
was a grand success.
Mrs. J. T, Calkins visited at Mr.
Darnleys one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Way Calkins and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daniel visited
home folks a few days this week.
Mr. Ligc Grant visited at J. T.
Calkins Sunday.
Mr. S. J. Stewart visited his
daughter, Mrs. G. Davenport, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Our good roads committee met at! Pultry rgg producers, varying
Eddyville last Monday. They are!111 numlwrs from 30 to .500. lhw
Jaying plans for improving the roads ! local association "collects the egg
whilaitisrainina and when pood in Itn territory and requires: that
weather comes they will be ready to cacl KB 1,0 stamped with the date
imtnuv.rk. Ttw.v l.ntm nfnf twn 1 " Which it WflH laid. TllCn . the
"" ..... .... ..
months' work subscribed now and , are subjected to rigid inspection,
more to follow. fl,1( l,'u"i,y keeper who attnipts
-,-.... , , , w v , , to palm off an egg which is delect
Grant Standard and W. F. Wake- , . , , . , ,
, , . . . ... ably under-dated' is subjected to a
field were working at Eddyville one ,, ...
, , . . , ,. . Biiostantial fine." Ihe eggs of tho
ijuv kick ituviv uiinmuiiiii ti till v i , t ,
rt .district
nour anu leeu lor iur. stringer, one
of the merchants of that place.
I of Colfax, Washington, are visiting
their brother, T. J. Smith.
The Elk City AthleticClub have
t- "it cn r.A .. t r n ..j.
have purchased a set of boxing gloves , gumlay iooking ovcr h'i8 pty
und quite a number of discolored.! hcrcan(1 thinkingof buyi..g more,
eyes are in evidence. ,f j gmUh returncd ;
The Artisans held an open mcemg ncs Mp to Dalil9 iast ViVo!, .
the evening of the 20th and quite a i . a . . ,
. , , ; Van Orden & Son have loun-
number enjoyed 'the occasion. A1 . . . " . , .
.. . ; cation about complete for the new
moijram committee was in charge. . , , .. ,. ,, ,,
1 . I school building. Frosty weather
; A very pleasant entertainment was ij.)tjiers aboUt building stone base
given the evening of the 13th by a 1 ,ueut
committee of ladies consisting of j M B erljy of gam
Mrs. Jorgenson Miss J Smith of Dalla9 and Mrs. Hubbard
Mrs. Keady, Airs, liuss Kent ana
Miss Esther Williamson. The
principal features were the Snowy
Alnc iUa VimArc nnd an Art
Oallery consisting of 25 exhibits, j nted ' old, sU,re buW;? "f
Miss Ruby Kent made a decided hit Dixon and are having some lively
as the Gypsy fortune teller. A. C. j ineetl": X ,8,U,r9 are we,come
Thissell acted as policeman. Pro-1 C. C. Woodford has rented the
gressive whist was also played and Copeland place near Toledo and will
; also the quiet game of Pit. Later nm a dairy while Mrs. Woodford
in the evening the Virginia Reel will continue at the Elk City Hotel,
was danced. Among the invited Mr- Woodford is a expert dairyman
guests were members of the band and Mrs. Woodford knows how to
who brought their instruments along Pase the hungry traveler,
and favored the guests with some' home of our neighbors are looking
very fine selections. Refreshments cross at each other over a few old
goats. Better to kiss and settle the
matter as law costs good money and
goats are worth only a dollar a head.
Parties from the east are in here
.looking over large tracts for stock
were served during the evening.
Charley Robbins, Bruce Parish
and their friend w uue are nerc yet, purposes. A Mr. Marvin from Iowa
They like our country so well it is , was looking at the Parker ranch,
real hard to leave. Ihcre is some ni0 acres ftu$20 per acre. Too
talk of their.remaimng and milking mucn nioney he thought.
cows for the cheese factoty.
G. S. Parmcle has begun clearing
and getting ready to sow oats an d
grass Bccd.
Some people think that kale will
make splendid cow feed. Some of
the farmers are goifig to try it here
this season. They say, "get the
Btock kale seed and plant it in April,
then when it is ready to feed which
is in ft short time, just pull off the
lower leaves and two more leaves will
grow on where one was taken offSnd
the kale will grow taller. Feed each
e;iv an armful at miking time and
it will increase the.-rlow of milk.1
Mrs. Scott has gone to Newport
where she will visit a few days until
Larkcy I-oganjs visiting at the
home of John Morris.
A. M. Iloyso returned Saturday
from Sheridan. He is under quar
antine with diphtheria.
Mrs.S. J. Dickens is improving
eince the last account.
imam DodHon of nose lKtse
returiKjd from the Valley with a
wife and was greeted with a charivari.
John Deakin got him a house
keeper a short time ago.
Marvin Boozer left Thursday for
Portland .
Mose Killam made a trip to the
Valley last week in his buggy.
Henry Curl has been busy the
past few days cutting and hauling
wood off of Dickens & Co's. land.
Royse and Oviatt have been get
ting in a fine lot of wood.
Petter Bobb made a trip to Rose
Lodge Monday for supplies
. Leslie Bobb
are then placed on th
London market, "and graded, and
Mint oi'mlinrr tm fnitti' ti t nPinmicd
Our school is progressing nicely j flIul reHpect(ltll)y dcaIeM fll)(1 con.
under the able management of Miss' mnmy im vaIill an finai, Liv0
Ross. Clifford akefield is taking flW tln,ry pM
the eighth grade examination this ducta ur0 lian(lll!(I ,)V th Halm.
week. We wish Clifford success. organization and subjected ' to the
There was a banker from Portland same careful branding and grading,
at Eddyville last week. He said ho The general association (formed by
was going to buy six hundred acres the union of the local associations)
of land adjoining Eddyville and in ' has its market agencies in Itidon
two years he would have a town of nd other large markets'." So such
two thousand inhabitants, so keep , "products have gained the reputa
your eye on Eddyville and watch tion of !eiiig standard. Sy poult ry
us grow. ! keeping and dairying have been
' ' ' I converted from hazardous or tin-
Oo-Operation. profitable industries to a basis or
Editor Leader: If the ways we Stable and substantial profit."
Lincoln County farmers at present It seems to me that with con
use to market our poultry, egts, ' suniers in Portland, Vancouver, B.
vegetables, stock and fruit are C.f and the Sound cities paying for
rightly sketched in my former let-, "much eggs," fifty, sixty and even
ters does it not show that better seventy cents a dozen, such ways of
methods can and should be found? bringing producer and consumer
What changes should we work for?- together deserve an effort.
Such as would improve the quality, ('an wc not think it within our
powers to meet and organize a
increase the quality, and bring
into better markets at less cost lor IJncolri County Association of thin
each and all of our products. nature, with a' local association in
These are high aims, I admit.
each of the hcvcii districts reprim
and they may take some trouble MnkH, ftt oUrgcptcnilM,rFttir?
and some work, and some energy to
arrive at, but thousands, aye tens
and hundreds of thousands, of
farmers East and West are busy
today along these lines. One can
not believe that so large and general
a movement would be seen unless,
I have mentioned the poultry and
egg business first because it is tho
simplest and most widely spread
industry of the farm that wc nearly
all practice Walms Nasii.
John A. Peterson, tho new road
not onlv the needs were felt every- supervisor for tins district, has tixe.l
has returned from where, but also that the remedy the big mud hole whtro the old
We have two stores in town now
and both seem to be doing business,
Two stores seem to bring more trade,
Rock Creek.
Warren Wright and wife have re
turned from a months visit at dif-
fent points in the Willamette Valley.
Jesse Rceder and family are visit?
ing at John Hamer's.
S. Wigle spent several days last
week at Siletz.
, J.. L. Morrison is making ex
tensive improvements on his resi
dence. . v C. Fischer, of Siletz, visited
friends and transacted business here
Mr. Scott joines her, they will then last "Saturday. He returned to
his visit to the Agency
On account of the absence of the
Manager, Joe Dick, postponed his
shooting match until Saturday.
r "Tittilek
We are getting plenty of rain
now. -
Hay is getting mighty short in
this vicinity.
We did not send anything from
Little Elk last week.' It was not
because there was nothing doing, 1
for there is something doing here all
the time.
Rev. Plummcr did not preach at
the. echoolhouse last Sunday, as his
little girl was down with typhoid
fever; It is hoped lie will bo able
to be with us at his next appoint
ment. .
' There were several wild cats
killed in these parts last week.
Dee, Chester and P. O. Shirley
killed three and Walker Cline killed
Deo Shirley killed
growing each day in importance Stewart hill road leaves tho new
loled-hiletz roau by laying planking.
The diking dredge, Chetco, has
completed the contract of making
See page 185 in Secretary Wilson's the dyke around the Wade and
report, the Year Book of the- De-jSchenck tidclands near town, aim
partmcnt of Agriculture for 1008. is now waiting for the completion of
was safe and sane and sound.
In one strong word it is COOPERATION.
Farmers' economic co-operation
in the United States has developed
enormously in the period under
review, and it is safe to say that at
the present time more than half of
the G, 100,000 farmers are repre
sented in economic co-operation."
"The greatest success in the farm
ers' co-operation movement is in
selling by fruit growers, vegetable
growers, nut growers, berry growers,
by live stock men; wheat, sweet
potatoes, Hax oats, eggs, poultry
and honey, and so on with a long
These, you see, arc results. How,
practically, are they reached? Re
memlier, the first necessity is the
quality of the product, and that the;
consumer, not any commission
the draw at the Mill Four
Oyster Cocktails I
Oyster Stews!
Oyster Fry s!
Oysters by the pint, quart, gallon
or carload, at Al's Smoke House
Cafe. Get Tho Habit.
I Have just received a largo lino
of tho Capen Shoo Company's fam
ous men's and boys shoes. Call
and get a pair. II. Lewis
Should you drop a wax record on
the floor what usually happens?
Drop one of thoso Indestructible
records II. L. Veit sells and pick it
up and play it, it's just as good m
Sweedish shoe grenso at Newtt u .
seven coon 1 agent however reliable, shall recog- & jsTve8, ...