Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 10, 1909, Image 8

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    Newport In Winter.
Newport is an ideal winter resort
and the low rates now in effect from
all S. P. a.iJ 0. & E. points, with
improved train service now estab
lished places it within a few hours
ride from the Valley, arriving there
at 6:00 p.m. in time for dinner.
Excellent hotel accommodations at
reasonable rates.
For further particulars call on any
C. & E. or S. P. Agent, or write to
Win, WcMurray,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
The particular man demands par
ticular attention 1 You can get it
at Depot Barber Shop, Toledo, Ore.,
. near boat landing. Shaving 15c,
llaircutting 25c.
The famous Sweedish buck saws
now at Newton & Nye's.
When you have pains or lameness in
the back bathe the parts with Cham
berlain's Liniment twice a day, massag
ing with t tie palm of the hand for five
minutes at each application. Then
dampen a piece of flannel slightly with
this liniment and bind it on over the
seat of pain, and you may be snrprined
to pe) hn'v jnlk thn iMitienesa disap
pears. For pale by Toledo Drue Co.
Dairy and Stock Ranches
City Property; De Lava
Cream Separator
Underwood Typewriter
Rubles Third Addition to Waldport
Lots in tins heautnul nilumon now
on sale at prices ranging from $45.00
up, according to location. Come
early and get the best selections.
R. N. WARNOCK, Prop.
(lon1 Hljis niul well-broken Sartdlo Horses
Ppet-lal attention given to Traveling Men.
Homes Hoarded and given Hood Care
Ot'irateia Tolerto-hSlletf! Stage
City Braying in Connection
Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual Plume, liotb otllees.
No. Ml-
At TOLEDO Friday
At WALDPOKT Thursday noon to Saturday.
Our Motto' A Pleased Patient Our Deal
, B, Lend Cltloe, Portland, Oregon,
November 6, 190D
Koltoela hereby given that George Henry
Sampson of Bone Lodge, Oregon, who, on July
JO, 1908, made homestead entry No. 01H, for n).$
pa.'i and ne' of swj, section 6, township 8
smith, ratine 0 west, Wlllamotto Meridian, has
tiled lie lli'O of Intention to make final com
mutation proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, bofore the Register and Re
ceiver, U. B, Land Oltlce. at Portland, Oregon,
on the 22nd day of December, 1509.
Claimant names as witnesses;
David K, Rogers, Gustav Elle. Andrew Hpll
lleis and Albert Elle, all of Falls City, Oregon.
Aj.QEiinon 8, Ijhk.w.ii, Register.
HJ, B, Laud Olllce, Portland, Oregon,
(let. 801 h, 1009.
Notice I heroby given that Edwin L. John
Son, of Blleta, Oregon, who, on Sept. 8th, 1908,
made homestead entry, Serial No. 0!3, for ua
ofnw', section 27, Township 8 south, Range
10 wont, Willainetlo Meridian, has died notice
of intention to make llnal oummutatlon proof
to establiKh claim to tho laud above dosoribcd,
Wore the Register and Keaeiver, U. 8. Land
Olllce, at Portland, Oregon, on tbo l.'jlh day
of December 1W9.
Claimant names as witnesses:
l.aroy Chandler, (ieorge Lnflus, Steven I.,
Stratum and W, C. Fischer, all of Siloti, Ore
gou, Algernon 8. Drksskr, Register,
"In treating pneumonia," gays Dr.
W. J. Smith, of Sunders, Ala., "the
only remrdy I use (or the lungs la
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While
of course, I would treat other ayniptom
with different medicines, I have used
this medicine mauy time in my medi
cal practice and have yet failed to find
cake where it has not controlled the
trouble. I have used It myself, ns bag.
also my wife, for1 coughs and .colds re
iieatedlv, and I most willingly and
cheerfully reoommend It as superior to J
My other cough remedy to my knowl-i
For sale by Toledo Pi ug Co.
Yaquina vs. Newport
There is an old saying, and a very
true one, that "he who is good at
making excuses is seldom good at
any thing else." Those who doubt
the correctness of this saying should
have witnessed the football game
last Sunday at Newport and heard
the apologies.
We have no apologies to make
for Yaquina, but as a matter of
news it may be interesting to some
to know of the preparation the
team made for the game.
Yaquina's team was made up of
several of the train men, two young
men from a party of surveyors stop
ping here, some farmer boys, several
of whom had never been in a game,
and one. young stranger coaxed into
the game at the last moment who
had never seen a game of football
played. To even Bay they were ac
quainted would have been far from
correct, and to accuse them of prac
ticing together would have been an
injustice. To add to this they were
to play on Newport's grounds full
uneven places, covered with six
inches of snow, and new ground to
them all. It would seem that when
they were willing to disregard all of
these disadvantages and go into the
game for the sole purpose of furnish
ing a half day's pleasure to them
selves and others concerned, they
would be entitled to a square deal
at least.
Did they get it? We'll see.
Newport's team was made up of
men from their town, drilled to
gether, well acquainted with each
other and with the grounds.
Newport selected one of their own
players, Mr. Bush Davis, as referee.
As a referee Mr. Davis is a brilliant
exception to the general run, and
deserves special attention . The only
criticism of him we could make is
he was too tender hearted. He
would almost weep- when he saw
Newport's men bucking Yaquina's
lino and being piled up without
moving their ball a yard. But we
are able to disregard his little weak
ness as referee when we consider tho
splendid coaching he gave Newport's
team (although it may have been a
little out of place) . '
The game was interesting, though
slightly one-sided. Newport's men
deserve special commendation in
the way they would get together
when Yaquina would rush their
line . They would usually stop them
allright in two or three rods. It
took Yaquina about 15 minutes to
make the first touchdown, and was
working well towards Newport's
goal again at the close of the first
half. During the second half New
port's men began to catch onto the
game and came very near doing
something once or twice that would
give their rooters courago to root.
Any way.they put up more resistance
and it was well toward tho close of
the second half before Yaquina was
able to bring the ball to within two
feet of Newport's goal line. The
sight of this was too much for the
referee. It nearly broke liis heart,
and for once his magnanimous dis
position got away with him. So he
dispensed with the rules and took
the ball from Yaquina and gave it
to Newport (explaining to Yaquina
that he did it to encourage the los
wg siae;.- uuring wo next play
one of Newport's men managed to
amble across their line with the ball
and drop it, when it was quickly
covered by Yaquina's man on the
spot. Yuquina then kicked the ball
over their goal which closed the
game with a score of 11 to nothing
in favor of Yaquina.
We must especially mention Alli
son and Benedict their splendid
assistance. Their work was first
class in every way and a credit to
themselves and the team. Nash
did splendid playing throughout the
game, and Captain Cronise was al
was there at the critical time.
A Spectator.
Christmas Time
Gift Time
Call and sec our line of
100 Different Styles of Pocket Knives
from 5c to $2.00, at
Pool, Billiards,
Card Tables,
Bowling Alle.v,
Candy, Cigars,
Fruits, Ntits,
Soft Drinks.
M. N. ANDERSON, Proj).
Newton & Nye
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pocketc.
Felled seams.
hrS stilt Dalai.
Sufrudxt Cttiffftia
Ferro Takes Four Medals in Seattle
3 to 25 II. P.
1 to 3
Columbia gold moulded records
only 15c each while they last, for
sale by II. L. Veit, Eddyville.
unmindful of (lampneps, drafts, storms
or cold, W. J. AtkiuH worked as Night
VVatebman at Bauner Springs, Tenn.
Sucb exposure gave him a severe cold
that settled in his langs. At Inst he
bad to give up work, lie tried many
remedies but all fnilrol till I used Dr.
King's New Discovery. "After iisinir
one bottle" he writes, "I wenf. b:tck to
work as well an ever." Severe Colds,
mubijont Coug'ua, iuxiauiril tlmuila and
sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup anil
Whooping Cough get. quick relief and
prompt cure from this glorious medi
cine. 50o and 8100. Trial bottle free,
guaranteed by Toledo Drug Co.
Harness, Harness, Harness.
I am now prepared to furnish
harness, heavy and light; all kinds
, of straps, robes, etc. My leather is
my own tanning and is not tanned
by the "quick process." Machine
and hand work, all guaranteed.
J. O. Smith,
Toledo's Tanner and IIrn?s.:;nmker.
3 h. p. outfit
complete for
salt water only
A Morning Reminder.
You awake with a mean, nasty
taste in the mouth, which reminds
you that your stomach is in a bad
condition. It should also remind
you that there is nothing so good
for a disordered stomach as
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
They build up the system, assist nature
to restore natural conditions, and are so
gentle in their action that one hardly real
izes a medicine was taken. Chamberlain's
TMIE Jury of Awards of the Alaska -Yukon-Pacific Exposition recog- i Tablets are sold everywhere. Price 25c
-1- nifced the mechanical perfection of Ferro Engines. The Ferro was .
awarded the gold medal, first prize for two-cycle engines, and a silver
medal, second prize for heavy duty engines, . this in competion with
heavy slow-speed four-cycle engines. .
The Ferro Reverse Gear took the gold medal for reverse gears.
Tho entire Ferro exhibit in charge of the Seattle Marine Supply Co.
was awarded a gold medal on general appearance and completeness.
11. D. BURGESS, Agt., Toledo, Oregon.
Eczema Lodges in the Skin.
For many years eczema was supposed
to be a blood disease and was erroneou
sly treated us such, but now the best
authorities agree that.ecssema is only a
skin disease and must be cured through
the skin. The eminent skin specialist,
Dr. D. D. Dennis, first discovered the
eczema germ and his discovery was
quickly taken up by both Germany and
To kill the eczema germ and at th
same time heal the skin, Dr. Dennis
compounded oil of wintergreen, thymol
glycerine, etc The remedy is a liquid
not. a mere salve, hence it sinks right
into the pores of the skin. Washing
with this oil of wintergreen compound
seems to take the itch away atonce; soon
the scales drop away and the disease
disappears. The prescription has now
been used so long as to have proven its
absolute merit and we do not hesitate
to express our confidence in D. D. D.
Prescription. Toledo Drug Co.
Ever Ready batteries fresh from
th e factory every few days at New
ton & Nye's.
Just arrived my large assortment
of up to date shoes of all kinds.
Call and see them. T. P. Fish.
Columbia Indestructible Records
(new ones each month) will fit any
cylinder machine, only 35c and will
last a life time, ,
Toledo, Oregon
Notice it hereby given tliat .be undersigned
has been Appointed by tlie County Court of
Lincoln County, Oregon, administrator nt the
extateof lien ha Wilbur, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the same pr peily veri
fied, as required by law, within six months ot
this date, at my olllce in Toledo, Lincoln
county, Oregon.
Dated November 19, 1909.
G. B. IIcCi.uskky-.
Administrator of the estate of Bertha Wilbur,
Law, Real Estate and
Charter Oak Ranges, Cook and
Heating Stoves cheapest and
best in the World
Also a fine line of Glass and Crock
ery Ware
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Wanted Reliable party to trap a
few Quail for breeding purposes,
permission from game warden ob
tained. Address
Simpson's Pheasant Farm,
' Corvallis, Oregon.
Elegant Rooms.
A few elegant rooms to rent.
Enquire, Mrs. E. Ofstedahl.
U.S. Land OBlce, Portland, Oregon,
November '.'7th, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that George M. Payne,
fSiletz. Oregon, who, on September 8, 1908,
made homestead entry, No. 0 S7, for Lots 28 and
29, sec. 29, township 9 south, range 10 west, Wil
lamette Meridian, has fllnd notice of inten
tion to makeflnnl commutation proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described, belore
County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo,
Oreg. n,on the 6th day of January, 1910,
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Glen. O. Clement, Major Ludson, George Mil
ler and Walter Hall, all of Slletz, Oregon,
Alokrnon S. Drbhkkr, Register.
This countay is now filled wioh people
who migrate across the continent in all
directions seeking that which gold can
uot buy. Nine-tenths of them are suf
fering from throat and lung trouble or
chronic cararrh resulting from neglec
ted colds, and spending fortunes va'nly
trying to regain lost health. Could
every sufferer undo the past and cure
that first neglected cold, all this sorrow,
pain, anxiety and expense could have
been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is famous for its cures of colds,
and can always be depended upon
Use it and the more serious diseases
may be avoided. For sale by Toledo
Drug Co.
After November 1st, 1909, uiy
prices on milk will be as follows :
Quart 7 .cents; pints 5 cents.
Special rates to hotels.
(a. R. Sohcnck.