Lincoln County Leader OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER COLLINS & HAYDES, Plblishebs Koured at the jwwtofflc t Toledo, Oregon, u eoond-claM mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - - - $1 50 8ix Months -r - 75 Three Months - 50 ADVERTISING RaTES Display, 10 cents per inch per Issue. I.oonl and Reading Notices, 5c per line. Notices ror Sale, Wanted, Kic, live lines or under, 2oc per Issue; 50c per month. Homestead Notices,!."); Timber Notices, 110. Important to Eoad Districts. The new law gives new rulings for holding district. road meetings, and voting special road levies, for the special improvement of county rosids by district taxation. It reads us follows: The taxpayers of any road district in any county of this r-tate may vote an additional tax for road purposes, providing at least ten per cent of the tax payers of said district shall give notice by posting notices in three public places in said road district, and one in court house, and publish one no- newspaper of general circulation, feigned by at least' ten per cent of the tax payers of said road district, giving the time, place and object of said meeting, which meeting shall be held in the month of December, and iit the time of said meeting it shall be organized by the election of a chairman and secretary, and at Rich meeting they may by a major ity vote of such taxpayers, levy Rich additional tax as they may deem advisable to improve the roads if said district, and if a tax le le vied it "shall be the duty of said chairman and secretary to certify to the county clerk of such county, prior to January 1st, the levy so made by the taxpayers of said dis trict, and the county clerk shall compute and extend said levy on the assessment roll f r that year the same as other taxe) arts extend ed, and it shall be the duty of the tax collector to proceed to collect said taxes in money the same as any other taxes are collected, and turn the same over to the .county treasurer in the same manner and at the same time he payes over other fcixes collected by him, and shall be credited and kept by the treasurer to the account of the road district making such levy. Filed in the ollice of the Secreta ry of Jjtiito February 23, 190!). Apportionment of School Funds Tho . October apportionment of the school funds for 1905) is very small, Each district should have received $100 from the county fund, and till the districts that have hired a teacher that attended an annual teachers' institute or th teachers' nsi.ciatioii sixteen hours in the past year, tdiould have received f 105, As there arc forty-three dis tricts that aro entitled to the So and 1!) that are only claiming a tight to tho $100, it makes a total of So',41), This amount I should have to give each district, the sum that tho school laws says it ought to have, but when the Treasurer gave me the statement, stating the amount of school money on hands, it was $H7-"..S2 $.",.r:W,l.S hs.i than I needed to make the right apimr tionmetit, The state, money there was $2,770.08 of it, or 1.7.3, nearly, fof each chjld of school age in the county. With the amount that I had I did the best 1 iM.uld for each district. Each district that used at least 8o jht cent of what they received last year for teachers vages got $23 from the county fund and $1.75 ier pupil, in tne district, from the state fund, The districts that did not use the 85 per oent for teacher's wages had the balance deducted from what would have rx:ii theirs, op the first Monday of Octolx-r, had THE MATHEWS MUSIC CO. NEWPORT, OREGON Carry High Grade PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS. Also ESTEY and PACKARD ORGANS We also carry a Full Line of Victor Talking Machine Goods Including the Famous VICTOR VICTROLA Which is considered the World's Greatest achievement in a Talking Machine They are sold by us on Easy Payments Any Instrument sold by us delivered FREE to any part of County Mail orders solicited. When in Newport call and inspect our stock of Musical Merchandise We are also Agents for the White Sewing Machines they used it. There are six districts that did not use the 83 per cent. Some of them lacking $74.92 of it. I think I can say with some cer tainty, that each district in the county will receive, including what they-had on hand, at least $300 from the county fund liesides what they receive from the state fund. The school law says that if the $7 per capita tax tans to give the re quired amount, then the county court shall take out of the general fund of the county a sum sufficient to give each district the 8300. So I can say that though your warrant was small this Fall it will not be so in the Spring. It. P. GoiN, County School Superintendent. Down in the Salmon River coun try and on the Yachats they have a fine material for road building. Along the beach at these places are acres of shells, put there by the Indians and it must have taken years probably centuries to ac cumulate such a vast amount. In some places these shells are ten feet deep and cover many acres. There is ample at the mouth of each of these streams to furnish dressing of the finest quality for miles of road. The shells are easyy to handle and when spread on the road make a smooth, hard surface and will never wear out. At Yachats they already have nearly two miles of shell road completed, and will bild more next Spring, while several miles have been built at the mouth of Salmon river. An Old Fashioned Bee. At Riverside V school, on Big Elk, Saturday, October 16th, there will be a genuine good time, the weather permitting, for the purpose of clearing the school grounds. The school board will furnish a barrel of cider and whoever does the most work will he. allowed to drink the most cider. Among other features of the day will be the raising of the school Hag, a spread dinner, and literary exer cises and a box social in the after noon. Everylxdy come with a big basket full of dinner, a box for the social, axes, saws, crowbars and prepare to work. We will try to be all done before dark so you may attend to your chores after you go home. Rev. Brown will be present and preach in the school house the fol lowing Sunday. The school board extends a cor dial invitation to everyone to come, Laura Trachsel, Teacher. MONEY COMES IN BUNCHES to .. A. Cbisliolru, of Tiosul well, N. Y., now. His rcttsou ia well worth reading: "For a long time 1 suffered from indi Ki'&Uop, torpid liver, coiiat ipnl ion, uer vonsnebs, and general debility," he writ. couldn't sleep, had no appe tite, nor Ambition, grew weaker every day in spite of all medical treatment. Then od Electric Bitters. Twelve bot tles restored all my old-time health and vigor, Now I can attend to business everyday. In a wouderful medicine.' Infallible for 8'omuch, Liver, Kidneys, blood and Nerves. 50u. nt Toledo Drug Co, CORVAIJ IS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. TRAINS FROM AND TO YAQUINA So. 1 (Mixed) leaves Yaquina 6:45 n u. Leaves Toledo j:ia a m Arrives at Corvallls 11:00 n m Arrives at Albany n:55 a m o. (Peni?pM leaves AUvinv.. ,.1?:35 p m Leaves t'orvallig i:4o y m Arrives at Toledo 5:40 p m Arrives at Yaquina 6:15 p m sfSD'.Y EXCURSION' o. 14 (Minrtay Special) Lv. Ail.any. 7:30 a m Leaves Corvallis 8:00 a m Arrives Toledo .'...11:18 a m Arrives YnUina 11-45 m No. 13 (Sunday Sptcial) Lv Yaquina 6:00 p m Leaves Toledo 6.27 p m Arrives Corvallis 9:51, p m Arrives Albany 10-30 p m TRAINS TO AND FR11M DETROIT. so. 8 Leaves Albany 7:30 a m a 1 rives ai ueiroic 12:30 p m N'o. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p m Arrives nt Albany 5:55 p m TRAINS FOR CORVALLIS No. 6 Leaves Albany 7;M) a m Arrives at Corvallis 8:30 a m No. 8 Leaves Albany n:5o a m Arrives at CorvaMIs 12:.T5 p m No. 10-Leaves Albany 7:6o p m Arrives at Corvallis 8:30 p TRAIN'S FOR ALBANY Jo. 5 Leaves Corvallis 6:15 a m Arrives at Albany 6:55 a tn o. 7 1-eaves Corvallis 9:30 a ra Arrives at Albany 10:10 a m No. 9 Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p m Arrives at Albany 6:40 p in RKOl'LAK SUNDAY TRAINS So. !1 Leaves Corvallis 11:15 a in Arrives at Albany. i 11:55 a m Ail oi tno above connect wlib. Southern Pacific company trains, both at Albany and Corvallis, as well as train for Detroit, giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beach as, as well as Breitenbush Hot Springs. For further Information appjy to VM. McMl'RUAY Gen. I'hss Asrt., Portland, Or w. h. I'Krmtsi'N, Agt., loledo See Dalaha, at Elk City, for wild lands. A large stock of Sweaters received at T. P. Fish's. Our fc tablet is- a hummer year, see them. Toledo Drug just this Co For Sale. 20-ft. fantail launch, new, 4 h. p Ferro engine, fully equipped with anchors, lights, whistles, bells, etc., reverse propeller; carry 10 or 15 j i i , . persons; me iastest iwnt or its size on the Bay. R. D. Burgess, Toledo, Oregon. $ Worth of MERCHANDISE to be 88 $10 :4 s Given Away For particulars call R. S. VAN CLEVE AL'S SMOKE HOUSE AND KANDY KITCHEN Is the Kandy, Frute, Segar and Terbacker Depot. We also play Pool, Billiards and Solo, at our house. We will treat you right any time and all the time. KEEP ON GETTING THE HABIT AL WAUGH, Proprietor I New and Smart Shoes t ! WOMEN'S OXFORDS New models in a wide choice of styles and leathers, patent, gun metal, glazed calf and brown kid, also tan Russia calf. All sizes and widths to choose from, and values in this lot up to $5.00 to $3.00. CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS, for young folks of all ages, from the young lady who is"al most grown up" to the baby. Many styles and all sizes; regular prices run from $2.50 to $1.00 the pair; on special sale this week at r c c $ c T. P. FISH'S Toledo, Or. II. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOLEDO, OHKGO.V Office in Schenck Building. Oliiee hours : 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ni. Emergency Callti at any time. -BOTH 'PHONES"! IDLE DO BAKERY J.BURKEL, Proprietor South end Railroad Avenue Fresh Bread, Fresh Pies Fresh Cakes Everything First-Class Orders out of town promptly filled. Yaquina Bay Lumber Co. ( IXCORPOllA TED) We Manufacture all Grades and Dimensions of YELLOW FIR (No Sapling Growth Timber Used) Special Bills on short notice JOHN FOGARTY, Agt., Newport O. R. ALTREE, - - - Manager i 2 . 8 L 1NCOLN BOUNTY DANK (INCORPORATED) $io,ooo Paid Up Capital TOLEDO. 'iS' OKEOON (X, GITY MARKET IlARTMAN & PAINE, Props. L W , PX" K 0 N All kinds' of Iresii and cured pleats, Bacon and Lard Highest price for Hides and Pelts Fish and Oysters iu Season Drafts and Money Orders sold, payable at all principal point s the United States, Canada and Kurope. THOS. LEESE, President. WJVL ECARTH, Cashier Plant , Fruit Trees. , I am now taking orders in this county for all kinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trees and shrubs, for the Oregon Nursery Co. All stock sound and free from disease of all kinds, and absolutely true to name. Wait till I see yov or drop me a line or phone me. J. F. Stewart. On account of additional dental work at our Newport office for the Summer season we will only open our Toledo and Elk City offices ne day of each week Toledo Fridays and Elk City Saturdays. Telephone or write to Newport for further ad vice. Drs.F. E. and M. C. Adams. Money to loan on real estate. O, Middlekauff, Yaquina, Oregon,