Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 08, 1909, Image 1

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    19 IV
S3 St c ut tt
Hit' I
News of each Community Gathered eaeli
week by Our Hustling Associate Editors
Chas. Hay's two hams burned at
jit Cloverdale this week with over
100 tons of hay anil farming imple
ments. Cause of fire unknown.
Iss $7,000. Tom Kelow's barn
ur Nestueca river also burned a few
days before. Loss 82,000. No in
surance on either one. As both
men have a large herd of dairy
cows it makes it very bad on them,
coming at this time of the year.
Anyone wishing to steal a good
horse, saddle and bridle can find it
tied to a tree in the brush not far
from the Suliiu.ui River load mcrei,
any day.
Mr. McDonalds got home from
the hop yard this week. Their son,
William, and .bride, who were mar
ried at Dallas last week, came with
Mrs. Lulu Sailing, who lias been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Dickens, started home
yesterday. " Her mother and uncle,
A. M. Royse, went as far as Sheri
dan with her.
Peter and Ixslie Bob . have gone
1o Sheridan after a load of flour.
The rain has started the grass fine
and makes the gardens have a dif
ferent look.
A. M. Roys has gone to Sheridan
after a new plow and harrow. lie
ii nd Dickens are going to farming.
The soldiei boys have left Wald
port and have been working in the
Tidewater district.
Marion Ruble has sold four acres
term js under most favorable cir
cumstances as a number of improve
ments have been made during the
vacation season, including the grad
ing of a part , of the school block.
The directors have- promised to have
on the water front East of the mill a lioard walk built in front of the
to Walter Lecman of Woodland,
Mrs. J.
W. Chaffin of Canal
Ole Thompson has considerable , Creek spent several days visiting in
land cleared up on the place lie j Waldport last week. The Canal
purchased last winter from J. Rey-j Creek country has taken quite a
nolds. start the last year and travel through
Calvin Stouder, who has ljeenjthat Matvkt increased. The
working on the county roads near government trail has been a big
Toledo, spent Sunday and Monday i he,P to the co"try but what is
at home. j needed i a county road. Mr.
W.F.' Ready, and C. J. PmU1J "'"vho recemly Ixiught property
were over on Beaver Creek last i the mouth oi the creek expects
week doing some surveying for N.
L. Guilliams.
turned last week from the big show
at Seattle.. They also had a visit
with their daughter, Ethel, who
resides there.
Born, October 5th to Mr. and
'Mrs. W. N. Cook, a 9 pound son.
The Chit wood school is progress-
Mary's river to Charlie Johnsoh for
Oh, such dreadful high tides! a
good thing to try the dykes. (i.-S.
I'arinele it Sons' new dike stood
ing nicely under the management j a rMit.
! to improve the place at once. All
the ranchers on the creek are clear
ing up land .and the amount of
produce sent iri, is increasing. Quite
a number of residents have sent in
cascara bark this season.
They a.e going to seed twenty acres
with timothy and orchard grass this
John Dickens has two of the
Earl McMillin is making fine pro
gress on his house which he is build
ing on the lots formerly occupied
bv the old hall.
Mal tha M. Cauthorn returned to ChltWOOd
her home in Portland last Thursday Tue8(lay wa8 kc ft jn
after a three weeks' visit m Wald- the vicinity of Chit wood. Howard
V01" Smith's sale went off in fine shape.
Quite a number of people, are in Most everything sold for a good,
Waldport waiting forv the salmon j roUnd price. Ti.e best of good
trolling to improve. The run is;iumu)1. 1)TOV:lij,,i and everyone
late this year. j smuej satisfied with their purchase.
S. C. Nielson of Vancouver, Farm implements went oil like hot
Wash., has purchased a part of the cakes. One Jersey cow sold for $12
J.R.Allen property and is here' and the other brought $51. The
looking over the country. j first was bought .by M. L. Trapp,
C. M. Collins, of the Mt. Tabor '. the second by Thos. Irwin. One
Nurseries, was in town last week j half-breed yearling heifer was sold
selling fruit and ornamental trees. I to Wm, Wakefield for $10; one
The big tides last week held back : thoroughbred yearling heifer sold
finest hogs we have seen. Ibv the mail stage from Newport and i to Prosper Prudhomnie for $18.75,
wanted to take them to the Fair-; for eeveral days the mail' did not i 1,1,(1 one thoroughbred spring heifer
but they were so big he could not;get here until noon.
haul them in a wnpn and as there SflWPni f!ini:i:1M mwn.i tn in
... .. ! 11 1. .-.--11 ..L .J.
is no raiiroau acre ae could noi gei i j.lf,j wee
them there.
feiiooi district .o. oi wants a
teacher. If som one wants a school
dcop a line to John Dickens, chair
man of the bord of directors.
Frank Ncwcombe and friends
camping at the Lake are having a
calf sold to J. E. Wilson for $10.25.
The garden truck sold to W. II.
Shipton for $:).50. Jim Parks pur-
!n,ui if : chased quite a stock of household
I uau u lO tn JMUI IU Lillet a LUUCU :
in which to live. iurnuure. w onaer wnat's coming
it- i. t i t r i next? dies Morrison made several
alter Anunoson of Portland is , , . (1 , , , , ,
in tow n looking over a proposition I , T.
,. . i . i- , ' somehow Jim or some other rude
to put in an electric light system. , ,,,,,.,
it,;, .,, r , lenow vouiu oid aigner man ne
He is negotiating with the Lumber . . ,, .... . , .
i i-i , , , ii , . iiuiiA.-u in , mill uiii, ,1 iirtv UAUl'p-
; Company for power. A small nlant ,. , .
little time catching bull frogs and ! 0m-ht to mv a irood mar-in of ,,fit !u""f- 1 w,pK' l!nmo tn,m partS
j 1 1 "f 1 T I
xaapoics. rniuK sajs x eary may, CraMdntr has coinme,,,.,.,.
i n
hut he knows where to find the tad
1 a. SI 1 iL. i 1 . 1 . I
j,now wnere to inid uie noria poie, now i1s.mS,r U(,.1JJ1
j avu j v'- vut can. i
Claude Wilson sold his little home
house on the place he Wight of
Mrs. Burton on Salmon river.
Grove and bought a home,
j Mrs. R. R. Wood has returned
oncn. Cm hs Iimvh lum v.n'v nL.nt;
Pole- . ! fl il. Iv tbi- c K,; : at Chitwood and moved to Cottage
Mr. Pierce is hauling in cement many have been caught. The fish
to build the foundation for his ! ermen are now catchinc the limit
. . :1 ii... T. 11 Air i
of fifty per day and probably will 1101,1(3 In),n 1110 ancY- e 'earn
until the rains have brought too that lu'r U:U1K,ltcr Nora is much
..i.,. .1, f.....i .. :.-i ii . .. i better and able to bo unnnri n round iitou n.ucr into ine river. 1
BaV VieW Only three districts represented i"81""' '
in the County News last week. 1,tn- u 11U"I:U1 commenced teacn
What's the matter boys! )011t ing the Simpson Creek school the
you know that every time you miss. 51,1 illljt-' ,mt ,1C aml 1,10 directors
your community is just seven ,lavs ; are having quite a breezy, wheezy
behind the times? Oh! Yes, it j hot time as to who shall have
takes a little work but it pays. That possession, they or the yellow jack
whole front page is at your disposal ' ets. The jackets have built a mon-
Lone Hoover returned home from
Toledo Saturday where he lias been i
to work.
Lillian St rake returned home Satur
day from hoppicking and visiting
friends at Corvallis.
There were a good maby Wald
port people in Bay View Sunday
gathering mushrooms.
Mr. St rake came homo Saturday.
Rev. Burns is preaching at Bay
View this week with a large attend
ance every nijjit.
Mr. John Olson and family of
Drift Creek were down to church
Sunday also visiting Burt Twom
bly's. Ole Olson went to the logging
wm ids Monday. Herb Twonibly
took out the Hay View cream Tues
day. I!ev. Brown and wife passed
through Bay View Friday on their
way to Ynquiiia.
Erma Ileiidriekson has Imcii sick
tlii-' past week with it bad cold.
if you will only fill it.
ster nest in the wall. The wall is
We notice that the Otis corres- 'double with four inch space between,
-pondent got a calling down last ! '1'lic pekcts are so strongly fortified
week. Never mind, Otis. Perhaps 'tl'ft it is hard to dislodge, them
if your neighbors were a little more ('ven with fly-killer and sulphur
prompt in furnishing you items of , "oke.
interest you might print what they W.N.Cook is the father of a
liked. In the meantime put in all bran new boy, born the (ith, and
the news you can get and if others is as tickled as a little dog with two
doirt like it let them line up and tails.
'"''l1, . Ralph Wilson and family have
Waldport's public school opened returned home from a two weeks'
.Monday morning witti an enroll-j visit with relatives in Washington
lueiil ol lilty-lwo. Jin-re were 21
in the principal's room and 2S in
the piimaiy grades. This probably
means that the attendance a little
I. J. Pepin purchased a registered
buck last week, and A. Ii. McDon
ald bought a registered buck and
lab r will Im- in the neighlHuhood .f tw'(t registered ewes. They expect
75 as a nunilM'r of pupils have riot j t" lmvu some good stock to exhibit
arrived yet owing to various causes, "t the Fair. next fall.
The ojM-iiing of the school year this Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trapp re- J
of Miss Lillie Miller.
W. N. Cook and A. L. McDon
ald bought 71 head of goats of Milt
'n,i !;, Wll, 1.,.
4v-fiui yii ing iuiix i.infc 11113
is what we like to see. Why not
convert the brush and fern into
mutton and mohair.
Brother Netleton of the S. I). A.
faith preached a fine sermon at the
schoolhouse last Sunday evening.
P. A. Miller is in Seattle this
week taking in the world's fair. J.
Jacobson is running the section
while he is gone.
Riverside V
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Randall of
Drift Creek visited the former's par
ents, M. W. Randalls, this week.
Mrs. W. Daniel started last Sun
day for a visit with her mother and
daughter in Portland.
Mr. Joe Stephens and family have
returned home.
P. Bones is home from -the hop
J. H. Bones came in with a load
of supplies from Butler.
I Mr. Joe Powers is hauling lumber
to build a burn .
Jess Stone is on the sick list with
a stiff neck.
Dick Anderson and wife have re
turned to Lincoln county. They
think this the best place yet.
Some of the fishermen have been
betting. The latest one lost his
boots and watch.
The editor from Otis has moved
to Kernville and has been helping
us out in the way of items. We
thought he would have his items
headed Kernville last time but he
failed to write at all, and it seems
the items he wrote about the fish
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neil started
for East of the. Cascade lnt. Sim. ' i i j i . i . .
" . oemg destroyed goi mm Head over
y heels in trouble with Sam Elmore's
Mr. and Mrs. John Calkins re-, man. Take con rain- and trv nr.,;n
turned from Portland Saturday.
Vance Daniel celebrated his 1 1th
Miss Nellie Nixon made a trip to
Parniele's store to buy her wardrobe,
birthday by shooting a large deer. ' She is going to attend the Luurel
Miss May Daniel vaccidcntially : wood school.
burned her beautiful curls so as to
necessitate shingling her hair. Henry Lewis was arraigned he
Joe Parks was seen wandering fore 'Squire M. N. Anderson last
around these parts last Sunday. Saturday for bootlegging. He plead
Wonder why? Is he trying to find guilty and was fined $100 and costs,
another Park? j amounting to some $107 which he
Rev. Brown preached an excellent; I1al(1,
sermon at the schoolhouse. Wcj Miss Hattie (iillette, for a year
cannot help being proud of our I,;,s m''d the position as central at
young people here. When it conies (e Mutual Telephone office here,
to a mannerly mid attentive aiidi-;,ms resigned and has accepted a
ence they cannot bo surpassed and ' clerkship in the Sheriffs olliee.
they are not afraid nor too simper-1 JIiss Cressy Warnoek now has charge
ing to give the minister a cordial' of t,ie telephone office.
'-(iood j The new steamboat being built by
the Modern Improvement Company
handshake and an audible
tl'ilU 1 Hllliili.l1 l.iL'f nf lli..iir ii 4l.
Summit I Toledo shipyard, she was then
earned ; "roiiglit over to town where her
j machinery will be installed. This
boat is about the same size as was
the Ella May.
The deal lietween M. N. Ander
son and Harry Divelbiss for the
pool room and confectionary store
Several from this vicinity
neat sums picking hops.
Grain yielded well.
Underbill had the largest crop again
this year;
Summit boasts three threshing
machines and a woodsaw.
fell through, Mr. Divelbiss forfeit-
Reims Wood and Ed Strouts are inj, the aniouut he had paid down
each adding a woodshed to their ! which was $100. Norm is still' at
premises. the bat and ready for business at
Mrs. Taggai t and children have ; the old stand.
gone to Idaho.
Rev. Burns preached here on Sep
tember SO. He was pastor here for
three years.
There will bo preaching at It a.
It. N. Warnoek has purchased
the Toledo-Siletz mail contract of
J. A. Peterson. Mr. Warnoek will
run the stage in connection with
his livery stable, and promises good,
in. on October 10, and every two! convenient vehicles nit all times,
weeks, by a minister residing in I .Mr. Peterson has not decided what
King'B Valley, recently from Penn
sylvania. The small boys are doing a thriv
ing business selling fruit to passen
gers at the station.
Johnny Magee's family is to move
to Albany this week.
Chas. Allen has resumed his work
as ojM'rator and Johnny Peterson
has gone to Mill City.
Scott and Conn have sold their
store to II. L. Bush of Kings Val
ley. Our school has thirty-six pupils.
Mrs. Yantis has sold i I acres on
business he will engage in, but says
he will find something to do in
iown .
Dr. Adams was in Toledo Tues
day. The Doctor had lieen up to
Elk City after his dental tools. He
has concluded to remove his ollieo
from Elk City, owing io being un
able to handle so much work, and
will hereafter devote his time to To
ledo, Newport and Waldport. They
will continue the office here in To
ledo anil be here Fridays as liefore.
WaldjKirt they will visit every
Thursday and remain till Saturday