Wincoln QfO VOLUME 17 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 , 1909. NUMBER 31 COUNTY NEWS News of each Community 'gathered eacli weekby Our Rustling Associate Editors Waldp( )ort. The mill shut down for a few days last week while repairs were leing made. Waldport real estate continues to le active. Dora E. Fields of Cot tage Grave and Martha M. Cau thorne of Portland have each pur chased lots. Manager H. A. Hill of the lum ber company made a business trip to the Valley last week and is pre paring to keep the mill in operation this winter. Considerable grading is lieing done on the h"l biinf grounds. The winter's supply of wood is also being cared for. 31133 iune N Uliamson, primary teacher, has rented the Badger property and will move to town next week. P. J. Cauthorn is at work on the Eames residence which is being built a block north of the Olmsted property. Money invested in Waldport property will bring good returns Mr. Eames had three applications to rent his house before the frame was up. Mr. and Mrs. AVallis Nash ar rived on the 17th for a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nice of Lutjens. W. F. Iveady went to Newport slips past our neighbor Frank Day. Having sold his Drift creek ranch last Spring Mr. Day has been on lookout for investments and has already bought the Anderson place and the Grant Weist place. Mr. Day's reinvestment in Lincoln county land shows conclusively that he has a proper insight into the real estate proposition. Most of the others who have sold out here have taken the money into other counties for investment. Mr. Day has also bought several choice lots in Waldport. Otis. last with port Nothing doing this week. Mose Killam and Joe Dick have gone to Toledo. We hear Joe in tends to come back a married man Jake Johnson has gone to Sheri dan after his winter's supplies. Our stores tell too high. ,Two dollars for 10 lbs. of lard and the same for a sack of flour, makes what a man eats cost him something. But this is as cheap as it can be sold here and hauled from Sheridan or by boai. 1 here are lots of fash wasted at Siletz cannery now. The cold storage take no fish under 18 pounds, the small ones are thrown away. Why isn't this waste of fish stopped? A person cannot catch a salmon to eat without a license, but those cold V . I j. - 1 i K-onW rowlmmn.., ipvriigo aim cannery men ao as they the publication of the Wald-Please an(F the warden sits back ana says nothing. W hat is the use Journal. The Journal will probably blossom out into a weekly before long. Fred Overlander has completed his house on Glines Hill end has moved in with his family. Thoy have been tenting on the property most of the Summer. L. A. Peek of Benton county has been visiting the Yachats country and is now cnioying the crabs and clams of Alsea bay. B. N. Rounds brought in some monuments on the Condor and set them in place at the Howell ccme tary. Mr. Rounds has been doing a good business here. ' Attorney Middlekauff of Yaquina came down on legal business the 17th and returned home Saturday. The doors in the band hall have been changed so as to swing outward in order to keep within the law regulating the doors of public build ings. A representative of the C. A. Smith Lumber Company of Coos Bay is cruising timber in this vi cinity and will remain a couple of months. It is hoped that this mean's that the Company's interests in this county will be developed. The new owners of the Waldport Mutual Telephone have installed the switch board in Leslie Even's gro cery store and the various lines are being connected up as rapidly as possible. Exchange arrangements are being made with all the lines running into Waldport. Dr. Linton has rented the Diven property and will move his drug store to this side of the bay. The Doctor has already resigned as post master at Lutjens and it is feared this office may le discontinued for want of a postmaster. George How in who was recommended toi succeed Dr. Linton has already ac-' wpted the Bay View postoIice which pays a larger salary. I of spending money running hatch eries and then when the fish are raised kill them and throw them back in the river because they are not large enough to suit Elmore & Co. for cold storage. John Dickens has received a fine pup. lie sent to Heppner for him. He is a wolf hound and a dandy looker. Look out for a slaughter in big game when John gets him trained. He is only two months old now and he eats all the grub John can buy. Mr. McMillan is still hauling lumber for Mr. Merslar's house at Siletz Bay. lie is building a nice house. Others are going to' follow suit and Taft will soon be as large as Newport. Mr. Thomason has moved in on his homestead, the place Sim Bur ton claimed for three or four years. Kernville Harry Thorpe and family have moved near the mouth of the Lake. Joseph Powers is building a nice house on his place. Two automobile came over the Salmon River road to the beach. Now we look for more. The news came that 500 were coming, but we do not look for that many this year. Mr. Johnson came in last week bringing his team and colt and a load of provisions. : He intends buying the Aleck Catfish place. Johnnie Bones is hauling lumber from the sawmill up Schooner creek to where J. P. Bones is build ing. ' Leonard Stark's is expected soon. Mrs. Mose Gillam died the morn- lingofthc 8th. Mr. Gillam and ! Joe Dick went to Sheridan for the coffin. She had requested that all should have a good dinner before they buried her, so on the 10th' the cemetery and laid to rest until the resurrection day. F. J. Bisscl of Gray8 Harl)or is in to see about the lumber that G. S. Parmele & Sons are getting out for him. He will send a boat in to get it soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Parmele are in Toledo visiting Mrs. Parmcle's sister Mrs. Ella Phillips. Mose Gillam, Joe Dick and others went to Silet?. It is reported that Joe will bring a, wife back with him and they will live on Mr. Gillam's place. Word came that Mrs. J. F. Stephens died the evening of the 13th at McMinnville. They sent word in by the mailcarrier to Otis, then Luburn Hardin came over to tell Archie, who was the only one of the children here. She leaves a husband, four daughters, two 6ons and other relatives to .mourn their loss, but they know she will rest until Jesus comes and all the graves will be opened. Riverside V Hello ! We are not newcomers, but just' what used to 1 Salado with a new name. And why shouldn't we have a new name. Some of us do not like the name Salado. We have a brand new sclioolhouse here on the bank of the Big Elk river. We all live here on the riverside where the liend forms a V, and allilie pupils in school begin their names with a V, so what more appropriate name could we choose? Mr. Folmsbee and son, Vivian, returned from the Willamette valley Sunday, where they had been for nearly a week for the purpose of replenishing their herds. They brought back four fine Jersey cows and a mule. The directors' met at the school house Saturday and constructed some benches for recitation, etc., put ventilation boards in the win dows, and fastened down the patent desks so the pupils cannot turn summersaults backwards. William Davenport bought a fine herd of goats last Monday of Mrs. Winskill of Elk City. Fred Neal and family arrived from Falls City Sunday on a visit to Mrs. Neal's parents, Mr. Daniels. They will soon leave for Eastern Oregon. . ' Vernon Folmsbee is quite sick with la grippe. Bob Brown and wife came in last Saturday to visit the latter's par ents, Wm. Davenports. They will build a new residence on their home stead near Glen. William Davenport and family returned from the hop ' yard near Corvallis last week. You.' ought to hear their pockets jingle. Noel Davidson of Peak and Miss Winnie Allen of Elk City passed through here last Sunday. Wonder what those new suit cases mean. i When you want a good phono graph get a Victor or Edison. We are agents for both. COMMISSIONERS' COURT MODERN IMPROVE MENT COMPANY Regular Term, WednesrVy, Sep-'A Much Needed Company Or tember 8 ganized to Operate on (Continued from last week) ay Petition of L C Mowery, et al, , for location of a county road, Articles of inc f poration for a granted, and road, to be known H : nt'W company to be known as the' Euchre Mountain road, ordered ! M(,t,L'rn Improvement Company opened. ! "ave ,x;en nled ,vltn the Secretary Petition of Joseph Sijota, ct al, of State. The intention of thin 440 a stock ranch, 100 a level bot tom land, two good houses, barns and numerous other buildings. Improvements cost as much as price asked, $3700. Buy the improve ments and1 we throw in the best for location of county road, known ! compiiny is to ,mil(l ftml pto as Newport and Siletz Bay road. 8tcanicre, piledrivers, derricks, etc., granted, and road ordered opened, i 0,1 Vnquinti bay. The company is Petition for appropriation to com-1 incorporated for the sum of 89,000, plete Uiaiia road, granted; w,h Mw)'-- Gmree C. Walker, V. appropriated; schedule of wages j W' Psiv'ert an(! Hugh Corigan as allowed, man and team 45 cents jKTtho incorporators. They have one hour, men cents per hour. j steamboat nearly completed, which Petition of Consolidated Timber wiU ,)e '"""died next week. Ah Co, for cancellation of tax sale, j poon as tni8 ,M)at is hunched it will continued for term. , I ,H; Put into service on the bay ami Report of Ira Wade, report on j wiU do a 8md passenger, frt-ight amount of warrants issued for. 11,1,1 tmva biwinesB. scalps: Claim allowed and clerk j is the intention of this pom authorized to issue warrants. pany to llut 11 stenmloat on the run Sum of m appropriated to de-' from Elk Cily to N'port and re fray expense of sending Fair dis-;turn- Thi 'wit will have a regular play to State Fair at Salem. j hcdule, stop for cream, produce, Resignation of J II Ross as tru- passc,1K(;rs or in fi,ct anything that ant officer presented and Charles you wish to scnd nml on the return Bradcson appointed in his place. j tri" wiU brin8 J"01" groceries back bills allow kd j to your very door. As soon as this F W Chambers, work for Assessor 42 00 ,,, ;u I, .,,,,,.1,0,1 ,,,..,.1. 1 1 cc MeBrida, building bridge i?6 oo ,,oat 13 '"""'ched work will be begun c c MflBride, work for Assessor is oo on a huge pile driver and ten-ton JhnIBntlern.ld.worklorAMHor. 00 ' derrick, the SCOW to carry thi AlHwartz, chaiuman on Newport and j 1 "'j' siiati road urv.y, u-uiiowed ,. g 00 machinery will be 20x70. Mr. Virn Howeii w... k for Assessor woo Walker informs us that they have Hart ilt Wood, lumber 1100 J Dupoiit Powder Co., powder, fuse anj government work enough ahead to 632 48 lffipn tllM nilnilrivi.r lmutr unir...,, 1 X- . . x. 'J DtlUKU , months. J The derrick will be used in load ing and unloading lumber, to re move the snags from the' bay and , river, etc. Such an enterprise as this has iarp, report and claim as super- ..,,v.,j uuu m uti minus r district 2fi 00 more business on Yaquina bay. is, supplies for road district 9.... 8 80 t t r cans John Kentta, supplies 22 60 Gen. Knitf. work as viewer on drklnir district 7 40 Jacob Burkel, bread lor Flnley and Owens 4 50 F M Terman, report and claim as super visor 67 00 Waldport Lumber Co , lumber, 12 90 allowed . 10 75 r t? II....... 1, ,j walker & Lebow, supplies 635 oen needed on the bay for a long B W Hayes, report and, lalm as super- i time and WO predict SUCCCS8 to tllO visor district 2 10 50 ' , , , .. . Wm Sbarp, report and claim as super- . ..uiiiiijr unu ucuer limes ailtl visor c II I-ewiB, J01111J urn loan, janitor und oilier work cj n.,1,1... vil. fi t July and August 32 75 ' JMaba, at Kik City, for your Z M Derrick, surveying and drawing pro- itluiry farms, tiles of Sileti-Canoo i.unilinif 43 00 cj i 4 11 A LSnell. supervisor diBt. 1 und claim.. 2!H) J.1 i nCO It. A, Arnold for apple bdXCS. Austin Kosebrook. cre ot i.ou iiaii Special rates for fifty or more. July and August and supplies 27 15' I b McJnnkin, taking piimirivur to Par- I Order your bnso ball outfit and rish bridge.Ki-aiiowcd - 4 oo fishing tackle of Newton& Nye City of Toledo, Jail rent, $19, continued. J Elk city Lumber Co., lumber 810 48 Kver Ready batteries fresh from Newton & Nye, supplies 77 15 ,1 . , , , Glass prudhomme, supplies. 2 22 iHctory every few days at New B E Barclay, etal, work as deputy asses- toll & Nye's, or IC6 50 , , rt R N Wnrnock, work for county 2 00 i Pin9 tnr alo Ueonre Uethers work as deputy assessor 4ft 00 1 8 o318. ZT!1 0575! Flne C1,etiter Whitc iie. 8 WCekf4 R P Oo!ii, salary, traveling expenses Old. JOHN Mlt'EK, ' aud stamps 123 78' m, i t 1 p. B McCluskey, examining, teachers - t -..' examination 20 00 Mrs K Ooiu, examining, teachers exam. For S&lO, Illation 20 do ta, ,. , .. A ,, Lincoln County Leader, printing M 25 1 1,,roe Jfhllg heifers, 1 yearling j 11 winskiii, care of s e Heuvur 68 00 bull, 1 Jersey niid Durham bull 4- Ted McKlwiiin, guindlng prisoners L'8 00 !,,,, i i 1 T r ,1 A L McDonald, report and claim a. su. jJCrS Old, 1 Jersey COW 5-yeaiS old pervisor district 14 12H to j 2 heifers 4-ycars old, all giving Oren imports, county aid 10 oO 11. . n, . i , , John Eckort, county al.i 10 00, ,Ullk' ()r ,VlU tra(1, fo1' Kw1 l""''- John L Lloyd, et al, viewers nud axeman j F. If. PlflLLIPS, Toledo, Or. oiioounty road .... 82 f,0 ' i Fred Chambers, ohaiiuuaii on ciuiuty Of Jnhn! Phlirfh 1 uau . 10 70 7u; Services every Sunday evening at Missionary. - ----- Thoroughbred Jersey Bull for sale, 20 months old, price $2' ' 1200 oo Inquire of F C. IfohTMAN, Elk ';City( Oregon, Mutual Phone. almut 50 ate dinner thom Timn stock ranch in Lincoln countv. Nothing good in a business way ;aftcr the funeral she was taken to' Address C. L. Knapp, Elk City. Z M Derrick, surveyliiK mi C'muiy toad OUIl'llll'll JJUU Uil I II Ml II 1111 II IV ij , , mad io oo, P' 1,1 J-vcryiMKiy welcome. Walter Bones, et al, viewers on survey j ' Ruy, FhAN'CIS O JoNKS it uiuiiij , F M Stanton, el al, survey, viewers and boat hire on diklnn district 42 00 D F Bcott, report aiid-clahu us suue: vls- or district 7 uo It Henry, work on oontrhct tM) 00-al- loweil.-. II Lewis, supplies Dilution K & Co. Hiipplles . John Kfillttn. fl'lilirhr. nn miu-ilwr O It u! FM Carter, n.edlcal attention to E j Tot Salfl. Ilesver, 910 allowed 28oi . . ... , Tom Mollis road work in district 15 .... 10 00! A llOliSe U1K.1 tWO lots, 11VC roOIUH Yaniiliia Hay Newi-lloi(.i ter, prlntl.ig.. Ill CO j Unirtlied Up Stail'S two rooms below. niaiS ' Si I'rice $800. Inquire J. J. Nye. J II Kush, sundries 1:1 V H Gardner, supplies 7 flo Hart fc Wood, lumiier 85 44 Thomas Barclay, work In road lift. 4... 6V6 M Walker & Ubnw, siippll.-s (or dial, 4 ... 21155 Simon Llndten, hauling jxiwdcr 20 no iieury Lewis, supplies School Pooks have arrived and we are ready for the opening of tho 11 so rcli iol. Toledo Drug Co.