Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 06, 1909, Image 8

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    For Sale.
Man or Woman
A 320 acre South African veteian
bounty land certificate.
Issued by the Department of the
Interior, Government of Canada,
Ottawa, under the volunteer Bounty
Act, 1908. Good for 320 acreB of
any Dominion Land open for entry
in Alberta, Saskatchewan, on Mani
toba. Any person over the age of
18 years, man 'or woman, can
acquire this land with this Certifi
cate without further charge. For
immediate Bale, $800. Write or
wire, L. E. Telford, 131 Shuter
Street, Toronto, Canada.
lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the
Potomac, the breeding ground of ma
laria germs came chills, fever and ague,
biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak
ness and general debility and bring
suffering or deat h to thousands yearly.
But Electrio Bitters nsver fail to des
troy them and cure malaria troubles,
"They are the best all-round tonic and
cure for malaria 1 ever used," writes R.
M. James, of Louellen, 8, C. They
oure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood
Troubles and will prevent Typhoid.
Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by Toledo
Drug Co.
Twenty-five foot launch for sale
cheap for cash. Enquire at An
derson Boat Works, Toledo, Or.
M. E. Church Sunday Services.
Sunday School at 10 :00 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Class meeting at close of morning
Junior League at 3 p. m,
Preaching at 7 :30 p. m.
All are cordially invited to worship
with us. W. . Rooer8, Pastor,
or scalded by overturned kettle out
wiih a knife bruised by slammed door
injured by gun or in any other way
the thing needed at. once is Bucklen's
Arnica Salve to subdue inflamalion and
xiii toe pain, it s earr.n s supreme
healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers,
Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles. 2Tc at
Toledo Drug Co,
Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual Phnne, both offices,
No. 651'
At TOLEDO Friday
At ELK CITY Saturday,
Our Motto- A Pleased Patient Our Bent
Toledo, Oregon
When you want a quick curt without
ny loss of time, and one that is followed
py no bad results, ubc
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
It never fails and ia pleasant to take,
Jt is equally valuable for children. It la
famous for its cures over large part of
ins civilised world, . .
Jack Vigars of Winant was in
town Wednesday.
J. F. Stewart was a passenger for
Portland Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Verne Rosa returned home
from Portland Wednesday evening.
Telephone ub your wants we will
give them careful and prompt at
tention; Toledo Drug Co.
Upper Beaver Creek Sunday Aug
ust 15,' at 11 A. M. All are in
vited. R. Z. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis and
son departed Monday noon after a
visit with Al Waugh and family of
this place.
A. B. Dwinnell and family of
Chitwood were in town Monday.
They brought down a load of honey
for James McDonald.
Remember now is the time to
paint, we are selling Sherwin Wil
liams Pure Prepared Paint. Best
in the world. Toledo Drue Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Redman
returned to their home in Portland
last Monday morning after a few
weeks' visit with J. J. Gaither and
family in this city. c
Al Read, for years a resident of
this place and Siletz, returned Mon
day evening from Southern Oregon,
where he has been living for the
past several years.
Mrs. H. J. Thome and little
daughter returned to their home at
Portland last Saturday morning
after a few weeks' visit with v the
former's brother, I. R. Wishart,
and family of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Grant of
Harlan were visitors in Toledo
Tuesday night, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Gannon. Mr.
Grant is one of the enthusiastic
members of the Executive Com
mittee. The launch Rose ran a moonlight
excursion up from Newport Inst
Friday evening. They arrived at
Toledo about 9 o'clock. "The
launch was loaded, the band played
and everybody seemed to be enjoy
ing themselves. ,
Wm. Enos and family were down
from Elk City last Sunday looking
after things on his ranch up Depoe
slough. Mr. Enos says the blast
ing on the Siletz road has shaken
things off the shelves in the house
and has also shaken the honey out
of his bee hives. ,
Last Sunday the excursion train
was run intwo sections. One secf
tion from Woodburn and way
stations and the other from Albai.y.
Both sections were loaded to the
limit. On the return trip some
of the people were more than loaded
to the limit,
Abbey farm near Elk City 400
acres, $15 per acre, see Dalaba.
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull
for sale, 20 months' old, price $25.
Inquire' of F, C. Hoffman, Elk
City, Oregon, Mutual Phone.
Hoes, rakes and scythes just re
ceived at Newton & Nye's.
Black and tan hound, 6 years old,
answers to thejjame of Buck. Was
last sten at the head of Cams creek
June 10. $10 reward for informa
tion leading to his recovery.
F. J. Carns, Alsea, Or.
For Sale.
10 shares of Utiited Wireless pre
ferred stock for $20 per share.
Company is selling tame for 30.
A. A. McNary,
Independence, Or.
Jersey Bull lor Service
I have a thoroughbred Jersey
Bull for service, price $1 at time of
service. If you don't bring the
dollar don't bring the cow.
Donald Stewart.
The Ladies of St. John's Guild
will serve refreshments during the
three days of the Lincoln County
f. 8. Land ORIcs, Portland, Oregon,
July 23. 1909.
Notloe Is hereby given that Willio I. Howard
of Rocoa, Oregon, who, on November 18, 190T,
made homestead entry No. 16380, Serial No.
01426, for lieM Motion 4, town. hip S south
ranges west Willamette Meridian, has file
notice ol Intention to make anal commutation
proof, to establish claim to -the land aoove
described, before the Register and Receiver at
Portland, Oregon, on the 10th day of JSoptem.
bar, 1909.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
W. E, Wright and Ell A. Stroalow of Rocoa
Or. J. A. Aotison ol Hoqutnm. Wash.; Warreu
Wright of Nortom, Or.t and Hugh Campbell
of. Hllett, Oregon. ,
Alobrmoh S Paassaa, Register,
V. 8. Land Oltlce, Portland, Oregon,
July 28, 1909.
' Notice it hereby given that Annie Logan (
Ritetl, Oregon, who, on January 10, 190S, made
homestead entry Ko. 16441, Serial No 01468, for
Ixitg, section 7, lowuship 10 south, range 10
went, Willamette Meridian, has riled notloe of
intention to make final commutation proof,
to establish claim to the land attov described,
before the Conuty Clerk of Lincoln county, at
Toledo, Oregon, en the Tth day of September,
Claimant names aa wltpewwsi
1, C. Fischer, Walter I. Hall, Warren R,
Halt, Robert Treason, all of Siletn, Oregon.
8, Pftatwea, Register,
Teachers Examination.
The Examination for State and
County papers will be held at To
ledo, Oregon, August 11,12, 13 and
14, 1909, Beginning at 9 o'clock
a. m. August 11 and continued till
4 o'clock p. m. of the 14th,
Wednesday, Aug, 11 Penman
ship History, Orthography, Physi
cal Geography, Reading and Psy
chology. Thursday, Aug, 12 Arithmetic,
Theory of Teaching, Grammar,
Bookkeeping, Physics, and Civil
Friday, Aug. 13 Psychology,
Geography, Composition, Algebra,
English Literature and School Law,
Saturday, August 14 .Totany,
Geometery and General History,
1 Wednesday Pen manship, His
tory, Orthography,, Reading and
Physical Geographry.:
Thursday Arithmetic, Theory of
Touching, Grammar and Physiology.
Friday Geography, School Law,
Civil Government and English Lit
erature, The examination will be held in
the Court house. R. P. Goix,
County School Superintendent,
Town Property
Biggest bargain in best health re
sort of Lincoln county. See owner
care of Leader. ,
Corvallis Ice Cream. A little
bit better than the best on the
Ever Ready batteries fresh from
the factory every few days at New
ton & Nye's.
' Plant Fruit Trees.
I am now taking orders in this
county for all kinds of Fruit, Shade
and Ornamental trees and shrubs,
for the Oregon Nursery Co. All
stock sound and free from disease
of all kinds, and absolutely true to
name. Wait till I see yor or drop
me a line 'or phone me.
J. F. Stewart.
"For twenty years I suffered from a
bad case of Rrauujated sore eyes, says
Martin Bovd of Henrietta, Ky. "In
February, 1903, a gentleman asked me
to try Chamberlain. 6 Salve. I bought
one box and used abont one-tliird of it
and my eyes have not given me any
trouble hince.'" This salve is for sale
by Toledo Drug Co.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lincoln county.
in the matter of the estate of John P. Coulter
Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of John P. Coulter,
deceased, has Died with the County Clerk of
Lincoln county, his Anal account, and the
Court, sitting for tho transaction of probate
business, Has set Monday, August 2, 1909. at 10
o'clock a. m. thereof, nt the County Court
room of said county, as the time and place for
settling said account and hearing objections
thereto, if any exist.
Dated at Toledo, Or., July 8, 1909.
F. A. Godwin,
Administrator of the estate of John P.Coulter,
Notice Is hereby given that the State Land
Board of the State ol Oregon will sell to the
highest bidder, at its ofllce at t&e Capitol
Building at Salem, Oregon, on August 24, 1909,
at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, all the State's
interest In the tide and overflow lands herein
after described, giving, however, to the owner
or owners of any lands abutting or fronting,
en such tide and overflow lauds, the prefer
ence right to purchase said tide and overflow
lands at the highest price offered, provided
such offer is made in good ialth; and also pro
vided that the land will not be sold nor any
offer therefor ancepted for less than S.1.00 per
aero, the Board reserving the right to reject
any or all bids.
Said lands are situated In Lincoln county,
Oregon, aud described as follows:
Bevinnlng at point at a stake from which
the fractional comer to Sections is and 19, T.
IS 8 R. 11 W.. bears 82 deg. 5 min.W. alone;
the old meander line, (.98 ehaine: thence K
5.7C chains to low water; S 8 deg. 80 mln E,
1.58 chains; 8 61 dag sain E. 4.14 chains; B
1.15 chains to meander line; N 85 deg. 80 rain.
W. 4.84 chains to meandor line; 8 SI deg. S min
W, 2.70 chains to place of beginning, contain
log 1.4ft acres, more or less,
Applications and blda should be addressed
to l. . Brown, Clerk State lJind Board,
Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Application and
bid to purchase) tidelands."
iMtatt June 11, 1909. o. G. Bbown,
Ccrk State Land Board,
1 Newton & Nye
g To get your
B Wire Screen .
g Screen Doors
j and Windows -
g McCormick Mow-
g ers and Rakes
j Sharpies Separators
' Universal Stoves
jj and Ranges, Har-
ness and Hard-
j ware, Cooking
Utensils & Cut-
18 lery, Guns and
Ammunition g
U ' Sporting Goods
Launch Supplies &all kinds 'of Fencing
A Clean Man
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man may
scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means
a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and
new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts,
He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean atom
achs. Blood diseases are found where there ia unclean blood.
(Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prevents these diseases. It makes man's inside clean
and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure,
clean blood, .and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustioa and '
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs '
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
let cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy.
Serial 01463
V. 8. Land OHce, Portland, Oregon,
July 12. 1909.
A sufficient contest affidavit hnving been
filed in thts office oy John J. Werner, contest
unt, against homesteud entry No. 16438, made"
January 25th, 1908, for the o4 nwj and w
tie'i section 81, township 9 south, range 9 w,
b; Leona 1. Carlson, conteslee, In which it is
alleged that he knows the present contition of
the same; also that said Leona I. Carlson has
not lived on said land; hasnotcu'tlvaisd the
same, and has made no Improvements there
on; that he has been around and over every
legal subdivision thereof, and that there Is no
clearing or cultivated land thereen, nor any
trace or appearance that there ever has been ;
that there is no house nor any building of any
kind on said land; that l.eona I. Carlson has
not resided on said land for at least one year
prior to date hereof; that said alleged absence
from the said lnnd Cas not due to his em
ployment In the army, navy, or marine cerps
of the Un ited States as a private soldier, offi
cer, seaman ot marine during the war with
Spain, or during any othej-ivar in w hich the
United States may be engaged; said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and
offer evidence touching said allegation at 10
o'clock a. m. on September 8th, 1909, before thu
Register and Receiver at the United States'
Land Office In Portland, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, filed July 3d, 1909, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notlce"be g'.veu
by due and proper publication.
AlukbhoN Si Daissia. Register.
U. 8. Land Ofllce, Portland. Oregon.
July 23, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that William is.
Wright of Rocca, Oregon, who, bn Ha 24, 1908
made homestead entry No. 1692, Serial No.
01278, for lie!4 section 12, township S sonth,
ranges west, Willamette Meridian, has Sled
notice of intention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before the Register and Receiver at
Portland, Oregon, on the 9lh day of September
' Claimant names aa witnesses:
Kll A. Btrehlow of Rocca, Oregon ; Warren
Wright of Nortons, Or., Oscar Sampson nnd
William J. Southwell ot Falls City, Ot.; Willie
J. Howard of Rocca, Oregon.
Aloisnon 8. Dbksssb, Register,
Will practice in all courts iu the
state. Probate matters and collec
tions promptly attended to.
Office in Coartbonse.UpsUirs,
So. 1 (Mixed) !are Yaquina 7:00 a u.
Leaves Toledo 7:80 a m
Arrives at Corvitllls 11:07 a n
Arrives nt Albany 11:65 am
o. 2 (Passenger) Leaves Albany.. ..1:40 p m
Leaves Corvllls 1:50 pm
Arrives at Toledo .. 6:02 p m
Arrives at Yaquina 5:30 p m
No. 16 (Mixed) Leaves Albany 7:45 a m
Leaves Corvallis 8:35 a.m
Leaves Toledo 12:85 p m '
Arrives Yitqnina 1:05 p m,
No. 15 (Passenirer) Leaves Yaquina. 1:85 p m
Leaves Toledo 2:05 p m
Arrives Corvallis 6:45 p m
Arrive Albany 6:25 p m
No. 14 (Sunday SpepKl)-Lv. Albany. 7:30 a m
Leaves Corvallis 8:00 am
Arrives Toledo 11:18 a tn
Arrives Yuquina 11:45 a m
No. 13 (Sunday Spieial) l.v Yaquina 6:00 p m
Leaves Toledo 6.27 p m.
Arrives Corvallis 9:51 p iu
' Arrives Albany 10-30 p m
No. Leaves Albany 7:80 a m
Arrives at Detroit 12:80 p m
No. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p m
Arrives nt Albany 5:55 p m.
Ko. 6 Leaves Albany 7:55 a m
Arrives at Corvallis 8:85 h in
No. 8 Leaves Albany... .. ..,.'... 8:50 p m
Arrives at CorvaHla 4:86 pm
No. 10 Leaves Albany 7:50 p m
Arrives at Corvallis 8:80 p tn
No. 5-Leaves CorvalllsX 6:80 a m
Arrives at Albany 7:10 a m
Ho. 7 Leaves Corvallis 2:15 p m
Arrives at Albany 2:55 p m.
No. 9 leaves Corvallis 6:00 p m
Arrives ai Albany 6:40 p m
No. 11 Leaves Corvallis 11 :15 a in
Arrives at Albany 11:58 a in
No 12-Lenves Albany... 12 35 pm Corvallis 1-18 p m
All of the above connect with Hontheru
Pacific com puny trains, both at Albany and
Corvallis, ss well as train for Detroit, giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent beach
is. as well as Breltenbnsh Hot Springs.
For further Information appry to
WM. McMURRAY Uen. Pa Agt.,
Portland, Or
Vf. E. PnERsoK, Agt., loled
Come to the fair an4 festival.
Bring the whole family, prepare
have the best time of your life,