f DRY FARMING CONGRESS. Methods of Increasing Crop Output Will Be Discussed. The Dry Farming congress is now organized, with some persistency anc determination to be heard from in th matter of urging its claims upon the attention of the public The faith thai the promoters and operators of this association have in their claims of drj farming methods, well carried out, cannot be questioned, says the editoi of the Twentieth Century Farmer. Th experiences and results of careful anc persistent work in crop growing effort! are the evidence that is offered in tes timony of the feasibility of dry farm ing methods and dry farming as an in dustry. It is not surprising that there an the doubtful, the skeptical, the unbe liever in converting the dry land of th arid West to agricultural purposes, the growing of crops, the cultivation ol orchards and forests, the establishing of homes and the building up of com mercial interests and industries ot these lands; we say that it is not sur prising that some hesitate, that the doubt the availability of sufficient moisture to grow crops; that they fore cast seasons of drouth, etc. All these things had their period and have exert ed their influence to discourage and prejudice the mind of the public as the settlement of the country has pro gressed westward for the last fifty years, and yet cultivation has been the civilizing influence that has conquered riwlttl) pot wifinq pnq of the plains and prairie countries that are now the dependence in production. The Fourth Dry Farming congress will hold its meeting at Billings. Mon tana, October 26, 27 and 28, 1909. This will not only be an institute for dry farming farmers and dry farming instructors and teachers, but it will be an exposition of dry farming products such as this or no other country has ever witnessed. There are pledged al ready exhibits from thirteen Western states that are engaged in dry farming work. The organization by states, to show what each is doing and capable of doing in the raising of grain and vegetable crops, without irrigation, is a feature never before undertaken in this distirct and promises some great surprises for visitors. The area of tillable lands in the United States not yet turned to culti vation is comparatively small, and un der present conditions of demand by the homesteader will last but a few more years at most. It is only the part of good business judgment that the dry farming districts be investigated by those who contemplate getting a home under the free homestead law. Good lands and the best locations will be the first taken. Each year will re duce the quality of lands to be disposed of as government homesteads. The Dry Farming congress will be good place to visit next October, in view of getting dry farming informa tion and dry farms on which to put it into prictice. The Dry Farming con gress announces that there are 200, 000,000 acres of arable land awaiting development by the dry farming meth ods. Many a man is an expert hand at put ting his foot in it. k.cience invention As a substitute for the baby carriage a trencn inventor nag Drougnt out a portable hammock by which an Infant can be carried between two persons by straps from their shoulders. A new type of electric locomotive, of which the New York Central Rail road will soon have twenty, is capable of 4,000 horse-power at high speed, the armatures being mounted directly on the driving axles. The new field gun of the French army requires one less man to oper ate It than Its prototype, as the recoil opens the breech block and ejects the cartridge, the block closing automat ically when a new cartridge Is In serted. The Pennsylvania Railroad Is ex perimenting with heating ordinary passenger coaches which are run over Its electric lines by steam secured from boilers mounted on baggage cars, to which electric heat Is supplied from the third rail. English experiments In the sponta neous combustion of stacked hay In dicate that the phenomenon Is due to bacteria, as hay that would not ignite when sterilized did so after being tho hrrnn.i. I sprinkled with water containing earth or ordinary hay. The Hon. C. A. Parsons says that at the beginning of his experiments with turbines. In 1884, high steam velocities had to be avoided because of the cut ting action on metals of minute drops of water entrained by the steam, and hurled against the surfaces at a ve locity of 3,800 feet per second. This was sufficient to erode a hard file one of Qie American ambassador; Bridge weter House; Chesterfield House, built by the great author of polite letter writing; Apsley House, the home of the Duke of Wellington; Devonshire House; Grosvenor House, the custodian of a vast treasure in pic tures, manuscripts and sculpture; Lansdown House, with Its great gal lery ot busts and statues; Stafford House, whose great staircase alone is worth a king's ransom; Wlmborne House these are only a few of the number. There are many other houses of minor Importance which would be starred in the first line If they were anywhere else. There, for Instance, In Arllng street, a small, narrow thoroughfare close be hind the Rltz Hotel, where Wlmborne House casts Its great shadow, are a dozen mansions which contain treas ures almost beyond belief. The Mar quis of Salisbury lives there in a mag nificent palace magnificent as to in terior, insignificant as to exterior. Sir Alexander Henderson, a great railway magnate, hides the nobility of his possessions behind a modest street frontage. At No. 17, a house built 150 years ago by Lord Carteret and now owned by Lord Yarborough, lives H. Gordon Selfrldge, late of Chicago. It Is a simple-looking London residence, but the vast Interior, spreading out as you progress, Is a perfect storehouse of beautiful objects of antiquity. Here are the most wonderful Van Dycks, Greuzes, Rembrandts, Reyn olrlscs, I,1ys and ORlnshorouehs; sral- lery arter gallery, room after room filled with them; books of great rari ty, bindings that would make the cu rators of most museums giddy with delight and furniture that one only finds usually surrounded by chains to keep off the curious public; and this is only one of the dozens upon dozens of old London houses. As a matter of fact, this does not at jw -i v"-m . i ' w .- r"i v iw w w The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the si-ma ture of Cbas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 0 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children lixperience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething? Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ' Stomach and Bowels, giving1 healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of S7 In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAU 4.4MPANV. TT MURRAY STRICT, NCW YORK CITY, Ml WV1P WIBWW tIZS i T Plenty of Company. "Loak shark, is he?" "I should say not ! There are whole ichools of him in this town." Mother" will find Mrs. Wlntlows Soothing Byrup the belt remedy to use for their cliUdre J luring toe tee thing period. COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS "JUST RIGHT CLOSSET ft DEVERS PORTLAND. QUE." J DR. W. A. WISE a years a Leader in Painless Dental ( Work in Portland. Out-of-Town People Should remember that our force In so arranged that WE CAN DO THEIR ENTIRE CKOWN, BRIDGE AND PLATE WORK IN A DAY if necessary. POSITIVELY PAINLESS EX TRACTING I'REE whi-n plates or hridaea are or dered. WE REMOVE THE MOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty. ' For the Next Fifteen Days We will Rive you a arood 22k sold or porce lain crown for $3.60 22k brldsre teeth 8.50 Molar crown 6,00 Gold or enamel CUlnara 1.00 Silver fillinirs 50 Good rubber plates 6.00 The best red rubber plates ; , 7.00 Painless extractions 60 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 15 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. (INC.) Third and Washington Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON THE NEW CURATE. Mother (nervously) You know what I told you, Johnnie. Johnnie (who has been told not to make personal remarks) I wasn't saying anything. I was only looking at It. London Weekly Telegraph. thirty-second of an Inch In 145 hours. But in the compound turbines now used this erosion is practically elim inated, so that brass and copper blades can be used. Advance has been made In the reduction of steam per horse power. In 1897 the Turblnla con sumed 16 pounds per shaft horse power; in 1901 the King Edward con sumed the same amount; but In 1907 the Lusitanla consumed only 12 pounds and the Mauretanla 11 pounds. In large turbines there is a loss of about 80 per cent in the total energy, but It may be possible to re duce this. The growing use of metallic fila ments for electric lamps, formed of the rare metals tantalum and tung sten, attracts much attention to those metals. Tantalum is pure white and as. hard as the best steel. When hot it can be rolled, hammered and drawn out Into wire. Its tensile Btrength exceeds, that of steel. For lamp fila ments It is drawn Into wire hardly more than one five-hundredth of an Inch In diameter. Its electrical resist ance Is much less than that of carbon, so that the filaments have to be much longer than the ordinary carbon fila ments when they are used with the usual 110-volt lamps. Tantalum lamps have high efficiency and long life, and give a brilliant white light. Sometimes when a 'filament breaks It can be mended by tapping the lamp while the current is on. The ends coming into momentary contact are welded. Tantalum melts at 2,300 degrees Centi grade. Tungsten melts at 3,030 de grees Centigrade. Like tantalum, it has a much lower resistance than car bon. Tungsten filaments are some what delicate, and must be handled carefully. ' LONDON'S TREASURE HOUSES. Mnnr Private Mansion. Could Rank as Mn.eunis Elsewhere. The men who built the great man sions of London which endure to this day prepared them for the reception year after year of the most, beautiful objects, bo that now hardly anything remains to add to them. There are a hundred great houses In London ot which the least Important could be taken to any other great town and proclaimed a wonderful museum. Dorchester House, the present home apply to London alone. All over the country, north, east, west and south, there are strewn country houses dat ing back to other centuries where great treasures are stored and jeal ousy guarded. There is no other coun try in the world which contains so many. The French chateaux Buffered too much during the troublesome times Of the revolution. They were burned and sacked and hacked about and their treasures scattered to the four winds. . Germany never had many. The Italian works of art were kept mostly In cities like Venice, Florence, Verona and Genoa and in Its numerous mon asteries. But In England, where the country houses have hardly been dis turbed since the time of Cromwell, the work of collecting has gone on unmo lested, generation after generation. I here are still many undiscovered finds scattered about here and there In spite of the cry that nothing more Is to be purchased. Although the Carlyle Memorial at Ed inburgh was projected as long ago as 1895, only 100 has been received from linety-two subscriber. Better than gold Like it in color Hamlins Wizard Oil the best of all remedies for rheumatism, neuralgia, and all pain, soreness and inflammation. DAISY FLY KILLER placed 7 . kill mII Diet Neat, dean, qiiia mctitul, oonvet tMit.'hpaf. l.afttfl all . Mailt of metal, oannol spill or tip ott. will not soil of injure anTthinv, (liutranteed alltMfc tire. Of all dealers or sent prepaid for oonts. HAROLD S0MERS, 160 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, M.Y. A CURE FOR FITS Nuremberg still has over 1,700 houses that were built before the seventeenth century, and 3,537 built in the seventeenth tnd eighteenth centuries. Shake Into Tour Shoes alien's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, Bwollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy, bold by all UruKirista ana tno Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sumple FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Fifty thousand dollars a year is spent on Itegent I'ark. in London. SOUR STOMACH "I used Cascarets and feel like a new man. I have been a sufferer from dys pepsia and sour stomach for the last two fears. I have been taking medicine and jther drugs, but could find no relief only lor a short time. I will recommend Cascarets to my friends as the .only thing tor indigestion and sour stomach and to keep the bowels in good condition, tliey are very nice to eat." Harry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Fa. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 826 The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries The Intense Interest that has been manifested thruuKhojt the country by the wonderful cures that are being accomplished daily by epileptclde, still continues. It is really surprising the vast number of people who have already been cured ot fits and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to tertt the medicine, large trial bottles, valuable literature. History of Epilepsy and testimonials, will be sent by mail absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory, 543 Pearl Street. New York City. PNU No. 28-09 w HKli writing; to adrertisers pleaaa mention tins paper. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of the Properties or Roots, lerbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of his services. No Mercury, Polsona i 'I r. .j iSpjka'tt Operation or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, lure and reliable. U..failing in Its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 16216 First St.. cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. , , . m Effect of Color on Animal. The effect of color upon mind la most easily noticeable In dumb ani mals, becausa they make no effort to curb or control their emotions. Wave a red flag at a bull and he becomes violently angry. Shake a red shawl In front of a turkey gobbler and he will storm around 'fearfully. I made an experiment In the country one sum mer to see If this same fact held true of other animals. On my farm I had an enormously fat, lazy pig that dis liked nothing so much as to move. All day long It used to lie asleep In the sunshine, and sometimes even the attraction of food could not budge It. I took a number of pieces of silk of the same quality, but of different shades, and, after waking the pig, waved each strip of silk in front of It. For the blue and green It never moved, but when I waved the red and orange stripes It lumped to Its feet, stamped about and appeared to be thoroughly angry. Time and again I repeated this experiment and always with the same result. Frank Alvah Parsons In Good Housekeeping. You can never make a woman be lieve that she Isn't saving money when she spends 10 cents in car fare In order to obtain a dollar article tor 98 cents. (RESCENT Egg-Phosphate WILL DO ALL THAT ANT HIGH PRICED rOVYDER WILL Q DO AND DO 'J BETTER IMlCPOWDER A FULL POUND 25c Get It from your Grocer UOUNCES fj, Guaranteed under all Pure Food Law Improve Your Baking K C Baking Powder wil do It! Get a can. Try it for your favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. BAKING POWDER Pure, Wholesome, Economical. ( : i! 'Vaques Mfg. C, Chicago "sjp