Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 22, 1909, Image 5

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The finest line of
burnishing Goods
ledo has just arrived. Call and see
Greatest Assortment of every description aver seen in Lincoln County
A Beautiful
V Fine Watch RonaiHnir n
(Tl rty Years'
j ri. c. PETERSON,
' Watchmaker, Jeweler aud Optician
Trade Marks
eatcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Comrnrtnloa
tlonaatrlctlTConadentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent
tent free. Olrteat agency for securm? patents.
Patent taken through Munn A Co. receive
tperlai notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.areest cir
culation of any scientific journal. 1 ernia. 13
yar : four month. U Sold bjall newsdealer".
MUNN & Co.86,BrMd-y- New York
Branch Office, 62S F BU Washington, D. C
TJ. S. Land Office Business
a Specialty.
Twenty veurb' experience befoi t.1
Local and the General Land Oltice
aud the Interior Department
at Washington, D. 0.
Rooms 500 507 r . i f
Columbia Building rOrtianu, Uf.
Toledo, Lincoln Oocntt, Oregon
It is not business to buy real estate with
out an ahstract of title. We are pre
pared to fmuit-li fame promptly an
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Services' every Saturday. Sabbath
school 10:30 a. m., bible study immedi
ately following. Everybody cordially
invited. ' .'
Waldport Real Estate Firm.
If you wish to buy or sell real estate,
see U8. We are prepared to handle
your business promptly aud on satis
factory terms, i
Viboil IIoweu. A Co.,
Waldport, OregOD.
Farm for Sale.
160 acres on county road and
deep water, rural route, 6 miles
from Toledo, 25 acres high tideland,
si acres in cultivation, good barn,
4-room house, good stock or fruit
Fall Clothing and
ever shown in To
Lin of
-w . .
A full line of Single and Double Har
ness. My harness is made from
Oak Tan Leather and is war-,
runted to be free f rornflaws
My Prices are Right
Write for prices, I can save you money,
15 years experience in the business
320 South Second Street.
Corvallis, - - Oregon
A Full and Complete Line of
Trunks, Suit Cases
and Telescopes
Wool Blankets,
Cotton Blankets,
Comforts and all
sorts of Bedding
Drs. F. E. & M. C. ADAMS
Mutual Phone, both offices,
No. 651-
Our specialty Is the pitiiiless tilling or ex
acting of teeth.
Our Motto- A Pleased Patient Our Beat
Watches, Jewelry. Repairing Done
All Work Guaranteed
M. E. Church Sunday Services.
Sunday School at 10 :00 a. m. George
Bethers, Superintendent.
Preaching at 11 a. in.
Class meeting' at close of morning
Junior League at 3 p. m.
Preaching at 7 :30 p. m.
All are cordially invited to worship
with us. W. E. Rogers, Pastor.
Meadow Creek.
We don't care for any more car
loads of snow this winter, we think
we have had a plenty. The snow
was ten inches deep here. We are
having Oregon weather now, rain
and wind and high water. The
creeks are -higher now than they
have been this winter.
William Darnley and wife are on
the creek again. Mr. Darnley is
taking care of his stock during the
bad weather.
Miss Leota Calkins is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Jesse Daniel, at Toledo
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stewart went
to Elk City Saturday to visit their
daughter, Mrs. Willie Randall.
J. T. Calkins and family visited
C. C. Brown's folks Sunday.
Ray Calkins visited Frank Lang's
folks Tuesday.
Rupert Stewart visited at C. C.
Brown's Saturday.
C. C. Brown went to Toledo on
business Wednesday.
W. Daniel had business on the
Creek Friday. ,
Things are dead on the creek
since New Years.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take' Chamber
lain's Stomach atid Liver Tablets. Mr.
J. P. Klote of Edina, Mo., says: "I
have used a great many different medi
cines for, stomach trouble, but find
Cbamberloin's Stouinch and Liver Tab
lets more beneficial than any other
remedy I ever used." For sale by Otto
O. Krogstad.
No news that lias been received
by the people of Oregon during the
last twenty-four months is so im
portant as the announcement that
the trans-continental railroads will
make a rate, begining March 1st and
continuing until April ' 30th, from
Kansas City, Omaha, St. Paul and
Minneapolis, Winnipeg and other
similarly situated towns, to all main
line railroad points in Oregon, for
$25. a'
The people of no state in the
Union have profited more by these
one way tickets than have those of
Oregon during the past four years.
The rate from Chicago is 833., from
St. Louis 30.50, with a proportion
ate low fare from all points in the
United States. This should add
many thousands of actual settlers
to the population of Oregon. These
are one way tickets, and if travelers
desire to return to their former
homes in the old eastern states they
will have to pay full fare.
Every Commercial Club and ad
vertising bureau in the state as well
as every real estate firm, should be
gin immediately to advertise these
rates. Every citizen of Oregon
should write personal letters to old
friends and acquaintances remind
ing them that the rate is good to
their town. But the ticket must
be bought to the point of destination
it's just as cheap to the'niost dis
tant Oregon point as to one just
over the border of the state.
Call For County Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds ou hand to pay all County War
rants drawn on the General Fund, aud
endorsed; "Not paid for want of Funds"
up to and including Jan. 9, 1008.
Interest on said warrauts to cease on
and after haid date.
G. B. McCldskev, County Treasurer
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 15th day
of December, W8.
This is a common form of muscular
rheumatism. No internal treatment Is
needed. Apply Chamberlain's Lini
ment freely twice a day and a quick
cure in certain. Tliis liniment has
proven especially valuable for muscular
aud chronic rheumatism, and is sure to
give quick relief. Chamberlaiu's Lini
ment Is also most excellent for sprains
and bruises. Price, 25 cents; large size
SOceuta. For sale by Otto O. Krog
stad. Go to H. E. Peterson for your Spec
tacles and eve glasses.
Aids Nature
The itaat mini el Dr. PLrM'i HaIJm
eovery r amrtm weak stomachs, waited bodies, weak
lunfi, ud obetinate aad linferinf eonjha, ia bated on
the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden
Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build
in 4, tisauevrepairinf , muscle-making' material, in eon
dented and concentrated form. With this help Nature
auppliet the necessary strength to the atomach to digest
food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering
obstinate coughs. The "Ditcovery" re-establishes the
digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies
nd enriches the blood, end nourishes the nerves in
abort establishes sound vigorous health.
It real dealer offer momathlai "or i tfootf,"
It la probably better FOR HIM it paya better.
Bat roa are tblaklni ot tbe core not tba profit, mo
tberea mothlmi "Imat ma Uoorf" tor you. Say ao.
.Dcf',!e,, Con Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med-'
icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date
Edition, paper-bound, tent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing
enly. Cloth-bound, 31 ttampa. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
The Weather. ,
Station: Toledo; Month: Dec, 1908.
Mean temperature, 36.8
Maximum temperature, 65; date, 25, 20
Minimum temperature, 29; date, 17, 18
Total precipitation, 8.50 inches
Total buow fall, none.
Prevailing direction of wind, sw.
Number of cloudless days, 8.
Number of partly cloudy days, 13
Number of cloudy days, 10
Dates of light frost, 17, 18
Dates of thunder storms, none
Dales of hail, 13.
Dates of sleet, 15.
Otto O. K roc; stad, Observer.
$25 Reward.
We will pay a reward of $25 for
information leading to the arrest
and conviction of the persons who
have been twisting and cutting or
in any way maliciously interfering
with our telephone lines between
Elk City and Harlan
Lincoln Co Land & Investment Co
By J. F. Stkwabt, Secy
Remember the show tomorrow
night with a free dance afterward.
Apple Trees for Sale.
Choice home-grown apple trees,
of all varieties, best adapted to
Lincoln county. Write for prices.
CD. Wilson,
Chitwood, Or.
For Sale.
14 h. p. Auto Marine engine;
reversible propeller; complete. $15
if taken soon, guaranteed to run.
C. Ofstkdahl, Toledo.
U. S. Land Olllce at lioaebiirg. Or.., 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Thomas J.Carna,
ot Alsea Oregon, who, on September 29,1(103,
made homestead entry No. MHO, 8. K. 03099,
for alj of ne'i', He!.,' of n)-,', nwVi of s!4,
suction 11, to.viiFhip 14 nnulh, range 9 went,
Willamette Meridian, ban tiled notice of in
tention to make Una! five yeiir proof, to eHtab
liMi claim to the land above described, before
the County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo,
Oregon, on the 9tb dny of March, l'JOl).
Cliilmaut names as witneiwes:
N. J. (iooduiHii, P. II. Carna, O.8. Mangle and
M . D. Carna, all of AIkkh , Oregon .
Hknjamin L. Kdiiy, Reenter.
f. 8. Land Olllce, Portland, Oregon,
January 4, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Carl 8. Davis, of
SlietB, Oregon, who. ou February j, 1907, mads
homestead entry No. 111102, Serial No. 08til, for
ik4 section 7, township 9 south, range 9 west.
Wlllanieitn Meridian, has Died nstice of In
tention to make final commutation pront, to
otiibllbh cliiim to the land above described,
before lb County Clerk of Lincoln county, ill
Toledo, Oregon, on the lHth day of February,
C'liUmant n nines as witnesses:
Edwin T. Clark. Ned fcvniit, N. II. Sherwood,
Homer Evans, all of Siletis, Oregon.
AlukhnoN S. I)KitHHKB, Register.
U. 8. Land Olllce, Portland, Oregon,
November, 1908.
Nollce is hereby given that Anna H. Dru
meller, of Portland, Oregon, who, on Novem
ber 18, 1908, made Timber mid Stone Applica
tion No. 070.', Utrne'i of nw'4, section 82, town
ship 12 south, range 9 west, Willamette Mer
ldliin, bits tiled notice of Intention to make
final proof, toestab.lsb claim to the land above
described, before the Register and ltecolver of
U. 8. Land O nice, at Portland, Oregon, mi the
4th day of February, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
E. Mulkey of Ulodgett.Or.; K. H. Craves of
Elk City, Or.; Ilradley Troxel of Olun, Or.j
N. R. Dale of Portland, Oregon,
U.S. Land Ortlce, Portland, Oregon,
December 211, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that Percy O. Harlow,
of Sllets, Oregon, who, on October 21, 1907,
made homestead tntry No. WV, serial No,
0810. for Lot 6, section IA, township 9 south,
rang J 10 west , Willamette Meridian, hin filed
notice of Intention to make llnal commuta
tion proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the County Clerk of
Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 6th
day of February, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Arthur C. Crawford, Arthur L. French,
Robert L. Phillips, William Olln, all of Hllels,
ALotaNOM 8 Dhhkskk, Register,
MJ3.t TV..
In the Circuit Ceurt of the State of Oregon
for Lincoln ceunty
W. II. Olln, plaintiff,
Mary J. Olln, defendant.
To Mary J. Olln, the above-named defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon : You
are hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint of plaintiff in the
above entitled suit now on file in the office of
the Clerk of the above entitled Court, on or
before the last day named or prescribed in the
order ot publication ot thlx summons, mnde
by the County Judge of Lincoln county, Ore
gon, (Lclng the county whers tho above suit !i
pending in the Circuit Court of said County
and Ktnie) which said order 1 hereinafter re
ferred to, tuwit: ou or before six weeks from
the day of the first, publication hereof.
And you are hereby untitled thut if yon fall
so to apjiear and answer the said complaint,
as herein required, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the alKive entitled
Court for the relief demanded In Ills said com
plaint, namely, for a decree of said Court
annulling and dissolving the niarrlaire con
tract now existing botween the plaintiff and
defendant aud for such other aud further
relief as the nature of the cause may require
and as unto the Court may seem meet.
This summons Is published in the Lincoln
County Lender once a week for Mx consecu
tive and successive week, beginning with the
Issue of December 11, 1908. and ending with
the Issue of January 22, 1909, under aud pur
suance of the directions contained in unorder
made by the Hon. It. F. r-wope. County Judge
et Lincoln county, Oregon, (being the county
where the above entitled suit ia pending In
tbe above entitled suit Is pending In the above
entitled Circuit Court.)
Dated this loth day of December, 1908.
C. E. Hawkins,
Attorne'for iMalntltf.
Best adapted to Lincoln County
Write for Prices to
CD. WILSON, Chitwood Or.
Notice is hereby given that, under and by
virtue of an order and decree of tho Honorable
County Court of the State of Oregon, for the
county of Lincoln, duly made and entored of
record on thoStli day of December, 1908, in tho
i matter of the administration of the estate of
John P. Coulter, decmsed, authorizing and
directing tho administrator of said estate to
sell at private salo to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following described real property
belonging to the estuto of said deceased:
lleglunlng chains north and 9.84 chains
east of souihwent corner of sw'4 of ne of
section 1: running thence 11.28 chains to Ya
quiim Day and Corvallis wagon road; thence
north Cki dog. west along said road 8.18 chains;
thence north ,5 deg. 76 mill, west 7 chains;
thenco south 22j chains: thence east 912
chains to place of beginning, all sttuute In
section 1, township II s, range 8 w, in Lincoln
county, Oregun, and all belonging to said
I, F. A. Godwin, administrator of the estate
of John P. Coulter, deceased, will, from and
after the 11th day of January, 1909, proceed tu
offer for Mile and sell at private sale to the
highest bidder, for rush, all tho above des
cribed premises. Said sale will be made sub
ject to confirmation by the said County Court.
F. A. 'jonwtN,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lincoln County.
in tho matter of the estate of Barney Morri
son, deceased.
Nollce Is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of 3arnoy Morri
son, deceased, has tiled wltl- the County Cleric
of Lincoln county, his llnal account, and the
County Court, sitting for the transaction of
probate business, has set Monday, December
7, 1908, at 1 o'clock a. in., thereof, at the
County Court room of said county, as the
time and place for satllliig said account ami
hearing objections thereto. If any exist. And
notice Is hereby given that at said time anil
place, any and all objections to said account.
If any exist, will he heard and passed upou
by said Court. ,
Dated at Toledo, Or., Nor. 4, 1908.
I. M. Simpson.
Administrator of the estate of Barney Morrl i
eon, deceased. ,
Rooms to Bent.
Some choice oflice rooms for rent
in Ofstedahl building.
Mrs. E. Ofstedahl.