Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 16, 1908, Image 5

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The finest line of Fall Clothing and
Furnishing Goods ever shown in To
ledo has just arrived. Call and see
Are you doing what you can to populate your State?
OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics,
merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a wilting
heart capital or no capital.
Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon)
is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution
through every available agency. Will you not help the good work
of building Oregon by sending ns the names and addresses of your
friends who are likely to be intereste.1 in this state? We will be
glad to bear the expense of sending them complete informatiou
about OREGON and its opportunities.
Colonist Tickets will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND
OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a
few principal cities are
From Denver . . $30.00
" Omaha . . 30.00
" Kansas City 30.00
" St. Louia . 35.50
" Chicago .. 38.00
If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the
proper amount with any of oar agents. The tickets will then be
furnished by telegraph.
W. E. PETERSON, Local Agent, Toledo, Oregon.
w'M. McMCRRAY. General Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon
County, Oregon
It is not business to buy rettl estate with
out au abstract of title. We are pre
pared to fuitiifli tame promptly an
eB. Design
Anrone sending a sketch and description may
oalrklr artnln our opinion free whether an
fiiventlnn It probably patentable. Commnnlca
tloni8t?lotly?onddentl'al. HANDBOOK on Patent,
ant free. Oldest afencrforseennn patents.
I'atenW taken tbroasb Mann ft Co. receive
special notice, without charge. In tbe
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Limit elr.
enlatlon of any selentinc Journal. Terms. 8
Sear: four months, iL Sold by all newsdealer.,
MUNN & Co.B,Bro-d-- New Yorfc
Branch C-Ooe, 26 F BU Washington. D. C.
Watches, Jewelry. Repairing Done
All Work Guaranteed
a a
i jaw
IT. S. Land Office Business
a Specialty,
Twenty years' experience befo-ie the
Local and the General Land Office
, and the Interior Department
- at Wellington, D. C. '
ooTuntbuB.iiidiiig Portland, Or.
From Louisville $41.70
" Cincinnatte 42.20
" Cleveland 44.75
" New York 55.00
V. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon.'
Septembers, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Rlalto L. Weath
erford, ol Bileti, Oregon, who, on August 15,
1907, mad homestead entry No. 16308, serial
No. 03T8. for ni ol nwV;, se'4 of nwj and ne!4
of iwj, section 25, township S south, rang 10
west, Willamette Meridian, has filed nniln f
lnUsniiou to make final commutation proof,
to establish claim to the land above described,
before the County Clerk of Lincoln count . at
Toledo, Oregon, on the 24th day of October,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clayton Pond, J. J. Derby. V. C. Fischm anil
V. R. Ball, all of fciletr, Oregon.
lgkbnn8. Dresser. Register
U. S. Land Oltice, Portland, 'regon,
September 21, 19.
Notice Is hereby given that Harrv J. Rarlrer.
of Rocco. Oregon, who. on June 27, 1907. made
Homestead entry No. 1628). Serial No. 0405, for
n U of ne'i and nU nw'i. section 39. tnmn.iiit,
9 south, rang 8 west, Willamette Meridian,
nas Hied notice of Intention to make final
commutation proor, to establish claim to the
Innd above described, before the Register and
Receiver, it Portland, Origon, on the 6th day
of November, 1908.
Claimant names as witnessee:
B. C. Rose. W. R. McDonald. Fred Wltpn.trmn
and Albert Wilts, all of Rocco, Oregon.
Ai.okunon 8 Dresser. Register.
U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
September 21, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Edmund McNett
of Falls City, Oregon, who, on August 24, 1907,
made homestead entry No. 1(1312, Serial So.
0398, for ei of se, sw.' of se, and se'4 of
sw"4, section 7, township 8 south, range 9 west
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice ot inten
tion to make final commutation proof, to
establish claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver, at Portland,
Oregon, on the 5th day of November, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clark W. Cather. James B. McMil Ian, Andrew
J. Bpillers and Vasco W. Cather, all of Falls
City, Oregon.
Algernon 8. Dkksskr, Register.
U. 8. Land Office, Portlnnd, Oregon,
September , 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner ol the General Land Office.
under the provisions of the act of Congress
approved June 27, 1906, (34 Stats,, 617), we will
oiler at public sale to the highest bidder, at 1
o'clock p. in., on the 12th day of November,
jwh, at mis omce, me lollnwliig tract of land:
K of 8E)4 of section 10, township 11 s, range
10 west.
Any persons claiming adversely tne above
described lands are advised to (lie t heir claims
or objections on or before the Unit designated
for sale.
AKQlitNOH 8. Dhksskr, Register.
Gio. W. Bisig, Receiver.
(Continued from page 4)
for your canvass. Think you will
have at least one hundred for that
purpose. I know a number of re
publicans who will give a dollar to
see Fogarty out and you have not a
vers bard man to beat if you get
right at it. The evidenee is so con
vincing that it could hardly be over
looked. Don't got tangled up in
any way till you come here and see
the thing as it is and go up and have
a look at the road too. Kent has
done a little more work on it as they
have been pressing him for all they
are worth to have the thing im
proved, but we will have affidavits
to show that work was done after
the road was accepted for the pur
pose of making it appear that we
lied about it but it will not go as we
are too strong for them.
Now Cook don't hesitate but get
down here for it is a chance you
will not get again. Let them think
I will be out and that will probably
leave the field clear for you and
Forarty, and that will be just the
thing for you. Success to you.
Sincerely your friend,
(Copy) K.
Waldport, Or., Oct. 2, 1908.
Mr. H. II. Cook,
Toledo, Oregon.
My dear Cook: -
Enclosed you will find some
papers of interest to look over.
If you can find a good socialist
friend who will get the boys on it
and return it to nie we will see if
the business of this county can be
slighted in the future as it has in
the past. It makes no difference
who the contractor is or whether he
earned his money. The people did
not get the road contracted for and
that is where we have a kick com
ing. Archie Rowin started today up
the Alsea to get signatures. We
have done well getting them here at
Waldport and on down the beach.
We will have i.o trouble having the
required number of 202 but want
as many more as we can get.
The Attorney General does not
have to pass his opinion on the re
call. The law provides that the
County Clerk must call an election
if the petition is presented and no
court has a right to. inquire into
the charges or to pass on their
truthfulness. ,
Please get some action on this
and get it into my hands as soon as
possible. I want to file it on the
ninth if possible but we have been
delayed about getting the contract
and other information for the voters
who live in other parts of the county.
Sincerely your Jriend,
P. S.
You will find that a few of Kent's
friends here will not sign but that is
local. Others of your paity will
readily sign I think. The republi
cans and democrats as a rule are
willing to let things go as they may
but it falls to the lot of the socialist
party to get in and show the others
that a law has at last been passed
which gives a minority party a
chance to do a little cleaning up in
the political field.
Lease for Sale. ,
A year's lease of the Merchants'
Hotel," Toledo, for sale. '
A. M. Collins.
To maintain health, a mature mnn
or woman needs just enough food to re
pair the waste and supply energy and
body heat. The habitual consumption
of more food than is necessary for these
purposes ia the prime cause of s'omach
troubles, rheumatism and disorders of
the kidneys. If troubled with indiges
tion, revise your diet, let reason and
not appetite control and take a few
doses of Chamberlain's StomHch and
Liver Tablets and you will soon be all
right again. For sale by Otto O. Kfog
6 tad,
Goto the Bonbonicrc for your
Eddyville School Notes'.
On the evening of October 9,
there was a pleasant basket social at
the Eddyville schoolhouse. There
was a good program and Tom War
nock sold the baskets for $58.75.
Marion Hunt donated $2.50. A
chapel organ has been ordered from
Eiler's piano house. The pupils are
preparing another program, for a
free entertainment on Saturday,
November 7th, as a thanks offering
to the many friends who assistsd in
procuring tht. coveted organ.
There will be singing at the school
house every Wednesday evening and
every Sunday morning. All are
cordially invited.
M. L. Hampton, Teacher.
Waldport Items.
C. T. Goin and Jesse Goin are
visiting Waldport relatives.
Capt. Tyler,, of Newport, came
down Saturday unci took the Con
dor to sea.
The Waldport Commercial Club
has joined the Oregon Development
League. The League now has
eighty-three members.
John Flemming Wilson, of the
Newport Mail, has been spending a
few days in Waldport investigating
the road controversy. We may ex
pect some good reading matter in
this week's issue.
Bart McKinney, formerly of
Waldport has returned. Bart can
not find a vacant house here and is
talking of taking a homestead on
the north side of the bay.
Frank L. Buker returned Satur
day after attending the Toledo Fair
and a session of tbe Executive Com
mittee which was held Thursday.
Frank says he will see that Wald
port has some exhibits next time.
The Condor arrived in Alsea Bay
October 8th in command of Capt.
Theorin. Shortly after she arrived
a dispute arose between George F.
Wittmer, a stockholder in the Lum
ber Company, and the Captain,
over some papers which Mr. Witt
mer had in his possession. A fis -
tic encounter Was the result. Mr. all in smith and west, Willamette Meridian,'
Wittmer swore out a warrant for ""on- '""' y ,.res.l.iy given
, , that no person will lie permitted to ifiiin or
the Captain and attempted to have exercise any right whatever under any wittle-
him placed under Ininds to keep "ilnX 17 ! '""T'
1 21, rJOH, and all such setlleu.cni or occupation
the peace but Justice Goin could is herebr forbidden., kuko hknnktt, commit.
notsceany reason to expect any ' "lo,,"r!' ,ht;"er' u'"1 Approved
J 1 J September 19, 1U0: Kkunk I'ikkcr, Kirsl A-
more trouble so tne captain was re
leased, not however until he had
missed the stage for Newport.
The Lincoln County Booklets
have at last arrived in Waldport.
The Commercial Club received five
sample copies on the 7th and are
assured the others will bo along in
o ftiW flnva Thptii IwwA'lpta nw
very satisfactory to the local club I
and Waldport certainly got her
money's worth very much contrary
to the prediction of some of the old
timers who refused to take a hand
in assisting the Newport Club in
getting the booklet out. We pre
dict that a second edition of these
t . ...i:r..i i . i i i...'
ucauuiui utnihii'ta nm iiavo iaj i
rWALThvr watches
Greatest Assortment of every description ever seen in Lincoln County
A Beautiful Line of
W OTVCnTi nj .17.G on1
Fine Watch Repairine a Specialty
(T rty Years' Kxperience)
Wu timaker, Jeweler and Optician
Sept. 24, 1908.
To whom it may concern :
Having a just cause I ordered my
wife, Florence Bailey, to leave my
lied and board, within one 'hour,
she left. I will not pay any debt
she may contract.
Alfred Bailey,
34 Winant, Lincoln Co., Or.
Call For Warrants.
Notice is hereby given all war
rants up to and including No. 50!)
issued by School District V. 2,
Lincoln County, Oregon, are hereby
called and the interest stopped
thereon. G. B. McCluskey,
Dated Toledo Oregon, Clerk.
October 10, 1908.
Lost Strayed or Loaned.
If the party who lxirrowed my
largo double cover maple splint bas
ket and also my, Indian made.
open, hand basket, both varnished
in natural color and costing me
over $3.75, will immediately return
same to undersigned you will
greatly oblige,
Otto O. Kiwxistad.
School supplies at Stewart's.
Notice of Res tors Hon nf Pnlitlc lands to
Settlement and Entry. Department of the
Interior, General Land Otll e, WaFhlncton. 1).
C, September 19, 1908. Notice is hcrehv nlvvn
thnt the public lands In tbe following des
cribed aieas which were excluded from the
former Tillamook and L'nipquu National For
est, Oregon, by Executive order effective)
Inly 1, 1908. if not otherwise withdrawn, re.
served or appropriated, will by authority of
the Secretary of the Interior be restored to
the public domain on I'eceni ber '21, 108, a nd
be subject to settlement on and after that,
date, but not to entry, tiling or selection until
in mid afier January 20, 1909, under the usual
rettrictioni, at the United Stales laud oltice at
Portland. Oregon: In township twelve (12),
range nine (9), sections thirty-four (.14), thirty-'
lived and thirty-six (V); in tnwnhhip
thirteen (18), range nine (9), section llve(S)
east'hnlf el' eight (8), all ten (III), north half
of eleven (11), all twelve (PJ) and thirrcen (1:1),
north half of fifteen (15) and twenty one (21),
all twenty-four (2-1) and thirty six (:); in
township six (6), range ten (10), sections nine
teen (19), twenty (20), twenty-live (2fl), twenty
six (20), thirty-live (36j and thirty-six (:lt); tn
township twolve (12). range ten (10), section
six (fi). south half of ten (10) and thirteen
In township (12), range eleven (11), north halt
and southwest quarter of section ton (10),
north half of eleven (11), west half ol liftee-i
(1.1), tweaty-two (22) and twenty-seven (27);
l1" '"""" thirteen (1 range .lev,.,! (ll),
sistant Secretary ol tho Interior.
GEORGE A. HAI L, Proprietor
Choice Confections
Summer Drinks
Ice Cream
Fruits, Nuts
Tobaccos, Cigars
I Two Uoors South
A Quiet, Orderly Place to Play
school tablets.