Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 02, 1908, Image 3

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    Sores and Ulcers are indications of impure blood. They show that the
circulation has become infected with germs and poisons, which are being
constantly discharged into the open place to irritate the delicate nerves,
tissues and surrounding flesh and keep the sore in a state of inflammation
and disease. Whether these impurities in the blood are the result of some
debilitating sickness, an old taint from a former disease, or whether it is
hereditary bad blood, there is but one way to cure sores and ulcers, and that
is to purify the blood. Washes, salves, lotions, etc., are often beneficial
because of their cleansing, antiseptic effects, but nothing applied to the
surface can reach the blood, where the real cause is, and therefore cannot
cure. S. S. S. is the remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. It gets down
to the very bottom of the trouble and removes every trace of impurity or
poison, and makes a lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the circu
lation, so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it
nourishes and heals the irritated, inflamed flesh and causes the ulcer to
fill in with healthy tissue by supplying it with pure, rich blood. Book
on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write.
Obeying tka Impulse.
Slowly, almost reverentially, the young
clergyman who wag taking his first trip
across the Atlantic bowed his head over
the veKBcl's rail.
"I'm doing this," he muttered with palo
lipi, "in response to an iawird prompt
ing." Thereupon the others drew away in si
lence and left him communing with the
great deep. Chicago Tribune.
There is an altar society in Brooklyn
couipoKe.1 of night policemen. The mem
bers contribute a certain amount evety
tLonth which pays for lights and flowers
on an altar of perpetual adoration.
May he permanently overcome by proper
personal efforts with the assistance
of the one Truly benef iciat laxative
"f nedy, Oyrup oj figs and" OkirojSmna,
which enables one to form regular
naous aaily so Thai assistance To na
Hire mnw dp 6rnr)nnlti )icnnn2nrl
when no longer jieeclecl as the best of
remedies.when required, are to assist
nature an a not to supplant the natur
al functions, which must depend ulti
mately upon proper nourishment,
proper eff orts.and right living generally.
To get its beneficial effects, alys
buy the genuine
J. manujactured U the
Pig Syrtjp Co. only
one size wily, legutur price 50f pr Bottle.
A modern leavener at
a moderate price is 30
per cent, more efficient
than "Trust" or Cream-of-Tartar
products and
absolutely free from the
health-racking Rochelle .
Salts residue invariably
accompanying their use.
Get it from your Grocer
25c 'FULL POUND -25c
ue iuiu iou jiuvu Always Aiorjgnx lias Dome tlie signa
ture of Cbas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
personal supervision lor over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-grood" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Ecverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
vonc. ic relieves xecuimg'
Stomach and :
The Childreu"
'. xi uBBiiiiiiuies vne r oou. rccuiates tli
Bowels, givinff healthy and natural Bleep,
s Panacea The Mother's Friend. -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
iJears tne
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Conforming to Tradition.
"Uncle," said the little girl from thi
city, feeling that something of the kind
was expected from her, "which is the tree
that grows the leaf lard?"
Having thus complied with the conven
tionalities and asked the usual artless
question, the little girl from the city ran
out to the barn, saddled the chestnut
sorrel, and galloped him all over the
C1TC St. Vitus Dance and ervous llaesflea panna-
I 1 1 J nently cored by Dr. .Ine's Great Nerve Re
storer. Bend tor FREE f 1.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. B. U. Kline, Ld., J1 Arch t)t., Philadelphia, fa.
The Real Thlasr.
"TLcrc arc r.o literature gmi!r!e Vi
this age. Where do you find nowa
days the words that burn?"
"In the booUs .of corporations when
wanted on the witness stand." Balti
more American.
To Breaf: In New Shoes.
Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder,
it cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Lures coma, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
ill druggists and shoe steres, li.rc. Dont accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE, Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y.
"They don't care for expense here,"
said the regular summer boarder at the
summer resort hotel. "When you call
for lemonade they give you a stalk or two
of macaroni with it instead of a straw."
"I was just wondering," observed the
new boarder, after a pause, "why this
baked macaroni tastes so strongly of
lemon juice." Chicago Tribune.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlns1ows Boothlna
Pyrup the best remedy to use lor their chlldim
luring the teething period.
By Default.
"Does your husband ever praise your
cooking, Uertha?" asked the young wife's
elderly aunt.
"O, yes, indeed, auntie?"
"What does he say when he does?"
"Well er he doesn't say ' much, you
know, but I can always tell when the
cooking pleases him. lie doesn't swear
at it."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with ; I OCAt .APPLICATIONS, as they eannot
reach the svat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood
or constitutional di ease, and in order to cure
it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cnraia t.b.n
root y upon the blbod and mucous surfaces.
Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack, medic. ne.
FA ViT. P"- riueu oy one 01 the best physlc.ans
. . , y"'iMwra 01 ine Dest tonics
acHnoi ,,?Pmb,'ne'1 with the best blood puriliers,
S " ' " mucous Burtaces. me
wl it1! ie two ing.rodi.ents is
inirr.,. i. c r. "uiKiernu results in cur
ing c"'")v Rend for testimonials free.
Br.M kVfi . 1 " V"- rrojis., Toledo, 0.
Fold by DrngeNts, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pill, ior constipation.
- Fashions Reversed.
Mabel How do you like my new
gown, grandmamma?
(Iranrtmamma I don't. In my day
girls Fore one button gloves and gowns
buttoned up to the neck. Now they wetr
oue tutton gowns and gloves buttoned up
to the neck. Judge.
Ira in i mi n nnl
. iisa
Troubles, cures Constipation
Signature of
Professor Elliot Makes Suggestions
for Overcoming Troubls.
From WashinsTton Stata Collese, Pullman.
In a letter addressed to a farmer
residing near Walla Walla, Professor
Elliott discussed black alkali, and its
interference with the growth of al
falfa; plants which are tolerative of
alkali; grasses and plants which tend
to crowd out alfalfa, and means pre
ventive of this; and a certain pest
which is damaging the leaves of apple
trees grown by this farmer. Briefed
somewhat, the letter follows : i
"I understand from your letter, that
you are having difficulty with the black ,
alkali, which interferes with the start
ing of alfalfa. The land in question is
undoubtedly so supplied with water
near the surface that there is consider-
able evaporation, which has caused the
alkali to rise to the surface. This
trouble would be observed in all such
land, and the best way to prevent it is
by surface draining. This would per
mit the washing out of the alkali from
the surface through the drains, and I
think you would have sufficient rainfall
in the winter to accomplish this. Tho
drains should be from two to three feet
below the surface, which would not
interfere with the cultivation of al
falfa, as the water level would be at
the distance beneath the surface of the
lower level of the drains.
"I suspect that if you are able to
get a start of alfalfa, it would be able
to overcome the effect of the alkali,
which I assume is strongest near the
surface ; but with the water level ' bo
near tho surface an it is, the roots
would not have any encouragement to
penetrate deeply, and would probably
stop at the water table. It might be
possible to counteract the effect of the
alkali by the use of considerable ma
nure, or some chemical fertilizer, but
I very much doubt the value of such
"We have seen some excellent
stands of alfalfa secured by seeding
alfalfa in the fall. Fall seeding should
be done early enough to secure the full
benefit of the fall rains, and thereby
make a growth, which would insure
that the alfalfa would pass safely
through the first winter, while the
plants were somewhat tender. I think
that in the warm section of the state,
where you are located, that this would
be perfectly possible ; and it would
have the further advantage of starting
during the time when the alkali would
be less abundant, due to its being
washed out by the winter rains.
"Regarding plants which might be
tolerative of alkali, the station would
inform you that there are several, but
that it is quite difficult to obtain the
seed of such in any quality. There is
a plant known as salt grass (Distichlis
Maritima), 'which has a small seed,
and is very coarse, which is somewhat
common, but which seeds very spar
ingly; consequently, getting a start of
this grass is very difficult. It does !
not make first class forage but stock
will eat it. Its chief value is its abil
ity to grow in alkaline places, thereby
absorbing the alkali.
"It is said that the Australian salt
hush will do the same. This plant re
sembles tumble weed, and the station
has been informed that it is becoming
quite a pest in the neighborhood of
Walla Walla. Therefore the experi
ment station does not advise you to
try it.
"The salt grass to which you refer
is entirely different from the Iowa
quack grass. You will find that blue
grass, as well as other grasses, will
frequently crowd out alfalfa; in fact,
throughout this region we find that
after six or seven years the alfalfa be
comes so crowded out by other grasses
that the ground has to be worked over, i
or plowed up. rrequent disking will
control this to some extent. I doubt
if alfalfa will grow in any soil where
the water table is as near as three
feet to the surface.
"The pest which you mention is un
doubtedly the aphis, or apple lice,
which affect the leaves. They are
sucking insects, and absorb' so much of
the sap that the leaves curl up and ul
timately die. It is difficult to control
wire worms when they once get a
start. It is possible that a treatment
of air-slacked lime around the plants,
or even an application of salt, might
have a beneficial effect. Either of
these applications would need to be
made with great care. "
Query Will you kindly advise us
concerning the use of dust sprayers in
the fruit raising sections of the Pacific
slope? Has their success been uni
form, or otherwise?
Ans. There is a peculiar condition
existing at the present time relative to
the use uf dust sprays in the several
fruit growing sections of the North
west. Quite a number of orchardists
are using the dust sprays at the pres
ent time, and are successful fo the
extent of keeping their fruit almost
entirely free from insect pests, reduc
ing the amount of injury to less than
one per cent. Other experiments have
failed entirely. Where successfully
used, this method of spraying is very
satisfactory, especially in hilly orch
ards where it is almost' impossible to
get around with a gasoline outfit. In
the opinion of W. S. Thornber, horti
culturist of the state experiment sta
tion of Washington, the matter of dust
sprays is a good field for further ex
ploitation. From the Washington
State College. Pullman.
John Haa Become Slsratsirer.
"John Cliiuumau, as a race, bus be
come fired with municipal real," said
a New Yorker who likes to wntch the
Blghtsceing wngons. "Also Juhn bus
became llnnnclally reckless. Several
times this spring I have seen 'rubber
necks' go by with two or more China
men among tlie-imssengers. I don't re
member ever to have seen that phe
nomenon until this season, except, of
course. In the case of traveling Orien
tals. But the sightseeing Chinese that
I have noticed lately are residents of
New Ybrk out for the first time In their
lives probably to see something of th
town they live in."
, No Difference.
Little Willie People talk of the "milk"
Id the coronnut.
Mr.vCitiman Well?
Little Willie Why do they say "milk"?
ft doesn't look like anything hut water.
Mr. Citiman Well? Philadelphia
A Sporting Event.
Mrs. reck Henry, do you see any
thing in the paper about lllinker ruu
Dlng -over his mother-iu law?
Mr. Peck Not yet. I haven't come
to the sporting news. Puck.
HOWAltl) ii 11UKTOX. Assnyot an Chsmlat.
Leudvlllo, Coluruiiu. Specimen prires: liuld.
Bllvpr.lsd, 11 : Hold, Silver, 7.V ; Oold, 6oc; Zlncot
I sppcr, VI. Cyanide touts. Mulling envelop and
Hill price lint ai-ntou ap;.llratlnn. Control and Urn-
Eire work solicited. liwi'erencoi CarbouaM Ka
onai Bank.
TLis sterling household remedy is most
successfully prescribed for a "world of
troubles." Tor derangements cf the di
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthful activity. Its
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion of the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation of
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list of troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
If it fails to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
HoyX Chemicai, Co. Portland, Oregon
Said an Employer: "Stick to quality.
It will win out in the end." We do
"stick to quality." That is the reasou
our graduates are so thorough and in
such demand. Investigate our claims to
superiority. Catalogue, business forms
and penwork free. Call, phone or write.
Portland Business College
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon
They are Trained for business in a business-like way.
Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of its graduates?
Sterilizes Clothing, Is Antiseptic nnd prevents Odor from Perspiration.
Sample Bonis, Booklet and Laro Centerpiece dealira, 10o, of PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., Onkland, Oal
Stands for
Economy .
In providing the family's meals, don't
be satisfied with anything but the
best. KCte'guaranteed perfec
tion at a moderate price. It
makes everything better.
Urt .,. twit
Try and
L2: 1
For Thin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years ! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa
rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
But eTen this (rranrt oM medlrlna eannot do
lt hett work if ilia liver I. Iimclirs and tho
boweU Conti iitej. ror tho beat posalble re
sults, you should take luxatlve dimes ot Ayer's
rllla while taxing the Knraapsrllla. The (lyer
will quickly reapond, and so will tho bowels.
aUdft by J. O. A?fr Co., Lowell,
4aV lUAUUIWltUrSfl D
IVHFS YP1! Pns,c Tn dhoti nun
A New and Modem European Hotel, catering
particularly to State people. A refined place for
ladies v siting' the city, close to the shopping
center. Rates reasonable. Free Bus.
N. K CURKE, (late of Portland Hotel) Mgr.
C. Gee Wo
The well known reliable
Root and Herb
W-rViwf'3 ""' ""! herbs, nnd in thus
"l,.KSr:fi' W3 study iliMHivorod und Im uIt.
ii?' .-H,i,u5 j inn to the world Ha wonder.
MJiXW.- lul run'tnlius.
No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used He CurrS
Without Operation, nr Without the Aid of Knift
Ho ftunriinte" to Cure ('ulitrrh. Asthma, Luna,
fhront. hhouiMitUm. Nitvoiihuuhm. Nitwuih Pehliity.
BtotniM'h. Iji-r, lvliu.y '1 rnul.h'.idwo I.rwl Muniiuoa.
roiuttle Vt'eul.iip w anil All l'rlvnte iiit'iou'
Just Received from Peking, Ciiina Safe, Sun
and Reliable. .
Cf yon ennnor. cn 1 1, write foraympton hlnnknndolrovb
Jar. liinlive 4 n-nta in ulen'rn.
THRO. ll;l: WO ('HlNKMJialKi'iclNEfX;.
KZ1-2 Hint Bt.( Cor. Moriioon. i'ortlund, Oregon,
Pjeiiae Mention Thla Paper.
PNU No. 36-08
HKN writ In q: to advertisers plume
ti.en n tn tins imprr.
Jaques Mfg. Co.
see. .Perfect
r or
Money back.