K B SPRING OPENINGS IN ALL LINES CLOTHING FOE MEN Snappy staff that is up to the nriuule ' in ' Styles and Quality. Ask to see them. HATS For Men and Boys. Latestsl.apes LADIES' MEN'S OXFORDS. Latest SHOES J. S. AKIN THE WHITE HOUSE 4Oregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest fanners, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strung hands aud a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) is, sending tons of Oregon literaiure to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good worn of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We will be glad to beitr the expeuse of sending them .complete information about OREGON and its opportunities. Colonist Tickets will he on sale during SEPTEMBER AD OCTOBER from the Ett to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are From Deliver . . $30.00 " Omaha . . 30.00 " Kansas Cily 30.00 " St. Louis . 3.5.50 " Chicago . . 38.00' TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID If you want to briug a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount witu any of our aaents". The tickets will then be furnished by telegraph. W. E. PETERSON, Local Agent, Toledo, Oregon. VM. McMl'RRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon LINCOLN COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY C. B.'CROSNO & 0. E. HAWKINS ' Abstractors Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon It is not business to buy real estate with out an abstract of title. We are pre pared to (in nnli mnie prcmptly an correct! v. en vriRQ1 ' Trade Marks DrUIRNR 1mI rnovplr.uTsAe. nulnWy ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is prohalily rmtentuhlo. Communion, tloni strictly conUdotitlul. HANDBOOK on Patenta sent free. Oldest nsency for securing patents. p.ilcnts taken throuth Muim & Co. receive tptcuU nottcs, without chnroe. In tho Scientific Jimerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest elr- MUNN 5 Co.3B1Broalw-y' New Yorfe Branch t'tBce, SS6 F 8U Washington, D. U. . .AHln aVnf and rtpnerlntlnn mflV HKRBHRT V. JKNKINS WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Watches, Jewelry. Repairing Done All Work Ouaranleed NEWPORT, OREQON. DRESS GOODS New' shades in Dress Patterns. Laces and Embroideries. Muslin Underwear, Collars, Belts. Also a New Line of the famous WARNER RUST-PROOF CORSETS. AND CHILDREN'S Styles and Grades SHOES LEADER IN LOW PRICES Call and we will prove it. We haven't time to tell you all about it here. Come in and see us. Yours With Bargains HENRY LEWIS, Prop. TOLEDO, OREGON. From IiOiiisville $41.70 " Cincinnatte 42.20 " Cleveland 44.75 " New York 55.00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. a. Land Oltlce. Portland, Oregon. September 5, 19C8. Noli 8 hereby given that Rialtu L. Wcath erford, ni Slletz, Oregon, who, on Augut lb, 1907, mailt homestead entry No. 10308, serial No. 0378. for njj ol nw)4, se'i of nwj and iio'$ of ;, section 25. township 9 south, ranirn 10 we-t, Wlllametle Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to thelmd above described. before the County Clerk of Lit coin count.,, at loledo, Oregon, on 'ho 21th day of October, 1!08. Claimant mimes as witnesses: Clayton Pond, J. J. Derby, W. C. Flschet mid W.K. Hall, all of bllwx. Oreirnn. AUiKitNeN 8. Dkesseb, Register BUCKBEE a BULBS SUCCEEOI SPECIAL OFFER: Made to bntld New It nut dm. A torn nr. Kntihf notion ffu&ranttted nr vnnr trial will make you a Dormnnuut cus- C...nls rn11AtwlnM MCfaofe Bulla la rolm JUUTCU bVIICtUUUi,, C beautiful orti: UrftM llnnlulh. Fetthar Ilia Ktnuneului, 8nowdrop,Croui,Chlonodo, Aiirmona, Daffodil, l'ofts j NtroUtua, Darwin Tulip, Parrot Tulip, Virlmlid FoIIh. Tulip, Oialla, Francs. Bwua lad trutatt UvmUUm. einth. rtrriot BnowlUk, lilt, Bpanlih Iris. Bcilla. Hunill. ulj ai Uu Tulip, etc, eto. lil' ARAN TEED TO PLFAPK Write to-day Mention this Paper t Tr poit(( nd pfcfkinf nd rMMln iMa valuable flollaetlon of HalM fotptJ. lofeturr un my nil nittiirai!, iiMtrucllta, IH.UtltUl W", Juir inn nui uooi, mil Ml ADOUS IM IM Tkmtlea or Modi, nuuw ma runu. In Commemoration or oontmtw, neoMimi tmiioMt lino 1BII, 1 win irinv ire oi oukrgt witn thl (Jl lee lion 1 Bbjlonl uorard lunp ifiiiD. Ti.frrtm nana wodr of tb ! BUM ua' u "win quArttr. It Ul n...l.L.. 1754 BTT0KBEB BT. n !! DUCKUGtJ BO0KFORD, ILL, DUS. ADAMS Dentists NEWPORT, OREOO.V. Our specially Is the painless tilling or ex acting of teeth. our Motto' A Pleased ratlent Our Ilest AUvertls r. H m VI I II ft n I 1 m m ' m ru. Meadow Creek. John Butler of Toledo waa visit ing at C. C. Brown's Saturday and Sunday. He was al90 looking after the flashlight station on Table Mountain, which, as yet, they have failed to get to working. Mrs. Frank Lang was visiting her mother Mrs. Luke Williams, Sat urday. Mrs. Luke Williams has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sharp the past week. S. J. Stewart and family started for the Valley Sunday to see Mr. Stewart's mother, whom he has not seen for years. They will also visit their son, Carson, at the state hos pital in Salem on their way back home. The Hodges and Parks boys went down the creek hunting and fishing the first of the week. Mr. Randall and son, Will, passed through here Sunday on their way to the Valley. Mr. Wygant, the civil engineer of Newport, stopped over night at C. C. Brown's on his way home from a hunt on the Creek. He re ported bad i tick . - Canvas gloves at Stewart's. Special Correspondence Portland, September 7th. Hillsboro, the prosperous and growing capital of Washington county, is celebrating its second rail connection wHh Portland, the last being an electric line. The Oregon State Fair opens next Monday, September 14, and con tinues throughout the week. The showing of all kinds of products, as well as the live stock and industrial display and a great race program without pool selling, insures one of the best Fairs Oregon has ever held. Immediately following the Oregon State Fair i the Portland Country Club and Livestock Show, and It is certain that these two weeks, dur irg which livestock will be foremost in the minds of the people of Ore gon, will have much to do with the more rapid development of that im portant industry. The hurry up and build move ment throughout the United States, because building material and labor are aUmt thirty per cent cheaper than they were a year ago, is the cause of sonic spectacular happen ings in Portland. Down in the business center they are digging basements by electiic light, working three shifts of eight hours each. . Stewart's Store for your rubbers. Lincoln County Sunday School Convention. The Lincoln County Sunday School Convention will be held at the M. E. church in Toledo and the Presbyterian church at Newpoit, September 18, 19 and 20, 1!()8. Following is the program for the convention: M. E. Church, Toledo Friday, September IS 7:30 p. in. Song Service 8 p. in. Address, ' 'The Lewis ville Convention,, by Rev. C. A. PhippH Saturday 5) a. in. Devotional Services led by Rev. W. F. Pearse 9:!U) Roll Call and Registration of Delegates (J:-1") Report of Schools 10 The Parents' Responsibility opened by Rev 0. T, Whittlesey 10: ;?() The Boy in Sunday School opened by Rev. C. A. Phipps 11 Question Box led by Rev. C. A. Phipps PKUSIIYTKHIAN ClIL'llCll, NkWI'OHT Saturday 3 p. m. Devotion led by Rev. Rhys Ciwynn 3:l.r Tho Nome Department . Mrs. H. B. Blakeley 3 :."0 TheCradleRt.il Rev. C. A. Phipps i-An The Adult Work I) VALTkAAl WATCHtsV 1i WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY g and SILVERWARE j; Greatest Assortment of tvery description ever eeen in Lincoln County (y A Beautiful J SPECTACLES and Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty k (Tl' rty Years' Experience) H. B. PETERSON, ft TOLEDO, - - Dr. II. J. Minthorn 4 The Junior Work by Mrs. S. S. Burrows and Rev. W. F. Rogers, dis cussion ' 4:30 Election of Oflicers 7 ; 30 Devotional Services 8 Address, Rev. C. A. Phipps Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 Preaching, Rev. C. A. Phipps 3 p. m. Young People's Rally 6:30 Christian Endeavor Meet ing 7:30 Ad.lress, Rev. C. A. Phipps B EST TR E ATM EN T FOli A KURX. If for no other reanon, CliamlH'rliiiti'p Salve should be kept in every bouse hold on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. It allays the pain almoHt instantly, anil unless tlm injury is a severe one heals the part, without leaving a sear. This salve is also uneqtialetl for chopped bands, sore nipples and diseases of the skin Price 25 cents for sale by Otto O. Krogstad. THE "OLIVER" VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Without doubt the strongest ami most perfect typewriter made Standard keyboard. Vis ible writing. R. E. COLLINS, Agent, Toledo ATTO RN E VS- AT-1. A W U. S. Land Office Business a Speeialty. Twenty vchi.' experience befaib t!iv ; Liocal and the ticuerni i.iuiu wine uuil ihe Interior llepiirlinent at Washington, I). 0. Rooms 51)11 507 . Columbia liuilding KOrtlana, Uf. THE I BONBONIERE j y. Gli.OIH'ifi A. HAIL, Proprietor. ft I . Choice Confections Summer prink Ice Cream Prulli, Nut Tobaccos, Clar( Stationery a , . BONE0NIERE ANNEX , Two Hoor South V ,S'i 2' A POOL, BILLIARD and CARD TABLES BDWLINQ ALLEY ' A Quiet, Orderly Place to Play - TOLEDO, ORBUOX eras GOWII Line of (j) EYE GLASSES f I! - - OREGON M. E. Church Sunday Services. Sunday School at 10 :H0 a. m. George Bethers, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. in. Class meeting at close of morning service. Junior League at 3 p. m, Trenching at 7:30 p. in. All are cordially invited lo ui:n!,:o with us. W. E. Rooerb, Pastor. NOTICE I'"OK PL'HI.ICATION, l'. 8. Laiul Cilice, Portlaint, OrpKni AiiKUHt 7, 11108. Notice la heroliy given that I.nii A. Kllloit, of Hlleta, OrKon, who, on April 9, lOiKi, Hindu homCNtHAtl application No-. Utel'l. Scrlnl No. 0180, for Lota 1, 2. 3 ami 4, flection 30, townnhlp 9 xstith, range, 10 w, Wlllametle Mcrlil ian, hari 11 lei! notice of Intention to makt llniil coinniii tation proof, to eatalillsh claim to the land above dcHcrlhed, before Ira Wade, County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 21st (lay of Sept en lier, l'.KiN. Claimant mime an witni'Men: Warren It. Hall, George 'Miller, Henry Wllxon and O. C. Doll, oil of SI let., Oregon. AMiKKNON H Dkkkkkh, le(lnt8r, GOOD FOR 111 MOUSNESS "I'.took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last uight and I feel fifty per cent bettet than I have for weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a Une article for biliousness. For salo by Otto O, Krogstud, Samples free. Waldport Real Estate Firm. If you wish to buy or sell real estate, ee us. We are prepared to handle your business promptly and on satis factory terms, ViRon, IIowkix & Co., WaKI port, Oregon. ' CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. THAINS FROM AND TO YAQU1NA No. 1 (Mixed) -Leave Yaquina 7:00 a iu leaves Toleilo 7 :!10 a in Arrive at CorvnillH 11 : (it a m Arrlvenat Alliauy 11 :M a in No. 16 (I'aaMiniter) Leaves Albany.. 7:-IS a in Arrive" at Corviil I is 8:'.'fi a in Arrives nl To edo.... VS-M in Arrives at Yaiiiina 1:110 p in No. "ifi (Mixed) Leave VaijuliiH '2:1.1 p m ArrlvoHat Toleilo '2: t" p m Arrlvea at CorvnillH B:15 p in ArrlveBiit Albany...., 7 : IHI p in No, i (I'anetiner) -I.CHVeii Albany.. ..l'-'l'to p in Leave Corvnllia l;:il) p in Arrlvea ut loleilo K:ir2 p in Arrives at Yminiiia f:::0 p in Tlt.MNS TO AND Kit i.M DKTUOIT. No, 8 Leaves Albany 7:S0 a m ,rrlvesat Detroit J J : : to p in No. i LcUvcm Detroit 1:00 p m Arrlvea nt Albany 6:ffi p til THAINS Foil COKV.M.LIS No. S Leave Allien)- 7 MS a in A rrlvet at I'orviillli 8:1 n in No. 10 leaves Albany 3 : ." p in Arrive at t'orva'll 4::;R p in No. 6 -Leaves Albany 7:4!i in Arrives at CorvHllls s:) p m THAINS FOR A L1SAN Y No. 5 Leave Corvallls... 8:30 a in Arrives at Albany 7:10 a m No. 9-l eave Coivnllis '2:lii p in Arrive at Albnny '2:'i.ri p in No. 7 Lerfvo Corvnlli :iki p in Arrive nt Albany ft : Hi p in It I'.lit'LAR St'NIUY TRAINS No. M -l eave Corvnllls ll:l.'iiini Arrives at Albany 1I:M p in No 12-l.eaves Albany l-' ll'i p in Arrive-, ..t Corvallls Tin p in I N KWTORT Rl'NDAY Sl'KCIAL. No. 1 Leave Albany 8:00 a in Arrive at Toledo 11:18 a in Arrives nl Yitiiliia ,.. 11 :4" tt lit No. 1:1 Leaves Yaitilna 0:0(1 p m Arrives ul Toledo 6:27 p in Arrives at Albany 10:80 p in All ol tho above entitled with Southern I'ncltle company trains, both at Albany and I'm vulll", a well n train lor Detroit. Ki 'lnR direct service to Newport and adjacent beach es a well as HreiU'libiish Hot Springs. For further Information appry to , l M. McMl'RRAY, Uen. Pnsa Anl., Portland, Or. W. K. PETERSON, Agent, Toled