7 if LINCOLN COUNTY FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CABNIVAL, AT TOLEDO, OCTOBER 7, 8, AND 9 9 Volume XVI. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, September 11. 190S. Number 20 Wincoltt Baby Drowns in Spring. Last Sunday. afternoon the little three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Williams was drowned in the spring at their home, four miles west of Toledo, on the Newport road. The little fellow had been playing and becoming thirsty went in the house and asked his mother for a drink. Mrs. Williams being busy with the younger baby at the time, told him to go to the spring and help himself, as he had often done before. In a short time Mrs. Wil liams, not hearing him playing, went to look for him. She saw a little foot sticking out of the spring and'quickly pulled him out, but life was extinct. In getting bis drink the little fel low slipped and fell head first into the water. Funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday, interment be ing made in Newport cemetery. Rev. C. R. Ellsworth conducting the ceremony. The family has the deepest sym pathy of the community in their sudden and sad bereavement. Card of Thanks. To all who so kindly assisted us in om bereavement and who placed such a wealth of flowers upon the resting place of our lx'loved dead, we wish to extend our sincere thanks. Mrs. II. R. Sti bdkvaxt, Frank Sttrukvaxt, Marion- Sturoevant. Damaged by Fire. The greatest bunch of bargains ever offered it Toledo is now shown at our store. We have jiist received a shipment of Rolled Edge Valore Couches with non-breakable springs, also Steel Couches, from the stock of Peterson & Roberts of Portland, who recently suffered great damage 1 to stock couches by fire. Some of these j were slightly soiled by ! water and smoke. We are going to I sell them at unheard of low prices. They are al.l bargains and you can not afford to miss getting one. We have also just received an in voice of the fine Onyx Ware, the best and cheapest granite ware man fact ured. We are exclusive agents for these goods'. A. Roserhook, Toledo, Or. Notice, To whom it may concern. This is to certify that I will noi pay any more bills for Mrs. Myrtle Parniele IiOckwood in any shape or form whatever, from this day onward. Bert 0. Lopkwoqh, Medford.Or. September 4th, 1908. . : For Sale. 33 acres fine land' 20 acres under dyke Mw'cen city limits and Olalla. slough; 4 blocks from Toledo High School; fine boating in front of house; cows, separator, and gasoline launches goes with place if desired. Easy terms. Price reasonable. Will take property in Portland as part payment if desired. Hans Olson, Toledo, Or. Have you town property, dairy, or fruit farm for sale? Sec or write, GEOR'iK BlCTIIKHS, Toledo, Oregon. --- Canvass gloves at Stewart's Store, James Robertson of- KernVille is attending Commissioner's Court here this week. The Youngest Soldier. . Lincoln county has a resident, Mr. George Green, enjpys the dis tinction of having been the youngest soldier in the Union Army during the . Civil war. This old veteran enlisted in the 52 N. Y. Vol. In fantry, at the tender age of 12 years and 3 months, and served one year, being discharged at the close of the war. He was wounded at the bat tle of Kingston, N. C, by being struck by a bursting b1k:11, and laid on the field suffering tortures for over eight hours Ix'fore aid reached him. Later he suffered a fiesh wound at the skirmish of Bachelor's Creek, North Carolina. After the Civil war ended Mrs. Green enlisted in the regular army and served three years in the Da kotas, during which time he par ticipated in several Indian battles. As the result of one of these battles Mr. Green has a badly scarred room. The high school will be hand, which was caused by using it ( held in this room this year. The to ward off knife blows by an In- corps of teachers lias been increased dian in a fight. Mr. Green stopped to five for the coming term, that part of the fight by bWingj Prof. A. H. Weber will be 'pri li the top off the Indian's head with ; cipal of the public schools and will his revolver. Mr. Green knows he' teach the Eight and Ninth grades, killed three Indians and believes he This is Mr. Weber's first year in killed four in that battle. lie and our schools. He has successfully two comrades were all the whites taught in the Brownsville schools not killed in that fight. They were then taken prisoners and for four.recnrd of but one failure in the days and nights were 'denied food Eight grade examinations during and water, making their escape that time Toledo is very fortun when the Indian sentry fell asleep, i ate in securing the services of so Mr. Green and his estimable wife competent an instructor, are living quietly on their homestead j Mrs. R. P. Gom will have charge on the upper Depoe slough in this of 'the Fifth, Sixth and dentil ; .. J n i the winter of 'Hl-'oO Mr. All county, and are among our best 'grades. - Mrs. Gobi taught the In-1 " dU ,u j phin earned J? 10 by hauling the citizens. Itermediate department in our j S('1,onl Pi'""tondont R. P. (Join; firs't steamboat on the Willamette ! schools vear heft ire last and ,,uvo ; went to Salem Wednesday to attend river over the falls at Oregon City, Buy your school tablets, at Stew- art's. The New Tra.in Schedule. The following train schedule went. into effect yesterday: West bound from Auiuiij .amis M 101UIO 11,., . : j. mi i 12:3J; returning from aquina at. 2:31 p. m. No other trains during ' the day. . , , , . 'i School supplies at Stewart's. Frank Priest of Newport was j town' Saturday- " ' 4 ' Pencils, pens, ink, tablets at Stewart's. rulers and City Surveyor Wygant of New- in umii uconcsuay. Mr. ami Mrs. M. L. Trann of i . j ir i i Cliitwood were in Toledo Wednes- (lay. Merchant J. F. Stewart made a business trip to Albany Saturday, returning Sunday. Toledo's Dentist.' Office .. in the Ofstedahl Bnildimr Tlonra ) tn 1 a. in., 1 to 4 p. in. Russ Wyatt frani Albany went uown to Ualdport Wednesday to spend a two weeks' outing. ! Mrs. A. Bradeson and daughters, Birdie and Juliette, went to the Valley Saturday to pick hops. Miss Flora Stanton, after a week's; visit here with her parents and 1 friends, returned to her work in ur. .1. 4 i.. ' iinoiiiiiiuii vi-fticroav. I incoln liodge No 121 A F fe A. M meets Mimday eVeidng, Sep- tember It, at 8 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. All masons requested to attend. By order of the M. W. Mrs. Anne Cannon has leased her residence on Second street to W. II. Harrison, who, with his family has taken posession. Mrs. Cannon left yesterday for Portland where she will reside with her son. Toledo School. Toledo's public and high Schools will open for the regular nine month's term next Monday morn- ing. .This promises to be the ' best school year in the. history of the county, and Toledo's reputation of being one of the best school towns in the state will be upheld. Our school population has in creased so rapidly the past few years that it has taxed the school board to provide school room. Last year the district built an addition of two large rooms to the main school building, expending over $2000 for the same. This year the four rooms were found to be too small to ac commodate the increased number of pupils so the old school house, just east of the main school building, was repaired, repainted and fur nished throughout with new furni ture and will make good school for the past four years, and has., a i ' j uuivevti;,i satisfaction. Miss Edith Harrison will com mence her second year in our bpIhiiiIj tliK (nrin Slw tonsil tl.n 1. . .... . .... luiuiaiy ui;ioi;iie i.tsi y cm, oui w ill have charge of the Third and r,mrti. ..,.. The te.K.hor ;ong,.st wilh our i0 ... .i.i;., n ; i... begins her fourth year in the pri- j ma ry grades this term. She will ,tench lwJ first and Kmmd grades. i lluyi School. ( I il. - j. l ri. l i r or ine pasu iwo years loieuo district has maintained a high school, employing a teacher for the higher grades above the public! ; school branches. At the last election the ouestion 'of a county high school was decided in favor of the high school. The Commissioner's Court immediately (following the election decided to let the voters choose the permanent lo- 'nlmii if t)w liiirli u,.!,,.,.! t V,I ' wxl I'fguiar general election m the .fall of 11)10. Then nniiromi- ! ated money to the Toledo district for !1. bicb school . "to unmlnv lom.li. ' im distriet. f,-,,i. etc., for such school. , ' j tinuously from this on. He had Prof. Joel J I. Willson who has ! thought of spending two days of taught the high sehul here the!0'"''1 week at Waldport, but has past two terms will" aaiu have j given that arrangement up. ; t'llilI'fcr! uf tlie nih school. Onej n iUiothcr column appears an ad 111010 Srude will be added this fall :()f Cameron, the harness maker ! making tho Tenth, iCleventh amlLf (!rVallis. Mr. Cameron lias i Twelfth tirades to b(. fMii.dii ... .. i .. .: t .. h. .i " 'IM I l i 1 - x"v ; ,n""o "iin ine assisi- j Z"ZZ.Z ! UIlvll,..,i f.,,ili,.o n. I Villi 111VJ1J t, JlIIIlll W number of pupils can obtain board very cheaply or by doing chores. Rent is cheap and many families desiring to move to town to place ii...:.. ,.i.:i.i ....i .... i .. mi i . i l men eioiuien in wenooi win nc aim to get houses to live In. Living is as cheap here as in any town in the county. ' ' Slates and pencils at Stewart's. A new line of rubber goods at Stewart's. A. T. Peterson went to Portland Saturday morning. Ladies' Misses' and childrens' rubliers at Stewart's. Vivian Cartwright was up from Newport the first of the week. Will Iloetlein and Chas. Hyde went to Independence Saturday to pick hops. A. L. McDonald, County Stock Inspector, was in the county seat Wednesday. The last Sunday excursion of the season will be run over the C. & E. next Sunday. John Adams of Cliitwood had business before the Commissioners' Court yesterday. Austin Rosebrook and son, Dave, returned Monday evening from a visit to Portland.. The Misses Nora and v Agnes Krogstad . and Un Wade visited Newport last Sunday. James McDonald of Cliitwood had business before the Commissioners' Court here Thursday. A. W. Morgan and family of, Euchre Mountain have been visiting' in Toledo the past few days. , M. N, Anderson and family and Mrs. Fred Horning returned Sun day from an outing at Otter Bock. .Mrs. Ella Kramer after a visit with her brother, F. II. ti.:ii: 1 ri'I 11 I II ill I lliitninl' Ti Inn l.n.A i.t ... i iffi . t !t,ie S,i,tc ('""venlion of County Mipemitendents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Akin went to f ort and Sundav cvciiiM''. ( . II. iM,.fl.il'..v w .,h, ..);., i.. .!.., " " J ' "L " " ""is l" nimv hiring their absence. v;, .,.,,) !, 1.., I .,... 1 "n"lM,1 ill., Mxhes Toledo the past summer for the 'affairs wherever be resided, lie i u ..t i.:. , ,:i i,,.j ,. .. ..., ...i. n Wednesday afternoon to his home at Pendleton, J. M. Woods, who taught school ; in Toledo last winter, was on the . . . excursion train Sunday. He will 'teach school this winter at Wasco, SbennMn round- M ; t n... r n . ; I'iKi i n ii 4t iin; v tninin iinu ii tel. .in Toledo. Mondav eveniiiL'. September 7, 1!)0S, Mr. Edward Ross and Miss Laurana Elliott, Rev. C. R. Ellsworth officiating. The Ladies Aid Society wi'l meet next Wednesday afternoon at the I'lmivli l'.iwiiif.uu nf l n ifu iH .1 lien ' ' 1 I will come before this meeting and it is hoped every member will be ! Prvmw" Dr. Hunibersfone., the 'dentist, ! will be in his olliee in Toledo con- lii.'en 111 me uusiiicss 101 ine iiawb , I , . '., j nitecn years and unnersiantis ine I 1 Wi" yU " It is hoped the Good Roads Meet ing at the courthouse this afternoon will have a good attendance of our citizens from every section of the county. The one thing we haven't ' , ,i ! Ti.iu merlin. r will nndonbtedlv be I U' Jl O 1 till-". couiuv is goon roaus ti10'lm!iUlrf (,f causing better condi- tions of our roads. Atten I. Came to Oregon in '47. Sixty-one ycars-ago a little com pany of immigrants undr the lead ership of Captain Nat Bowman crossed the Cascade range of Moun tains at Laurel Hill the first tea m a to ever come that route and landed at Oregon City, then a little place of but four or five houses. In that company was a ninteen-year-old boy by the name of M. J. Allphin, and his sister, now Mrs. Mary Bow man of Jefferson. Mr. Allphin be lieves himself and'Vister are the on ly surviving members of that com pany. The Allphins were living in Illi nois in the spring of '47 and heav ing that a company was to start with Captain Bowman got ready and joined the company. The following year the family moved to Linn county and resided for several years on the Santiani. There were only six families living in Linn county at that time. It was in MS that the great forest fire swept through the whole coast range of mountains and destroyed billions of feet of the finest timber in the world. The effect of that file is seen by the thousands of acres of old dead snags standing all over this western part of the state. Mr. Allphin says it was so smoky in Salem during .this fire that lamps had to lie kept burning during the day in order to see anything. All work and business had to be sus pended on account of the smoke i . witli his three yoke of oxen. ,r- Allphin participated in the great Rogue River wars in 1 S.l.l-t;, I and other im am wars. After- u ,., ; .;;,, .'i,;..i. . .nun '"b" " """IMbi ni.n j he followed for several years, lie ! lias illw;ivn been iin.iiiinent, in l.icnl icrat. j Several years ago he moved on a ' in the eastern part -of this ! 'olllll3'- where he resided until . I ... 1 i ...1 ... 1 aooui iu years ago wneu u came j to '1'oledo. : Mr. Allphin will be W) years old next November and like all other Keiituekians, is a pretty husky man , fur llis Go to the Bwnboniere for your school tablets. J. R. Lynde of Ell; City had busi ness at the County seat Monday. Prof. George Bethers will depart this afternoon for Hammond, w here jhc will teach school until the board there finds a teacher to take bin ! place. Mr. Bethers since taking j that school has decided to remain jhere. ' . Dr. Adams, the dentist, has es tablished in Toledo an up to date denial oHiee and it will meet with the approval of the people of this section, as bis office in the Ofstedahl building will be a permanent one. ii 11 is now ready for work'of all kinds and will be found in his To ledo olliee working every day for a while, then it is his intention to come to this place probably Thurs day noon ami remain until Saturday noon. The balance of his time will Ik spent at Newport, where Dr. Mrs. Adams, who is also-a dentist, will have charge of the olliee.. This Kives Newport and dental servici',. Toledo good