Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 17, 1908, Image 8

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    ovt-U i niiMl i ivrii years. ;
In J872 their 8 . preat deul of.
rimrrlioea, dyseDtery hinI cholera hi-
Untnm. It was nt this time that CUm .
helium's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea !
Remedy was Hnst, brought into use. It
prOT-,1 more 811CueRBfl than any other
remeily or trentmeiit, ami lias for thtr-
tr.fl,- vHi-- mini., ,i, .. ;
Frotu a sninll beginning its gale and
use has extended to every .urt of the
United Slates and to many foreign
countries. Nine druggists out of ten
will recommend it when, their opinion
i H-ke.l, alihoiiKii they have other
meiiinines that, pay them a greater pro-.
fit. It otr alwavs be depended uuon
evu,n in the most severe and dangerous
casef. For sale bv Otto O. Krogstad.
Thrice-a-Week Edition.
The Thrice-a-Week World, now that
a great Presidential campaign is fore
Miadowed, hopes to he a better paper
than il has ever been before, and it has
made its arrangements accordingly. Its
news service covers the entire globe,
mill it reports everything fully, prompt
y and accurately. It is the only news-
pHper.nni a miuy, wnicu is as good as a '
daily, and which will keep you us com-
pktelv informed of what ia happening
", ,,
throughout the world.
A special feature of the Tlirice-a-!
'v eek World has always been its serial
fiction. It publishes uovels by the best
. ... ,. , ....
million in the woild, novels which i
book form sell fur ?l.P(i nicp, nnd its
high standard in this resprcl will be
maintained in the future as In the oast.
n,a Th. i...a v..ob .... i ..!
mibsc iption price is onlv $1.00 per '
, . , , !,. :
ear, and this pays for 15G pa pern. W e j
offer tills iineqiiHled newspaper and
Tiik Lkadkr togelher for one veur fori
U.70. The reirular s..hcriotion i.riee 1
if llio two papers is
Call Tor County Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all County War
rants drawn on the General Fund, and :
endorsed; "Not paid for want of Funds"
up to and including Dec. 1, 11)07.
Interest on said warrauts lo cease on
and after said date.
(. U. McCix'skky, County Treasurer
Dated at Toledo. Or., this 2(ith dav i
of Mnv 1(.P8
in iJi 111.0.
Notice is hereby given that under and by
vlr'.ue of an order and decree of the Honorable j
County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the j
County of Lincoln duly mailn and entered of !
recoiuon me tin any 1.1 July, ltsm, in the :
matter 01 the administration of the estate ut
J. V. Price, deceased, authorizing ami direct
ing the ailmliilatrtitor of said estate to sell at
private sale to the highest bidder for eas-h in
hand the following dexcrlhod real property be
longing to the estate of said deceased:
The east half of the northeast quarter and j
the northwest quarter o( the northeast quarter
in section 1 In Township 10 south of range 8
went of the Willamette Meridian In the County
of l lni oln and state of Oreuou and contain
ing l'.M acres.
1. 1'.S. P. loo. administrator n( the otate of
.1. V. Price, decerned, will, from and aftor the
r-ih day ol August, 190S, proceed to olt'or for
Kale and sell at private sale, to the highest
bidder for rash in hand all the above descllied
premises, fcaid rale will be made subject to
ronHriinitliiii by the said County Court. Bids
therefor may be miido to mu in person, or by
letter, at Kings Valley, Kenton enmity, Oregon.
I', s. Phici, Administrator.
In ihe County Court of the state of Oregon.
for Lincoln county.
In lie matter of tin- estate of Edward Rice,
deeeased. late nl said comity:
.Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
e ss duly appointed executor of the estate of
t!ie abuvi-namcd Edward Rice, on iho9thdny
of May, !!., by order of thu 1 ounty Court of
Lincoln uounty, Oreuon,
All persona bavin t i.iims against said estate
will pn-netit them, duly verllled, at the Court
bonne In Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, to
wit. At the Clerk's ollice at said Courthouse
ulihln six month from the -latent this notice,
Lined June 4, 1IHM. KvaxKl II. Co wind,
Kxeriiinr of (ho estate of Edwa.M
Pubilo Land Sale.
IT. 8. Land ofllee, Portland, Oregon,
May 22, 1908.
Nnllce is hereby given that, as directed by
the Commissioner of the General Land Ollice,
under the provision of the net of Congress
approved June 27, 1906. (31 btat.. 617), we tvlll
oiler at public sale to the highest bidder, at
1 o'clock p.m., on the 1st day of July, 1908,
next, at this ollice, the following tract of land:
Ne1 of vk of section 21, township 11 s.
range 10 west.
Any persons rlaim lag adversely the above
desorllwd lands are idvUed to file their claims
or objections on or before the tiino desluated
for wile. Algkrnon 8. Dkesser, Register.
Gko. W. Bihki. Receiver.
My little boy, four years old, had a
severe attack of dysentery, W had
two physicians; both of them gave him
up. We tbeu gave hitu Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
wbioli cured bim and believe thai save I
Iiia life. William II. Stroi.iso, Carbou
Hill Ala. There la no doubt but tills
remedy eaves the live of many child
fen each year. Give it with cantor nil
according to the plaiu printed rtirec
lions and a cure is certain. For eale
f Qtto O. Krogstad.
Commissioners' Court.
(Continued from page 5.)
"PP"'1" of John Eckert. for July
and August for $10.
n tiie matter of completing the
Waldorf-Tidewater county road:
At this time came on for considera-
tion the proposition of certain citi
zens of Waldport and vicinity
wherein they in connection with
the Forest Ranger agree to build
and complete in a good manner
said road from Waldport to Tide
water and pay for the same, except
Vi mile which the county is to
build. Ordered bids for contrrcts
le let, said contracts not to exceed
$400, for the building of said road.
Following bills audited:
A I) Hunt, supervisor district 6 $34 60
CI as Hassmau, et al, supervisor district
No. 7 62 50
W A Dit'klmon, et ill, supervisor dist. 8.. 84 00
F M Tremens, et el, supervisor dist. 3... 118 70
J C Dixon, et al, work with special tax
III district 10 189 60
J J Williamson, et 1, work in dist. 19.. ..336 25
J M K liutler, rebate of taxes 15 87
A J Qglcsby, supervisor of dist. 4..
a J Oglcsby, supervisor of dist. 4 473 84
i L n rebme of taxes 46 60
' !' C 'T'?' """'"V U 00
i W H Doyel, bHlnnce due as work as super-
visor district 2 60 00
c A Dick, rebate of taxes 6 00
J KTuriildge.Janitorandotberwork ... 37 70
i w K BhUi wnrk a" 16 00
Mrs W E Hall, work In Assessor's ollice.. 68 00
: sur is CO
.1 ! Burden, maisbal of election bourd
111 Newport 3 0
Geo Hodges, building Beaver creek
""d 'urn'"w '"'"her for same 22 50
If Spruce Lumber for districts 6 and
8, 113.37, continued.
Jacob Burkel, bread fm Finley and Sam
Owens 770
G " 'e"'ky. sisling In grading 8th
(trade papers , 12 00
G B McCliiKkey, registering voters on
election diiy 2 90
E E Cook, hauling limber for Beaver
creek bridge 8 00
Geo Iloelleln, work forcounty 1 65
Andersen Bros, burial of Juke Stroiee... 12 00
0 e Lyne, bulldlngand fixing booths f
Kern precinct . 4 00
Geo F Sylvester, cost bill State vs. Graves 27 85
G 8 PKi'mele, registering voters In Morris
and Kern precincts and postage 18 00
L and M Alexander & Co., supplies for
county 8 00
Geo v Sylvester, registering voters in
Newport precinct and postage 18 64
ww 1 ..........
itDitiiiuj, tcgloiDlllll VUICID 111 JUg
tlk precinct 2 00
John H Newberry, registering voters in
Hlleti precinct 8 52
It S Van Cleve, supplies for county 15 05
lloss E Moores fc Co., supplies lor county 4 85
Gluts & I'rudhomme, supplies for county 8 24
Joel W Wilson, grading eiirhth grade
pipers 12 00
Edith Harrison, , grading eighth grade
Pnpers 12 00
Lincoln County Leader, printing for Co., 150 45
Delia Hodges, building Harve creek "
bridge 5 00
Geo A Hall, supplies far county
D H Williams, work In district 8 10 00
Cbas Allen, registering voters in Elk
City 8 50
John 8 Newberry, etal, cost bill State vs.
Lb r key Logan , f 4.75, dismissed.
Z M Derrick, repairing transit 4 50
Z M Derrick, surveying Drift Creek road
and making plat 66 80
Julius Busch, viewer on Drift creek road
ud nfileage 89 80
8 J Stewart, viewer on Drift creek road
ud mileage 3g 20
Ed Paine, chaiuman on Drift creek road 23 00
Chas Hyde, axman on Drift creek road.. 21 00
Cecil McNeil, chaiuman on Drift creek
road 21 00
J D Logan, supervisor and claim, 1113.35,
allowed 67 60
Toledo Livery Stables, draying forcounty
11.50, continued.
Security Vault and Metal Works, supplies
for oounty , 101 37
Ira Wade, stamps ana ex pressure May
and June 19 86
Beul & Co, freight charges 676
Uushong & Co, supplies for county 87 76
J H Ross, stamps tor May and June...... 1172
Z M Derrick, surveying, making plats
and mllenge 23 no
Lee Bones, viewer on road 8 20
Bert MorrlBon, viewer on road 8 20
Almon Bones, chaiuman oil road 4 00
Archie Stephens, axman on road 4 00
Beal & Co, supplies for county 33 26
Yaqulna Bay Lumber Co, lumber for road
district No 6 26 96
Oren Ruperts, oounty aid 80 00
8 A Seits, et al, cost bill State vs. Laura
Bales, $:.85, allowed: 27 35
Newton i Nye, supplies for county 2 00
Toledo Meat Market, meat fi r Owen and
Finley....' 10 95
D W Hewett, work on road on Pioneer
Mountain ; 82 0j
Hart & Wood, lumber for district No. 14,
SC8.75, allowed 83 49
1 J Pepin, hauling lumber for bridge at
P A Miller's 10 60
Geo T Smith, 11 alls nd fuse for road diet.
No 14 2 00
F W Carson, work for district 14.. 7 50
A L McDonald, building bridge, crowder
eto 81 00
Win Sharp, supervisor and claim 26 60
8 C Denny, report as supervisor district
6 and claim, 124.26, allowed 18 25
1 11 Luts, assessing and attending board
of equalisation, 1228, allowed 200 0
Otto O Krogstad, supplies for county 7 26
Henry 8co t, witness fees, 12, continued.
Toledo Livery Stables, hauling lumber
for county. $9, allowed 1 0H
('has Rrndeson, work for county 40 00
Newton & Nye, supplies for district 8,
t 55. not allowed.
A ltosebrook, rare of Lou Hall 24 00
A L McDonald, supplies district 14 60 00
W K Hall, stamps for May and June S 00
Ethel Graves, list of lauds furnished
AsMssor 19 00
T B Butler, supervisor pro tern 15 00
wkmi mM mmrn
M($)l mI IcsiBp'
flof "'" Wkj
Implement NEWTON & NYE Launch SaPPlies
Stoves and Ranges (Successors to E. L. Chattleld) Harness
Cutlery Separators
Gu"s TOLEDO, - - - OREGON Plumbing
J F Byers, rebate of taxi s 6 95
Jas P Wolfe, work on road in district 19.. 42 00
Report of Supervisor district 1 14 00
Matt and Mike Sijota, work on road 42 00
Fogarty & Rowin, work on Newport-Si-letz
road 82 00
Launch for Sale.
See George Hall, Toledo, Oregon.
Four Trains Daily.
Beginning Monday, June 22 the
following train service went into
effect on the line of the C. & E. be
tween Albany and Yaquina :
Daily, Except Sunday
Train No. 1G Train No. 2
Mixed Passenger
Lv. Albany 7:45a.m. 12:40p.m.
Ar. Yaquina 1 : 30 p. m. 5 : 30 p. m.
Train No. 15 Train No. 1
Passenger Mixed
Lv. Yaquina 2:15 p. m. 7:00 a.m.
Ar. Albany 7:00 p.m. 11:55a.m.
Sunday service as follows :
Leave Albany, 7:35 a. m.
Arrive Yaquina, 11:40 a. m.
Leave Yaquina, 6:00 p. m.
Arrive Albany, 11:30 p. m.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. B. Crosno and C. E.
Hawkins, under the name of the
Lincoln County Abstract Company,
is this day disolved by mutual con
sent, Mr. Hawkins retiring from
the Company.
Dated, Toledo, Or., May 29, 1908,
C. B. Crosno,
C. E. Hawkins.
Boots and Shoes repaired
Work Guaranteed
Shop at residence nearCourthonse.
Sealed bids will be received for the following till noon, September 7, 1908.
Mollie 8m!th, et al si swj see 8, nwJi sec 10 T SO, R 10 w, W M 160 Charles H. Smith
Mollie Smith, et al, nw mo 15. T 80, R 14 160 John F. Smith
Martha Johnson, if nej sec 26, T 9, R 9 go . Mildred Solomon
Martha Johnson, nJnw,seo 26, T,R9 80 ' Martha Solomon
Abram Lincoln, Lots 8, 14 and 15 and the Lot west of the river in
neneJiee25,T6,RU 64.04 Abram Lincoln
Louisa 8mlth,wswl4 sec l.nwnwJi sec 13. T 10, K9 80 Louisa 8mlth
William Smith, se seK e 2. nel "0 T 10, R 80 . William Smith
Mary Tom, ni ne and Lot 1 see 21, T 8, R U 89.85 Mary Tem
Susan Marshell, n seVi ne Ka nd Lot t aeo 24, T 8,
R 11 73.30 Susan Marshel
Sealed bids will be received np to 12 o'clock, noon, of the various days upon
which tbey are listed to be opened in above schedule, and must be directed to
Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, fiiletz, Oregon. Envelopes containing suoh
bids should not have noted thereon the deseription of the lands to which the
bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon which the
bid is to be opened. Enclose certified check for at least 25 per cent, of your
bid. Checks should be drawn payable to the order of KNOTT C. EGBERT,
Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz- Agency, Oregon. 1
0. 8. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
April 18, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that Danial A. Barclay
of Tidewater, Oregon, has filed notice ot his in
tentlon to make final Ave jear proof in Bup
port of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No.
10717, made May 24, 1901, for the se4 section 8,
township 14 south, range 10 west, W. M., and
that said proof will be made before Ira Wade,
County Clerk and Clerk of County Court of
Lincoln County, at his office In Tolodo, Oregon
on Thursday, July 16, 1998.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, viz:
Benjamin F. Smith, George N. Barclay. John
Thistle of Tidewater, Oregon; Andrew Kent
ot Waldport, Oregon.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lincoln county. '
Maud E, Monroe, plaintiff,
vs. ,
Martin Monroe, defendant.
To Martin Monroe, the above-named de
feudunt: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintif) in the above
entitled suit now on file In the office of the
Clerk of the above entitled Court, on or before
the last day named or prescribed in the order
of publication ot this summons, made oy the
County Judge of Lincoln county, Oregon
(being the county where the above suit is
pending n the Circuit Court of said County
and State) which said order is hereinafter re
ferred to, to-wlt: on or before six weeks from
the day of the first publication hereof.
And you are hereby notified tna( if you fall
to so appear and answer the said complaint as
herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff
wil". apply to the above entitled Court for the
relief demanded in her said complaint, name
ly: for a decree of said Court,, annulling and
dissolving the marriage contract now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant; that
plaintiff's maiden name. Maud E. Cory, be
restored to her and for such other and further
relief as the nature of the cause may require
and as unto the Ceurt may seem meet.
This summons is published In the Lincoln
County Leapee once a week for six consecu
tive and successive weekly insertions begin.
ning with the Issue of June 26, 1908, and end'
ing with the issue ot August 7, 1908, under and
in pursuance of the directions contained In
an order made by the Hon. B. F. Swope, County
Judge of Lincoln county, Oregon, (being the
county where the abeve entitled suit Is pend
ing in the above entitled Clroult Court.)
Dates this 20th day of June, 1908.
Date ef first publication hereof Is June 26, 1908.
A. W. Laffibty and C. E. Hawkinb,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the ccunty of Lincoln.
In the matter of the estate of S. 8. Walters,
To Myrtle nee Watroue or Walter
and to all other persons, known and unknown,
and claimants, if any such there be, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you nd
each of you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Lincoln, at the
Courtroom thereof at Toledo, In the county of
Lincoln, on Monday, the Srd day of August,
1908, at lo o'clock In the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause. It any exist,
why an order of sale should not be made
authorizing the administrator of said estate
to sell the real estate belonging to said estate
as prayed for In her petition, and which real
estate is described as follows, to-wit:
Be'i of se!4 (ot 4) kectlon 20: se.'i ot neVi.
lot 1, and iwK of ne of section 29, township
8 south, range 10 west, In Oregon, and con
talul' g 147.87 acres.
Witness, the Hon. B. F. Swope, Judge of the
Ceunty Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Lincoln, with the seaiof said Court
affixed, this 20th day ef June, A. D., 1908
seal Attest: Ira Wade, Clerk.
Will practice iu all courts in the
stale. Probate matters and colleo
tinns promptly attended to.
Office in Courthouse, Upstairs,
Fruit Trees, Ornamental
Trees, Shrubs, Etc.
V. C. HARDING, Agent, Toledo, Or
Leave orders at Residence.
Good Rigs and well-broken Saddle Horses.
Special attention given to Traveling Men.
Horses Boarded and given Good Care
City Draying in Connection
Toledo, Oregon
School Books, Stationery
Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Phono
graphs, Musical Instruments,
Garden and Flower Seeds
Mail " Orders given Prompt Attention
Dapple Grey Percheron Stallion,
six years old; weight, 1,700 lbs...
Will make stands weekly as follows:
Monday at Morrison
Tuesday at Eddyville
Wednesday at Chitwood '
Thursday at Toledo
Sat. and Sun. a. m., Siletz
TERMS: $15 to Insure.
DAVID JOHN, Manager.