S SPRING OPENINGS IN CLOTHINQ FOR MEN Snappy staff that it op to the minute In Style and Quality. Aak to sea them. HATS For Men and Boys. Latest shapes LADIES' MEN'S OXFORDS. Latest SHOES J. S. AKIN E. L. CHATFIELD HARDWARE l"nmps and Plumbing, Shingles, Sash and Doors, Universal Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, Buggies and Sporting Goods. TOLEDO, OREGON LEADER WHI 1'E HOUSE L THE INHERITED INDIAN LAND TOR SALE AT SILETZ, OREOON Sealed bldi will be received for the following till noon, Julys, 1908. Mary Johtiion, et si, )i swfc, and wjf tti see 18, 1 17 a. r 11 w Motile Hollls Lot 24 nwj $wi we S3, nej as see t2 1 f . r 10 Nellie M. White, at al ne'4 nwi aae 11, t'4 fw sec 2 1 10, r 9 Nellie M White at al nw4 ne X. eee 11, n ae aae 2 1 10 r KOH-OOMrKTBirr LAUDS John Orton Lota 1, t, 1, aae 20 1 10 V 10 Lncy Jourdan ti n, nwJ4 v t uw aae 22 t 9 r 10 - Sealed bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of the various days upon which they are listed to bo opened in above schedule, and must be directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Riletz, Oregon. Envelopes containing snob bids should not have noted thereon the description of the lauds to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Enclose certified check for at least 25 per cent, of your hid. Checks should be drawn payable to the order of KNOTT C. EGBERT Supt and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon! LINCOLN COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY C. B. CROSNO 4 C. E. HAWKINS Abstractors Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon It is not business to buy real estate with out an abstract of title. We are pre pared to fuinith tame promptly an correctly.' 60 YEARS Trade Makes Trade "MtlO CofVRiaHT4e. wuiiu takan Unman Munn Co. rc nl frM. Oldest UWOT lOf MtonofMHni . nostra social, without chane, la the Scientific American. mti four months, L BoW by I1 tWKlWr, Cava? DRS. ADAMS Dentists Of Lewis Building, 350M Morrison St., POKIXAJNJJ, UK. Our specialty U the painless Oiling erVx eting of taetli. Our MOtto- A Pleased Patient Our Beit 1 Advertiser. M. E. Church Sunday Service. Sunday School at 10 :30 a. m. George Bothers. Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. Class meeting at close of morning service. Junior League at 3 p. m. Proarhlntr at 7 :30 D. 09.' All are cordially invited to worship ix i . ur ' V Pnivaa Paatar. wit h as. ALL LINES DRESS GOODS New shades in Dress Patterns. Laoes and Embroideries. Moslia Underwear, Collars, Belts. Also a New Line of the famous WARNER RUST-PROOF C038ET8. AND CHILDREN'8 8tyle and Grades IN LOW PRICES SHOES Call and we will prove it We haven't time to tell you all about It here. - Come in and see us. Yours With Bargains HENRY LEWIS, Prop. TOLEDO, OREGON. 160 J horn at Johnson 80 80 80 George Beneell Captain White Polly White 72 71 John Orton 80 Lney Jourdan The Weather. Station: Toledo; Month: April, 1908. Mean temperature, 49. Maximum temperature, 83; date, 39th. Minimum temperature. 29. Total precipitation, 7.32 inches Total snow fall, none. Prevailing direction of wind, sw. -Number of cloudless days, 13. Number of partly cloudy days, 13 jn nmrjer or cloudy days, 5 Dates of light frost, 7. Dates of thunder storms, 0 Dates of bail, 0. Dates of sleet. 0. Otto. 0. Krogstad, Observer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land COtce, Portland. Oregon, May 9, 190S. Notice la hereby riven that Omar n.k.rm.n of Faila City, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1007, made homeatead entry No. 1S2J7. for wj u4, neJ4 nw and nw$ se aeetion 7, township 8 soma, range west, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make Dual commu tation proof, to eatabllih claim to the land above desbribed, before the Register and Re ceiver of the U. 8. Und Office, at Portland. Oregon, on the 19th day of June. 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Clark W. Cather. Arthnr J. Mr. rinnnnirh Jamea B McMillan, Andrew J. Splllers, all of Falli City, Oregon. ALaiBHOM 8 Dbiskb, Register, MARK HANNA Black, Shire and Percheron Stallion, weight 1,450 lbs. , Will make the stand at Toledo. TERMS: $10 insure standing colt. Hall & Anderson. Collect Exhibits. The following letter was recived by County Judge Swope and Com missioners Fogarty and Thompson. It is hoped our citizens will assist in the work: "Portland, Or., May 15. "Dear Sir: The Oregon Com mission to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition is glad to inform vou that the Oregon Building, now under construction at Seattle, and will be completed in due time for the coming Exposition, and will be the largest and most complete state building on the grounds. We propose to make a collective exhibit of the state's resources in this building, and it is of the ut most importance that we have a thorough and attractive exhibit from every conty. "You can readly see that we must have your hearty cooperation in this matter, and that the gathering of an exibit must commence at once. We will have to use the crops this year, as the Exposition open the first of June, 1909, too early for next year's crop. Your grasses will soon be ready lOX Harvest mini it id important that you gather them at the proper time. If thay are over-ripe they will not do for exhibition purposes: hencs you see the necessity of acting promptly. We will visit your county some time in June or July and will be glad to assist you in the work, though it will be necessary for you to begin collecting your exhibit be- for we see you. "The expense to your county in collecting such an exhibit will not be large. Get live man to take hold of the work and push it, bear in mind that it is QUALITY, not quantity, that is wanted. After you have gathered your exhibit we will transport it to Seattle, install and maintain it without further expense to your county. We will also place an attendent in charge and will keep in close touch with you during the Fair, so that your county will get all the benifits possible in the way of advertising, etc. "The Commission is also hating a 96-page booklet on the resources of Oregon which will be distributed during the the Expositon. Two pages of this booklet will be devoted to each county. We also intend to show by moveing pictures the farms, orch ards, live-stock, timber .mountains, streams, and everything of interest in each county. We must have your co-oper ation in the gathering of your ex hibit. If we were compelled to buy these exhibit the 6tate would have to double its present appropriation, but with your assistance we hope to car ry out our present plans without asking for any further appropriation. , "Trusting to received an early reply saying you are with us in the work, thanking you in advance for giving this your prompt attention, we are, Yours very truly, W. H. Wehrunq, President." a A vast area of Klamath, Harney, Lake and Malheur counties, com prising some three hundred thous and acres, is to be opened for settle ment. Much capital is behind the enterprise and this project must of necessity attract enormous attention to that great portion of Oregon, which only needs improved trans portation facilities to make it one of the most productive and popular sections of the Northwest, and the rapid settlement of these lands will force the building of the transporta tion lines. The Hood River Commercial club, through its officers, is asking the co operation of the commercial bodies of the state in favoring the establish ment of Hood River. For a barn or scald apply Chamber Iain's Salve. It will allay the pain al most instantly aud quiokly heal the in jured parts. For sale by Otto 0. Krog aud. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWA11E Greatest Assortment of every description ever seen in Lincoln County A Beautiful & SPECTACLES and Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty (Tf rty Year' Experience) H V? DPTPDW j; wa h maker, Jeweler aud Optician l Tftl Pnn - nDcnnM . , Biliousness" and Constipation. For years I whs troubled with bilious ness and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed ma. 1 lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations ami rnhirtii only made matters wosae, I do not know wl. ere 1 should have been todav hail I Uut tried Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tha tablet relieve the ill feeling at once, strengthen ibe di-Rt-sMve functions, purify the stnniHCli. liver and blood, helping the system to doits work naturally.-Mrs. Rns; Potts Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale-by Otto O. Krogstad. To Old Comrades. The seventh Animal Kenitiou of the Association of Veterans of Firt Oregon Cavalry and Infantry Volnuteers will be held in uonjuuetiou with the Stale Eueampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Newport, (Jreg on June 24. 11)08. All Comrades and their families are cordially invited to be present aud par ticipate. Comrade unable to attend will plesae send card or letter to the Adjutant to be read at the meeting, W. M. Hili.kay, , J. T. AprRKBOM, Adjutant. Commander. Don't you want to own a whole brass band, an orchestra and a lot of enchant ing opera singers? All there aud lots of entertainment bettides are included in an Edi-toc or a Victor phonograph. See ibem at Krogxtad's. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land OHce, Roaeburur, Oregon. February !, 190S. Notice is hereby given that In compliance , with the provisions of the act of Congress of 1 June 8, 1878, entitled "An Act fur the sale of timber l,aml in the State of California, Ore-1 gnn, Nevada, and Waxhlngton Territory," as i x. ended to all the Public Land States by act ' of Auvust 4, 1892. Leonldas H. Hawley of Monroe, county of Benton, state of Oregon, Hied in this office on February 2", 19(17. his an nrn statement No. 8933, for the pun-liana of j the ti so'4 section US ami n)4 w of section j St in townnhip 14 s, of range v w. V. M., Ore., and will offer proof to show that the l.ir.d sought is more valuable for Its (linber or stone ; man lor agricultural purposes, ana to enaDltsn his claim to said land before the Register and Recelverof this office, at' Itoseburg, Oregon, an Monday, the 13th day of July, 1900. He names as witnesses : Ratnuel Bowden of Lobster. Oregon; M. P, Rycraft, Alfred Kycraft and Samuel Warfleld of Aiwa, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to Die their claims In this office on or before said 13th day of July, 1908. Rknjamim L. Eddy, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, February 27, 1908. Notice is hereby given, that In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of . Junes, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of j timber Lands in the States of California, Ore- ! gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ' extended to all Publio Lund Hlatea by act of August 4, 1892, William Harvey McBrlile of j Shedd, county ol Linn, atate of Oregon, filed In this office on February 20, 1907, his sworn ! statement No. 8907, for the purchase of the' nwne.enw and neX sw4 of section No, 21, In township No, 15 a, range No. 10 w, W. 1 M.. Ore., and will effnr prooff to show that the I land sought is more valuable for its timber or : stone than for agricultural purposes, and to I establish his claim to said land before the Register and pecelverof this office, at Rose burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 7th day of July, 1908. He names as witnesses. John May of Fisher, Orsfron; C. C. MoBrlile, L. L. MoBrlde and W. F. Oray of Euolid, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described Isnds are requested to file j their claims in this office on or befare said 7tn day of July, 1908. Bimjamim L. Kddt, Register, Wyandottes ft Leghorns. If you want four kinds of full grown pure bred poultry at less than five cents per head, above the market price of scrubby stock, con: suit Caton & Murray. V ( i i ( ; ' (' Line of EYE GLASSES " Sow Reap. Seeding time will l here before we know it. Are you looking up your wants in the seed line? Remenilier, Krogstad the seed man, can supply y ii with mII yon need In this line. AH ..r den seed guaranteed and replaced if notgooi. HERBERT F. JENKINS WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Watches, Jewelry, Repairing Done All Work Gusrauieed NEWPORT, OREOON. ATTORNKYS-AT-LAV IT. S. Land Offloe Business a Specialty. Twenty yeara' experience befoj tn Local and the General Land Office and the Interior Department' at Washington, D. C. Rooms 506 507 . , , Columbia Building Portland, Or. I' ' THE I BONBONIERE GEORGE A. HAI L, Proprietor Choice Confections Summer Drinks lea Cream Fralta, Nut Tobaccos, Clgara Stationery BONBONIERE ANNEX . Two Doors South POOL, BILLIARD and CARD TABLES BOWLINO ALLEY A Qiilst, Orderly Place to Play TOLEDO, OREGON CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. TRAINS FROM AND TO YAQUINA No. l fieaves Yaqnina 8:4f a u. Leaves Toledo 7:1(1 a m Arrive at I'orviilUa U:A9 a m Arrlvesat Albany. ..v 11:68 a m No. 2 Leaves Albauy ..Wigs p m Leaves Corvallls l:4tpm Arrives- .Toledo t:4il p m Arrives at Yaqnina 6:16 p m TRAIN'S TO AND FR M DETROIT. No. 8 Leaves Albauy 7:80 a ra Arrives at Detroit 12:30 pm No. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p m Arrives at Albauy 5:56 p m TRAINS FOR CORVALLIS No. 8 Leaves Albauy 7:66 a m Arrive at CorvallW 8:86 a m No. 10 Leaves Albany 8:6a p m Arrives at Curva'lU 4:36 p m No. -Leaves Albauy 7:46 p m Arrives at CorvallU .... 8:26 p m TRAINS FOR ALBANY Ro. 5 Leave Corvallls 6:80 a m Arrives at Albany 7:10 a m No. 9-Leave Corvallls ... 2:16 p m Arrive at Albany , 2:66 P m No, 7 leaves Corvallls ..8:00 p m Arrives at Albany f 'iaP m RKUULAR SUNDAY TKAIN8 No. 11-Leaves Corvallls ... 11:16a in Arrives at Albany..... .11:68 pm No 12-Leaves Albany 12-86 p m Arrlvt Corvallls 1-18 p m A ot tha alwvs eonnaot with Routhera Paaltle company trains, both at Albany aud Corvallls, as well aa train for Detroit, giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beach es as well as Rrettenbnsh Hot Springs. For further Information apply to WM. HcMURRAY, tien. Paas Agt Portland, Or. W. R. PETERSON. Agent. ToUd COWING COWING