Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 22, 1908, Image 1

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    HIT M,t.fttiiW jik4J.',1i,wvf i
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, May 22. 190S.
Number I3
U. S. Senator H. M. CAKE
Congressman W. C. HAWLEY
Supreme Judge R. S. BEAN
Dairy and Food Commissioner
Railroad Commissioner
Prosecuting Attorney
Joint Senatory-W. N. BARRETT
Joint Representative B. F. JONES
Sheriff J. H. ROSS
Clerk IRA WADE '
Commissioner JOHN KENTTA
Treasurer G. B. McCLUSKEY
School Supt.R. P. GOLT
Assessor W. E. BALL
Coroner F. M. CARTER
Justice of the Peace
Constable G. L. McCAULOU.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself as an
Independent candidate for the
office of Coroner of Lincoln county,
eubject to the will of the voters at
the General election June'l.
R. D. Burgess.
Ordination to the Priesthood.
The Rev. Francis Owen Jones,
formerly in charge of St. John's
Church, this city, will be advanced
t i the Priesthood, on the fifth Sun
day after Easter, May 24, at the
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the
Martyr, 13th and Clay Sts., Port
land. The candidate will be presented
by the Rev. II. M. Ramsey, M. A.,
and the sermon will be preached by
the Rt. Rev. Henry Dmglas Robin
son, D,. D., Bishop of Nevada, and
Holy Orders will be conferred by
the Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, D.
D., Bishop of Oregon.
A most cordial invitation is ex
tended to the people of Toledo to be
present at the service. The service
will commence at 11 a. m.
W. N. Barrett of Hillsboro, Re
publican nominee for Joint Senator
for Washington, Yamhill Lincoln
and Tillamook counties, was a To
ledo visitor yesterday.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received on" or before
June 10, 1908 by the board of School
Directors, Dist. No. 2, for furnish
ing 20 cords of hard wood, vine
maple, crabapple or cherry, and 2
cords of fir, to be delivered at the
, school house before August 15, 1908.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 21st
day of May 1908.
G. B. McCluskey, Clerk.
Launch for Sale.
See George Hall, Toledo, Oregon.
Wanted Farm Land.
Will pay cash for land near Agen
cy, lower farm,, or anywhere from
mouth of Siletz river to Agency.
Also near mouth of Salmon river.
Address Ralph Ackley
603 Corbett B'ld. Portland, Or.
An Edison Home Phonograph
With 30 inch Brass Horn
With 18 Inch Bell.
This grand talking machine will
be given away, absolutely free. If
you are interested ask
at the Bonboniere Pool and- Billiard
Toledo Development League.
The regular meeting of the To
ledo Development League will be
held at the city hall on Tuesday
evening, May 26. Let every citizen
of our town who has any in her
future be present as business of im
portance to you all will come before
the meeting. Our executive com
mittee will announce the various
committees for the 4th of July cele
bration. To make a grand success
requires a united effort. What are
we doing for the High School? Be
there sure. C. B. Crosno,
John Fogarty came up from New
port yesterday morning.
Memorial services will be held at
the cemetery Decoration Day.
G. S. Parmele of Kernville was
a county seat visitor this week.
Memorial services will be held at
the M. E. church Sunday May 24.
Walter Hall of Siletz was a
passenger for Portland Tuesday
John Kennta, Republican candi
date for Commissioner, was in town
Mrs. B. F. Swope and children
went to Woodburn Saturday for a
j short visit.
j Bom Tuesday, May 19, to Mr.
and Mrs. George Hamar in this
city, a boy.
I School Superintendent George
. Bothers went to Portland Wednes
j day morning.
i The launch Toledo took a crowd
j down to see the fleet early Wednes
! day morning.
J Miss Fleming, one of our teachers,
went down the bay on Wednesday
evening's train.
B. F. Hahn, Deputy Collector of
Customs at Yaquina, had business
! in the city Sunday.
i m in . ijuuo ui iiic.ji.ik iiy ijum-
ber Company was in Corvallis on
business Monday and Tuesday.
Associate Editor Fern. Hayden
made a quick trip to Albany, Oregon
City and Portland Saturday, re
turning Tuesday evening. I
Frank L. Buker, Chairman of
the Republican County Central
Committee, of Waldport, stopped
off over Sunday here, on his return
from the State Convention.
A large crowd of Yaquina people
attended the dance here last Satur
day night. They came up on A.
M. Smith's launch. Conductor
and Mrs. Wm. Hoeflein remained
here until Sunday evening before
returning home. t
Col. Robert A. Miller of Portland
delivered an interesting address at
Woodmen Hall Wednesday night.
His talk was upon the early pioneers
of Oregon and their influence upon
the present populace. We have not
space or would give a more detailed
account of his interesting talk.
The Newport Commercial Club
gave a ball Tuesday night, the .pro
ceeds of which will be used to help
pay Newport's $300 of the $1000
Lincoln county will expend for ad
vertising with the Sunset Magazine
Company. The large crowd in at
tendance was shown a good time as
the management of the dance had
promised. Ninty-five tickets were
sold. The proceeds amounted to
about $135. Toledo was liberally
represented at the dance. The
launches Traveler and Oregon took
crowds and many went down on
the train. Rosebrook's orchestra'
furnished the music.
The Fleet.
The battleship fleet passed off
Yaquina bay Wednesday morning
at 5 o'clock, on its way from San
Francisco to Puget Sound. Hund
reds of people from the Valley came
down over the C. & E. railroad to
view them, but as the fleet in pas
sing this port was twenty or " thirty
miles off shore the only thing visible
was the smoke from the ships.
This was a great disappointment to
the people of Oregon as it was
promised that the fleet would come
in close at the entrance to this bay
and stop, or at least run under
slow bell, and give the people an
opportunity to see them.
The Newport Launched.
The new steamltoat Newport was
launched from the ways at Yaquina
Wednesday evening at 4 o'clock.
The new boat will take the place of
the T. M. Richardson on the run
ljetween Yaquina and Newport.
The Richardson has been on this
run for years, but will be allowed
to retire from active service on ac
count of old age, The boiler will
be taken out of the Richardson and
placed in the new lxiat. The New
port will be a stronger, speedier lxiat
and the traveling public will wel
come the change.
Several Toledo and' Newport
people were present to witness the
Have you town property, dairy or
fruit farm for sale? See or write,
George Betiiers,
Toledo, Oregon.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of Charles Graff and Miss
Matilda Rache at Montavilla June 2.
Both of the contracting parties are
well known in Lincoln county.
Rolla Gaar and Marion Sturde-
vant departed Sunday evening for
Nehalem, where they will work in a
sawmill. Rolla will take his old
job he had there last summer.
Waldport Items.
During the part week Prof. R. P.
Goin has been conducting- examin
ations of those pupils who are to
enter the ninth grade next year.
Dave Gay, who formerly resided
at Yaquina, has located at Wald
port and will engage in the fishing
business as soon as the season opens.
The Waldport Lumber Company
has a crew of men under the direc
tion 'of James Kent engaged in
building a skid road through the
Ruble pasture for the purpose of
logging the timber on the Glines
J. H. Glines has purchased two
lots from the C. J. Smith Realty
Company and will erect a suitable
building to be used for his crabbing
business. The lots are on the
water front and very suitable for the
Last week Ora Lyndon completed
his launch and for the last few days
he has been testing it on the bay.
He has found things all satisfactory
and will use his launch between his
home on Drift Creek and the Wald
port market.
Waldport citizens turned out en
masse this morning for the purpose
of getting a view of the battleships.
They built a big fire out on the
point and shortly after dawn dis
covered the fleet moving rapidly
northward headed for the Columbia
river. Nothing but the smoke was
visible above the horizon and it was
estimated the Bhips were anywhere
from sixteen to forty miles off shore.
Elia May Destroyed.
Scarth- and Altree's gasoline
launch Ella May was completely
destroyed by fire last Monday night,
while on the ways at Altree's saw
mill near Toledo. Workmen were
just putting on the finishing touches
to improvements and repairs pre
paratory to launching her on high
tide alxjut midnight, when at ten
o'clock an explosion occured and
soon the flames, fed by about sixty
galons of gasoline, spread over the
entire boat, and in less than an
hour was burned to the ground.
Captain Nost, who was one of
the workmen, had just climbed
aboard and started down into the
cabin when the explosion came.
He was seriously burned about the
face and hands. Dr. McMurdo,
who had arrived, dressed the wounds
No "thors were hurt.
The Ella May was the largest
and finest launch on this Bay. She
was built at the Altree Mill and
launched last spring. She was of a
15 ton register and could comfort
ably carry 100 passengers. Messrs.
Scarth and Altree are very heavy
loosers by the destruction of
this launch. The loss is heavier
just now as it is at the Ix'gining of
the season's work, when her own
ers expected to reap some returns
for their investment.
The Ella May was to have been
launched at midnight Monday night
and was chartered to take Toledo
people to Newport to witness the
passing of the fleet the following
Immediately after the first explo
sion on the boat the workmen at
j the sawmill started blowing the fire
whistle, then the fire bell soon had
j every man in town running to the
mill. But they were powerless to
act as the reserve tank, containing
sixty gallons of gasolene, was yet on
the boat and it was feared the ex
ploding of this might kill some of
Toledo feels the loss of this boat
as it was the only large boat here,
and will now. have to again depend
on the numerous jsniall launches
for their excursions, towing, etc, on
the river.
- .
For Sale.
Rake and McCormick mower,
new separator, capacity 4G0 lbs.
per hour, wagon, plows, etc; 1 good
j work horse 1 yoke cattle, and all
I kinds farming tools. ' Will have 10
1 ?1 1 y i
gooa mncn cows ior sale next tall,
will be fresli in January and Febru
ary, tall at ranch near Storrs.
Anton Kizwsli.
(Old Sam. Logan Place.)
Miss Clara Molver returned to
her home at Albany Saturday.
Mrs. J. S. Akin and daughter,
Iris, visited at Yaquina and New
porjt Tuesday.
Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth came over
from Albany Tuesday for a visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T.
II. Horning.
Higbest market price paid for Butterfat. We guarantee a Square
Deal to Everybody.
Socialist County Ticket.
At their convention held in To
ledo on April the 10th the Socia
list party nominated the following
county ticket:
For Sheriff. J. R. Walker of Bea- .
ver Creek.
For Clerk. Geo.. S. Wright of
Pool Slough.
For Treasurer, A. W. Rogers of
For Assessor, II. W. Jacobs of
For Commissioner, II. II. Cook
of Boa ver creek.
For Superintendent of Schools,
A. H. May hall of Fruitvale.
For Surveyor, Geo. 4 II. Kemble
of Elk City.
For Coronor, A. T. McClaughry
of Toledo.
For Senator, J. C. Cooper of Yam
lull IXIUllt .
For Congress, 1st District, W. S.
Richards of Albany.
For Supreme Judge, C. C. Iirix
of Crook county.
For Dairy and Food Commission-,
cr, A. G. Simola of Multnomah Co.
For Rail Road Commissioner, 1st
Dist., Harlan Talbert of Linn Co.
Joint Representative for Lincoln
and Polk counties, G. F. Luckey
Polk county.
To Republican Voters.
An overwhelming majority of
Oregon's voters by registration have
formally declared that they believe
in the principles' of the Republican
Party. Let them now show that
they are honest by voting in ac
cordance with their declarations.
The Oregon election comes liefore
the Republican National Conven
tion. Let eve'ry Republican voter
in the First Congressional District
uphold the honor of the Republican
Party in Oregon and strengthen the
influence of Oregon's delegation in
the National Convention by voting
for H. M. Cake for United States
Senator and W. C. llawlcy for
Representative in Congress. If
either of these Republican nominees
fail of election the primary election
system will lie discredited and a re
turn of lxiss rule will be invited.
The good name of Oregon's voters
will be smirched and Oregon's
delegation to the National Conven- '
tion will be placed in a humiliating
position. For the effect it will
have on the November election it is
imperative that the Republican
nominees in the June election shall
be elected by an overwhelming .ma
jority. As a believer in the princi
pals of the Republican Party it is
your duty to be at the polls June
1st, and vote for Cake and Hawley.
Shed Rosebrook returned to Port
land Saturday,
Ted McElwain was a passenger
for Nortons Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Scarth went to Port
land Wednesday morning.
A. T. Peterson made a business
trip to Portland Saturday returning