Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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if (7. r'i., ,
Volume XY1.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Friday, May 15. 190$.
Number 12
U. S. Senator H. M. CAKE
Congressman V. C. HAWLEY
Supreme Judge R. S. BEAN
Dairy and Food Commissioner
Railroad Commissioner
Prosecuting Attorney
Joint Senator W. N. BARRETT
Joint Representative B. F. JONES
Sheriff J. II. ROSS
Commissioner JOHN KENTTA
Treasurer G. B. McCLUSKEY
School SupL. R. P. GOIN
Assessor V. E. BALL
Coroner F. M. CARTER ,
Justice of the Peace
Constable G. L. McCAULOU.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself as an
Independent candidate for the
office of Coroner of Lincoln county,
subject to the will of the voters at
the General election June 1 .
R. D. Buhgess.
- i
I will have my stock of millinery
and Ladies' furnishings in Wald
port on and after April 17. Miss
Clara Graff will be in charge. You
are cordially invited to call.
Mrs. M. Wyoast.
U. 8. Land Office, Rosebnrtr, Oregon
March 5, VMS.
Notice Is hereby Riven, thnt in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of
timber Lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ," as
extended to all Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Minnie A. Fox of 469 East Ash
St. Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, filed In this office on March 1, 1907, her
sworn statement No. 8955, for the purchase of
the sw neJi. s' nw'i, nw)4 nwli of section
No. 27 in township No. 14 south of rangn No. 11
west W. M. Ore., and r ill offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish her claim to said land before
'he Register and Receiver of this otttce, at
'toseburg, Oregon, on Monday, the 20th day of
July, 1908.
She names as witnesses:
James P. Wolfe. J. J! Wolfe, Joseph T. Proctor
snd James Proctor all of Ocean View, Oregon.
Any ana all person claiming adversely the
sbove described lands are reqnuxted to tile
t eir claims in this office on or before -aid 20th
d ly of July, 19(i8,
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register
U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon.
May 9. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Arthur J. Mo
l'otinngh, of Falls City, Oregon, who, on April
12 1907, made homestead entry No. 1S228, fur
Lots 2 and 3, se1 nwV and n ei of section
7, township 8 south, range 9 west, has died
notice of intention to make final commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, before the Register and Receiver of
the U. 8. Land OHIce, at Portland, Oregon, on
on the 19th day of June, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Clark W.Cather, James B. McMillan, Andrew
J. Spiders, Omar Ockermsn all of Falls City,
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
U. 8. Land Office. Koxeburg Oregon. ,
March a, 1908.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, emitted "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Suites by act
of August 4, 1902, Albert V. Chamberlain of
Coenr d Alene, county of Kootenai, state of
hlii ho, baa this day filed In this office his
sworn statement No. 8946, for the purchase of
the Lots 1,2 and 8 of section 2 in towns'nlp 15
s, of range 9 w, W. M., and se'i se! of section
:5. township 14 s, range 9 w, W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim t.i said land before the Register and
Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 10th day of July, 1908.
He n ii mesas witnesses:
Seymour W. Purdy, Jesse T. Purdy, Judson
II. Van Keuren of Cataldo, Idaho; Thomas
Taylor of Box, Oregon.
Any and all persons olaimlng adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims la thlsofllce on or before said loth
day of July, 1908.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
Dr. Minthorn was up from New
port Wednesday.
S. M. Briggs of Winant was in
the city Wednesday.
C. L. Chatterton of Newport was
in Toledo Wednesday.
Frank Hyde was down from
Eddyville last Friday.
Attorney Middlekauff was up
from Yaquina Monday.
Frank Thompson returned to
his home near Salado Saturday.
Clarence Ofstedahl has been as
sisting in Lewis' 6tore this week.
A. W. Weber of Beaver Ceek was
a county seat visitor the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leese came
over from Corvallis Wednesday
K. L. Weatherford and family
were over from Siletz the first of
the week.
E. L. Chatfield and R. S. Van
Cleve display new ads in this issue.
Read them.
James McDonald of Chitwood at
tended Masonic lodge in Toledo
Monday night.
E. J. Avery went to Portland
Saturday morning, returning home
Wednesday evening.
G. S. Parmele of Kernville passed
through to Dallas Monday morning,
returning Wednesday evening.
Miss Rena Bradeson returned
Wednesday evening to Newport
after a, visit with folks at home.
Si CopTland after a short visit
With his brother Clark, returned to
. his home at Salado Saturday morn
Surveyor M. Wygant passed
; through to Newport Saturday even
i ing. He has been surveying up the
John Spencer and family returned
Monday evening from a visit to
Portland, Salem and other Valley
Miss Josephine McClaughry re
turned home Monday evening after
an absence of several months in the
Valley. .
John Hyde passed through on
yesterday morning's train enroute
from Waldport to his home at
' Supt. Bethers, Prof. Wilson and
j Woods and Miss Fleming attended
the teachers' meeting at Waldport
last Saturday. .
Mike Mackey returned home
Monday evening from an absence of
several weeks in Kalamazoo or
some other place.
Launch whistle outfits to meet
the requirements of the law. Oils,
waste and launch supplies of all
kinds, at Chatfield 's Hardware.
The Rev. R. Gwynn of the pres
byterian church, at Waldport, will
preach the Memorial Day sermon
at Waldport on Sunday, May 24th,
all are invited.
Ben Jones came in from Inde
pendence Monday evening: and has
been acting as attorney for several
homesteaders who have been con
tested by the goverfnent and are
having their hearing before County
Clerk Wade this week.
F. L. Buker of Waldport and R.
A. Bensell of Newport, delegates to
the Republican State and Congres
sional convention, passed through
Wednesday morning. F. A. God
win of Nashville, third member of
the delegation, joined them at Nash
Waldport Items.
Mr. Frank L. Buker, Chairman
of the Republican County Central
Committee left Tuesday to attend
the State and Congressional Con
ventions to be held at Portland,
May 14th.
The Spring term of the Waldport
school closed last Friday. A very
interesting entertainment was given
by the pupils.
. The teacher's institute conducted
by Superintendent Bethers last
Saturday was well attended. We
noted the presence of several Toledo
teachers. '
At a meeting of the Waldport
Marine Band last Monday evening
a revised Constitution and By-Laws
was adopted and the new. officers
elected. Mr. W. F. Keady was
elected President; Roy McMillan
Vice President; R. P. Goin, Secre
tary and L. V. Colvin, Treasurer.
The schooner Condor finished un
loading a cargo of machinery and
merchandise for the Waldport Lum
ber Company Monday and took on
an outward cargo and sailed Tues
day. The Company has cruisers
and surveyors in their various tracts
of timber and nre preparing for
active work this summer.
Waldport now lias a full fledged
Commercial Club organized to fos
ter the commercial interests of
Waldport, and the surrounding
country. It has the support of all
enterprising citizens and has joine'd
hands with similar organizations in
boosting Lincoln County. Already
it has contributed its share toward
the advertising plans recently adop
ted at Newport. ' ,
, Launch for Sale. .
See George Hall, Toledo, Oregon.
For Sale.
15 acre ranch quarter of a mile
from town. Enquire,
John Carlson, Toledo.
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the County
Court of Lincoln county for making
a fill on Schooner Creek road at
Joseph Sijota's place, said fill to be
six feet high, ten feet on top and
twenty -two feet wide at the base,
work to be paid for by the cubic
yard, and the said fill is to com
mence at flood gate and extend east
on said road to the bluff. The said
bids are to be opened, on the first
day of the July 1908 term of the
County Court. The Court reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, May 12,
1908. By order of the Court.
Ira Wade. County Clerk.
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the County
Court of Lincoln county, Oregon,
for furnishing Lincoln county
twenty-five cords of good heating
stove hard wood and five cords of
good fir wood, the same to bo de
livered ai the courthouse woodshed.
Said bida are to be opened on the
first day of the July 1908 term of
the County Court. The Court re
serves the right to reject any and all
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, May 12,
1908. By order of the Court.
Mr. and Mrs. L! II . Payne moved
from Kernville to'Toledo this week
where they will make .their future
home. ,
Henry Lewis went to Portland 1 Socialist County Ticket.
Tuesday morning. i At their convention held in To-
J. C. Robertson was up from on April the 10th the Sofia
Newport Tuesday. lit party nominated the following
Commissioner Fogarty returned t,ounty ticket:
to Newport Saturday. 1 For Sheriff. J. R. Walker of Bea-
If you have real estate to buy or V" Crc ,
list see George Bethers. ! For Clcrk- (ieo' S- WriSht of
A. B.Clark of the News-Reporter . w
was up from Newport Tuesday. ' rnF4r Tf "uror. A- 'rs of
C .II BradslKlwofNewp()rt was For Assessor, II. W. Jacobs of
in the city the first of the week. j Harlan
Dr. Humlicrstone, the dentist, j For Commissioner, II. II. Cook
went to Newport Tuesday evening. 0f Beaver creek.
George Hoeflem and A. M. Col-; For Superintendent of Schools,
lins Mere at Siletz Monday and A. H. Mayhall of Fruitvale.
Tuesday. J For Surveyor, Geo., II. Kemble
Postmaster Frank Lane 'of New- of Elk City,
port was in the city on business For Coronor, A. T. McClaughry
Wednesday. 4 of Toledo.
M. W. Randall and W. E. Ran-! Fur Senator, J. C. Cooper of Yam
dall of Elk City were in the county ,liU county.
seat Tuesday. ! For Congress, 1st District, W. S.
Matt Sijota and Andrew Wis- Ric,mrds "f Allwny.
niewski w.-re un from k'nmvill.. tl, For Supreme Judge, C. C. Biix
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Sherwood
left this morning fur their home
stead over in the Siletz country.
Miss Faith Stewart taught in
the intermediate room Monday and Polk counties, G. F. Luckey of
during the absence of Miss Fleming. (,; county.
Mayor and Mrs. R. A. Arnold Indians to War on "Firewater"
gave a launch party last Sunday to Recognizing that "firewater" is
a number of their friends. They the worst foe of the redmcn, the
went up the bay as far as Elk City, subject of temperance has been
The day was ideal and a moBt en- taken up very strongly at the camp
joyable time was has. . i meetings now being held upon the
Mrs. S. W. Rosebrook arrived reservation ' and incidentally the
from Portland Saturday evening for Indians are being lined up to vote
a visit with her parents, Mr. and f'r prohibition at tho coming elec
Mrs. O. 0. Krogstad. Mr. Rose- tion.
brook arrived Wednesday evening Since the campmeeting com
and will return to Portland tomor- nienced numerous meetings of the
row morning. Indian temperance society have
The big fleet according to sched- l,eun llcld alld mmy. new members
ule will leave San Francisco on cnrulled- Last night a session was
the ISth and will be off Yaquina iel,i laHtin8 UIltil 1 'clock in thtf
Bay the 19 or 20. The fleet will morning. . "
stop off the entrance to this Bay to Nof ony are tlic In,liiins urged to
give the many thousands of people ain from the use of intoxicants,
who will be here an opportunity to ,,ut tho8e in char8e are working to
see the big scrappers no'P tn0 movement for making
w t? ' T7ii t , tll(J cliy und county dry. East
W. F. PJbert, a former citizen of oRron;.m
this county but for the past fe
years of Augusta, Wisconsin, lias There is something of pathos in
been in Toledo this week defending the farewell of Admiral Evans t;
his claim to his homestead on the his fleet. A brave man's adieu to
Siletz, in which the government has his life work as ho stands upon its
contested. Mr. Elbert declares his farther verge, disabled by the con
intention of permancnt'y residing in ditions that time and hardship have
Oregon in the future. early imposed upon his physical
Several government contest cases frame, is in the very nature of
arc being heard before County Clerk tllings sad. Yet witli the record of
Ira Wade this week. W. II. ln8 years of faithful service behind
Homes of Salem is attorney for hilu' 118 iu t,lis indtance, rounding
Earnest A. O'Niell, Alfred M. out in the plaudits of the Nation
Slump and Isabelle Riddle, and B. that from boyhood he has served,
F. Jones of Independence appeared the feeling of satisfaction and of
for William Schroeder, Birt Fred- gratified ambition has a power to
rick and William F. Elbert, "oothe the sadness of farewell and
Charles O. Pollard is attorney for insure happiness to the years of life
the government. Miss Ethel Ross t,,at remain. With health restored
is taking, testimony on typewriter, and in this genial afterglow of ser
Thn roviviil TrmotinnM or. in f V1.
, , .... ' '
church arc growing m interest. Dr.
Feese has preached some as strong
and practical sermons and in as Wanted Farm Land,
earnest and eloquent manner as I wm pi)y cnJjh fof ,unj ncnr A
have ever heard. Meetings ovciy luW(sr farni or hef0 f
evening (including Saturday even- ,n()Uth ()f gilctj river. to Agency,
ing) and all day Sunday. Men's Also near mouth of Salmon river,
meeting, for men only, including Address Ralhi.Ackley
boys over 12 years of age, will be m Corl)ctt nd Portllind 0r
held in Hoodmen Hall, at 3 p. m.
Sunday. Topic: "Hunting for a' Before buying hardware or im
Man." To all these other services plements of any kind,' let : me 'give
cverylwdy invited. Don't miss you prices on what you need; Vis I
this grand opportunity that you
have now to hear the gospel ably
presented. Rev. Rogers.
of Crook county.
For Dairy and Food Commission
er, A. G. Simola of Multnomah Co.
For Rail Road Commissioner, 1st
Dist., Harlan Talbert of Linn Co.
T.'A-M . T. 1
joini nepresemauvo lor uncolii
vice may brave Bob" Evans live
yet many years in serenity and con-
' . . . J
U llLlllLIl I. V-MUgOUKin .
deal exclusively in hardware of all
kinds and always carry a full stock,
' E. L. Chatfield, Toledo, Or. '