M. E. Church Sunday Services. Suuday School at 10 :30 a. m. George Bethers, Superintendent. PreNching at 11 a. in. Class meeting at cloee of nioriiiiiK service. Junior League at 3 p. m. 1'rettcliiiig at 7 :30 p. m. All are cordially invited lo worship with us. W. E. Rooers, Pastor. NOTICK TOK PUBLICATION U. S. Land Offlee, Portland, Oregon, February 29,1908. Noi lee is b,erebjr given that Edgar Qulgley of Siletr.Tlregon, hat Med notice of his Inten tion to make final commutation proof in sup lortof bis claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 16!5fi, made Jan. 29, 1917, for the northeast quarter of Miction 31, township S , ranire 9 w, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on April 14, 1908. v He names the following witnesses to prove his eonliuuaus residence upon, and cultiva tion of, the land, vis: - Albln Mueller, A. IV. Morgan, 9. L. Blrattou and A. C. Crawford all of Sllctz, Oregon. Alukknom 8. Dresser. Register. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT In the County Couit or the Suite of Oregon for Linculn county. In the matter of the estate of John P. Crultei Notice l hereby given that the undersigned has ' cen dnly appointed administrator of the eMHie of Juhu P. Coulter, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are herchy nutifled to present same to me, properly perilled, within six months ol the date of this notice, as required by law, at my residence at Nashville, Oregon. Dated at Toledo, Or., April 2, 1908. . F. A. Godwin, Administrator ol the estate of John P. Coulter . deceased. NOTICK KOIl PUBLICATION. (T. 8. Land Ottlce, Roseburg, Oregniu. January 18, 1908 Notice is hereby given that In compliance wllhtheprovli.loiii.nl the act of Congress of Junes. 1K7S, entitled "An act for the role ol limber lauds In the States of California, Ore gnu, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, 1892, Anna Weiss of Kosebnrg, county of Douxln, state ol Oregon, has this day filed in this office her nworn statement No. H6t9, for t lie purchase of the lxjta 1:1, 14, 19 and iOof section No. 5, township No. 14 south of range No. U west, W. M and will offer proof to show that the land sought N more .iiluable for its timber or stone titan for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim lo said land before tho Register anil Receiver at this office al KnseburK. Oreron, on Wednesday, the letdiiy of April, !i08.' She names as w ilnessos: Coe I. Lea-en good. II. Kmkentierger George Turner aud Anna Weick all of Roseburg, Oregon Any and all person claiming nilvei-sely the above lands are requested lo tile tlielr claims in this office on or before said 1st day o( April, 19118. not coat tanii. llmjAiim L. Eddy, Register. NOTICK KOK 1'L'BLICATfOS. V. 8. Land Ofllco, Portland, Oregon. March 7. IU08. Notice Is hereby given that Louts N. Fletc her .of Keruvllle, Oregon, ha filed notice of his intention to make final three year (Slletz) proof In support of his claim, vis: Home stead entry No. 1S68. made April 22, 1906, for the It 7, of section 20, Lot 8 of section W and Lot 1 of section DO, township 8 a, ranire 10 w, and that said proof will be made before the' County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, "t)regou.on April 21. Hog, He names the following witnesses to prove I. is continuous residence npon, and cultiva tion of, tho tend, via: William Scott. John B, Lloyd, George K l.yiionu I Loo 1. Wood ol Keruvllle, Oregon. Algernon 8. Dbkssib, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LTH. Und Office, Portland, Oregon March 7, 1!K)8. Nolle,, is hereby lven that William M.Scott of Kenivil:, Oregon, has Hied notice of his lnt-nll..u -to make IIiimI three year (Silets) p iM.fln support of his claim, vis: Home' strad entry No. IK:), made April 20, 1901. for the l.ntfioreotioii J0andI.ot 2 of Mectloii 29 township ga. tanirolOw, and that mid proof lll le made before the Clerk of Lincolu county at lo'edo, Oregon on April 21, 19118. He m.ines the following wt.,.BMi l0 ,,rov0 his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of. Hie 1h.ii I, vis. LonU Fletcher. J. 8 Lloyd, J. W. Slrauser. Maiy Amleimin of Keruvllle, Oregon. Aluminum 8 Drkiwick. Register. N'TIUE FOR PUBLICATION -Isolated Tract. Pul lie Laud Sale. I'. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Maroh 9, 1908. Notio 'is hereby (tlven that, as directed by the( oiiiinlfslonernf the General Land Office, under the provisions of tho act of Conirres approved June 27, 1908. (Al 8tat 617), we ill offer at public sale to the highext Wilder, at tto'eloeli a. m., on the 18th day of April, 1908, next.ltl this office, the following tract of land: Nw''of nw'i of Kectloii 16, towiMhlp 11 s. range 10 west. Any persons claiming adversely the a'mve described land' are idvied to file their claims or objections oiw.r before the time desixated for mile. A'-girnom 8. Iikkwrr, Register. (iso. W. limits, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Und Office at Portland, Or., March 1, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Nesuiltn R. Dale of Bilets, Oregon, has filed notice of his In teution to make final commutation proof In support or hla claim, vis: Homestead entry No. 16179. made Feb. 20, 1907, for the nw4 of section 9. townshln a. nnn a a, .l-. - - - " , ,uu aid proof will be mad before the Bexlster aim neceivrr ai rortiana, Oregon, on April 1908. He names the following witnesaee te prove hlseontlnuone resldeno open, and cultivation f, the laad, vis: Otto Byerley of Rooca, Or. j Carl Davis, h. I. Richard, Edwin T. Clark of Bilets, Oregon. . . ; AutaBMoir 8. Datsaia, Roglst A JUBILEE JOKE. Lady Churchill Buatla That Played ' "God Save the Quean, Everything that year (Queen Victo ria's Jubilee year! was dubbed "jubl iee," from knights aud babies to hats aud coats. -God Save the Queen" was heard ad nauseam on every conceiva ble occasion until the tune became an obsession. This led to a practical Joke at the castle which caused much amusement One morning, speaking of the Jubilee craze. I pretended that 1 had received as an advertisement a "Jubilee bustle," which would play "God Save the Qtieeu" when the wear- er sat down This of course, created j much curiosity and laughter. Having ( l"u,mn lu l,ul l"u,k into my confidence. An uld-de-caiup was pressed Into the service and armed with n small musical box was made to hide under a particular armchair. While the company was at luncheon I 41.. t I I I retired to don the so called "Jubilee wonder," and when they were all as sembled I marched in solemnly and slowly sat down on the armchair where the poor aid-de-camp was hldlug his cramped limbs.- To the delight and astonishment of every one the national anthem was heard gently tinkling forth.' Every time I rose it stopimd; every time I sat down it began again. I still laugh when I think of it aud of the astonished faces about trie. "Rem iniscences of Lady Randolph Church Ill" lu Century. A GREAT STATESMAN. Humorous Incident- of GlaHanne'e Rl. valry With Disraeli. An anecdote of Gladstone at the time of his greatest rivalry with Disraeli Is orteu retold. At a dinner party tne subject of Judaism cropped up. "Admitted." said Gladstone, "that. the Hebrews have given the world a I philosopher In Spluozu, musicians In. Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer, a poet in Heine, the fact remains that they have not produced a single statesman." There was silence for a moment. Ev- ery one knew of course that this was a direct allusion to Disraeli. Theu one of the company stepped Into the breach.. , .( "Mr. Gladstone." he said, "ns a mat ter nf fnnf tho TTohrowu Viava nrrwlnnorl a statesman and oue or the greatest allav8 the lmiu of K burn almPbt '" the world hns seen." v ' ' j "'autly, and unless the injury is very The flghtlug instinct of Mr. Glad- severe, liouls the parts w't.hout leaving stone surged up at once. "May I ask, ' a scar. Price, 25 cent. For sale by sir," be said pointedly, "who was this Hebrew statesman?" Every one, anticipating a' more than lively scene, waited In tense expecta tion for the answer. It came in the' quietest tones, "Moses, sir." Every noon, April fl, 1908, at, the City Re one smiled, and Mr. Gladstone Joined ' corder's office for leuairino- the citv In the laugh. Vienna Welt A Jewel Beyond Price. Mnnv vpnrn nttn n Ynrtrocrfnn ivas taken to a big London hospital suffer- Ing from an Illness which prevented SIivFred- erlck Treves operated upon him and completely cured blm of his trouble. Some weeks afterward the man called upon Sir Frederick at his private bouse, and. much to his surprise, presented him with a coin. At first Sir Frederick refused to tnke it. but the man would not be put off, "It Is now three yenrs siuce I left my native land," he said, "and before I enme away my wife gave tne this coin and told me never to part with it tin - less I was starving It Is not worth anything, but the value to me I cannot express. When I was In the hospital I made up my mind that you should have It. Since you cured me I have been starving, but I would not pnrt with t.ie coin because I wanted you to have It as a small return for saving my life." "Whnt magnificent piece" of jewelry," said Sir Frederick when he told the story, "could equal the value of that coin ?"-Ix)ndou M. A. P. The Attraction of Cheat Problems. The mere player who has never ex perienced the magnetic attraction of problems cannot fully realize the feel - 1 Ing of Joy and satisfaction from solv I Ing some masterpiece, the work of a I 4n annua stt ni rana nm Vw a-, a I ! doubt that solving problems, especially ! from diagrams. Is an intellectual amusement and that the study of prob lems tends to accuracy of analysis,. I quickens the perception and strength - l ens the chess faculties generally and may occasionally impart some or tnose sparkling Ideas which nre so sadly I needed In ordinary play. Strand Mag- : azlne. Gloomy Hamlet. "I went to the theater ItiBt night" "What did you see?" "A play called 'Hamlet' " "How was It?" "Fair, only fair. A good, lively gex tet would do it a world of good." Louisville Courier-Journal. An Ey Trick. "My wife can tell what time it la la the middle of the night when It Is pitch dark." 'How does she (lo Itr "Bhe makes m get up and look at Um clock." London run. Every on desires to lrr long, bat M one would be old. Swift Rheumatism. Mora titan Dins oat of every tea 0f rhepmatiein are simply rheum- atistn of the muscles, due W cold or damp weather or ebrouic rlieuwatUm Iu such cases no internal, treatment is required. The free application- of Chamberlain's Liniment Is alt that is needed, and it is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for your self bow quickly it relieves the soreness and pain. Price, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. Sold by Otto O. Krogstad. Riot of Joy Proffered. A fmmti nnntlori fnr hatn nf Iiaiida ,n he co The klndHhearted ml8. tres8 t a ru)e neyer to any awav iinntv hnnilihl. "Here's a dim? for you. my man.' she said. "I'm nut giving It to you for phnr,rv.B Hflk ,., mprB,. h(w.nilBA , I,iou.m "-"- "Thankee." said the man, -.'but couldn't you make It a quarter and en Joy yourself thoroughly, mum?" Phila delphia Ledger. For Constipation. Mr, L. II. Farnhsm, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Chamberlain'j Stomach and Liver Tablets are ce.taiuly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tablets a trial. You are certain . to find them agreeable aud pleasant in effect. Pi ice, 25 cents Samples jVee. For sale by Otto 0. Krogstad. Call For County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all County War rauts drawn on the General Fund, and endoreed; "Not paid for want of Funds" up t0 aud iuoluijUg ,July ai,l907. Interest on said warrants to cease on , f haj(J (, .,.. n m 1 Dated at Toll do, Or, this 31st day of March, 1S-C8. A Healing Falve for Burns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. I As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Cham berlain's falve is mo t excellent. It Otto O. Krogstad, Bids- Wanted. Bids will be received until 12 o'clock wharf. Bids will be received with or without material. Plans and specif! rations at Recorder's office. Council rf e, ves the riht 10 reiH,lt ay r 8,1 . k'"'8' "One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole J World-Kin." When a rooster finds a big fat worm, he calls nil the hena in the farm yard to come and share it. A similar trait of human nature is to be observed i when a man discovers something ex oeptlonally tfood-he wants all his frieni's and neighbors to -share the 1euenfs of his diso verv. This is the ' touch of nature that makes the whole W0..M Un This Mna w, , h ,,, . K, . . . . , h hbM"'i by Chamberlain's , Con,lh Reedy writes letters to the , mnnfacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it jand obtain relief. Behind every one of these ietiers is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of use to someone else. This remedy is for sale bv Otto 0. KroRstad. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition. The Thrice-a-Week World, how that i great Presidential campaign is fore , shadowed, hopes to he a better paper than it has ever been before, and it has made its arrangements accordingly. Its 8ervice covers 11,8 entir8 6lobe, 8nd 11 repoI'ts everything fully, prompt- y aud accurately. It is the only news paper.not a daily, which is as good as a , daily, and which will keep you as com pletely Informed of what is happening throughout the world A special feature of ,he Thrlce-a-W eek World has always been its serial fiction. It ptibiishe-i novels by the best authors lu the world, novels which in book form sell for $1.50 apiece, and its high standard in this respect will be maintained iu the future as In the past. The Thrlce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers.. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Thb Liadkb together for oue year for 1.70. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 12.60. . : " Before buying hardware or Imple ments of any kind, let tne give yon prices on what you need, aa I deal ex clusively tn hardware of all kinds and alwav carry a full stock, E, L. Cbatfikld, Toledo, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Oftlee, Roaeburg, Oregon, February IS, 1908. Kotlce'la hereby given that In 3mpliauce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June I, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands In the State of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Publto Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Christian Brits of Rose Lake, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, has this day filed in this, office his sworn statement No. 8836, for the purchase of the ti of ne, te'i of nw and na'4 of wm4, of section 29. lu township No. lis, range No. w, W M., and will offer proof to show that .the land sought is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register und Re celver of this oitlce at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of June, 1908. . He names as witnesses: Charlie O. Fisher and Herman Schwari of Rose Lake, Idaho; Enomas Viditoof Corvallis Or.; John Taylor of Vernon, Oregon. ' , Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of June, 1908. ' Benjamin L. Eddt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. v V. 8. Land Office, Rosebnrg, Oresron. February-18, 1908. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the a of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the 8tates of California, Ore gon, Nevnda, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4, 1892, Frank P. Reiser of Rose Lake, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, has this day Died In this office his sworn statement No. 8832, for the pu rchase of the eVf of neJi and ni of se!4 of section No. tfl, In township No. IS s, range No. 10 w, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land tsnght It mote valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pnrnow, and to establish h3 c'.alta to land before the Register and Receiver at Ro?e bunr, Oreeon, .on Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1908. He names as witnesses: Herman dchwars 6nd John Bruschke of Rose Lake, Idaho; Frank Hnghevof Box, Or.; William Day of Fisher, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aboue described lands are requested to file their claims lu this office on or before said 13th day of June, 1908. Uxkiamin L. Eoov. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oresron, January', 1908.' Notice Is hereby riven fht In fnmnllanM with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juneg. 1878. entitled "An aet Inr th. to i timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Aiignm, 1892, Casains B. Mead of Spring field, county of Lane, state of Oregon, has this day liled In this office his sworn state, ment No J65!,for the purch are section 8, In township V s. ran ga offer proof to show that the- land so vi 1 1 more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk ot Benlon county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Satur- aay, ine 21st day of March, 1908. He names as wltuesses: T. J. t.nrna nf Him n, , W IT illon Frlnk of Philomath, Or ; Marvin L. Hammltt of Eugene, Oregon. - Any and all persons claiming adversely (he above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 24st day of March, 1908. Alocrnon 8. Dresser, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . U. 8. ijmd Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Febrnary 18, 1908. Notice is hereby given that In oonip nce . with tho provisions of the act of Co' gressot i Junes, ;S78, entitled "An act for the sale or timber lands In the states of Calllorn la, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Ijind State by act of Angnat 4, 1892, John Bruschke, of Ross Lake, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, has this day fiied In this office his sworn statement No. 8834, for the purchase of the ifc ol nw'4 and n'i of sw4 of section No. 14, In township N 0. 15 s, ran giNo. 10 w , W. M ., and will offer proof to allow that the land soucht is mort valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver aWRosennrg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of June, 1908. He names as witnesses: . Frank Retser, Herman Schwari of Rose Lake, Idaho; William Day of Fisher, Or.; Frank Hughes of Box, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above dosoribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of June, 1908. Benjamin L. Eddt. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. ; In the matter ot the estate of Anstin Howell, I deceased. v Notice ts hereby given that the nnderslgned as administrator of the estate of Austin Howell j deceased, has filed with the County jiera oi Liincoin couiii) , uib nnai aecouni in said estate, and the County Court, sitting for the transaction of probate business has set Tuesday, April 7, 1908, at the hour of 10 a. m. thereof, at the County Court room of said county, as thf time and place for settling said account, and hearing objections thereto, If any exist. And notice Is hereby given that at said time and place, any and all objections to said aocount, if any exist, will be heard and passed npon by said Court. - Dated, Toledo, Or., Maroh , 1908. v ' - Viaot). How ill, Admlnlstrktor of the estal of Anstin Howell, deceased. FERD BROWN SHOEMAKER Boots and Shoes repaired Work Guaranteed Shop at residence near Courthouse H. B. MoMURDO , PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON TODEDO, OREGON ' Office In Ofstedahl Building. Office hours fl to 12 m. ; 3 to 5 1. u. 7 W at t-Calls answered at all hours TfJ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' U. 8. Laud Office, Fortland, Oregon, March 21, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Park 8. Calkins of Falls City, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to snake final commutation proof in supportof his claim, vis; Homestead entry No. 16U0, made Dee, 14, 1905 for the south east quarter ot section lo, township 8 s, ranxe 9 w, aud that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on April 29, 1908. ' He names the tollowlng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: C. J.Franklin, W. J. Southwell, F. A. Lucas and John Paul all of Falls City, Oregon. ALGRBtteH 8. Drrssib, Register ' NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. V. a. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, February 21, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that Frank Byerley of Roc co, Oregon, has died notice of his intention to make flnaftlnal Ave year proof In support ol his claim, vis: Homestead entry No. H7W -made March 19, 1903. for the ni of nwof ssotion 18, township 9 s, range 9 w, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on April 7 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove' his continuous residence npon,and cultivation of the land, vis: ' Theodore Farington, of Dallas. Oregon ; Otto Byerley, 8. P. Bell, C. C. Lew Is, of Bocco, Or. Feb. 28 to Mar. 27. " NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the Shite of Oregon, for Lincoln county. In the matter of the estate of J. Lane, de ceased. Not Ice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of tho estate of J. Lane, de ceased, has rendered andVUed with the County Clerk of Lincoln county, her final account In said estate, aud the County Court, sitting for the transaction of probate business, has set Monday, May 4, 1908, at the hour of 10 a. tn. thereof, at tho County Court room of said county, as the timo and place for settling said account and hearing objections there'., if any exist. And notice is hereby given that at said j tin e and place, any and all objections to said account, if any exist, will be beard and passea upon by said Comt. Dated al Toledo, Oregon, March 24, 1908. MARY E.LANE, Administratrix of the estate of J. Lane, de ceased. . - g F. SWOPK, Attorney-at-Law. Will state practice in all courts in the Probate matters and oollec tious promptly attended to. Office in Courthouse, Upstairs, TOLEDO. OREGON WOODBURN, OKEGON Fruit Srees, ' Ornamental Trees, Shrvhs, Etc. W. C. HARDING, Agent, Toledo, Or Leave orders at Residence. TOLEDO LIVERY STABLES M. N. ANDERSON, Prop. Good Rigs and well-broken Saddle Horses. Speulal attention given to Traveling Men. , Horses Boarded and given Uood Care City Draying in Connection G. B. McCLUSKEY NOTARY PUBLIC Toledo, Oregon OSGAR MIDDLEKAUFF . . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, REAL ESTATE, v INSURANCE Yaquina, Oregon DRUGS and MEDICINES School Books, Stationery Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Phono graphs, Musical Instruments, Garden and Flower Seed Mail Orders give Prompt AtUntiM OTTO 0. ECCC3TAD THE DRUGGIST won UM 5? TUB PHARMACY