Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 21, 1908, Image 2

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    LinuULH CClim LEiDEB
i r cocoas, ti
t H tlAYBtl.
If drunkenness) Is an excss for
erfae. by tbe wit, w!nt U tie ex
yum for drunkenness? .
Lore Is always th ux old story,
a will b seen by the tore letters that
get Into court now and then.
Tile Tbpeka Journal knows a 'aroma a
"who will fuss when she gets to
heaven because ah caa't jet a halo
trimmed to salt her."
Cas a farmer who aeCa preset-red
eggs, with the statemezrt that they are
fresh laid, be a Christian and have
Vipe of a glorious hereafter?
StEJ, It seercs cruel for Tom Law
son to desert the country la Its boor
of trial; merely for the purpose of mak
'C2 a trm beggarly mUHocs maait
As Ohio convict made J20,0G0 while
nerving a five-year term la the peni
tentiary. Some people art such finan
cial geniuses that they caa make money
Mr. Rockefeller Is pleased at the
thocght of being regarded as a patriot.
No dojbt he finds It a blessed thought
X ES i'.U'lt ? e t-wv-jf rt
be patriotic.
Tom Lswson hopes the country wCl
alt still and be rood while he engages
la the unpleasant bat necessary job of
chokies a few millions oat of tha sys
tem for his own use.
Pa Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, Is said
to be busy settling the debts of his son-in-law,
the Duke of Manchester. The
duke's creditor! will doubtless be glad
that pa has decided not to hoard hi
The Washington Post has discovered
a number of Congressmen In Washing
ton with speeches In their pockets. .In
asmuch as there is no law against car
rying concealed speeches It doesn't
seem that there Is anything that can be
A public school principal declares
that "Chicago boys and girls twist
their parents, around their fingers."
One of time's changes. A generation
ago It was the boys and girls who were
twisted, Dd not aroand the fingers,
bat OTer the parental knee.
Premier Stolypin has given the Dam
to understand that the Czar's will con
tinues to be the only law In It as id a.
Perhaps the Czar created the Duma
merely because be thought It would be
an easy way to keep Its members from
stirring up trouble elsewhere.
We note that the American press
generally refers to Loszlo Czecbonyl as
"the Vanderbllt count" This Is not
meant as any sign of disrespect to a
noble Austrian bouse, but merely Illus
trates the fact that the democracy Is
acquiring a proper consciousness of Its
own aristocratic values.
Missouri boa.-rts a new society, "The
United Veterans of the Clrll War,"
made up of Union and Confederate sol
diers. Missouri was on the border
land between North and South, and
"brother against brother" was more
than a figure -of speech. The Missouri
society may lend to a united grand
rmy of blue and gray.
The Finnish Diet has passed unani
mously a bill providing that no alco
hol fin! I hereafter be manufactured
In Finland or imported Into the coun
try. In Ru.sla, of which Finland Is a
part, the manufacture of alcohol Is a
State monopoly. The Finns evidently
object to many things from Russia be
sides the government of the Czar.
"Healthy games, healthy foods and
beaJtby bonies" would be enjoyed by
every yoath. If the birthday wish of
Field Marshal Lord Roberts could con.
to paa. "And keep young." ad la the
famous comniander-ln-cbief of the Brit
lab army. "I have kept myself young
on purpose. I never drink and I
don't smoke, snd I am really not a day
older than la 1SS0." At that rate
"Boos," who wa born la 1K2, Is 43
Instead of 75, and the boys he speaks
of so generously need not hesitate to
"visa him many more happy returns.
Of the many wonderful things in the
world, few. If any, are more wonderful
thin the manifestations of the care
which God takes of the helpless. There
was a splendid illustration of this care,
exercised through human instruments,
ia the will of the 1st Robert N. Car
son, of Philadelphia. Mr. Carson be
queathed an estate worth $5,000,000 for
the purpose of founding and maintain
ing a college for orphan girls between
the ages of 5 and P) years who have
neither father nor mother. They are
to receive such training aa will fit them
tor a Ufa of usefulness, and are then
to be discharged at the age of IS or
less. The girls are not to be dressed
In uniform, bet are to be allowed the
exercise of some) degree of ladlridnaj
Oscar II., King of Sweden, who die,
recently after a reiga both long and
prosperous except for on Incident
amid the sincere mourning of his peo
ple and the esteem t good mea of all
cat iocs, was on of the most accom
plished gentlemen and best men of his
time. By every standard of pobiSe de
votion and private morals he measured
well. It is aa ironic comment oa cer
tain tradi-tiocs once potent and ami re
garded that Oscar of Sweden, who be
came the kingly office so well, had
scarce a drop of so-called "royal" or
even "princely" blood la his veins. Els
paternal grandfather was John Beraa
dotte; a French peasant who found a
marshal's baton ia his soldier's knap
sack. His paternal grandmother was
the daughter of a Marseilles stock bro
ker of plebeian extraction. His moth
er was the daughter of Eugene Beao
harcais, with no claim to higher rank
by birth than that of the distinctly
"lesser noblesse" of France. Oscar IL
was the second king of distinction of
his family. There Is no question that
John. Bernadotte managed his affairs
welL Called to be heir of the child
less ruler over a people of whose lan
guage even he was Ignorant,- be adroit
ly preserved and enlarged the domin
ions of the dynasty into which he had
been adopted. None of the princes
ii;'..T k liu- luataoca O " t 'ill
great Napoleon saved so much from the
Napoleonic wreck. Hla son and the
first grandson who succeeded him made
no notable mark upon history. The
second grandson of Bernadotte and
third king of the race had abilities
salted to his times. Intelligent, cul
tivate.!, realizing fully the force of
democratic ideas and the change from
the traditional attitude of the king
toward his subjects which they Involve,
he conformed cheerfully to the facts.
He was required to be a thoroughly
"constitutional" monarch, and he
played the part with enthusiasm. He
deserved and won for himself and his
country the respect of all nations. He
deserved and won the love of his peo
ple. He was the only king of his time
who could go about bis country like
any other man and be unattended
when he so desired without fear and
without danger. In the closing years
of his prosperous reign h-j met with
what was, from certain viewpoints, a
misfortune and at least a mortification.
There came a day when there muat
hare echoed In his ears the words of
an ancient Scandinavian king, so finely
paraphrased by an American poet:
"What was that 7" said Olaf, standing on
the quarter deck;
"Something heard I like the stranding of
a shattered wreck."
Eraar then, the arrow taking from the
loosened string.
Answered, "That was Norway breaking
from thy hand, O King."
Tet Oscar of Sweden had not the
mortification of Olaf of Norway, that
misfortune bad come to bim from go
ing too fast and far and getting ahead
of his times, and he had the consoling
knowledge that through no fault of
his were the lands over which his
scepter extended and the dominions of
bis house diminished. Two peoples had
got at cross purposes, and It was not
In the power of a constitutional king
to lead together those who had to be
driven if they were not to separate.
Expert Declares the Boasted Fight
lag Ships Are Merely Death
Defects la Contraction Pointed
Out and Promotion System
Is Scored.
Henry Reateriahl. associate of the
Cnited States Naval Institute and
American editor of "Fighting Ships,"
is the author of a startling article on
"The Needs of Our Navy" In the Jan
uary McCI ure's. ' Mr. Reuterdahl's ex-
pertness on naval matters is not dis
puted and neither la his patriotism.
He agrees with President Roosevelt
that a navy must be built "and all Its
training given in time of peace" and
with this in view he exposes defects
In our first-class battle ships and ar
mored cruisers which all but make
them useless as efficient unite In a
Beet on heavy g.;a and In real action.
Mr. Reuterdaal's criticisms appear
to be the more asazing on account of
the contention that nwst. If not all of
the weak points he emphasizes, will be
acknowledged by sea-going officers, "or.
if the reader Is si.-Bciently interested,
by the testimony of his own eyes."
His principal points are the follow
ing: That the sheii proof armor of the
American battle ships Is virtually be
low the water lir. where It will do no
good, leaving the broad side of the ves
sel exposed to the shells of the enemy.
That this defect cas been pointed
DENTS n Bxcxxr yxabs.
s Lives lort
1SH Albion colliery. Soatk Wales.
lr-CC Fratervilie, Tenn
1502 Rolling Mill mice. Fennsyl-
vania ..................... . 1"5
10O3 Hnn Wyoming 15
1I04 Lacka-canna mine, Pennsyl
vania JO
1904 Tercio. California VI
U-05 Virginia City, Ala .. 152
1S0O Ziegier, 111. W
1005 Weiah coal mine 120
IMS Dtamoodville. Wyoming .... IS
1m5 Kuruisk. Btuaia PJ
inCV-M, K. k T. Coal Company. . 13
1W5 Princeton, lad. 13
1303 Coal mine in Prussia., 55
11(63 Wilcox. W. Va 5
l'JOd BInefields, W. Ya 21
IIXjG Johnstown, Pa. 25
1906 Century, W. Va 15
i:.W Durham, England 25
1008 Dutchman mine, Bloesbarg,
X. M 15
1M0 Courriere mine, near Calais,
France UX)
1900 Japan 2V)
1I.0; Oakhill, W. Va 2
190 West Fork. Va.., "5
1000 Quarto. Colo. 22
U07 Saarius. Pniwia 22
11)07 Primero, Colo 20
11X17 Fayettevilie. W. Va H)
i:07 Faarbruck, Prussia 200
1&07 Las. Esperanzas, Mexico 123
K"07 Forbach, Germany 75
1907 Monongahela, Pa. , 20
1WT Toyoka. Japan 470
lf07 Tsing Tau. China ..' 112
1907 Negsunee, Mich 17
t'j07 Mononah. W. Va SJH
' - w- v V 1
Wlf -AwtsUJwt, Am. -
There . Are Colonizing: Possibilities
Even In Death Valley.
The craze of "bomestaklng" which Is
vecis to have reached Its limit In the
choice of Death Valley as a colonizing
pooKibility. With the Idea of trans
forming the most arid and most deso
late portion of the great American des
ert Into farm land, a number of tracts
have been bnmestaked. Irrljpftlon sys
tems have been planned, and other
preparations are now In progress for
heinninz the reclamation of Death
Measures Introduced by Tesa
Members Would Prevent Op
tions in Cotton and Grain.
VO" .Vwxw .oja
Idea Threatens to Place an Embarg
'On Market Speculation at
All irinH.
Wajtalsgtoa corretpoadenr :
HERE has keen
a sodden awaken
ing throughout
the country to fbt
fact that some
thing is going
1 n Washington
which threaten
gambling ta sot
ton and graiu,
and possibly, too.
which alma te
place an embargo
on speculation In
stocks. Indlea
ttor. nf t b 1
awakening appear
In a regular flood
of letters from the Interests threatened
to the members of Congresa, who are
Identified with the proposed restrictive
legislation. -
The reason which calls forth tbese
letters lies In two bills introduced ly
Senator Culberson, of Texas, and Rep
resentative Burieson, of the came
State, designed to wipe out speculation
In cotton futures. The bills are identi
cal nnd while they apply only to cot
ton, as originally drawn, there ta like
lihood that If either of them ta report
ed out of the committee to which thev
have been referred the provisions will
be extended to apply to wheat and eth
er grains.
The central Idea In the Burleson but
Is the application of the power to reg
ulate Interstate commerce so as to e
ttrain telegraph and telephone compa
nies from trans
mitting ' messages
relating to a con
tract for the fu
ture delivery of
cotton. The 'use of
the mails also ta
prohibited to pub
lications contain
ing notices or rec
ords of the trans
actions of any pro
d u c e exchange
wherein the con-
c. a. cniinuvjr.
The 'Femme da Lose."
There are In these days the train de
luxe, edition de luxe and hotel de luxe,
but It seems to have entirely escaped
attention that there Is also the femme
de luxe. The femme de luxe associates
only with the rich and prominent, lives
but for amusement, spends money reck
This femme de luxe and bomme do
luxe difficulty is the disease which,
spreading . with enormous rapidity,
threatens to remove good conduct from
the civilized world. A handful of men
break every law, divine or human,
swindle with Impunity, and behave like
hooligans, and with them are a hand
ful of women who have abandoned all
restraint These are held np to the
rest of the community as of such social
Importance that their misconduct Is to
be admired. London Truth.
l Aaralast It.
Vlakcy. of the Russian secret polio,
clapped his hand on the tourist's shoul
der. "Too must not etay In this country,"
be hissed.
"Then 111 leave," the tourist mildly
"But bare yon a permit to leaver
"ien come with me." said Vlskey
harshly, leading the way toward ths
Kremlin. "I'll lock yon np tin you de
cide what to do." Philadelphia Bulle
tin. What an added respect a little bo)
has for his sister's knowledge when
be sees her mixing his favorite kind
of cake.
A woman never rails another woman
"a snake la the grrss" anl?w they
have bad trouble over iraic is.a;k
out time and again ; that other nations
rears ago recognized It as fatal ami
now have armor wrapped around the
tides of their war vessels from five to
leven feet above the water line.
That, dtspite repeated accidents on
board our ships, the Navy Department
rear after year bas approved of plans
by which the greatest guns on the
ships are directly above an oppn shaft
leading to the powder magazine.
That other nations long since recog
; nlzed the criminal stupidity of thus en
dangering the lives of officers and men
i and have remedied the defect by use
, of common sense and ordinary precau
tionary measures.
That, without regard to the protests
of experts, our battle ships have been
built so low that If the sea la heavy
(and ships are In action, the sea would
jwash over the vessels, render some of
their m-'tst effective guns useless and
practically leave the ship to the mercy
,of the enemy.
The officers In the American navy
who command the battle ships and
s.iindron are too old ; that under ex
Isrinz HndIIIons young men cannot at
tain command, and that the service la
badly crippled as a result
Thst there is too much "bureau man
agmonf In Washington ; too mitch
red tape In the Navy Department;
that American genius Is stifled because
of the bureau's Immersion In details,
and that wltb-the Secretary of the
Navy a civilian, be should bava a
board of expert advisers.
Other matters are dwelt on, but the
foregoing are by far the moet Impor
tant An afternoon's fight on water
sealed KnsftiiTs fate In the recent war
with Japan, nays Mr. Rwitenlahl. and
the same may well be true of the next
war Into which this nation Is plunged.
The IsMiie Is sn Important and the stake
an tremendous that the sea power
which Is prepared In every resprt to
meet the crista will be the victor.
Valley. A railroad Is already built
from Greenwater. at the southern end
of the valley, to the bornx works owned
by the celebrated "Borax" Smith of 20-
mule team fame, and there Is an auto-
mobl!ea stage line through the valley.
Even enthusiasts do not claim that
piping water from Telescope Pewk
across the i uueral range Into the val.
ley la also under consideration.
aT X
Sit &
Money Is suffering from bad circulation.
Aa Aurora (III.) physician has discov
ered that peanuts are a beaut; diet. This
ought to be a circus for some people.
An Eastern banker says, "We want
more common sense." We want also more
dollars, which are not so common now.
If prices of bread and meat keep on
coming down, pretty soon the average
man can afford to eat three meals a day.
Chief Sprybuck. the Indian who drank
a qaart of blue paint is carryirg the
"decorative interior" fad to an extreme.
Witlu 1,300.000 divorce suits in ten
years, the United States is plainly in need
of a national "Stay-Married Association."
After a while it may dawn on the army
recruiters that the average soldier doesn't
look a poo $13 a month aa any great graft
Secretary Cortelyotl is trying to Im
ptess ns with the fact that stockings were
made to be worn and not to board money
James J. Hill says the railroads need
billions of dollars. From present pros
pects, it will be soma time before they
get 'em.
An Italian count one American heiress
married turned out to be aa ex-convict of the other counts haven't yet been
W. P.
tracts aimed at in tbe measure ai
mode. Heavy penalties provide the
means of restraining the telegraph and
telephone companies. It is the conten
tion of Representative Burleson that if
Information of tbe kind prescribed can
be kept away from the peop' living
outside New Turk and New Orlcnus it
will put the New Tork Cotton six
change out of business. Frankly, It is
admitted, that such Is the object of the
The Boards of Trade In several
cities are aroused. Probably what
they chiefly fear Is that public senti
ment against spec
ulation iu both
stocks and bonds,
which bas been
accentuated by the
r e cent financial
condltlou, may
hasten a demand
for the passage ef
the bill.
Iu addition
the B a r 1 e a u
uieosure, Repre
sentative Hepburn, of Iowa, bas in
band a plan to regulate dealing to
stocks. ,
Both France and Germany have
adopted radical restrictive measures
relating to dealings In stocks, grata,
cotton and other things on mantlna,
and their example Is being pointed to
by American legislators who are ear
nest Iu their luteutlou of doing some
thing along the same line. The laws
of France prohibit gambling In several '
securities and provide heavy fines aud
Imprisonment for Infractions thereof.
Tbe French penal code also prohibits
"corners" or attempts to coutrol the
supply or affect the prices of grain,
flour, bread and other food products.
St Christopher Is the patron saint f
Brazil has no middle class. There are
but two classes there the rich and ths
Countess of Warwick, on return to
London, says America s only top is in N
The grand Jury at Oakland, Cat, e
fused to vote aa indictment against Har
ry Kleinschmidt accused of murdering
his friend. Frank Bellows, and the yoong
'man was release