Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 21, 1908, Image 1

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    Volume XY.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, February 21. 190S.
Number 52
for County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Ibe nomination of Treasurer of
Liucoln County, subject to the will of
the republican voter -at the coming
primaries. . G. B. MoClcskey
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Democratic nomination
for Sheriff of Lincoln County, subject
to the decision of tbe voters at the pri
maries. C. L. Morrison.
For Assessor.
1 hereby announce myself as a can.
di late for the office of Assessor for Lin.
colu couuty subject to the will of the
Republicau voters at the coming prim
"ries. Guy F. Laws.
For Assessor.
I hereby uiiuounce myself as a can
didate for the office of Assessor for
ct.ln county subject to the will of the
ropuuiican voters at tne coming prim
aries. Walter E. Ball.
. For Commissioner.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of County Commissioner, sub
Ject to the will of the Republican voters
at the nominating primary election
April 17. Wm. P. Ready.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership of Gardner & Jorgeuson here
tofore existing is this day mutually
dissolved. Mr. Gardner retaining the
business, collecting all bills due said
partnership and paying all indebtedness
of said firm.
Toledo, Oregou, February 18, 1908.
Chas H. Gardner,
George Jorgenson,
Carl F. Jorgenson.
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Service. every Saturday. Sabbath
school 10:30 a. m., preaching immedi
ately following. Everybody cordially
A black heifer calf about 9 months
-old. Owner can have same by paying
for feed and this notice. For particul
ars enquire at this office.
Return My Boat.
The partv who took my boat from
Canoe Landing on Siletz river js not i
jfled to return same and pay damages.
Tbe boat is double-ended and is
painted white. Alex Catfish,
Siletz Oregon.
Wanted to Trade.
Improved real estate worth $3000 and
business with rent, bringing in more
than $1200 per year ; for good farm or
dairy ranch in Siletz or Alsea Vulley.
Address, Jess Frey, Newport, Or.
Don't you want to own a whole brass
band, an orchestra and a lot of-enclmnt-ing
opera singers? All these and lots
nf entertainment besides are included
in an Edisoc or a Victor phonograph.
S;8 them at Krogstad's.
Taken Up.
I have taken up an est ray hog. Came
to my place February 5. 2 years old.
Black, with white face; weighs 250 lbs.
Call and get hoe by paying charges.
Chas. Anderson, on Newport road.
' For Sale.
The fine Jeieey cow formerly owned
by Mose Gregson. Has taken first
N premium at every Lincoln County Fair
Would be valuable to any farmer wish
ing to raise good dairy stock.
G. L. Gray, Newport Ore,
Sow Reap.
Seeding time will be here before we
know it. Are you looking up your
-wants in the seed line? Remember,
Krogstad the seed man, can supply you
with all you need in this line. All gar
den seed guaranteed and replaced if
not goal.
Wanted Timber Lands.
Homestead relinquishments wanted.
Want to buy direct from owners. Write
.particulars to M. II., box 492,
Eugene, Oregon
C. E. Hawkins spent Tuesday at Elk
W. J. Warfleld of Alsea was in Toledo
George Lewis of Winant was in the
city Monday.
Read Middlekauff & Co's. new ad
in this issue.
Archie Enos was down from Elk
City Tuesday.
Wm. Smith of Pool Slough was in
the city Tuesday.
Cbes Morrison of Pioneer was in the
county seat Friday.
County Judge Swope was a Newport
visitor Tuesday evening.
Gerrrge McBride returned home from
Portland Tuesday evening.
m. Li. w nitney oi l'ioneer was a
Toledo visitor Wednesday.
B. F. Habn of Yaquina was taking in
the sights of Toledo Tuesday.
Mary C. Lano cf Yaqnnia had busi
ness in the county seat Tuesday.
Attorney Middlekauff of Yaquina
bad business in the county eeat' Tues
day. Dr. Nehrbas. the Otter Rock promoter
passed down to that resort Saturday
Deputy Sheriff Walter Ball went to
Newport Tuesday evening returning
Wednesday morning.
lCliddiekauff k Co. of Yaquina have a
new ad in this issue. It will pay you
to read it and profit thereby.
S. J. Robb has leased' his clam bed to
O. Vanderpool. Consideration $15 and
clean sheets at least once a month.
Tbe Council at its meeting Monday
evening awarded the contract, for lower
ing the City Hall to McCaulon & Hoe
flein. Miss Grace Cook of Elk City, after a
visit at the home of Sheriff Ross and
familv, returnd to her home Monday
The friends of John Kentta are fmen
tioning him as a possible candidate
for commissioner. Mr. Kentta would
ie a good official.
A full line of up-to-date jewelry at
the Bonboniere. Every piece guaran
teed. Also a gold tilled signet hatpin
given with each purchase.
A number of citizens turned out
Tuesday aid wssLed tie mud off
Hill street and incidentally gave all
who wished and some who didn't wish
a free bath.
W. L. Haines was over from Siletz
Tuesday nigTit. Mr. HainPssavs that
the Siletz road is in the worst condition
this winter that, it has been since he
has resided at Siletz.
I have samples of tbe Nemo self
reducing corset -for stout women also
the famous Royal Worcester corsets.
All sizes and prices, call and let me
take your orders. Emma B. Crosno.
Last Thursday night Louie Fuller of
Siletz became tanked up on tire water
and was given free lodgings by the mar
shal. The following morning Recorder
krogstad allowed him to pay into the
city treasury the sum of f 13.50 for his
A. D. Shollenburg has purchased the
old Odd Fellow hall at Olssouville aud
wiil move it to Newport. It will be lo
cated on the lot formerly occupied by
the Cozy Corner before the Are. Mr.
Shollenburg will add another story to
the building and convert It into a three
story rooming house.
How about your bee supplies? Are
you ready for an early flow of honey?
Remember tbe first flow of honey is by
far the most delicious. Most beekeep
ers lose the first and best flow of honey
because they dout give their bees a
chance. I can furnish you every thing
in the bee-btsisness line at Portland
prices. Krogstad's Bee Supply Store.
The Newport Navigation Company
is preparing for the construction of a
steamboat to be used on the run be
tween Yaquina and Newport to take
the place of the T, M. Richardson
which has been on that run for the
past fifteen or twenty years. The new
boat will be ten feet longer than the
Richardson. Construction of the boat
will begin very soon. It is decided to
build at Yaquina. George Walker, the
well-known boat builder will bave
charge of the work.
City Council Proceedings.
Feb. 17. 1908.
Present Mayor Arnold; Council
men Crosno, Avery, Carson, Rosebrook,
Peterson and Schenck.
Minutes of last session read and ap
proved. Committee given further time in
which to complete work of segregating
exp-nse of constructing gutters and
crossings on Fourth street.
Plans and specifications submitted by
Committee on lowering of City Hall
and the same on motion received.
The proposed improvement to Seven'h
street referred to Committee on Streets
with instructions to decide on the kind
of improvement needed and to give
legal notice of same.
Claims of Fir A Spruce Lumber Co.
in the sum of (8 10 allowed and ordered
Ordinance introduced relating to ac
cepting grade on Fourth street. Roll
being called the flfor-osnid ordinance
passed with but one disseuting vote,
and the Mayor forwith attached his
signature to same
Ordinance laid over at last session
of Council here taken up and placed
upon its third and final reading, and
ptiSBed unanimously.
On motion City Hall ordered lowered
as per plans and specilic itious submit
ted. McCaulon & Hoeflein bing the
lowest bidders the contract was aw
arded them, they, furnishing all materi
als including sidewalk connections.
On motion Mm vor appointed a com.
mi i tee of three to confer .with the
County Commissioners at their next
session about joining in the credit u of
a jail.
Committee appointed were: Avtry,
Rosebrook and Crosno.
On motion our Marshal was instruc
ted to move drain box at tne City Hall,
at intersection of Fourth and Grove
streets, to conform with new line of
Recorder exhibited receipt from tbe
City Treasurer in the sum of 174 07.
Council here adjourned.
Otto 0. Kroostad, Recorder.
. i .
To Be Vpted On.
The voters of Oregon will be asked to
vote upou 19 measures ut the June
election. Briefly stated, the measu res
are as follows:
Submitted by the Legislature
Amendment increasing conipensa ion
of members of the legislature to $400
for a regular session, and $10 a day for
special sessions.
Amendment permitting the location
of iustutions away from the state
Amendment increasing the numbr
of Supreme judges to Ave and extend
ing the jurisdiction of the circuit courts
to probate work; also requiring pro
visions by law for district attorneys,
county conns, etc.
Amendment changing tbe time of
holding general electious from June to
Legislative acts submitted under the
giving Slieriff custody of prison
ers. Act requiring granting of free railroad
passes to certain officials.
, Act appropriating $100,000 for armor
ies. Act increasing the University of
Oregon's appropriation to $125,000 per
Submitted by initiative pe'ition- -
Equal sufferage amendment.
Act for protection of Salmon on the
Lower Columbia.
Amendment giving cities, exclusive
control of liquor selling, gambling, etc
Amendment exempting dwelling
bouses, factories, tools, furniture, etc.,
from taxation.
Amendment giving voters the power
to recall public ollicers.
Act instructing members of legisla
ture U vote for pooples' choice for
Senator. i
Amendment providing for propor
tional representation. t
Act limiting expenditures for politi
cal campaign purposes.
Act to protect salmon on the Upper
Amendment limiting the power of
district attorney to file indictments.
Act f.r creation of Hool III vor
county. w -
Edwin T. Clark of Siletz was a Toledo
visitor this week.
Mrs. Emma Crosno spent Wednesday
evening at Newport.
Frank Lane of 8iletz was in the city
the first of the week.
The Ella May took a crowd to New
port Friday afternoon.
Miss Birdie Bradeson went to New
port Wednesday evening.
Thomas Pavey from over Yaquina
way was in town yesterday.
Julius Buscb of Drift creek was in
Toledo Saturday aud Sunday.
Carl Jorgenson returned to Toledo
Saturday evening for a short visit.
Carl Anderson was up from Newport
yesterday on a taxpaying expedition.
W. B. Stevens of Albany passed
down to Newport Wednesday evening.
C. H. Gardner went to Corvallis Sat
urday morning returning in the even
ing. Will Simpson and Dorsoy Rochester
were down from Elk City last
Roy Butterfleld and Antone Wesolow
ski of Lower Siletz were in the city the
first of the week.
Miss Verne Rons returned Monday
morning to her school at Elk City, after
a week's visit at home.
W. S. Hull returned home from a
trip to Portl.ind Monday evening he
went on to Siletz Tuesday.
Dr. Humberstnno returned home yes
terday miming from Waldport where
he has be-m the past ten days.
Presiding Elder M. CWire will lio'd
quarterly meetings at the M. 13. church
t us evening, everyone Invited.
Manager F. R. Stokes of the Fir &
Spruce Lumber Company, came in
from Portland Monday evening.
Miss Mamie Wakefield leturned to
Chitwood Monday. She assisted Sup
erintendent Bet hers in the teachers'
examination here last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. McClure returned
Monday morning lo Pioneer, where the
oi-uige crew is working, sirs. AicLiure
and son visited her sisters here last
Carl and George Jorgenson lott Tues ¬
day morning for Portland where Cail
is working for the Honeyman Hardware
Company. The boys whilo residing
here the past year have made many
warm friends who are sorry to see them
Waldport Items
Captain Henry Nico is at Portland
this week on business.
The Central telephone oflloo has
been moved to James Kent's
Mr. C. J. Smith, our enterprising
real estate man, has his new office
building nearly completed. It is a
beautiful building and is located near
the school house.
Mr. George F. Whittmer, new mana
ger for the Waldport Lumber Company
has arrived and taken charge of the
Company's plant and general store.
Mr, Whittmer is a thorough business!
tiinn and the people of Waldport are!
expecting greater development of the
The Waldport Marine Rami gave a
masque hall at Keut's Hall on the
fourteenth. The ball was a grand sue
cobs and many new and novel costumes
were worn. The usual number of
clowns were also present. The band
boys furnished their own music and
realized about $40 which has been ap
plied on the instruments. The hand is
nearly out of debt and when uniformed
will be ready to fill engagements.
Elections of 1908.
Registration opens, January 0th.
Closes for primaries April 7th.
Primary elections, April 17th.
Registration reopens, April 21.
Closes for election, May 15.
General election, June 1.
Registration reopens, Sept. 20.
Closes for election, Oct. 20.
.Presidential election Nov. 3.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the friends and i
neighbors who so kindly assisted us
during the sicklies-, and death of Ich
abod Dickenson.
Mrs. M. K. Dickknsom,
W. A. Dickenson,
M. S. Dickenson,
A Petition.
We, the undersigned citizens of Siletz,
Oregon, petition Mr. Ira Wade to be
come a candidate in the primaries to
succeed himself as County Clerk of
Lincoln county:
MH Collins John Ducey Edwin T Clark
Chas StenchHvld, W Kasydar Arthur L French
W R Hail Foster Una Clark L Halne
A E Ktior John Kentta John Adams
Jaraei J Lane V C Fischer Clayborne Ardtn
Jesse Crook Dan cardan A P Spencer
Tipton It Holland Sam Latere Oscar Brown
Jacob Johnaon Norman Strong Joseph Gay
WraUmmatata Knott C Egbert WTI'earce
John Uarnier James Watts (Jeo Wilbur
t.M Smith Scott Lane Brown A Men
James Blackrttr J F Brown Wm Scott
Henry Johnson Wolverton COrton Ned Evans
Joseph Kosydar Larkay Logan Hpencer Scott
cuwara I oiuns Jueob W Nleiui J as llnttise
Fred Williams Nell II BrltU Homer Evans
L J Richards Clayton Pond C 8 Davis
C J Hardy Frank Lane Wm Klamath
T C Jackson Antone Wesolnwskl Harry Itevld
Roy Butterfleld Major Ludson John J Ierly
W L Haines
The Board of Equalization.
An act of the Legislature of 1007
provides that the County Judge, County
Clerk and Assessor of the several coun
ties of this state shall constitute thu
Board of Equalization to exumine mi l
correct the assessment rolls returned
by the Assessors in their several coun
ties, and to increase or reduce the valu
ation of the properly therein assessed,
so that the same shall bo full cash value
thereof aud to assess omitted taxable
''The board shall meet at the court-hnu-H
in the several counties on the
thiid .Monday of October iu each year,
ami the County Clerk shall lay before
the Board the assessment rolls returned
l the Assessor. The County JudHe
Kliull, if pretent, be chairmau
of the Board,-and the County Clerk
shall, if present, be clerk thereof. Two
members of such Board shall constitute
a quorum."
Section 4 of said Act provides, "That
applications or petitions for ttie reduc
tion of a particular assessment shall bo
made in writing verified by the oath of
the applicant or his attorney, and be
filed with the Board during the first.
week it is by law required to be in
session, and uny petition or application
not so made, verified and filed shall m t
be considered or acted upou by too
Section 6 of the Act provides, "That
ald Board of Equalization shall con
tinue its sessions from day to duy,
exclusive of Siiudavsand legal holiday.,
until the examination and correction
uud equalization of the assessment rolls
shall be completed; but it shall com
plete said examination, correction ami
equalization, within one mouth from
the time it U by law required to meet,
and, unless sooner completed, at the
expiration of one mouth from the time
the Board Is herein required to meet,
the examination, correction and equal
ization of said assessment rolls shall he
deemed to be complete."
There is nothing in tho Act which
authorizes the Biard to act after the
expiration of said month, nor is there
any law authorizing them to meet as
such after the expiration of said month,
therefore its work must be completed
within that time.
The Attorney General o( Oregon has
rendered a written opinion in which he
holds th a t Boards of Equalization can
not act as such after the expiration of
said month. .
Under the law as it no exists the
County Court has no power at all to
lower or Increase assessments on the
tux rolls or otherwise change the rolls
in any way.
Tuesday February 4, 1!)08, at tho
home of Mrs. M. E. Dickenson, It-ha bod
Dickenson age 94,
Icliabod Dickenson was born July 14,
1814, In the state of New York, where
he lived until 1810, when he moved to .
Wisconsin, there he made his home uu
til 1802, When he crosstd the plains
with a wagon train bound for California
in which state he lived 52 years, com
ing to Oregon In 11104.
Please Settle.
Parties knowing themselves indebted
to old firm, Gardner & Jorgenson, wl 1
please tall aud settle.
Chas II. Gardner.