Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate lung tissues, deranges the digestive organs, and breaks down the general health.. It often causes headache and dizzi ness, impairs the taste, smell and bearing, and affects the voice. Being a constitutional disease it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses II. Deduction. Farmer Meddergrass (reading paper) Thet Vaudeville must be a great show town. Mrs. Meddergrass Why so, pa? "W'y, I see here where another one of ur greatest actors has made arrange nent t' stay right thar fer a hull season." Puck. You Can Get Allen's root-rase rREE. Write Aliens. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y..fora free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures iweating. hot swollen, aoklng feet. It makes sew or tight shoes easy. A oertaln cure for torns. Ingrowing nails and bunlom. All drug luts selllt. 26c Don't accept any substitute. . ..Vengeful. "I don't know about waiting on that customer out there," said the lunch coun ter girl. "His order Is something fierce." "What does' he want?" asked the cook. "Smothered onions, beaten biscuit, dev iled eggs, and whipped cream." Unpopular. rhe popular ditty, when it has begun Its brief but surprising career, Is persistently shouted till soon it is one That nobody's willing to bear. Washington Star. HOWARD . BURTOS.-Assayer arl Chemist, Leadvllle, Colorado, Specimen prices: Gold, BlWer, Lead, tl; Gold, HllTr,75c; Oofd, toe; Zinc or Copper, L Cyanide testa. Mailing enrelopea and full price list ant on application. Control and I'm- Eire work eoUcltetL ltefereucei Cartxmale Ka on! Bank. Mortgages sStfSB! ties purchased. LOANS made. H. E. NOBLE Commercial Block PORTLAND. OREGON Katnrallr. "My lawyer recommends this to ma as a feasible course." "That proves nothing as to Its mer it" "It doesn't!" "Of course not My dear, to a law yer all courses are fee-slble." Balti more American. Helpful. "Say, boas," began the beggar, "glm me de price of a square meal, won't yer? I don't want booze. I'll go right In ter dls restaurant " "Haven't got any money for you," growled the dyspeptic who bad Just come out "but I'll give you a tip. If you do get the price don't go In there for a square meal, for you won't get It." Philadelphia Press. A Stickler fer Expression. "There Is only one objection I have to this hotel," Bald the pedantic per son. "What's that?" Inquired the clerk. "In quoting rates it speaks of the accommodations It offers. It's one of the most unaccommodating places on earth. The inefficiency might be ex cused, but the mendacity Is unforgiva ble." Washington Star. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tnattherels at leant one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known totho medical fraternity. Catarrh be ng a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cureia taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, therebv destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving t e pat ent strength by building up the constitution and sitting nature In rlnlnir its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in ltsrurativepow ers hat they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ol testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all druggists, 7Sc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. . Accounted For. o "How rto you like the show?" "It's rotten!" "Oh, that's foe auto they use In the third act that yo& smell." Houston Post OH Mule Team BORAX ample, Booklet and Vt hli Parlor Gams 100. Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland Oregon Easy to Prove, "What Is the best way to proceed against this new merger?" asked the assistant attorney general. "From the rapidity with which It It boosting prices," replied the attorney general, "I believe we could prosecute It for exceeding the speed limit" Kan sas City Times. Less Considerate. It was at an amateur concert That girl," said the envious maid, "has a voice like a seventeen-year lo cust." "Yes," rejoined the smart youth, "but as a singer the locust Is more satisfac tory. It only appears once In seven teen years." m DOWKNOW THE "WET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a Sucker? Clean -Light Guaranteed . .Waterproof 3oo " Everywhere a j rowf a co. aoiTON ust. About $S0 per year Is charged for an unlimited telephone service in Paris, but in addition to this the subscriber must purchase his own instrument, which may be any one of a number of different kinds. Troth at Second Hand. Heard in the Calcutta Police Court. Benrali, pleader to chief presidency mag istrate, in informing his honor that one of bis witnesses was absent : "The man has fallen unwell, your honor ; and Ms has. sent a man here to say that be Is dying and cannot come." Allahabad Pioneer. C. Gee Wo The wU known reliable CHINESE Root and Herb DOCTOR Hhi mad a life itudy of roote and herlm, and in that tudjr discovered and la piv lng to the world hia wonder Inl remedies. Ho Mercury. Poisons or Drugs Used He Cures Without Operation, or Without the Aid of Knife He guarantees to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lang, Throat. Hheumatism, Nervoimness. Hervoue Debility, Jtomaoh, Liver, Kidney Troubles: alno Lost Manhood, emsle Weakness and All Private Diseases. A SURE CANCER CURE lust Received from Peking, China Safe, Sura and Reliable. IF YOTT ARE AFI.IOTED, DON'T DELAY. DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS. CONSULTATION PREB ft yoa oannot oal 1, write for sympton blank and olron. lar. Inclose 4 cents In stamps. THE O. OEE WO CHINKSE MEDICINE CO. 2 1-2 First St.. Cor. Morrinon, Portland, Oregon. Please Mention Thle Paper. About Even. "Do you think an editor or an orator stands tbe better show as a candi date?' "It's about an even thing," answer ed the cynical citizen. "One runs the risk of writers' cramp, and tue other takes n chance on clergyman's sore throat." Washington Star. P. N. U. Ne. 46-07 WHEN writing to advertisers please mention this paper. I Don't Push The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Grease. Standard OH Co. laeerpenUee ' They're very different the little Preferred Stock Green Lima Besns from ordinary lima beans. There is not a more economical or more wholesome food than these little beans. Thev are dainty and delicious, too among the most delicious all the vegetables on the long list of Preferred Stock Canned Goods racked WbarsTsr tb. Bast ar, Orown Serve them hot, seasoned with butter. pepper, salt, a bit of cream and a couple of teaspoons of beef extract, or two tablespoons of beet or veal juice, from roaster or frying pan. Juittrj tht little gretn Hmai-Prtferrtd Stock-atyour gnctr'l ALLIR a LIWIS, Wholesale Qraeere. rOSTLARD, OIzaOaT.V.I A. V (a.) VV A X X -V V W MW r I MM mW "tw sLstLV Tl v-crsfiBv v. HSJ is usa m inTTsa. First Turtle Grandma is nearly 400 years old and has lust all her teeth. 8ecoud Turtle Well, then, she has a soft snap. Life. Church Did you ever try any of these "close to nature" method? Goth amWell, I've used a porous plaster I -Yonkers Statesman. Madge Is that writer really fa mous? Marjorle He must be, my doar. I wrote to blin for his autograph, and he never sent It. Puck. Short There goes one of my pre ferred creditors. Long Why prefer red? Short He never asks uie for money. Chicago Dally News. "Justin, here's a bill collector," call ed Mrs. Wyss. "All right," replied Mr. Wyss from the library. "Give him all he can carry away." Leslie's Weekly. First Deaf Mute If you objected to his kissing you, why didn't you call for help? Second Deaf Mute I couldn't He was holding both my hands. Har per's Weekly. Hicks Did you ever succeed In per luadlng your wife when she gets an gry to count ten before she speaks? Wicks Yes, but Bhe is a very rupld counter. Soniervllle Journal. "I notice that you writers use a great deal of tobacco. Does it stimu late your brains?" "I don't know. But it makes you forget that you're hungry." Cleveland Lender. Blanche The most difficult thing Is to make up one's mind what to take and what to leave behind. Ilenriette Oh, I don't think so. I take all my frocks and leave my husband. Ulre. "Fifth grade next year, Johnny?" "les, sir." "And you'll be In fractions or decimals then, no doubt?" "Xo, sir; I'll be In beadwork and perforated squares." Washington (D. C.) Her ald. "Poor man!" exclaimed the benevo lent old lady. "And you say you have no friends?" "Xo, madam," replied the weary wayfarer; "I used to be a baseball umpire." Philadelphia Rec ord. ' Wigwag What Is your wife mad about now? Henpecke Her absent mindedness. She wns going to scold me about something and she enn't re member whnt it vas. Philadelphia Record. "Tell me," said Miss Witherupp, "Mr. Newman remarked to you that I didn't show my age, didn't he?" "Not exactly; he snld you were careful to conceal It," replied Miss Frank. Phil adelphia Tress. 'There are only seven miles of rail road In operation In the whole of Per sia." "Too bad !" commented the Hon. Thomas Rott. "It must be mighty hard for a politician to make a living In Persia." Puck. I Barber Thank you, sir. I don't oft en get my tip before I begin. I'm sure I appreciate Customer (who likes his hair cut in silence) I don't wa'nt you to consider that a tip. It's "hush" money. Punch. Mrs. Daslinway Yes, while we were In Egypt we visited the Pyramids. They were literally covered with hieroglyph ics. Mrs. Newrlch Ugh ! Wasn't you nfrald some of 'ein would git on you? Philadelphia Record. "I suppose," remarked the doar girl, "that you do not believe in love at first sight?" "Oh, yes, I do," rejoined the Old bnchelor. "If men were gifted with second sight they would never full In love." Home Magazine. They were In the parlor of a sum mer resort hotel. She John, why do you always occupy the piano stool when you are in the parlor? You can't play a note. He Xo one else can, either, while I sit here. Harper's Weekly. "Bilklns tells me he Is getting aw fully tired of living alone." "I would think he'd marry and settle down." "I wns talking with him about It the other day, nnd he says he doesn't know whether to get married or buy a pho nogrnph." Milwaukee Sentinel. "Young man," said the merchant, "I hear you've been kicking becnuse you've got so much to do." "Well, yes, sir," replied the clerk, "1 do think that " "H'm ! we'll have to give you so much more to do hereafter that you won't have time to kick." Philadelphia Vress. A widow advertised for a jnan to do odd jobs, and when she arrived home one evening she found a young man waiting to see her. "Well," said the lady, "I want a man to do odd Jobs about the house and garden, to run er rands, to wash my dog, and see to tbe cats ; one that never answers back, and Is always ready to do my bidding." Ap plicant: "You are looking for a hus band, ma'am, not a servant. Good evening." London Spare Moment 0XS5 SORE FEB AND El '.w KEPT OPEN sfcY IMPURITIES IN THE BLOO0 Whenever a sore refuses to heal it la because tie blood is not pure and healthy, as it should be, but is infected with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which, has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system, have naturally begTin to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because of a sluggish and Inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint which has hitherto been held ia check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and anrjry, festers and eats into the surroundinj tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn nicer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood i3 saturated. Nothing is more tryinj and disagreeable than a stuDborn, non-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments ia good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers i3 back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble h an inherited one. Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can do any permanent good ; neither will remov- otm iuiividu wiku n. lore via uit , . ... . . . , face of feus' yeaie' atandinf. It the sore wita caustic plasters or the Waa a amall DlmDlO at first Cat it aut-rrWla 1-m'fo T-tnt-a o lictmr T srradually crew larrer and worse ' " " - "-""o " la avery way until I beonme every panicle of the diseased flesh were and consulted taken awav another sore would come, be- several pbysiolans. They all . . ., , .' treated me but the, aora continued cause the trouble 13 in the blood, and the 15.? IJ uBl?' BLOOD CANNOT BE CUT AWAY. Till kiDuu am,Att. U utuu;v USfJ ana alter taklntr it completely curea. iu.y Diooa IS jnjr effect of S. B. 8., and thora baa not a remedy for sores and ulcers cf every kind, minanoVd its ilse rnnui a-", irvi sssTasa r l a whlla I vu The cure must come by a thorough cleans lt'.i$J J&i2il 12 of the blood. In G. S. S. will be found Wast Union, Ohio. srssVcuA'Xft.0' h or It 3 an unequalled blood purifier one that inoa,own. goes curecuy inia inc circulation ana promptly cleanses it cf all poisons and taints. It get3 down to the very bottom of the trouble and f orcc3 out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the blood so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes the irritated, innamcu ncsti wiui neaiuiy Diooa. Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the Fre i permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and any olhct incukul advica you desire. Wc make no charge for the book or advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TLANTA, GA PURELY VEGETABLE Tha Latest. Customer You say,- then, tbat this material is the latest? Shopman The very latest, madam. Customer But will It fade la the sun? Shopman Why, It has been lying In the window for two years, and look how well It has stood. London Mall. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnalow's Sonthlns. Byrup the b. st remedy to use lor their ohlldrej during the teething period. Wronsr Idea. Customer (at department store) Where Is your complaint department? New Salesgirl Complaint? Guess you've oome to the wrong place, mister. This ain't no hospital. I nele Allen, "Many a man," said Unrle Allen Sparks, "who goes hustling and bustliug through this world has nothing to show for it but a lot of barked places on bis shins." f-T St. Vitus' nance ana all nervous Dlaosaes 1 1 nermanahtly currd by llr. Kllun'a (tral rv" Heaiurer. tiuid fur KHKK fit rial buttle and treatise, ur. H. u., ui., sal A.-cu BL, i'uua.,f a. At the Ball Game. , Fanny I think Slubber Is perfect ly grand as a pitcher, but I can't see why he ever married such a homely girl. Fred Don't know, unless he was struck on her curves. Kansas I ty Times. ft tkafll silts! Iti llTtlaWllH aflffcli 31 For Infants and Children. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegelaulePreparalionforAs simllatinS theFoodanilRpmiia ting (lie Siomadis andBowels of Promotes Dteestionfliarful ncss and Rest.Contains neither OpiuTu.Morpliiiu! norMiaeral. Not Narcotic. tcifeofOUDcSMILPnWR fimpk 'in Seed" JMttUSdk- jtnniiHi fpmrrmn- InuuiomkiiAt )tirmSrrd- Clanflrd Slqar narajm mi fltrnr. ADerfcctRemedv forCoTrsHpa Hon . Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoea Worms ,Corrvulsions.fevcrish ruess nwlLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW Y0HK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. tIi!! E-"- t I 1 I II L7"1 Tl1 L11 1 U 1 Pi" in I'lMPtiaiiiiinaiiiiiaiasiiawiiaiinpiii W. L. DOUGLAS BEST IN THC WORLD $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES 9SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF-q-Tttf THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. ft 9S9fUUU I bouglaa doom not makoAmmll 17mA! wrl mor.Afsn's MslS.AOshoss '" thanmnyothmi'mmnutmolurmr. THE REASON W. I., Dotnlaa shoes are worn by more people In all walks oflife than any other make ia ijeeause of their excellent style, eaav-ntiinix, end suiwrinr wearing quaiitiea. Ihe selection oftheleathars and other msteriuls for eaoh part of the ahoe and every detail of the making i s looked after hv the most oompleteorg-aniation of superintendents, foremen nnd skilled i 'loemakers, who receive the highest waava paid in the shoei ndimtrv, and who workmanship e:innot lie excelled. If loould take you ntomylargefactorieaat J.rockton.Maas., and show you how oarefully W. L. Pouirla ahoeeare made, you wouldthen understand why thev hold theirahaiie, fit better, wear; onarr and are of sreater value than anv other make.. My $4.00 mnd 0B.OO OfLT EDOEShoam omnnot bo oqumllod ol any Brtoo CAUTION I The genuine have W. I.. lJoutlaa name and price ntarniied on bottom. '1'ak Tin Hnbatllnte. Ask your dealer for W. L. I-louglaa ahoea. If he cannot supply you ,tnA direct tofactory. Shoesasatsverywhsraby mail. Catalog fraa. M. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass.